7,537 research outputs found

    A Primer on Child Abuse and Neglect Law

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    Geometry of Valley Growth

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    Although amphitheater-shaped valley heads can be cut by groundwater flows emerging from springs, recent geological evidence suggests that other processes may also produce similar features, thus confounding the interpretations of such valley heads on Earth and Mars. To better understand the origin of this topographic form we combine field observations, laboratory experiments, analysis of a high-resolution topographic map, and mathematical theory to quantitatively characterize a class of physical phenomena that produce amphitheater-shaped heads. The resulting geometric growth equation accurately predicts the shape of decimeter-wide channels in laboratory experiments, 100-meter wide valleys in Florida and Idaho, and kilometer wide valleys on Mars. We find that whenever the processes shaping a landscape favor the growth of sharply protruding features, channels develop amphitheater-shaped heads with an aspect ratio of pi

    Elastic Scattering and Direct Detection of Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter

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    Recently a new dark matter candidate has been proposed as a consequence of universal compact extra dimensions. It was found that to account for cosmological observations, the masses of the first Kaluza-Klein modes (and thus the approximate size of the extra dimension) should be in the range 600-1200 GeV when the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle (LKP) corresponds to the hypercharge boson and in the range 1 - 1.8 TeV when it corresponds to a neutrino. In this article, we compute the elastic scattering cross sections between Kaluza-Klein dark matter and nuclei both when the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle is a KK mode of a weak gauge boson, and when it is a neutrino. We include nuclear form factor effects which are important to take into account due to the large LKP masses favored by estimates of the relic density. We present both differential and integrated rates for present and proposed Germanium, NaI and Xenon detectors. Observable rates at current detectors are typically less than one event per year, but the next generation of detectors can probe a significant fraction of the relevant parameter space.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures; v2,v3: Ref. added, discussion improved, conclusions unchanged. v4: Introduction was expanded to be more appropriate for non experts. Various clarifications added in the text. Version to be published in New Journal of Physic

    Higher Order Methods for Simulations on Quantum Computers

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    To efficiently implement many-qubit gates for use in quantum simulations on quantum computers we develop and present methods reexpressing exp[-i (H_1 + H_2 + ...) \Delta t] as a product of factors exp[-i H_1 \Delta t], exp[-i H_2 \Delta t], ... which is accurate to 3rd or 4th order in \Delta t. The methods we derive are an extended form of symplectic method and can also be used for the integration of classical Hamiltonians on classical computers. We derive both integral and irrational methods, and find the most efficient methods in both cases.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, one figur

    Collapse Dynamics of a Homopolymer: Theory and Simulation

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    We present a scaling theory describing the collapse of a homopolymer chain in poor solvent. At time t after the beginning of the collapse, the original Gaussian chain of length N is streamlined to form N/g segments of length R(t), each containing g ~ t monomers. These segments are statistical quantities representing cylinders of length R ~ t^{1/2} and diameter d ~ t^{1/4}, but structured out of stretched arrays of spherical globules. This prescription incorporates the capillary instability. We compare the time-dependent structure factor derived for our theory with that obtained from ultra-large-scale molecular dynamics simulation with explicit solvent. This is the first time such a detailed comparison of theoretical and simulation predictions of collapsing chain structure has been attempted. The favorable agreement between the theoretical and computed structure factors supports the picture of the coarse-graining process during polymer collapse.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Psychological attachment to the group: Cross-cultural differences in organizational identification and subjective norms as predictors of workers' turnover intentions

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    Two studies wed the theory of reasoned action, social identity theory, and Ashforth and Mael's work on organizational identification to predict turnover intentions in Japanese and British commercial and academic organizations. In both studies and in both countries, the authors expected and found that identification with the organization substantially and significantly predicted turnover intentions. Attitudes predicted intentions only in Study 2, and subjective norms significantly predicted intentions across both studies. The authors hypothesized that subjective norms would be a significantly stronger predictor of turnover intentions in a collectivist setting. This prediction was supported. Although social identity is strongly associated with turnover intentions across both cultures, the subjective normative aspects of group membership are significantly more strongly associated in the Japanese organizations

    Development and Testing of a Novel Green Propellant Piston Tank

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    Analytical Mechanics Associates (AMA), in cooperation with NASA Marshall Space Flight Center's (MSFC's) Spacecraft Propulsion Systems Branch, developed and tested a novel propellant tank design that employs an internal piston pressurized with an inert gas to expel propellant to thrusters. During the course of this activity, AMA designed, oversaw fabrication, and delivered to MSFC for testing, a piston propellant tank sized for 3U or larger CubeSats. MSFC conducted liquid expulsion testing using ethylene glycol as a referee fluid to map the tank's performance at different pressures and piston positions. Following the expulsion test campaign, the tank is planned to be integrated into a propulsion system test bed for hot fire tests with a 100mN monopropellant thruster to evaluate the tank's influence on thruster performance when operated in a flight like manner. Described in this paper is a comprehensive summary of how the tanks were designed, built, and tested. The fundamental knowledge gained through the fabrication and testing of these tanks gives evidence that the piston tank design may be scalable to meet the requirements and constraints of other small satellites

    Ethnic In-Group Favoritism Among Minority and Majority Groups: Testing the Self-Esteem Hypothesis Among Preadolescents

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    The self-esteem hypothesis in intergroup relations, as proposed by social identity theory (SIT), states that successful intergroup discrimination enhances momentary collective self-esteem. This hypothesis is a source of continuing controversy. Furthermore, although SIT is increasingly used to account for childrenā€™s group attitudes, few studies have examined the hypothesis among children. In addition, the hypothesisā€™s generality makes it important to study among children from different ethnic groups. The present study, conducted among Dutch and Turkish preadolescents, examined momentary collective self-feelings as a consequence of ethnic group evaluations. The results tended to support the self-esteem hypothesis. In-group favoritism was found to have a self-enhancing effect among participants high in ethnic identification. This result was found for ethnic majority (Dutch) and minority (Turkish) participants.
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