12 research outputs found

    A behaviour-based control architecture for heterogeneous modular, multi-configurable, chained micro-robots

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    This article presents a new control architecture designed for heterogeneous modular, multi-configurable, chained micro-robots. This architecture attempts to fill the gap that exists in heterogeneous modular robotics research, in which little work has been conducted compared to that in homogeneous modular robotics studies. The architecture proposes a three-layer structure with a behaviour-based, low-level embedded layer, a half-deliberative half-behaviour-based high layer for the central control, and a heterogeneous middle layer acting as a bridge between these two layers. This middle layer is very important because it allows the central control to treat all modules in the same manner, facilitating the control of the robot. A communication protocol and a module description language were also developed for the control architecture to facilitate communication and information flow between the heterogeneous modules and the central control. Owing to the heterogeneous behaviour of the architecture, the system can automatically reconfigure its actions to adapt to unpredicted events (such as actuator failure). Several behaviours (at low and high levels) are also presented here.The research leading to these results has received funding from RoboCity2030-II-CM (S2009/DPI-1559), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds os the EUPublicad

    MDL: A Module Description Language for Chained Heterogeneous Modular Robots

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    Abstract-This paper presents the new concept of a description language for modular robots called module description language (MDL). A specific implementation of this concept has been designed and tested to describe the capabilities of modules of a chained heterogeneous robot (both from the point of view of movements and tasks it can perform). Thanks to MDL each module is able to report dynamically what is able to do (capabilities like rotate, extend, push forward, measure temperature or distance) to other modules or to a central control, and it is also possible to set up new actions for the whole robot, like combined movements. The description of current capabilities of modules allows the robot to react to failures at runtime

    A new generation of collaborative robots for material handling

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    Purpose: The handling of material is a high resource consuming task in many different manufacturing industries and especially in the construction sector. Global demand for material-handling products is projected to rise by 7.0 percent annually until 2014 to a total of $119 billion. Typically, work on the construction site, in the materials distribution process or in the construction materials production, includes extensive material handling tasks. Advanced automation and robotics technologies can enhance the productivity of this process, guaranteeing at the same time the highest level of safety for workers. Modular reconfigurable robotic systems are considered as one of the most challenging topics. A worldwide cutting-edge technical solution for material handling, based on the development of a modular intelligent power assists systems (collaborative robots, COBOTS), is presented in this paper. Method: Conventional manually-guided handling systems lack an intuitive and r esponsive control and may lead to back discomfort and fatigue. A significant improvement has been achieved by power-assisted systems developed by Stanley Cobotics in the USA, as well by the first cobot prototypes in German industry implemented through cooperation of IPK and Schmidt-Handling GmbH. The proposed material handling approach would constitute a significant breakthrough by bridging the gap between fully automatic and manual technologies. The developed intelligent power systems are capable of working with people also in a direct physical contact, combining human flexibility, intelligence, and skills with the advantage of sophisticated technical systems. Safety issues have been considered to be of paramount importance. Results & Discussion: A modular flexible collaborative robot prototype has been designed and developed as a demonstration of the proposed new generation of material handling methodology

    Hard material small-batch industrial machining robot

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    Hard materials can be cost effectively machined with standard industrial robots by enhancing current state-of-the-art technologies. It is demonstrated that even hard metals with specific robotics-optimised novel hard-metal tools can be machined by standard industrial robots with an improved position-control approach and enhanced compliance-control functions. It also shows that the novel strategies to compensate for elastic robot errors, based on models and advanced control, as well as the utilisation of new affordable sensors and human-machine interfaces, can considerably improve the robot performance and applicability of robots in machining tasks. In conjunction with the development of safe robots for human-robot collaboration and cooperation, the results of this paper provide a solid background for establishing industrial robots for industrial-machining applications in both small- and medium-size enterprises and large industry. The planned short-term and long-term exploitation of the results should significantly increase the future robot usage in the machining operations