917 research outputs found

    Role of the intact contralateral homologue in the recovery of intracranial self-stimulation behaviour.

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    Effect of the Presence of Seagrass and Nutrients on Growth Rates of Farmed Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma denticulatum(Rhodophyta)

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    The effects of seagrass cover and nutrients on seaweed cultivation were examined in tidal pools in Tanzania. The seaweeds Eucheuma denticulatumand Kappaphycus alvareziiwere cultivated from August 2006 - August 2007 in pools with and without seagrasses, and with and without added nutrients. Growth rates of fertilised E. denticulatumwere significantly lower in the presence of seagrasses (P <0.05) but there were no significant differences (P >0.05) in the rest of the treatments. Monthly growth was lowest during the hotter months (December-February) and heavy rains (March-May), and highest during the cooler months (June-August)

    Spectroscopic survey of M--type asteroids

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    M-type asteroids, as defined in the Tholen taxonomy (Tholen, 1984), are medium albedo bodies supposed to have a metallic composition and to be the progenitors both of differentiated iron-nickel meteorites and enstatite chondrites. We carried out a spectroscopic survey in the visible and near infrared wavelength range (0.4-2.5 micron) of 30 asteroids chosen from the population of asteroids initially classified as Tholen M -types, aiming to investigate their surface composition. The data were obtained during several observing runs during the years 2004-2007 at the TNG, NTT, and IRTF telescopes. We computed the spectral slopes in several wavelength ranges for each observed asteroid, and we searched for diagnostic spectral features. We confirm a large variety of spectral behaviors for these objects as their spectra are extended into the near-infrared, including the identification of weak absorption bands, mainly of the 0.9 micron band tentatively attributed to orthopyroxene, and of the 0.43 micron band that may be associated to chlorites and Mg-rich serpentines or pyroxene minerals such us pigeonite or augite. A comparison with previously published data indicates that the surfaces of several asteroids belonging to the M-class may vary significantly. We attempt to constrain the asteroid surface compositions of our sample by looking for meteorite spectral analogues in the RELAB database and by modelling with geographical mixtures of selected meteorites/minerals. We confirm that iron meteorites, pallasites, and enstatite chondrites are the best matches to most objects in our sample, as suggested for M-type asteroids. The presence of subtle absorption features on several asteroids confirms that not all objects defined by the Tholen M-class have a pure metallic composition.Comment: 10 figures, 6 tables; Icarus, in pres

    Physical Investigation of the Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (144898) 2004 VD17

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    In this paper we present the observational campaign carried out at ESO NTT and VLT in April and May 2006 to investigate the nature and the structure of the Near Earth Object (144898) 2004 VD17. In spite of a great quantity of dynamical information, according to which it will have a close approach with the Earth in the next century, the physical properties of this asteroid are largely unknown. We performed visible and near--infrared photometry and spectroscopy, as well as polarimetric observations. Polarimetric and spectroscopic data allowed us to classify 2004 VD17 as an E-type asteroid. A good agreement was also found with the spectrum of the aubrite meteorite Mayo Belwa. On the basis of the polarimetric albedo (p_v=0.45) and of photometric data, we estimated a diameter of about 320 m and a rotational period of about 2 hours. The analysis of the results obtained by our complete survey have shown that (144898) 2004 VD17 is a peculiar NEO, since it is close to the breakup limits for fast rotator asteroids, as defined by Pravec and Harris (2000). These results suggest that a more robust structure must be expected, as a fractured monolith or a rubble pile in a "strength regime" (Holsapple 2002).Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure, paper accepted for publication in Icaru

    Neuropsychological Sequelae of Brain Tumors

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    Investigation of the neuropsychological sequelae of brain tumors is extremely complex largely because the neurobehavioral consequences of brain tumors depend upon complex interactions among disease and treatment variables as well as patient characteristics. To illustrate some of these complexities, we present case studies of two patients in whom the behavioral outcome was not easily predictable on the basis of our current understanding of brain-behavior relationships in tumor patients. The case studies do illustrate how neuropsychological evaluation aids in identifying cognitive deficits which have implications for subsequent quality of life. Recommendations for future experiments and statistical analyses of neurobehavioral data of this population are given

    Low delta-V near-Earth asteroids: A survey of suitable targets for space missions

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    In the last decades Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) have become very important targets to study, since they can give us clues to the formation, evolution and composition of the Solar System. In addition, they may represent either a threat to humankind, or a repository of extraterrestrial resources for suitable space-borne missions. Within this framework, the choice of next-generation mission targets and the characterisation of a potential threat to our planet deserve special attention. To date, only a small part of the 11,000 discovered NEOs have been physically characterised. From ground and space-based observations one can determine some basic physical properties of these objects using visible and infrared spectroscopy. We present data for 13 objects observed with different telescopes around the world (NASA-IRTF, ESO-NTT, TNG) in the 0.4 - 2.5 um spectral range, within the NEOSURFACE survey (http://www.oa-roma.inaf.it/planet/NEOSurface.html). Objects are chosen from among the more accessible for a rendez-vous mission. All of them are characterised by a delta-V (the change in velocity needed for transferring a spacecraft from low-Earth orbit to rendez-vous with NEOs) lower than 10.5 km/s, well below the Solar System escape velocity (12.3 km/s). We taxonomically classify 9 of these objects for the first time. 11 objects belong to the S-complex taxonomy; the other 2 belong to the C-complex. We constrain the surface composition of these objects by comparing their spectra with meteorites from the RELAB database. We also compute olivine and pyroxene mineralogy for asteroids with a clear evidence of pyroxene bands. Mineralogy confirms the similarity with the already found H, L or LL ordinary chondrite analogues.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to be published in A&A Minor changes by language edito

    Inhomogeneities on the surface of 21 Lutetia, the asteroid target of the Rosetta mission

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    CONTEXT: In July 2010 the ESA spacecraft Rosetta will fly-by the main belt asteroid 21 Lutetia. Several observations of this asteroid have been so far performed, but its surface composition and nature are still a matter of debate. For long time Lutetia was supposed to have a metallic nature due to its high IRAS albedo. Later on it has been suggested to have a surface composition similar to primitive carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, while further observations proposed a possible genetic link with more evolved enstatite chondrite meteorites. AIMS: In order to give an important contribution in solving the conundrum of the nature of Lutetia, in November 2008 we performed visible spectroscopic observations of this asteroid at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG, La Palma, Spain). METHODS: Thirteen visible spectra have been acquired at different rotational phases. RESULTS: We confirm the presence of a narrow spectral feature at about 0.47-0.48 micron already found by Lazzarin et al. (2009) on the spectra of Lutetia. We also find a spectral feature at about 0.6 micron, detected by Lazzarin et al. (2004) on one of their Lutetia's spectra. More importantly, our spectra exhibit different spectral slopes between 0.6 and 0.75 micron and, in particular, we found that up to 20% of the Lutetia surface could have flatter spectra. CONCLUSIONS: We detected a variation of the spectral slopes at different rotational phases that could be interpreted as possibly due to differences in the chemical/mineralogical composition, as well as to inhomogeneities of the structure of the Lutetia's surface (e.g., the presence of craters or albedo spots) in the southern hemisphere.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Updated on 25 March 2010

    Transversity studies with a polarized 3He target

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    A realistic study of the SiDIS process 3He(e , e π)X in the Bjorken limit is briefly reviewed, showing that the nuclear effects, present in the extraction of the neutron information, are largely under theoretical control, within an ImpulseApproximation approach. In view of the forthcoming experimental data, we shortly present a novel Poincar´e covariant description of the nuclear target, implementing a Light-Front analysis at finite Q2, within the Bakamijan-Thomas construction of the Poincar´e generators. Furthermore, as a by-product of the introduction of a LightFront spin-dependent spectral function for a J = 1/2 system, we straightforwardly extend our analysis to the quark-quark correlator, obtaining three new exact relations between the six leading-twist Transverse-Momentum–Dependent distributions
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