Transversity studies with a polarized 3He target


A realistic study of the SiDIS process 3He(e , e π)X in the Bjorken limit is briefly reviewed, showing that the nuclear effects, present in the extraction of the neutron information, are largely under theoretical control, within an ImpulseApproximation approach. In view of the forthcoming experimental data, we shortly present a novel Poincar´e covariant description of the nuclear target, implementing a Light-Front analysis at finite Q2, within the Bakamijan-Thomas construction of the Poincar´e generators. Furthermore, as a by-product of the introduction of a LightFront spin-dependent spectral function for a J = 1/2 system, we straightforwardly extend our analysis to the quark-quark correlator, obtaining three new exact relations between the six leading-twist Transverse-Momentum–Dependent distributions

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