54 research outputs found

    Interstellar extinction towards the inner Galactic Bulge

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    DENIS observations in the J (1.2 micron) and K_S (2.15 micron) bands together with isochrones calculated for the RGB and AGB phase are used to draw an extinction map of the inner Galactic Bulge. The uncertainty in this method is mainly limited by the optical depth of the Bulge itself. A comparison with fields of known extinction shows a very good agreement. We present an extinction map for the inner Galactic Bulge (approx. 20 sq. deg.)Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&A as a letter, see also http://www-denis.iap.fr/articles/extinction

    ISOCAM observations of the rho Ophiuchi cloud: Luminosity and mass functions of the pre-main sequence embedded cluster

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    We present the results of the first extensive mid-infrared (IR) imaging survey of the rho Ophiuchi embedded cluster, performed with the ISOCAM camera on board the ISO satellite. The main molecular cloud L1688, as well as L1689N and L1689S, have been completely surveyed for point sources at 6.7 and 14.3 micron. A total of 425 sources are detected including 16 Class I, 123 Class II, and 77 Class III young stellar objects (YSOs). Essentially all of the mid-IR sources coincide with near-IR sources, but a large proportion of them are recognized for the first time as YSOs. Our dual-wavelength survey allows us to identify essentially all the YSOs with IR excess in the embedded cluster down to Fnu ~ 10 - 15 mJy. It more than doubles the known population of Class II YSOs and represents the most complete census to date of newly formed stars in the rho Ophiuchi central region. The stellar luminosity function of the complete sample of Class II YSOs is derived with a good accuracy down to L= 0.03 Lsun. A modeling of this lumino- sity function, using available pre-main sequence tracks and plausible star for- mation histories, allows us to derive the mass distribution of the Class II YSOs which arguably reflects the IMF of the embedded cluster. We estimate that the IMF in rho Ophiuchi is well described by a two-component power law with a low- mass index of -0.35+/-0.25, a high-mass index of -1.7 (to be compared with the Salpeter value of -1.35), and a break occurring at M = 0.55+/-0.25 Msun. This IMF is flat with no evidence for a low-mass cutoff down to at least 0.06 Msun.Comment: A&A Document Class -- version 5.01, 27 pages, 10 figures v2: typos added including few changes in source numberin

    The Deep Near Infrared Southern Sky Survey (DENIS)

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    The Deep Near-Infrared Southern Sky Survey (DENIS)

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    ISOGAL-DENIS detection of red giants with weak mass loss in the Galactic Bulge

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    The ISOGAL project is a survey of the stellar populations, structure, and recent star formation history of the inner disk and bulge of the Galaxy. ISOGAL combines 15 and 7micron ISOCAM observations with DENIS IJKs data to determine the nature of a source and the interstellar extinction. In this paper we report an ISOGAL study of a small field in the inner Galactic Bulge (l=0deg, b=1.0deg, area=0.035 sq. deg) as a prototype of the larger area ISOGAL survey of the inner Galaxy. The five wavelengths of ISOGAL+DENIS, together with the relatively low and constant extinction in front of this specific field, allow reliable determination of the nature of the sources. The primary scientific result of this paper is evidence that the most numerous class of ISOGAL 15micron sources are Red Giants in the Galactic bulge and central disk, with luminosities just above or close to the RGB tip and weak mass-loss rates. They form loose sequences in the magnitude-colour diagrams [15]/Ks-[15] and [15]/[7]-[15]. Their large excesses at 15micron with respect to 2micron and 7micron is due to circumstellar dust produced by mass-loss at low rates. These ISOGAL results are the first systematic evidence and study of dust emission at this early stage (''Intermediate'' AGB), before the onset of the large mass-loss phase. It is thus well established that efficient dust formation is already associated with such low mass-loss rates during this early phase.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Journa

    ISOGAL: A deep survey of the obscured inner Milky Way with ISO at 7 and 15 micron and with DENIS in the near-infrared

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    The ISOGAL project is an infrared survey of specific regions sampling the Galactic Plane selected to provide information on Galactic structure,stellar populations,stellar mass-loss and the recent star formation history of the inner disk and Bulge of the Galaxy. ISOGAL combines 7 and 15 micron ISOCAM observations - with a resolution of 6'' at worst - with DENIS IJKs data to determine the nature of the sources and theinterstellar extinction. We have observed about 16 square degrees with a sensitivity approaching 10-20mJy, detecting ~10^5 sources,mostly AGB stars,red giants and young stars. The main features of the ISOGAL survey and the observations are summarized in this paper,together with a brief discussion of data processing and quality. The primary ISOGAL products are described briefly (a full description is given in Schuller et al. 2003, astro-ph/0304309): viz. the images and theISOGAL-DENIS five-wavelength point source catalogue. The main scientific results already derived or in progress are summarized. These include astrometrically calibrated 7 and 15um images,determining structures of resolved sources; identification and properties of interstellar dark clouds; quantification of the infrared extinction law and source dereddening; analysis of red giant and (especially) AGB stellar populations in the central Bulge,determining luminosity,presence of circumstellar dust and mass--loss rate,and source classification,supplemented in some cases by ISO/CVF spectroscopy; detection of young stellar objects of diverse types,especially in the inner Bulge with information about the present and recent star formation rate; identification of foreground sources with mid-IR excess. These results are the subject of about 25 refereed papers published or in preparation.Comment: A&A in press. 19 pages,10 Ps figures; problems with figures fixe
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