2,684 research outputs found

    Simultaneous optical and radio observations of NP 0532

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    Simultaneous optical and radio observations of Crab Nebula pulsar NP 0532 and time delay analysi

    Chaos For the Halibut?

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    A generalized method for analyzing stability potential in discrete time renewable resource models subject to market-driven harvest is discussed. Two means by which harvest activity can influence dynamical properties of renewable resource models are identified: the "growth factor" and the "market response effect". The growth factor is a systematic influence on stability tied to changes in the position of the bioeconomic equilibrium point along a given open access supply locus. The market response effect involves variation in harvest in response to stock level changes. The analysis is applied to a model of the Pacific Halibut Fishery: a modified discrete-time version of the traditional Schaefer model. In order to investigate potential instability, we vary certain parameters of the model and study the resulting effects on stability. We find that enhancing harvest response by changing the slope of the demand schedule can thrust the model into instability, chaos, and extinction, without changing the bioeconomic equilibrium point for the Pacific Halibut Fishery Model. We also show that enhancing harvest response via slope preserving increases in market demand can push the model into instability, chaos, and even extinction. Finally, we show that similar adjustments in market demand may be capable of eliminating instability and chaos rooted in powerful intrinsic growth of the stockStability Analysis, Chaos, Open-Access Fisheries, Renewable Resource Models., Environmental Economics and Policy, Production Economics,

    The Constitutional Prism of Louis-Philippe Pigeon and Jean Beetz

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    Après avoir expliqué ce qu'il entend par notion de constitution (“image of a constitution”, l'auteur examine les écrits judiciaires et doctrinaux des juges Pigeon et Beetz dans le but de voir quelle idée l'un et l'autre se faisaient de ce qu'est une constitution. Ces écrits, selon lui, se fondent sur des conceptions articulées du rôle des textes comme source du droit, du rôle des normes comme prétention de départ de l'analyse constitutionnelle, du rôle scientifique du juriste et, enfin, des positions respectives des différentes règles de droit. L'auteur conclut que cette façon de voir s'inscrit à l'intérieur d'une conception globale du droit dont les tenants et aboutissants n'ont jamais été vraiment étudiés.After introducing the concept of an "image of a constitution", Mr Conklin examines the federalism writings and judgments of Justices Pigeon and Beetz with a view to identifying the bounderies of their respective concepts of a constitution. He argues that their writings presuppose coherent answers to such boundaries as the role of a text as the primary source of law, the posited character of rules, rules as the starting point of constitutional analysis, the scientistic role of a lawyer, and a horizontal / vertical spectrum of posited rules. Mr. Conklin claims that their understanding of law collapses into a more primordial image of law whose boundaries we have for too long left unexamined

    A Practical Legal Education

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    One of the central issues in regard to legal education during the past half century has been whether law faculties ought to have a theoretical or practical character. The debate has been an intense one. It has taken on many forms and grown from many diverse circumstances. Law societies periodically resurrect the issue. Professional law faculties interminably debate it. Positions are taken, factions are formed, and the unresolved outcome of the debate has left curriculum and initial assumptions relatively unchatged. This essay questions one of the most important assumptions of that debate - namely, that a practical legal education is a non-evaluative, non-philosophical one. Sometimes a practical legal education is conceived to be non-philosophical in that it is believed to be bound up with the discovery of legal rules as opposed to some normative evaluation of those rules. More recently, a practical legal education has been conceived to be non-philosophical in that it has been believed to be bound up with experience (most notably presumed to be found in a law clinic). And experience has been bound up with feelings or preferences rather than ideas

    Public Issues in a Private Law World: The Appointment of a Receiver as a Case Study

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    This essay aims to bypass the doctrine/policy approach to contemporary legal analysis. Instead of resting content with an elaboration of legal doctrine, the authors incorporate social and economic evidence surrounding the call of a demand loan. This evidence creates an understanding of the practice of receivership law; a practice which legal doctrine inadequately describes. Secondly, instead of being content with an assertion of policy, the authors attempt to understand the practice by assessing the evidence in the light of the Greek forms of corrective justice and distributive justice