3,326 research outputs found

    Magnetic Coupling between a “Hot Jupiter” Extrasolar Planet and Its Pre-Main-Sequence Central Star

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    In order to understand the short-period pile-up of extrasolar planets, the magnetic torque of a pre-main-sequence central star on a single orbiting hot Jupiter planet is calculated. The star\u27s magnetic field is modeled as a dipole magnetic field. The time-dependant stellar radius is calculated for four different stellar mass sizes; 2Msum \.5Msum \Msum and 0.5Msurt. The minimum planetary ionization for the giant gas planet to be nearly frozen to the magnetic field lines is calculated. The changing angular momentum of an orbiting body was balanced with the magnetic torque of the central star to provide results which support that the central star is capable of halting the migration of Type II planets. The magnetic braking effect that the planet has on the central star is enough to push out the planet during its inward migration and spin-down the star\u27s angular rotation. This investigation shows that the magnetic torque is a viable mechanism to explain the short period pile-up of many extrasolar planets

    Development of a Standard Methodology for Documenting Processes in an Organization

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    The application of process management in our country has been extended throughout the last decade; improvement in management, high performance levels, reduction of operation times, optimization of resources and obtaining of quality certifications are among the main reasons why both public and private organizations seek to implement it. However, despite being an implicit activity within the change of management model to the process approach and even the improvement of the functional administrative model, the documentation of processes becomes an uncomfortable, complex and time-consuming task that often generates nervousness and distrust in workers. Diversity of criteria and the lack of an adequate methodology with effective tools makes it difficult to achieve the expected results. This article presents in detail the steps, their sequence and instruments used that allow an organization to raise the information of its processes and document them. As a result of different research projects developed over several years, the methodology of process mapping allowed for the documentation of all the activities of different administrative units of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo and not only to comply with the laws and regulations but also to improve their management. In the last application, it contributed to the development of the documentary structure of a quality management system that allowed an academic unit to achieve international quality certification. Keywords: management, processes, process documentation, process manual. Resumen Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador *E-mail: [email protected] La aplicación de la gestión de procesos en nuestro país se ha ido extendiendo a lo largo de la última década; mejoras en la gestión, altos niveles de rendimiento, reducción de tiempos de operaciones, optimización de recursos y obtenciones de certificaciones de calidad son entre otros los principales motivos por los cuales organizaciones tanto públicas como privadas buscan implementarla. Sin embargo y a pesar de ser una actividad implícita dentro del cambio de modelo de gestión hacia el enfoque de procesos e incluso del mejoramiento del modelo administrativo funcional, la documentación de los procesos se convierte en una labor incomoda, compleja y con un alto consumo de tiempo que suele generar nerviosismo y desconfianza en los trabajadores. Diversidad de criterios y la falta de una metodología adecuada con instrumentos eficaces complica cumplir los resultados esperados. El presente artículo presenta a detalle los pasos, su secuencia e instrumentos utilizados que le permiten a una organización levantar la información de sus procesos y documentarlos. Resultado de diferentes proyectos de investigación desarrollados a los largo de varios años, la metodología de levantamiento de procesos permitió documentar todas las actividades de distintas unidades administrativas de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo y no solo cumplir lo establecido el leyes y reglamentos sino también mejorar su gestión, en la última aplicación contribuyó a elaborar la estructura documental de un sistema de gestión de la calidad que logró que una unidad académica alcance una certificación internacional de calidad. Palabras claves: gestión, procesos, documentación de procesos, manual de procesos

    A computer program for the analysis of the dynamic bending-torsion coupling in bridges using a mini-computer

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    The analysis of modes and natural frequencies is of primary interest in the computation of the response of bridges. In this article the transfer matrix method is applied to this problem to provide a computer code to calculate the natural frequencies and modes of bridge-like structures. The Fortran computer code is suitable for running on small computers and results are presented for a railway bridge

    Mapping Nairobi's dairy food system: An essential analysis for policy, industry and research

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    Demand for dairy products in sub-Saharan Africa, is expected to triple by 2050, while limited increase in supply is predicted. This poses significant food security risk to low income households. Understanding how the dairy food system operates is essential to identify mitigation measures to food insecurity impact. This study aims to determine the structure and functionality of Nairobi's dairy system using a value chain mapping approach