27,700 research outputs found

    Higher Spin Alternating Sign Matrices

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    We define a higher spin alternating sign matrix to be an integer-entry square matrix in which, for a nonnegative integer r, all complete row and column sums are r, and all partial row and column sums extending from each end of the row or column are nonnegative. Such matrices correspond to configurations of spin r/2 statistical mechanical vertex models with domain-wall boundary conditions. The case r=1 gives standard alternating sign matrices, while the case in which all matrix entries are nonnegative gives semimagic squares. We show that the higher spin alternating sign matrices of size n are the integer points of the r-th dilate of an integral convex polytope of dimension (n-1)^2 whose vertices are the standard alternating sign matrices of size n. It then follows that, for fixed n, these matrices are enumerated by an Ehrhart polynomial in r.Comment: 41 pages; v2: minor change

    Using a theory of mind to find best responses to memory-one strategies

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    Memory-one strategies are a set of Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma strategies that have been praised for their mathematical tractability and performance against single opponents. This manuscript investigates best response memory-one strategies with a theory of mind for their opponents. The results add to the literature that has shown that extortionate play is not always optimal by showing that optimal play is often not extortionate. They also provide evidence that memory-one strategies suffer from their limited memory in multi agent interactions and can be out performed by optimised strategies with longer memory. We have developed a theory that has allowed to explore the entire space of memory-one strategies. The framework presented is suitable to study memory-one strategies in the Prisoner's Dilemma, but also in evolutionary processes such as the Moran process, Furthermore, results on the stability of defection in populations of memory-one strategies are also obtained

    Is VHF Fresnel reflectivity due to low frequency buoyancy waves?

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    VHF radar echoes are greatly enhanced near the zenith relative to other directions. This enhancement must be due to reflection from horizontally stratified laminate of refractive index. The refractivity laminate are due to the displacements of low frequency buoyancy (internal gravity) waves acting on the background vertical gradient of refractivity. VANZANDT (1982) has shown that the observed spectra of mesoscale wind fluctuations in the troposphere and lower stratosphere are modeled by a universal spectrum of buoyancy (internal gravity) waves. Since the observed frequency spectrum is red, the buoyancy wave model of the vertical displacement spectrum is strongly enhanced near the zenith. In other terms, the resulting refractivity irregularities are strongly stratified

    Audio Source Separation Using Sparse Representations

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    This is the author's final version of the article, first published as A. Nesbit, M. G. Jafari, E. Vincent and M. D. Plumbley. Audio Source Separation Using Sparse Representations. In W. Wang (Ed), Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems. Chapter 10, pp. 246-264. IGI Global, 2011. ISBN 978-1-61520-919-4. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-919-4.ch010file: NesbitJafariVincentP11-audio.pdf:n\NesbitJafariVincentP11-audio.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04file: NesbitJafariVincentP11-audio.pdf:n\NesbitJafariVincentP11-audio.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04The authors address the problem of audio source separation, namely, the recovery of audio signals from recordings of mixtures of those signals. The sparse component analysis framework is a powerful method for achieving this. Sparse orthogonal transforms, in which only few transform coefficients differ significantly from zero, are developed; once the signal has been transformed, energy is apportioned from each transform coefficient to each estimated source, and, finally, the signal is reconstructed using the inverse transform. The overriding aim of this chapter is to demonstrate how this framework, as exemplified here by two different decomposition methods which adapt to the signal to represent it sparsely, can be used to solve different problems in different mixing scenarios. To address the instantaneous (neither delays nor echoes) and underdetermined (more sources than mixtures) mixing model, a lapped orthogonal transform is adapted to the signal by selecting a basis from a library of predetermined bases. This method is highly related to the windowing methods used in the MPEG audio coding framework. In considering the anechoic (delays but no echoes) and determined (equal number of sources and mixtures) mixing case, a greedy adaptive transform is used based on orthogonal basis functions that are learned from the observed data, instead of being selected from a predetermined library of bases. This is found to encode the signal characteristics, by introducing a feedback system between the bases and the observed data. Experiments on mixtures of speech and music signals demonstrate that these methods give good signal approximations and separation performance, and indicate promising directions for future research

    Spin glass behavior in an interacting gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticle system

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    In this paper we investigate the superspin glass behavior of a concentrated assembly of interacting maghemite nanoparticles and compare it to that of canonical atomic spin glass systems. ac versus temperature and frequency measurements show evidence of a superspin glass transition taking place at low temperature. In order to fully characterize the superspin glass phase, the aging behavior of both the thermo-remanent magnetization (TRM) and ac susceptibility has been investigated. It is shown that the scaling laws obeyed by superspin glasses and atomic spin glasses are essentially the same, after subtraction of a superparamagnetic contribution from the superspin glass response functions. Finally, we discuss a possible origin of this superparamagnetic contribution in terms of dilute spin glass models

    Method of forming thin window drifted silicon charged particle detector Patent

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    Method of forming thin window drifted silicon charged particle detecto

    An integrated database with system optimization and design features

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    A customized, mission-specific relational database package was developed to allow researchers working on the Mars oxygen manufacturing plant to enter physical description, engineering, and connectivity data through a uniform, graphical interface and to store the data in formats compatible with other software also developed as part of the project. These latter components include an optimization program to maximize or minimize various criteria as the system evolves into its final design; programs to simulate the behavior of various parts of the plant in Martian conditions; an animation program which, in different modes, provides visual feedback to designers and researchers about the location of and temperature distribution among components as well as heat, mass, and data flow through the plant as it operates in different scenarios; and a control program to investigate the stability and response of the system under different disturbance conditions. All components of the system are interconnected so that changes entered through one component are reflected in the others

    Bifurcation and Chaos in Coupled Ratchets exhibiting Synchronized Dynamics

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    The bifurcation and chaotic behaviour of unidirectionally coupled deterministic ratchets is studied as a function of the driving force amplitude (aa) and frequency (ω\omega). A classification of the various types of bifurcations likely to be encountered in this system was done by examining the stability of the steady state in linear response as well as constructing a two-parameter phase diagram in the (a−ωa -\omega) plane. Numerical explorations revealed varieties of bifurcation sequences including quasiperiodic route to chaos. Besides, the familiar period-doubling and crises route to chaos exhibited by the one-dimensional ratchet were also found. In addition, the coupled ratchets display symmetry-breaking, saddle-nodes and bubbles of bifurcations. Chaotic behaviour is characterized by using the sensitivity to initial condition as well as the Lyapunov exponent spectrum; while a perusal of the phase space projected in the Poincareˊ\acute{e} cross-section confirms some of the striking features.Comment: 7 pages; 8 figure
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