121 research outputs found

    Effective g-factor tensor for carriers in IV-VI semiconductor quantum wells

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    A theory for the electron (and hole) g factor in multivalley lead-salt IV-VI semiconductor quantum wells (QWs) is presented. An effective Hamiltonian for theQWelectronic states in the presence of an external magnetic field is introduced within the envelope-function approximation, based on the multiband kp Dimmock model for the bulk. The mesoscopic spin-orbit (Rashba-type) and Zeeman interactions are taken into account on an equal footing and the effective g factor in symmetric quantum wells (g*(QW)) is calculated analytically for each nonequivalent conduction-band (and valence-band) valley, and for QWs grown along different crystallographic directions

    Spin-dependent resonant tunneling in semiconductor nanostructures

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    The spin-dependent quantum transport of electrons in non magnetic III-V semiconductor nanos-tructures is studied theoretically within the envelope function approximation and the Kane model for the bulk. It is shown that an unpolarized beam of conducting electrons can be strongly polarized in zero magnetic field by resonant tunneling across asymmetric double-barrier structures, as an effect of the spin-orbit interaction. The electron transmission probability is calculated as a function of energy and angle of incidence. Specific results for tunneling across lattice matched politype Ga0.47In0.53As / InP/Ga0.47In0.53As / GaAs0.5Sb0.5 / Ga0.47In0.53 As double barrier heterostructures show sharp spin split resonances, corresponding to resonant tunneling through spin-orbit split quasi-bound electron states. The polarization of the transmitted beam is also calculated and is shown to be over 50%

    Topological Dirac states in asymmetric Pb1-xSnxTe quantum wells

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    The electronic structure of lead-salt (IV-VI semiconductor) topological quantum wells (T-QWs) is investigated with analytical solutions of the effective 4x4 Dimmock k & BULL; p model, which gives an accurate description of the bands around the fundamental energy gap. Specific results for three-layer Pb1-xSnxTe nanostructures with varying Sn composition are presented and the main differences between topological and normal (N) QWs highlighted. A series of new features are found in the spectrum of T-QWs, in particular in asymmetric QWs where large (Rashba spin-orbit) splittings are obtained for the topological Dirac states inside the gap

    Electron g factor anisotropy in asymmetric III-V semiconductor quantum wells

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    The electron effective g factor tensor in asymmetric III-V semiconductor quantum wells (AQWs) and its tuning with the structure parameters and composition are investigated with envelope-function theory and the 8 x 8k . p Kane model. The spin-dependent terms in the electron effective Hamiltonian in the presence of an external magnetic field are treated as a perturbation and the g factors g(perpendicular to)* and g(parallel to)*, for the magnetic field in the QW plane and along the growth direction, are obtained analytically as a function of the well width L. The effects of the structure inversion asymmetry (SIA) on the electron g factor are analyzed. For the g-factor main anisotropy Delta g = g(perpendicular to)*-g(parallel to)*. in AQWs, a sign change is predicted in the narrow well limit due to SIA, which can explain recent measurements and be useful in spintronic applications. Specific results for narrow-gap AlSb/InAs/GaSb and AlxGa1-xAsGaAs/AlyGa1-yAs AQWs are presented and discussed with the available experimental data; in particular InAs QWs are shown to not only present much larger g factors but also a larger g-factor anisotropy, and with the opposite sign with respect to GaAs QWs

    Weak localization and spin splitting in inversion layers on p-type InAs

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    We report on the magnetoconductivity of quasi two-dimensional electron systems in inversion layers on p-type InAs single crystals. In low magnetic fields pronounced features of weak localization and antilocalization are observed. They are almost perfectly described by the theory of Iordanskii, Lyanda-Geller and Pikus. This allows us to determine the spin splitting and the Rashba parameter of the ground electric subband as a function of the electron density.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B, 4 page

    Spin relaxation and anticrossing in quantum dots: Rashba versus Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling

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    The spin-orbit splitting of the electron levels in a two-dimensional quantum dot in a perpendicular magnetic field is studied. It is shown that at the point of an accidental degeneracy of the two lowest levels above the ground state the Rashba spin-orbit coupling leads to a level anticrossing and to mixing of spin-up and spin-down states, whereas there is no mixing of these levels due to the Dresselhaus term. We calculate the relaxation and decoherence times of the three lowest levels due to phonons. We find that the spin relaxation rate as a function of a magnetic field exhibits a cusp-like structure for Rashba but not for Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Rashba spin-orbit coupling and spin relaxation in silicon quantum wells

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    Silicon is a leading candidate material for spin-based devices, and two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) formed in silicon heterostructures have been proposed for both spin transport and quantum dot quantum computing applications. The key parameter for these applications is the spin relaxation time. Here we apply the theory of D'yakonov and Perel' (DP) to calculate the electron spin resonance linewidth of a silicon 2DEG due to structural inversion asymmetry for arbitrary static magnetic field direction at low temperatures. We estimate the Rashba spin-orbit coupling coefficient in silicon quantum wells and find the T1T_{1} and T2T_{2} times of the spins from this mechanism as a function of momentum scattering time, magnetic field, and device-specific parameters. We obtain agreement with existing data for the angular dependence of the relaxation times and show that the magnitudes are consistent with the DP mechanism. We suggest how to increase the relaxation times by appropriate device design.Comment: Extended derivations and info, fixed typos and refs, updated figs and data. Worth a re-downloa

    Shot noise and spin-orbit coherent control of entangled and spin polarized electrons

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    We extend our previous work on shot noise for entangled and spin polarized electrons in a beam-splitter geometry with spin-orbit (\textit{s-o}) interaction in one of the incoming leads (lead 1). Besides accounting for both the Dresselhaus and the Rashba spin-orbit terms, we present general formulas for the shot noise of singlet and triplets states derived within the scattering approach. We determine the full scattering matrix of the system for the case of leads with \textit{two} orbital channels coupled via weak \textit{s-o} interactions inducing channel anticrossings. We show that this interband coupling coherently transfers electrons between the channels and gives rise to an additional modulation angle -- dependent on both the Rashba and Dresselhaus interaction strengths -- which allows for further independent coherent control of the electrons traversing the incoming leads. We derive explicit shot noise formulas for a variety of correlated pairs (e.g., Bell states) and lead spin polarizations. Interestingly, the singlet and \textit{each} of the triplets defined along the quantization axis perpendicular to lead 1 (with the local \textit{s-o} interaction) and in the plane of the beam splitter display distinctive shot noise for injection energies near the channel anticrossings; hence, one can tell apart all the triplets, in addition to the singlet, through noise measurements. We also find that spin-orbit induced backscattering within lead 1 reduces the visibility of the noise oscillations, due to the additional partition noise in this lead. Finally, we consider injection of two-particle wavepackets into leads with multiple discrete states and find that two-particle entanglement can still be observed via noise bunching and antibunching.Comment: 30 two-column pages and 7 figure

    Anisotropic splitting of intersubband spin plasmons in quantum wells with bulk and structural inversion asymmetry

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    In semiconductor heterostructures, bulk and structural inversion asymmetry and spin-orbit coupling induce a k-dependent spin splitting of valence and conduction subbands, which can be viewed as being caused by momentum-dependent crystal magnetic fields. This paper studies the influence of these effective magnetic fields on the intersubband spin dynamics in an asymmetric n-type GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well. We calculate the dispersions of intersubband spin plasmons using linear response theory. The so-called D'yakonov-Perel' decoherence mechanism is inactive for collective intersubband excitations, i.e., crystal magnetic fields do not lead to decoherence of spin plasmons. Instead, we predict that the main signature of bulk and structural inversion asymmetry in intersubband spin dynamics is a three-fold, anisotropic splitting of the spin plasmon dispersion. The importance of many-body effects is pointed out, and conditions for experimental observation with inelastic light scattering are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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