58 research outputs found

    Microbial-Induced Heterogeneity in the Acoustic Properties of Porous Media

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    It is not known how biofilms affect seismic wave propagation in porous media. Such knowledge is critical for assessing the utility of seismic techniques for imaging biofilm development and their effects in field settings. Acoustic wave data were acquired over a two-dimensional region of a microbial-stimulated sand column and an unstimulated sand column. The acoustic signals from the unstimulated column were relatively uniform over the 2D scan region. The data from the microbial-stimulated column exhibited a high degree of spatial heterogeneity in the acoustic wave amplitude, with some regions exhibiting significant increases in attenuation while others exhibited decreases. Environmental scanning electron microscopy showed differences in the structure of the biofilm between regions of increased and decreased acoustic wave amplitude. We conclude from these observations that variations in microbial growth and biofilm structure cause heterogeneity in the elastic properties of porous media with implications for the validation of bioclogging models

    Magnetic Susceptibility As a Proxy for Investigating Microbially Mediated Iron Reduction

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    We investigated magnetic susceptibility (MS) variations in hydrocarbon contaminated sediments. Our objective was to determine if MS can be used as an intrinsic bioremediation indicator due to the activity of iron-reducing bacteria. A contaminated and an uncontaminated core were retrieved from a site contaminated with crude oil near Bemidji, Minnesota and subsampled for MS measurements. The contaminated core revealed enriched MS zones within the hydrocarbon smear zone, which is related to iron-reduction coupled to oxidation of hydrocarbon compounds and the vadose zone, which is coincident with a zone of methane depletion suggesting aerobic or anaerobic oxidation of methane is coupled to iron-reduction. The latter has significant implications for methane cycling. We conclude that MS can serve as a proxy for intrinsic bioremediation due to the activity of iron-reducing bacteria iron-reducing bacteria and for the application of geophysics to iron cycling studies

    Microbial-Induced Heterogeneity in the Acoustic Properties of Porous Media

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    Abstract It is not known how biofilms affect seismic wave propagation in porous media. Such knowledge is critical for assessing the utility of seismic techniques for imaging biofilm development and their effects in field settings. Acoustic wave data were acquired over a two-dimensional region of a microbial-stimulated sand column and an unstimulated sand column. The acoustic signals from the unstimulated column were relatively uniform over the 2D scan region. The data from the microbial-stimulated column exhibited a high degree of spatial heterogeneity in the acoustic wave amplitude, with some regions exhibiting significant increases in attenuation while others exhibited decreases. Environmental scanning electron microscopy showed differences in the structure of the biofilm between regions of increased and decreased acoustic wave amplitude. We conclude from these observations that variations in microbial growth and biofilm structure cause heterogeneity in the elastic properties of porous media with implications for the validation of bioclogging models. INDEX TERMS: 5102 Acoustic properties, 0416 Biogeophysics, 0463 Microbe/mineral interactions

    Aeromagnetic, Gravity, and Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Analyses Reveal the Causative Fault of the 3 April 2017 M\u3csub\u3ew\u3c/sub\u3e 6.5 Moiyabana, Botswana, Earthquake

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    On 3 April 2017, a Mw 6.5 earthquake struck Moiyabana, Botswana, nucleating at \u3e20 km focal depth within the Paleoproterozoic Limpopo-Shashe orogenic belt separating the Archean Zimbabwe and Kaapvaal Cratons. We investigate the lithospheric structures associated with this earthquake using high-resolution aeromagnetic and gravity data integrated with Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) analysis. Here we present the first results that provide insights into the tectonic framework of the earthquake. The ruptured fault trace delineated by DInSAR aligns with a distinct NW striking and NE dipping magnetic lineament within the Precambrian basement. The fault plane solution and numerical modeling indicate that the cause of the earthquake was 1.8 m displacement along a NW striking and NE dipping normal fault, rupturing at 21-24 km depth. We suggest that this seismic event was due to extensional reactivation of a crustal-scale Precambrian thrust splay within the Limpopo-Shashe orogenic belt

    Integrated time-lapse geoelectrical imaging of wetland hydrological processes

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    Wetlands provide crucial habitats, are critical in the global carbon cycle, and act as key biogeochemical and hydrological buffers. The effectiveness of these services is mainly controlled by hydrological processes, which can be highly variable both spatially and temporally due to structural complexity and seasonality. Spatial analysis of 2D geoelectrical monitoring data integrated into the interpretation of conventional hydrological data has been implemented to provide a detailed understanding of hydrological processes in a riparian wetland. This study shows that a combination of processes can define the resistivity signature of the shallow subsurface, highlighting the seasonality of these processes and its corresponding effect on biogeochemical processesthe wetland hydrology. Groundwater exchange between peat and the underlying river terrace deposits, spatially and temporally defined by geoelectrical imaging and verified by point sensor data, highlighted the groundwater dependent nature of the wetland. A 30 % increase in peat resistivity was shown to be caused by a nearly entire exchange of the saturating groundwater. For the first time, we showed that automated interpretation of geoelectrical data can be used to quantify shrink-swell of expandable soils, affecting hydrological parameters, such as, porosity, water storage capacity, and permeability. This study shows that an integrated interpretation of hydrological and geophysical data can significantly improve the understanding of wetland hydrological processes. Potentially, this approach can provide the basis for the evaluation of ecosystem services and may aid in the optimization of wetland management strategies

    Acoustic and electrical property changes due to microbial growth and biofilm formation in porous media

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    A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the effect of microbial growth and biofilm formation on compressional waves, and complex conductivity during stimulated microbial growth. Over the 29 day duration of the experiment, compressional wave amplitudes and arrival times for the control (nonbiostimulated) sample were observed to be relatively uniform over the scanned 2-D region. However, the biostimulated sample exhibited a high degree of spatial variability in both the amplitude and arrival times, with portions of the sample exhibiting increased attenuation (similar to 80%) concurrent with an increase in the arrival times, while other portions exhibited decreased attenuation (similar to 45%) and decreased arrival times. The acoustic amplitude and arrival times changed significantly in the biostimulated column between days 5 and 7 of the experiment, consistent with a peak in the imaginary conductivity (sigma \u27\u27) values. The sigma \u27\u27 response is interpreted as recording the different stages of biofilm development with peak sigma \u27\u27 representing maximum biofilm thickness and decreasing sigma \u27\u27 representing cell death or detachment. Environmental scanning electron microscope imaging confirmed microbial cell attachment to sand surfaces and showed apparent differences in the morphology of attached biomass between regions of increased and decreased attenuation. The heterogeneity in the elastic properties arises from the differences in the morphology and structure of attached biofilms. These results suggest that combining acoustic imaging and complex conductivity techniques can provide a powerful tool for assessing microbial growth or biofilm formation and the associated changes in porous media, such as those that occur during bioremediation and microbial enhanced oil recovery

    Geophysics at the interface: Response of geophysical properties to solid-fluid, fluid-fluid, and solid-solid interfaces

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    Laboratory studies reveal the sensitivity of measured geophysical properties to solid-fluid, fluid-fluid, and solid-solid interfaces in granular and fractured materials. In granular materials, electrical properties and nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation times exhibit a strong dependence on the size and properties of the solid-fluid interface. The electrical and seismic properties of granular materials and the seismic properties of fractured materials reveal a dependence on the size or geometry of fluid-fluid interfaces. Seismic properties of granular and fractured materials are affected by the effective stress and cementing material at solid-solid interfaces. There have been some recent studies demonstrating the use of field-scale measurements to obtain information about pore-scale interfaces. In addition, a new approach to geophysical field measurements focuses on the geophysical response of the field-scale interface itself, with successful applications in imaging the water table and a redox front. The observed sensitivity of geophysical data to interfaces highlights new ways in which geophysical measurements could be used to obtain information about subsurface properties and processes

    Understanding biogeobatteries: Where geophysics meets microbiology

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    International audienceAlthough recent research suggests that contaminant plumes behave as geobatteries that produce an electrical current in the ground, no associated model exists that honors both geophysical and biogeochemical constraints. Here, we develop such a model to explain the two main electrochemical contributions to self-potential signals in contaminated areas. Both contributions are associated with the gradient of the activity of two types of charge carriers, ions and electrons. In the case of electrons, bacteria act as catalysts for reducing the activation energy needed to exchange the electrons between electron donors and electron acceptors. Possible mechanisms that facilitate electron migration include iron oxides, clays, and conductive biological materials, such as bacterial conductive pili or other conductive extracellular polymeric substances. Because we explicitly consider the role of biotic processes in the geobattery model, we coined the term "biogeobattery." After theoretical development of the biogeobattery model, we compare model predictions with self-potential responses associated with laboratory and field scale investigations conducted in contaminated environments. We demonstrate that the amplitude and polarity of large (>100 mV) self-potential signatures requires the presence of an electronic conductor to serve as a bridge between electron donors and acceptors. Small self-potential anomalies imply that electron donors and electron acceptors are not directly interconnected, but instead result simply from the gradient of the activity of the ionic species that are present in the system

    An Ion-Exchange Model of Lead-210 and Lead Uptake in a Foliose Lichen; Application to Quantitative Monitoring of Airborne Lead Fallout

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    Lead, 210Pb and 210Po levels were determined in dated sequential growth of thalli of the foliose lichen Flavoparmelia baltimorensis from Great Falls and Plummers Island, Maryland. An ion-exchange model for uptake of Pb and 210Pb applied to these data is consistent with the experimentally measured Pb partition coefficient between water and lichen as well as the expected lead concentrations in rain. Lead-210/Polonium-210 activity ratios are significantly elevated in very young growth ( \u3c 3 years old), as expected from model calculations. Retrospective Pb fallouts are computed which reflect the drop in gasoline lead emissions in the period sampled (1973-1986). With experimental determination of partition coefficients this methodology is a basis for retrospective quantitative monitoring of other airborne heavy metals using foliose lichens
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