7 research outputs found

    Перевод поэзии

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    This paper deals with the main difficulties the translator faces while translating poetry (such as transfer of rhythm, rhyme, and of the whole impression of the poem), and suggests certain ways to overcome each of them. However, it is also important to mention that because of the fact that every epoch, every nation, and every culture solve the problems of translating poetry in their own way, it is still impossible to establish firm standards of poetic translation. Many linguists have tried to find solutions, which could be used in many cases of poetry translation. Description is given of some strategies to translate poetry as poetic translation has always been and will be considered as subjective, and each case has to be considered individually. The article also discusses such approaches to the translation of poetry as independent and subordinate, and the translator always has to choose, which one to follow.В данной статье рассмотрены главные сложности, с которыми сталкивается переводчик при переводе поэзии (например, передача ритма, рифмы, или же цельного впечатления от стихотворения), а также предполагаемые способы решения каждой из них. Однако также необходимо упомянуть, что в связи с тем, что каждая эпоха, каждый народ и каждая культура решает проблемы перевода поэзии по-своему, к единым стандартам поэтического перевода прийти не удается и по сей день. Многие лингвисты пытались найти какие-либо решения, которые могли бы использоваться при переводе поэзии. В статье описываются определенные стратегии поэтического перевода, но поскольку поэтический перевод всегда рассматривался, и будет рассматриваться как субъективный, каждый случай нужно рассматривать отдельно. В статье также рассказывается о таких подходах к переводу поэзии, как независимый и подчиненный, а переводчик всегда вынужден выбирать, какому из них следовать

    Corneal Sensitivity and Dry Eye Symptoms in Patients with Keratoconus.

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    PURPOSE: To investigate corneal sensitivity to selective mechanical, chemical, and thermal stimulation and to evaluate their relation to dry eye symptoms in patients with keratoconus. METHODS: Corneal sensitivity to mechanical, chemical, and thermal thresholds were determined using a gas esthesiometer in 19 patients with keratoconus (KC group) and in 20 age-matched healthy subjects (control group). Tear film dynamics was assessed by Schirmer I test and by the non-invasive tear film breakup time (NI-BUT). All eyes were examined with a rotating Scheimpflug camera to assess keratoconus severity. RESULTS: KC patients had significatly decreased tear secretion and significantly higher ocular surface disease index (OSDI) scores compared to controls (5.3+/-2.2 vs. 13.2+/-2.0 mm and 26.8+/-15.8 vs. 8.1+/-2.3; p0.05). The mean threshold for selective mechanical (KC: 139.2+/-25.8 vs. control: 109.1+/-24.0 ml/min), chemical (KC: 39.4+/-3.9 vs. control: 35.2+/-1.9%CO2), heat (KC: 0.91+/-0.32 vs. control: 0.54+/-0.26 Delta degrees C) and cold (KC: 1.28+/-0.27 vs. control: 0.98+/-0.25 Delta degrees C) stimulation in the KC patients were significantly higher than in the control subjects (p0.05), whereas in the control subjects both mechanical (r = 0.52, p = 0.02), chemical (r = 0.47, p = 0.04), heat (r = 0.26, p = 0.04) and cold threshold (r = 0.40, p = 0.03) increased with age. In the KC group, neither corneal thickness nor tear flow, NI-BUT or OSDI correlated significantly with mechanical, chemical, heat or cold thresholds (p>0.05 for all variables). CONCLUSIONS: Corneal sensitivity to different types of stimuli is decreased in patients with keratoconus independently of age and disease severity. The reduction of the sensory input from corneal nerves may contribute to the onset of unpleasant sensations in these patients and might lead to the impaired tear film dynamics

    Großer Salzmann-Knoten oder doch akuter Keratokonus?

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    Purpose!#!Comparisons of ureteroscopy (URS), extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (SWL), and percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) for urolithiasis considering long-term health and economic outcomes based on claims data are rare. Our aim was to analyze URS, SWL, and PCNL regarding complications within 30 days, re-intervention, healthcare costs, and sick leave days within 12 months, and to investigate inpatient and outpatient SWL treatment as the latter was introduced in Germany in 2011.!##!Methods!#!This retrospective cohort study based on German health insurance claims data included 164,203 urolithiasis cases in 2008-2016. We investigated the number of complications within 30 days, as well as time to re-intervention, number of sick leave days and hospital and ambulatory health care costs within a 12-month follow-up period. We applied negative binomial, Cox proportional hazard, gamma and two-part models and adjusted for patient variables.!##!Results!#!Compared to URS cases, SWL and PCNL had fewer 30-day complications, time to re-intervention within 12 months was decreased for SWL and PCNL, SWL and PCNL were correlated with a higher number of sick leave days, and SWL and particularly PCNL were associated with higher costs. SWL outpatients had fewer complications, re-interventions and lower costs than inpatients. This study was limited by the available information in claims data.!##!Conclusion!#!URS cases showed benefits in terms of fewer re-interventions, fewer sick leave days, and lower healthcare costs. Only regarding complications, SWL was superior. This emphasizes URS as the most frequent treatment choice. Furthermore, SWL outpatients showed less costs, fewer complications, and re-interventions than inpatients

    Large Salzmann's nodules or acute keratoconus?

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    Cornea - bewährte und neue Verfahren

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    Immune reaction after penetrating keratoplasty depending on graft size and centration

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    Hintergrund: Die Immunreaktion (IR) nach perforierender Keratoplastik (PKP) stellt eine schwerwiegende Komplikation mit hohem Risiko des Transplantat(TPL)-Verlustes dar. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, insbesondere den Einfluss der TPL-Größe und -Zentrierung auf das Auftreten einer IR mithilfe präziser Messmethoden zu analysieren und zu bewerten. Patienten und Methoden: In diese retrospektive Studie wurden insgesamt 2133 Patienten eingeschlossen, welche im Zeitraum von Januar 2009 bis Juli 2019 eine PKP erhalten haben. Es wurden folgende Zielgrößen analysiert: Häufigkeit einer IR, TPL-Herkunft, Spender- und Patientenalter, Diagnose, Hornhaut(HH)-Durchmesser, Flächenverhältnisse von TPL zu Empfänger-HH und die Rolle der TPL-Zentrierung mithilfe von Abstandsmessungen zum vaskularisierten Limbusrand an 4 verschiedenen Stellen. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt erlitten 8,25 % der Patienten eine IR im Beobachtungszeitraum. Die Häufigkeit einer IR korrelierte signifikant (p < 0,001) positiv mit dem Verhältnis von TPL-Größe und Empfänger-HH-Größe. Außerdem konnte eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen dem Auftreten einer IR und einem geringen Abstand des TPL-Randes zum Limbus in der y-Achse (oben und unten) festgestellt werden. Insbesondere zeigte sich anhand des Korrelationskoeffizienten ein stärkerer Zusammenhang für den unteren Limbusrand (p < 0,001). Schlussfolgerung: Eine IR nach PKP ist eine nicht seltene Komplikation, die signifikant mit der TPL-Größe und -Zentrierung zusammenhängt. Ein im Verhältnis zur Empfänger HH groß gewähltes TPL sowie die Nähe des TPL-Randes zum vaskularisierten Limbus oben und unten korrelieren signifikant mit dem Auftreten einer IR. Es handelt sich dabei um bedeutende Risikofaktoren für das TPL-Überleben, welche von mikrochirurgischer Seite aus beeinflussbar sind und sich zukünftig möglicherweise weiter optimieren lassen.Background: Immune reaction (IR) after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) is a serious complication with a high risk of graft failure. The aim of this study was to analyze and evaluate the risk factors for IR, in particular, the influence of graft size and centration. Patients and methods: A total of 2133 patients who underwent PKP between January 2009 and July 2019 were included in this retrospective study. The following endpoints were analyzed: frequency of IR, graft origin, donor and patient age, diagnosis, corneal diameter and ratio of the graft size to the recipient cornea size. In addition, the role of graft centration, with the help of distance measurements of the graft margins to the vascularized limbus at four locations, was investigated in detail. Results: Overall, 8.25% of patients suffered from IR during the observational period. The frequency of IR was significantly correlated (p< 0.001) with the ratio of the graft size to the recipient cornea size. In addition, a statistically significant correlation was found between the occurrence of IR and a small distance to the limbal margins in the Y-axis (inferior and superior). In particular, the correlation coefficient was larger at the inferior limbus (p< 0.001). Conclusion: An IR after PKP is a not uncommon complication and is significantly related to graft size and centration. A large graft chosen in relation to the recipient cornea and the proximity of the graft to the vascularized limbus at the inferior and superior sites significantly correlate with the occurrence of IR. These are important risk factors for graft survival, which can be influenced by the corneal microsurgeon and could possibly be further optimized in the future