2,993 research outputs found

    Previdência social: normas e cálculos de benefícios

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ00081312 351.84(81) S729p 9.e

    Less is more: simplified Nelder-Mead method for large unconstrained optimization

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    Nelder-Mead method (NM) for solving continuous non-linear optimization problem is probably the most cited and the most used method in the optimization literature and in practical applications, too. It belongs to the direct search methods, those which do not use the first and the second order derivatives. The popularity of NM is based on its simplicity. In this paper we propose even more simple algorithm for larger instances that follows NM idea. We call it Simplified NM (SNM): instead of generating all n + 1 simplex points in Rn, we perform search using just q + 1 vertices, where q is usually much smaller than n. Though the results cannot be better than after performing calculations in n+1 points as in NM, significant speed-up allows to run many times SNM from different starting solutions, usually getting better results than those obtained by NM within the same cpu time. Computational analysis is performed on 10 classical convex and non-convex instances, where the number of variables n can be arbitrarily large. The obtained results show that SNM is more effective than the original NM, confirming that LIMA yields good results when solving a continuous optimization problem

    Dinâmica de decomposição de resíduos de plantas melhoradoras de solo em pomar de laranja Pera.

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    A Região Nordeste responde por 9% da produção nacional de citros. Dentre os Estados produtores, destacam-se a Bahia e Sergipe, respectivamente, segundo e terceiro produtores nacionais, que juntos representam 90% de toda área plantada

    Resistência à penetração em gleissolos: um ensaio sobre a possibilidade de erosão superficial na bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Ribeirão - São Pedro do Sul/RS

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    O presente artigo objetivou identificar áreas de ocorrência de erosão superficial nos Gleissolos da bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Ribeirão - São Pedro do Sul/RS. Especificamente: mapear o uso da terra da bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Ribeirão; relacionar o uso da terra com as características de resistência a penetração da bacia hidrográfica a fim de identificar possíveis problemas de ordem ambiental, mais precisamente de erosão de solos e conflitos com a legislação ambiental vigente. Metodologicamente utilizou-se o penetrômetro de impacto seguindo a metodologia de Ross e Fierz (2005) e o aplicativo ARC GIS para a confecção da carta de uso da terra. Desta forma, constatou-se que os usos da terra são de floresta, campos e lavouras. Em todos os pontos de análise de resistência a penetração do solo a estaca houve áreas de compactação em subsuperfície, indicando que em episódios de saturação da camada superficial do solo com água existe a possibilidade de remoção da camada fértil do solo, bem como ocorrência de erosão superficial, prejudicando assim, a qualidade hídrica do arroio. Palavras-chave: Resistência a penetração, Arroio Ribeirão, São Pedro do Sul. DOI: 10.5902/223649941644

    Uso da alelopatia como alternativa de controle de plantas infestantes em citros.

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    Um dos gargalos para a sustentabilidade da produtividade do sistema de produção de citros está o controle adequado das plantas infestantes. No manejo convencional esse controle é feito quase que exclusivamente a partir do uso de herbicidas


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    This paper examines the fragility of the slopes by testing resistance to penetration and infiltration of water in different suborders of Argissoil in the urban area of São Pedro do Sul / RS, located in the Peripheral Depression South Rio Grande. The materials used were: impact penetrometer Model IAA / Planalsucar - Stolf; Army Topographic Sheet: São Pedro do Sul HS-21-XD-VI-2, semi-detailed soil map (scale 1: 40 000 - Klamt et al. (2008)), and Trexe Garmin GPS, digital Still Camera, PVC pipe, Ruler graduated. The Argissoil suborders were analyzed Bruno Gray, Yellow and Red Podzolic Red Yellow Podzolic Latosol Abrupt in slopes of 0 - 5% and 5 - 12%, resulting in five test sites, following the methodology of Ross and Fierz (2005) and Cunha and Guerra (1996 , respectively). It can be argued that where land use was agriculture infiltration was higher, and lower resistance to penetration. Already in places used for rest of farming or ranching penetration resistance was greater and lesser infiltration.O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a fragilidade das vertentes através de testes de resistência à penetração e de infiltração de água em diferentes subordens de Argissolo na área urbana do município de São Pedro do Sul/RS, localizado na Depressão Periférica Sul-Rio-Grandense. Os equipamentos e materiais utilizados para análise foram: Penetrômetro de Impacto Modelo IAA/Planalsucar – Stolf; Folha Topográfica do Exército: São Pedro do Sul SH-21-X-D-VI-2, Mapa semi detalhado de solos (escala 1: 40 000 – Klamt et al. (2008)), GPS Garmin e Trexe, Câmera Fotográfica digital, Cano de PVC, Régua Graduada. As subordens de solo analisadas foram Argissolo Bruno Acinzentado, Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo e Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo Distrófico Abrupto, em duas classes de declividades de 0 – 5% e 5 – 12% resultando em cinco locais de testes, seguindo a metodologia de Ross e Fierz (2005) e Cunha e Guerra (1996) respectivamente. Pode-se afirmar que nos locais onde o uso da terra era agricultura a infiltração foi maior, e a resistência a penetração menor. Já nos locais utilizados para descanso de lavoura ou atividades pecuárias a resistência a penetração foi maior e a infiltração menor

    Prediction of the n‑octanol/water partition coefficients in the SAMPL6 blind challenge from MST continuum solvation calculations

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    The IEFPCM/MST continuum solvation model is used for the blind prediction of n-octanol/water partition of a set of 11 fragment-like small molecules within the SAMPL6 Part II Partition Coefficient Challenge. The partition coefficient of the neutral species (log P) was determined using an extended parametrization of the B3LYP/6-31G(d) version of the Miertus-Scrocco-Tomasi continuum solvation model in n-octanol. Comparison with the experimental data provided for partition coefficients yielded a root-mean square error (rmse) of 0.78 (log P units), which agrees with the accuracy reported for our method (rmse = 0.80) for nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds. Out of the 91 sets of log P values submitted by the participants, our submission is within those with an rmse < 1 and among the four best ranked physical methods. The largest errors involve three compounds: two with the largest positive deviations (SM13 and SM08), and one with the largest negative deviations (SM15). Here we report the potentiometric determination of the log P for SM13, leading to a value of 3.62 ± 0.02, which is in better agreement with most empirical predictions than the experimental value reported in SAMPL6. In addition, further inclusion of several conformations for SM08 significantly improved our results. Inclusion of these refinements led to an overall error of 0.51 (log P units), which supports the reliability of the IEFPCM/MST model for predicting the partitioning of neutral compounds

    Renoprotective Effects of AVE0991, a Nonpeptide Mas Receptor Agonist, in Experimental Acute Renal Injury

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    Renal ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) is the major cause of acute kidney injury in hospitalized patients. Mechanisms underlying reperfusion-associated injury include recruitment and activation of leukocytes and release of inflammatory mediators. In this study, we investigated the renal effects of acute administration of AVE0991, an agonist of Mas, the angiotensin-(1–7) receptor, the angiotensin-(1–7) receptor, in a murine model of renal I/R. Male C57BL/6 wild-type or Mas−/− mice were subjected to 30 min of bilateral ischemia and 24 h of reperfusion. Administration of AVE0991 promoted renoprotective effects, as seen by improvement of function, decreased tissue injury, prevention of local and remote leucocyte infiltration, and release of the chemokine, CXCL1. I/R injury was similar in WT and Mas−/− mice, suggesting that endogenous activation of this receptor does not control renal damage under baseline conditions. In conclusion, pharmacological interventions using Mas receptor agonists may represent a therapeutic opportunity for the treatment of renal I/R injury