334 research outputs found

    Externalities and allocation criteria in Tort Law. Pricing strategy v. sanctioning strategy: First part

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    With the arrival of the Economic Analysis of Law, some scholars began to consider Law as a set of “official prices” given by the legislature or the courts. Such change of perspective created some ius-economic inconsistencies because  a  large segment of the doctrine didn’t realize the impossibility of efficiently regulating the economy by recurring only toorders and mandates.In this article, the author argues that it is necessary to establish the ius-economic differences between sanctions and prices, i.e. between those hypotheses in which Lawsets a price on a behavior and those cases which Law looks forward to impose a sanction. Such ideas should be applied to Tort Law, specifically in the definition and understanding of allocation criteria.Con la llegada del Análisis Económico del Derecho se pasó a considerar el Derecho comoun conjunto de “precios oficiales” dados por ellegislador o por los jueces. El cambio de perspectiva creó algunas incoherencias ius-econó-micas, ya que un amplio sector de la doctrinano cayó en la cuenta de la imposibilidad deregular eficientemente la economía usando sólo órdenes y mandatosEn el presente artículo, el autor sostiene que resulta necesario establecer las diferencias ius-económicas entre las sanciones y los pre- cios; es decir, entre aquellas hipótesis en que el Derecho atribuye un precio sobre un com- portamiento y aquellos supuestos en que el Derecho se ocupa de imponer una sanción, ideas que deberán ser aplicadas a la responsabilidad extracontractual, específicamente a la delimitación y comprensión de los criterios de imputación

    El método y el rol de la Comparación Jurídica Observaciones en torno a su impacto en la mutación y en la adaptación jurídica

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    El autor realiza un análisis crítico respecto a la comparación jurídica. Este es un estudio pocas veces tocado e importante para todo operador jurídico que desee aplicarlo eventualmente. En el artículo se explica cómo ha sido el proceso durante estos tiempos al momento de elaborar una legislación y cuál es el problema que trae adoptar figuras jurídicas que no se contrastan con nuestra realidad. Para culminar, el autor hace una predicción sobre cuál podría ser el futuro de la comparación jurídica y una apreciación de la época postmoderna

    Servicio civil de carrera: meta pendiente de los gobiernos estatales

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    En el estado de Colima surgió la intención de establecer un servicio civil de carrera, tema que ha sido plasmado en la ley y en tres planes estatales de desarrollo sin que se haya hecho realidad. A pesar de todos los esfuerzos, patrocinios y voluntades, este requisito de afianzamiento democrático no se concreta. Con este trabajo se pretende identificar las dificultades y los factores que inhibieron la posibilidad de implementar un servicio profesional de carrera a partir de la experiencia profesional del postulante en el gobierno del estado de Colima. Una vez identificados estos factores, se determinan algunas formas de implementación

    Evidence for guild structure in hyperdiverse mammalian communities.

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    43 pages : 1 map ; 26 cm.The ecological mechanisms that sustain high species richness in Neotropical bat communities have attracted research attention for several decades. Although many ecologists have studied the feeding behavior and diets of Neotropical bats on the assumption that food is a limiting resource, other resource axes that might be important for species coexistence are often ignored. Diurnal refugia, in particular, are a crucial resource for bats, many of which exhibit conspicuous morphological or behavioral adaptations to the roost environment. Here we report and analyze information about roost occupancy based on >500 field observations of Amazonian bats. Statistical analyses of these data suggest the existence of distinct groups of species roosting (1) in foliage, (2) exposed on the trunks of standing trees, (3) in cavities in standing trees, (4) in or under fallen trees, (5) beneath undercut earth banks, and (6) in arboreal insect nests; additionally, we recognize other groups that roost (7) in animal burrows, and (8) in rocks or caves. Roosting-guild membership is hypothesized to have a filtering effect on Amazonian bat community composition because some types of roosts are absent or uncommon in certain habitats. Among other applications of our results, cross-classifying bat species by trophic and roosting guilds suggests that the often-reported deficit of gleaning animalivores in secondary vegetation by comparison with primary forest might reflect habitat differences in roost availability rather than food resources. In general, ecological and evolutionary studies of Neotropical bats would be enhanced by considering both trophic- and roosting-guild membership in future analyses, but additional fieldwork will be required to determine the roosting behavior of many data-deficient species

    Cariogenic bacteria and dental health status in adolescents: the role of oral health behaviours

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    AIM: To evaluate the association between dental health status and levels of cariogenic bacteria in teenagers and the influence of behaviours and socio-demographic background on levels of bacteria. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Study design: A cross-sectional population-based sample of 13-year-old adolescents (112 females and 78 males, total 190) was examined. The number of decayed, missing and filled surfaces (DMFS), plaque and hygiene index were recorded according to the WHO criteria. The saliva samples were collected in a sterile container and then analysed by culture on Mitis Salivarius Bacitracin (MSB) agar for mutans Streptococci and on Man Rogosa Sharp (MRS) agar for Lactobacilli. The levels of bacteria were expressed as the number of colonies forming units per millilitre of saliva (CFU/ml). Associations between levels of mutans Streptococci and Lactobacilli and dental health were estimated by odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) using unconditional logistic regression. RESULTS: No mutans Streptococci were detected in 53.2% of the adolescents but 22.6% presented ≥ 10³ CFU/ml. For Lactobacilli, these values were, respectively 43.7% and 34.7%. After adjustment for gender and social class, the OR (95% CI) for DMFS >5 was 8.66 (3.57-21.02) if mutans Streptococci ≥ 10³ CFU and 2.11 (0.96-4.64) if Lactobacilli ≥ 10³ CFU. CONCLUSION: This data allow us to conclude that hygiene habits and dental visits are not associated with high levels of cariogenic bacteria, but high scores of DMFS were found in adolescents with high levels of mutans Streptococci and lower parents' education

    Regeneración de plantas leñosas bajo arbustos aislados en un sector de los esteros del Iberá, Corrientes, Argentina, implicancias etnoecológicas.

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    A study of the natural regeneration of woody species under isolated bushes in a sector of northeast of Ibera Macrosystem is presented. The aim of the study was to evaluate the nurse effect of shrubs and structural parameters of regeneration. We show that the presence of isolated shrubs is fundamental to establish regeneration and that Ilex dumosa var. guaranina, Miconia chamissois, and Ocotea lancifolia promoted their abundance and richness. The regeneration involved 21 species, but was mainly structured by Miconia chamissois, Ilex dumosa var. guaranina, Citronella gongonha, and Myrsine parvula. The results indicate that Ilex dumosa var. guaranina was the most abundant solitary species and one of the best to regenerate under these conditions. While this shrub may constitute the initial stage in the formation of more or less large forests fragments, we suggest that the abundance of Ilex dumosa var. guaranina in this kind of primary woody succession prompted the expression “ka’a mirĩ” (the incipient forest), a guarani name of this species.Macrosistema Iberá. El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto nodriza de los arbustos y los parámetros estructurales de la regeneración. Se demostró que la presencia de arbustos aislados es determinante en el establecimiento de regeneración y que Ilex dumosa var. guaranina, Ocotea lancifolia y Miconia chamissois promovieron significativamente la abundancia y riqueza de los mismos. La regeneración estuvo compuesta por 21 especies pero principalmente estructurada por Miconia chamissois, Ilex dumosa var. guaranina, Citronella gongonha y Myrsine parvula. Los resultados indican además que Ilex dumosa var. guaranina fue la especie solitaria más abundante, y una de las que mejor regeneran en estas condiciones. Considerando que estos arbustos pueden llegar a constituir el estado inicial en la formación de fragmentos de selva más o menos grandes, se sugiere que el atributo de abundancia de esta especie en este tipo de sucesión leñosa primaria guarda relación con la expresión “ka’a mirĩ” (la selva incipiente), un nombre guaraní de Ilex dumosa var. guaranina

    Regeneración de plantas leñosas bajo arbustos aislados en un sector de los esteros del Iberá, Corrientes, Argentina, implicancias etnoecológicas.

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    A study of the natural regeneration of woody species under isolated bushes in a sector of northeast of Ibera Macrosystem is presented. The aim of the study was to evaluate the nurse effect of shrubs and structural parameters of regeneration. We show that the presence of isolated shrubs is fundamental to establish regeneration and that Ilex dumosa var. guaranina, Miconia chamissois, and Ocotea lancifolia promoted their abundance and richness. The regeneration involved 21 species, but was mainly structured by Miconia chamissois, Ilex dumosa var. guaranina, Citronella gongonha, and Myrsine parvula. The results indicate that Ilex dumosa var. guaranina was the most abundant solitary species and one of the best to regenerate under these conditions. While this shrub may constitute the initial stage in the formation of more or less large forests fragments, we suggest that the abundance of Ilex dumosa var. guaranina in this kind of primary woody succession prompted the expression “ka’a mirĩ” (the incipient forest), a guarani name of this species.Macrosistema Iberá. El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto nodriza de los arbustos y los parámetros estructurales de la regeneración. Se demostró que la presencia de arbustos aislados es determinante en el establecimiento de regeneración y que Ilex dumosa var. guaranina, Ocotea lancifolia y Miconia chamissois promovieron significativamente la abundancia y riqueza de los mismos. La regeneración estuvo compuesta por 21 especies pero principalmente estructurada por Miconia chamissois, Ilex dumosa var. guaranina, Citronella gongonha y Myrsine parvula. Los resultados indican además que Ilex dumosa var. guaranina fue la especie solitaria más abundante, y una de las que mejor regeneran en estas condiciones. Considerando que estos arbustos pueden llegar a constituir el estado inicial en la formación de fragmentos de selva más o menos grandes, se sugiere que el atributo de abundancia de esta especie en este tipo de sucesión leñosa primaria guarda relación con la expresión “ka’a mirĩ” (la selva incipiente), un nombre guaraní de Ilex dumosa var. guaranina

    Deployable Optical Receiver Array Cubesat

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    Small satellites and cubesats often have low data transmission rates due to the use of low-gain radio links in UHF and S bands. These links typically provide up to only 1 Mbps for communication between the ground and LEO, limiting the applications and mission operations of small satellites. Optical communication technology can enable much higher data rates and is rapidly gaining hold for larger satellites, including for crosslinks within SpaceX’s Starlink constellation and upcoming NASA deep space missions. However, it has been difficult to implement on small satellites and cubesats due to the need for precision pointing on the order of arcseconds to align the narrow optical laser beam between terminals--a laser transmitter in LEO may yield a footprint less than 100 meters wide at its receiving ground station. We report the development of a 3U cubesat to demonstrate new optical communication technology that eliminates precision pointing accuracy requirements on the host spacecraft. The deployable optical receiver aperture (DORA) aims to demonstrate 1 Gbps data rates over distances of thousands of kilometers. DORA requires an easily accommodated host pointing accuracy of only 10 degrees with minimal stability, allowing the primary mission to continue without reorienting to communicate and/or enabling small satellite missions using low-cost off-the-shelf ADCS systems. To achieve this performance, DORA replaces the traditional receiving telescope on the spacecraft with a collection of wide-angle photodiodes that can identify the angle of arrival for incoming communication lasers and steer the onboard transmitting laser in the corresponding direction. This work is motivated by NASA’s plans for a lunar communications and navigation network and supported by NASA’s Space Technology Program (STP). It is ideally suited for crosslink communications among small spacecraft, especially for those forming a swarm and/or a constellation, and for surface to orbit communications. We will implement the deployable optical receiver aperture and miniature transmission telescope as a 1U payload in the 3U cubesat and conduct the demonstration flight in LEO. Future implementations of the DORA technology are expected to further enable omnidirectional receiving of multiple optical communications simultaneously and accommodate multiple transmitting modules on a single cubesat

    Prototipagem rápida de um modelo complexo para fabricação de moldes de gesso para barbotina cerâmica

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    Computer assisted designing (CAD) is well known for several decades and employed for ceramic manufacturing almost since the beginning, but usually employed in the first part of the projectual ideation processes, neither in the prototyping nor in the manufacturing stages. The rapid prototyping machines, also known as 3D printers, have the capacity to produce in a few hours real pieces using plastic materials of high resistance, with great precision and similarity with respect to the original, based on unprecedented digital models produced by means of modeling with specific design software or from the digitalization of existing parts using the so-called 3D scanners. The main objective of the work is to develop the methodology used in the entire process of building a part in ceramics from the interrelationship between traditional techniques and new technologies for the manufacture of prototypes. And to take advantage of the benefits that allow us this new reproduction technology. The experience was based on the generation of a complex piece, in digital format, which served as the model. A regular 15 cm icosahedron presented features complex enough not to advise the production of the model by means of the traditional techniques of ceramics (manual or mechanical). From this digital model, a plaster mold was made in the traditional way in order to slip cast clay based slurries, freely dried in air and fired and glazed in the traditional way. This experience has shown the working hypothesis and opens up the possibility of new lines of work to academic and technological levels that will be explored in the near future. This technology provides a wide range of options to address the formal aspect of a part to be performed for the field of design, architecture, industrial design, the traditional pottery, ceramic art, etc., which allow you to amplify the formal possibilities, save time and therefore costs when drafting the necessary and appropriate matrixes to each requirement.Projeto assistido por computador (CAD) é bem conhecido por várias décadas e empregado na fabricação cerâmica desde o início, mas usualmente empregado na primeira parte dos processos na concepção do projeto, nem na prototipagem, nem nas fases de fabricação. As máquinas de prototipagem rápida, também conhecidas como impressoras 3D têm a capacidade de produzir, em poucas horas, peças utilizando materiais plásticos de alta resistência, com grande precisão e similaridade com relação ao original, com base em modelos digitais inéditos produzidos por meio de modelagem com softwares de projeto específico ou a partir da digitalização das peças existentes, utilizando os chamados scanners 3D. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver a metodologia utilizada em todo o processo de construção de uma parte em cerâmica da inter-relação entre as técnicas tradicionais e novas tecnologias para a fabricação de protótipos. E para aproveitar os benefícios que nos permitem esta nova tecnologia de reprodução. A experiência baseou-se na geração de uma peça complexa, em formato digital, que serviu como modelo. Um icosaedro regular de 15 cm, complexo o suficiente para não sugerir a produção do modelo por meio das técnicas tradicionais cerâmicas (manual ou mecânica). A partir deste modelo digital, um molde de gesso feito na maneira tradicional para colagem por barbotina de massas à base de argila, secagem livre ao ar, queimada e esmaltada de maneira tradicional. Esta experiência mostrou a hipótese de trabalho e abre a possibilidade de novas linhas de trabalho a níveis acadêmicos e tecnológicos que serão explorados em um futuro próximo. Esta tecnologia oferece uma grande variedade de opções para lidar com o aspecto formal de uma peça a ser executada no campo do projeto, arquitetura, projeto industrial, a cerâmica tradicional, a arte cerâmica, etc., que permitem ampliar as possibilidades formais, economizar tempo e, portanto, os custos na elaboração das matrizes necessárias e adequadas para cada exigência.Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámic

    Herramientas para el desarrollo de sistemas de análisis de textos no estructurados

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    En este artículo se describen las actividades desarrolladas y los subsistemas que conforman el proyecto de investigación que se denomina Desarrollo de Sistemas de Análisis de Texto, un proyecto de investigación homologado por la Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica (SCyT) de la UTN. En este proyecto se trabaja en el desarrollo de herramientas que permitan realizar el análisis de información textual de una manera más eficiente, e involucra la creación de material de entrenamiento de los sistemas de análisis de textos y el desarrollo de herramientas software que sirvan para el análisis y procesamientos de grandes volúmenes de textos.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic