22 research outputs found

    Dinamika Komunitas Gulma pada Sistem Tumpang sari Jagung dan Kacang Hijau Hubungannya dengan Produktivitas Lahan

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    Kusmiyati S, Setyowati N, Turmudi E. 2020. The dynamics of weed communities and land productivity in intercropping corn and green bean. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang 20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Intercropping increases the productivity of plants through land efficiency. The types of weeds grow in intercropping are different from that of monocultures. This study aims to identify the type and number of weeds on intercropping corn and green beans and describe the relationship between weed competition and the productivity of corns and green beans. The study was conducted in September 2018 until January 2019 at Pematang Gubernur, Bengkulu, using a Randomized Complete Block Design. Corn spacing in intercropping was 60 cm x 30 cm, 90 cm x 30 cm, and 120 cm x 30 cm as well as 60 cm x 30 cm in monoculture while green bean spacing was 30 cm x 30 cm. The main variable data were collected and analyzed using analysis of variance level 5%. The results showed that four weed species consisted of three broad-leaved weed species, and one grass species were identified before land cultivation. At three weeks after planting, weeds' composition was nineteen consisting of fourteen broadleaves weed, one sedge, and four grass. At nine weeks after planting, the composition of nine species of weeds consisted of seven broad leaves, one nutsedge, and one grass. The presence of weeds reduced the yield of corn and green beans in the intercropping system

    Democratization and the Diffusion of Shari'a Law: Comparative Insights from Indonesia

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    The democratization of politics has been accompanied by a rise of Islamic laws in many Muslim-majority countries. Despite a growing interest in the phenomenon, the Islamization of politics in democratizing Muslim-majority countries is rarely understood as a process that unfolds across space and time. Based on an original dataset established during years of field research in Indonesia, this article analyzes the spread of shari’a regulations across the world’s largest Muslim-majority democracy since 1998. The article shows that shari’a regulations in Indonesia diffused unevenly across space and time. Explanations put forward in the literature on the diffusion of morality policies in other countries such as geographic proximity, institutions, intergovernmental relations and economic conditions did not explain the patterns in the diffusion of shari’a regulations in Indonesia well. Instead, shari’a regulations in Indonesia were most likely to spread across jurisdictions where local Islamist groups situated outside the party system had an established presence. In short, the Islamization of politics was highly contingent on local conditions. Future research will need to pay more attention to local Islamist activists and networks situated outside formal politics as potential causes for the diffusion of shari’a law in democratizing Muslim-majority countries

    On the distance spectrum and distance energy of complement of subgroup graphs of dihedral group

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    Let G is a connected simple graph and V(G) = {v1, v2, ..., vp} is vertex set of G. The distance matrix of G is a matrix D(G) = [d ij ] of order p where [d ij ] = d(v i , v j ) is distance between v i and v j in G. The set of all eigenvalues of matrix D(G) together with their corresponding multiplicities is named the distance spectrum of G and denoted by spec D (G). The distance energy of G is ED(G)=i=1pλi{E}_{D}(G)={\sum }_{i=1}^{p}|{\lambda }_{i}|, where λi are eigenvalues of D(G). In the recent paper, the distance spectrum and distance energy of complement of subgroup graphs of dihedral group are determined

    Pembelajaran Kalkulus Berbasis E-Learning Untuk Menumbuhkan Kreativitas dan Karakter Mahasiswa

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    <p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Peneltian ini dilakukan untuk merancang desain pembelajaran Kalkulus berbasis E-learning untuk menumbuhkan kreativitas dan karakter mahasiswa  pada Prodi Pendidikan Matematika. Desain pembelajaran yang dibagi dalam beberapa tahap yakni: Perencanaan perangkat dan sarana yang akan digunakan pada saat pembelajaran, Pembuatan perangkat pembelajaran, Pembuatan media pembelajaran e-learning, Validasi perangkat dan media pebelajaran  dan e-learning oleh para ahli, Revisi hasil validasi oleh para ahli, Pengujian terbatas desain pembelajaran, Evaluasi  dan analisis hasil pengujian, Evaluasi. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa desain pembelajaran dirancang berbentuk RPP, LKM dan Media E-learning dapat digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran dengan sedikit perbaikan. Hasil ujicoba terbatas menunjukan pula bahwa perangkat yang dibuat menumbuhkembangkan kreativitas mahasiswa, yang pada ujungnya adalah  terbentuknya karakter mahasiswa.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Kata kunci:<em>   </em></strong>pembelajaran; karakter; kreatif;  elearning<em> </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>The research was designing e-learning on Calculus to increase the creativity and student character in Mathematics Education Study Pogram. The learning design was divided into steps, that was: designing lesson plan and tool which would be used on learning, making lesson plan, making e-learning media, validating the lesson plan, learning kit, and elarning by experts, revising the result of validation process, limited testing of instructional design, evaluation and the result analysis. The research result show that the learning design those are RPP, LKM, and elearning kit could be used with a little implrovement. Limited test result also indicated that the instrument that was made could developed the creativity of student, and buid the student character.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>learning, character; creative; elearning</em></p


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan respon pertumbuhan dan hasil tiga klon ubi jalar pada sistem tumpangsari ubi jalar-jagung manis di lahan bekas alang-alang. Percobaan lapangan dilaksanakan dari bulan Januari 2002 sampai dengan Mei 2002 dalam bentuk percobaan lapangan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi (Split plot design). Perlakuan yang ditempatkan dalam petak utama ialah jarak tanam jagung manis yang terdiri atas 3 jarak yaitu 25 cm x 60 cm, 25 cm x 120 cm, dan 25 cm x 180 cm. Sedangkan sebagai anak petak ialah tiga klon ubi jalar yaitu BIS-182, CHIP 1, dan Lokal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klon BIS-182, CHIP 1, dan Lokal mampu menurunkan kepadatan individu alang-alang dari 841 anakan menjadi 287 anakan. Ubi jalar klon Lokal yang ditumpangsarikan dengan jagung manis pada jarak tanam 25 cm x 120 cm menghasilkan jumlah umbi terbanyak dan bobot total panen terberat yaitu 3.32 umbi dan 9343.88 g