1,067 research outputs found

    Simple model for the phase coexistence and electrical conductivity of alkali fluids

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    We report the first theoretical model for the alkali fluids which yields a liquid-vapor phase coexistence with the experimentally observed features and electrical conductivity estimates which are also in accord with observations. We have carried out a Monte Carlo simulation for a lattice gas model which allows an integrated study of the structural, thermodynamic, and electronic properties of metal-atom fluids. Although such a technique is applicable to both metallic and nonmetallic fluids, non-additive interactions due to valence electron delocalization are a crucial feature of the present model.Comment: RevTex, 11 pages, 2 ps figure files appended, submitted to PR

    Study of theoretical models for the liquid-vapor and metal-nonmetal transitions of alkali fluids

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    Theoretical models for the liquid-vapor and metal-nonmetal transitions of alkali fluids are investigated. Mean-field models are considered first but shown to be inadequate. An alternate approach is then studied in which each statistical configuration of the material is treated as inhomogeneous, with the energy of each ion being determined by its local environment. Nonadditive interactions, due to valence electron delocalization, are a crucial feature of the model. This alternate approach is implemented within a lattice-gas approximation which takes into account the observed mode of expansion in the materials of interest and which is able to treat the equilibrium density fluctuations. We have carried out grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations, for this model, which allow a unified, self-consistent, study of the structural, thermodynamic, and electronic properties of alkali fluids. Applications to Cs, Rb, K, and Na yield results in good agreement with observations.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX, 10 ps figures available by e-mail

    The structure of ionic aqueous solutions at interfaces: An intrinsic structure analysis.

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    We investigate the interfacial structure of ionic solutions consisting of alkali halide ions in water at concentrations in the range 0.2-1.0 molal and at 300 K. Combining molecular dynamics simulations of point charge ion models and a recently introduced computational approach that removes the averaging effect of interfacial capillary waves, we compute the intrinsic structure of the aqueous interface. The interfacial structure is more complex than previously inferred from the analysis of mean profiles. We find a strong alternating double layer structure near the interface, which depends on the cation and anion size. Relatively small changes in the ion diameter disrupt the double layer structure, promoting the adsorption of anions or inducing the density enhancement of small cations with diameters used in simulation studies of lithium solutions. The density enhancement of the small cations is mediated by their strong water solvation shell, with one or more water molecules anchoring the ion to the outermost water layer. We find that the intrinsic interfacial electrostatic potential features very strong oscillations with a minimum at the liquid surface that is ∼4 times stronger than the electrostatic potential in the bulk. For the water model employed in this work, SPC/E, the electrostatic potential at the water surface is ∼-2 V, equivalent to ∼80 kBT (for T = 300 K), much stronger than previously considered. Furthermore, we show that the utilization of the intrinsic surface technique provides a route to extract ionic potentials of mean force that are not affected by the thermal fluctuations, which limits the accuracy of most past approaches including the popular umbrella sampling techniqueThe following article appeared in Journal of Chemical Physics 137.11 (2012): 114706 and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/137/11/10.1063/1.4753986Financial support for this work was provided by The Royal Society and the Dirección General de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain, under Grant No. FIS2010-22047-C05, and by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid under the R&D rogram of activities MODELICO-CM/S2009ESP-1691. F.B. would like to thank the EPSRC for the award of a Leadership Fellowshi

    Mesoscopic Hamiltonian for the fluctuations of adsorbed Lennard-Jones liquid films

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    We use Monte Carlo simulations of a Lennard-Jones fluid adsorbed on a short-range planar wall substrate to study the fluctuations in the thickness of the wetting layer, and we get a quantitative and consistent characterization of their mesoscopic Hamiltonian, H[ξ]. We have observed important finite-size effects, which were hampering the analysis of previous results obtained with smaller systems. The results presented here support an appealing simple functional form for H[ξ], close but not exactly equal to the theoretical nonlocal proposal made on the basis a generic density-functional analysis by Parry and coworkers. We have analyzed systems under different wetting conditions, as a proof of principle for a method that provides a quantitative bridge between the molecular interactions and the phenomenology of wetting films at mesoscopic scalesWe acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grants No. FIS2010- 22047-C05 and No. FIS2013-47350-C5

    Bending modulus of lipid membranes from density correlation functions.

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    The bending modulus κ quantifies the elasticity of biological membranes in terms of the free energy cost of increasing the membrane corrugation. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations provide a powerful approach to quantify κ by analyzing the thermal fluctuations of the lipid bilayer. However, existing methods require the identification and filtering of non-mesoscopic fluctuation modes. State of the art methods rely on identifying a smooth surface to describe the membrane shape. These methods introduce uncertainties in calculating κ since they rely on different criteria to select the relevant fluctuation modes. Here, we present a method to compute κ using molecular simulations. Our approach circumvents the need to define a mesoscopic surface or an orientation field for the lipid tails explicitly. The bending and tilt moduli can be extracted from the analysis of the density correlation function (DCF). The method introduced here builds on the Bedeaux and Weeks (BW) theory for the DCF of fluctuating interfaces and on the coupled undulatory (CU) mode introduced by us in previous work. We test the BW-DCF method by computing the elastic properties of lipid membranes with different system sizes (from 500 to 6000 lipid molecules) and using coarse-grained (for POPC and DPPC lipids) and fully atomistic models (for DPPC). Further, we quantify the impact of cholesterol on the bending modulus of DPPC bilayers. We compare our results with bending moduli obtained with X-ray diffraction data and different computer simulation methods

    In the literature: July 2022.

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    Targeting HER2-AXL Heterodimerization To Overcome Resistance To HER2 Blockade In Breast Cance