221 research outputs found

    Pancreas divisum and duodenal diverticula as two causes of acute or chronic pancreatitis that should not be overlooked: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Pancreas divisum is a congenital anatomical anomaly characterized by the lack of fusion of the ventral and dorsal parts of the pancreas during the eighth week of fetal development. This condition is found in 5% to 14% of the general population. In pancreas divisum, the increased incidence of acute and chronic pancreatitis is caused by inadequate drainage of secretions from the body, tail and part of the pancreatic head through an orifice that is too small. The incidence of diverticula in the second part of the duodenum is found in approximately 20% of the population. Compression of the duodenal diverticula at the end of the common bile duct leads to the formation of biliary lithiasis (a principal cause of acute pancreatitis), pain associated with biliary lithiasis owing to compression of the common bile duct (at times with jaundice), and compression of the last part of Wirsung's duct or the hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of Vater) that may lead to both acute and chronic pancreatitis.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe the radiological findings of the case of a 75-year-old man with recurrent acute pancreatitis due to a combination of pancreas divisum and duodenal diverticula.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography is advisable in patients with recurrent pancreatitis (both acute and chronic) since it is the most appropriate noninvasive treatment for the study of the pancreatic system (and the eventual presence of pancreas divisum) and the biliary systems (eventual presence of biliary microlithiasis). Moreover, it can lead to the diagnostic suspicion of duodenal diverticula, which can be confirmed through duodenography with X-ray or computed tomography scan with a radio-opaque contrast agent administered orally.</p

    Measurements of low radioactive contaminations in lead using bolometric detectors

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    Abstract Bolometric detectors made with samples of crystalline and polycrystalline lead have been operated to measure their internal radioactivity due to 210 Pb. It has been found that contaminations of hundreds of becquerels per kilogram are present in commercial low radioactivity lead and that these contaminations can be reduced by an order of magnitude by crystallisation. A low activity of a few hundreds of millibecquerels per kilogram still persists in specially prepared low radioactivity lead. No evidence for contamination is on the contrary found in a 2000 year old lead sample from a sunk Roman ship, at a level of less than 20 millibecquerel per kilogram

    Correlations between tumor-infiltrating and circulating lymphocyte subpopulations in advanced renal cancer patients treated with nivolumab

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    Background: In clinical trials with immunotherapy, histological features such as tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are investigated as potential predictive biomarkers, with the limit of an outdated parameter for a typically dynamic element. Methods: This explorative study compared, in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) patients, basal pathological data about TILs on diagnostic histological specimens with circulating lymphocyte subpopulations measured before and during therapy with nivolumab. Results: Of 11 mRCC patients, 5 had low presence of TILs (L-TILs), 3 moderate amount (M-TILs) and 3 high number (H-TILs). Overall, 8 patients had low intratumoral pathological CD4+/CD8+ ratio (LIPR) ≤1 and 3 cases high intratumoral pathological ratio (HIPR) ≥2. Of 8 patients with LIPR, only 2 matched with low circulating CD4+/CD8+ ratio (LCR) ≤1; 5 had high circulating ratio (HCR) ≥2. All 3 cases with HIPR (≥2) conversely had LCR (≤1). Circulating CD4+/CD8+ ratio remained unchanged during therapy (mean-0.12 in 8 weeks). The respective percentage values of CD4+ and CD8+ circulating T cells also remained stable (variation 0%); the absolute value of CD4+ was more likely to increase (mean +46.3/mm3); the level of CD8+ tended to slightly decrease (mean-6.5/mm3). No correlation of lymphocyte subpopulations with treatment outcome was found. Of note, we did not evidence correspondence between histopathological and circulating findings in terms of T-lymphocyte subpopulations, also suggesting the inconsistency of circulating data in terms of relative variations. Conclusions: Considering the likely high dynamism of TILs, rebiopsy before therapy might be proposed to assess the utility of TILs characterization for predictive purpose. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    European Respiratory Society Statement on Long COVID-19 Follow-Up

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    Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection frequently experience symptom burden post-acute infection or post-hospitalisation. We aim to identify optimal strategies for follow-up care that may positively impact the patient's quality-of-life (QOL).A European Respiratory Society (ERS) Task Force (TF) convened and prioritised eight clinical questions. A targeted search of the literature defined the time line of long COVID-19 as one to six months post infection and identified clinical evidence in the follow-up of patients. Studies meeting the inclusion criteria report an association of characteristics of acute infection with persistent symptoms, thromboembolic events in the follow-up period and evaluations of pulmonary physiology and imaging. Importantly, this statement reviews QOL consequences, symptom burden, disability and home care follow-up. Overall, the evidence for follow-up care for patients with long COVID-19 is limited

    Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia, and sarcoidosis : More pathological findings in the same chest CT, or a single pathological pathway?

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    Background: Autoimmune hepatitis/primary biliary cirrhosis overlap syndrome, lymphangioleiomyomatosis/tuberous sclerosis complex (LAM-TSC), and sarcoidosis are three rare diseases. Here we present, to the best of our knowledge, the first description of a patient with the coexistence of these three diseases. Case presentation: A 47-year-old woman affected by LAM-TSC and primary biliary cirrosis/autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome. During her follow up a high resolution chest CT scan (HRTC) confirmed the presence of both multiple cysts and micronodular opacities consistent with multifocal micronodular pneumocytes hyperlasia (MMPH), and revealed multiple hilar-mediastinal symmetrical lymphadenopathies suggestive of sarcoidosis. Simultaneously, subcutaneous nodules appeared on her forearm bilaterally. Cutaneous biopsy showed granulomatous dermatitis with sarcoid-like granulomas. A diagnosis of stage I pulmonary sarcoidosis was made. No treatment for sarcoidosis was initiated since the patient had neither systemic involvement, nor respiratory impairment. Conclusions: The presence of more than one rare disease should challenge the concept of a potential common underlying mechanism, since the a priori probability of the concomitant presence of different conditions with different pathogenic mechanisms - especially if rare diseases - is low. We speculate that the dysregulation of the pathway involving mTOR and MAPK and their interaction might play a role in the pathogenesis of other diseases, including sarcoidosis

    Contro lo sfascio delle biblioteche italiane. Un manifesto per i presìdi culturali del territorio

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    L’idea di questa raccolta di brevi contributi è nata alla fine della primavera 2020 come tentativo di sviluppare e fissare riflessioni e discussioni germogliate (per forza di cose via telefono o Skype, quindi “a distanza”) tra il gruppo di amici qui rappresentato, tutti in maniera più o meno diretta legati alle attività del Centro di Ricerca Europeo Libro Editoria Biblioteca (CRELEB) dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Si è cercato di attribuire a ciascuna voce un argomento intorno al quale coagulare le proprie opinioni, secondo il modello di un dialogo polifonico, cosicché l’insieme conservasse una qualche coerente unità su temi che riguardassero le biblioteche e la loro apertura


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    Background: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is the main cause of death in Systemic Sclerosis (SSc). Chest CT is the gold standard in detecting ILD although it is not easy to understand its prognostic value. ILD qualitative assessment is almost worthless. Goh et al. semi quantitative score of ILD extent is related to mortality risk but it is burdened by relevant inter/intra-readers variability. An operator independent algorithm based on voxel-wise analysis proved to identify SSc patients with an increased risk of mortality according to prediction models. Objectives: To verify if quantitative analysis of chest CT (QCT) predict 10 years-mortality in SSc patients. Methods: SSc patients with availability of a chest CT were enrolled in 13 different centers. The CT voxel-wise analysis with a free software (www.horosproject.com) provided QCT indexes: kurtosis, skewness, mean lung attenuation and standard deviation. Patients

    Mechanisms of oxygenation responses to proning and recruitment in COVID-19 pneumonia

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    Purpose: This study aimed at investigating the mechanisms underlying the oxygenation response to proning and recruitment maneuvers in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia. Methods: Twenty-five patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, at variable times&nbsp;since admission (from 1 to 3&nbsp;weeks), underwent computed tomography (CT) lung scans, gas-exchange and lung-mechanics measurement in supine and prone positions at 5 cmH2O and during recruiting maneuver (supine, 35 cmH2O). Within the non-aerated tissue, we differentiated the atelectatic and consolidated tissue (recruitable and non-recruitable at 35 cmH2O of airway pressure). Positive/negative response to proning/recruitment was defined as increase/decrease of PaO2/FiO2. Apparent perfusion ratio was computed as venous admixture/non aerated tissue fraction. Results: The average values of venous admixture and PaO2/FiO2 ratio were similar in supine-5 and prone-5. However, the PaO2/FiO2 changes (increasing in 65% of the patients and decreasing in 35%, from supine to prone) correlated with the balance between resolution of dorsal atelectasis and formation of ventral atelectasis (p = 0.002). Dorsal consolidated tissue determined this balance, being inversely related with dorsal recruitment (p = 0.012). From supine-5 to supine-35, the apparent perfusion ratio increased from 1.38 ± 0.71 to 2.15 ± 1.15 (p = 0.004) while PaO2/FiO2 ratio increased in 52% and decreased in 48% of patients. Non-responders had consolidated tissue fraction of 0.27 ± 0.1 vs. 0.18 ± 0.1 in the responding cohort (p = 0.04). Consolidated tissue, PaCO2 and respiratory system elastance were higher in patients assessed late (all p &lt; 0.05), suggesting, all together, “fibrotic-like” changes of the lung over time. Conclusion: The amount of consolidated tissue was higher in patients assessed during the third week and determined the oxygenation responses following pronation and recruitment maneuvers
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