16,952 research outputs found

    Electric Gap Control in a Semiconductor

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    We show that the Bi-Layer Graphene allows the control of its electronic gap under an applied voltage

    Interação mutualística entre Aethalion reticulatum (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), abelhas-sem-ferrão e formiga, em açaizeiro no estado do Acre.

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    Foi verificada a associação entre a cigarrinha-das-frutíferas, Aetalion reticulatum (Hemiptera: Aethalionidade) e duas espécies de abelhas-sem-ferrão do gênero Trigona, além de uma espécie de formiga do gênero Camponotus, em plantas de açaí-de-touceira, Euterpe oleracea (Arecaceae), em Rio Branco, AC. Foram realizadas vistorias em plantio de açaizeiro, localizado no Campo Experimental da Embrapa Acre (10°01'26''S; 67°41'39''W), onde foi constatada uma alta infestação de A. reticulatum em ráquilas açaizeiro, provenientes de uma população melhorada geneticamente da cultivar BRS-Pará. Em algumas plantas vistoriadas foi verificada a associação entre A. reticulatum e duas espécies de meliponíneos (Trigona spp.), as quais estimulavam as cigarrinhas a liberarem o exsudado (honeydew), por meio do caminhar sobre o corpo e batimento das antenas no abdômen dos hemípteros. O mesmo comportamento foi verificado para uma espécie de formiga-doceira (Camponotus sp.), a qual também recolhia o alimento açucarado, no momento em que era liberado pelas cigarrinhas. A suposição da existência do mutualismo se baseou na constatação do fornecimento de honeydew, produzido pelas cigarrinhas, às abelhas e/ou formiga, que, por sua vez, protegiam as cigarrinhas da aproximação de outros insetos e apresentavam comportamento agressivo pela aproximação de pessoas. No entanto, não foi verificada a presença de abelhas e formigas associadas às cigarrinhas simultaneamente, bem como não foi verificado a presença das duas espécies de Trigona, associadas à mesma colônia de cigarrinhas, nas plantas amostradas. Este registro configura no primeiro relato da associação de A. reticulatum com formiga e meliponíneos no estado do Acre, e em açaizeiro

    Aplicabilidade prática de uma cartilha sobre punção venosa periférica: estudo com familiares de crianças hospitalizadas

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    Objective: to verify the practical applicability of the booklet “Peripheral venipuncture for family” with the accompanying relatives of children hospitalized in a pediatric hospital in the interior of Bahia. Method: prospective study conducted with 44 family members, from July to October 2016. Twenty-three items were evaluated, categorized into language, illustration, layout and motivation. For data analysis, absolute and relative frequencies were performed, adopting as a desirable consensus the values above 70% of agreement. Also, the Flesch Readability Test was applied to verify the comprehension of the text of the booklet. Results: the booklet presented practical applicability with satisfactory evaluation of the participants, obtaining more than 70% of approval in all variables evaluated and reaching a level of readability of 70%. Conclusion: the booklet can be used as a tool to promote care for family members of children undergoing peripheral intravenous catheterization.Objetivo: verificar a aplicabilidade prática da cartilha “Punção venosa periférica para família” junto aos familiares acompanhantes de crianças hospitalizadas em um hospital pediátrico do interior da Bahia. Método: estudo prospectivo realizado com 44 familiares, no período de julho a outubro de 2016. Foram avaliados 23 itens, categorizados em linguagem, ilustração, layout e motivação. Para a análise dos dados foram realizadas as frequências absolutas e relativas, adotando como consenso desejável os valores superiores a 70% de concordância. Também, aplicou-se o Teste de Legibilidade de Flesch para verificar a compreensão do texto da cartilha. Resultados: a cartilha apresentou aplicabilidade prática com avaliação satisfatória dos participantes, obtendo mais de 70% de aprovação em todas as variáveis avaliadas e alcançando nível de legibilidade de 70%. Conclusão: a cartilha pode ser utilizada como uma ferramenta na promoção de cuidado aos familiares de crianças submetidas à Cateterização Intravenosa Periférica

    Shelf-Ocean material exchange influencing the Atlantic chemical composition off NW Iberian margin since the last glaciation

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    Rivers are the main conduit of sediment to the shelf. The basin geology, the drainage area and the discharge rate are the major factors that determine their sediment load (Milliman and Syvistski, 1992). Besides suspended particles, dissolved components may also give some information on the eroded crust. Sr isotopes in carbonate shells of biological organisms have been used to study, in the geological record, the influence exerted by the chemical weathering of the continental crust on the seawater composition (Macdougall, 1991). In this work, Sr isotope ratios obtained in tests of foraminifera representing the last 40 ka are presented and discussed in the scope of the palaeogeographical evolution of NW Iberia. This work aims to present and discuss the results of Sr isotope analyses (performed, by TIMS, in the Isotope Geology Laboratory of the University of Aveiro) of tests of two species of foraminifera, from nine samples taken along the OMEX core KC 024-19 (181 cm; 42°08’98’’N, 10°29´96’’W, and 2765m), collected in the Galicia Bank area, off Galicia. Taking into account that Sr contained in the carbonate tests is usually considered as preserving the signature of the contemporaneous seawater, one planktonic species (Globigerina bulloides) and one benthic species (Cibicides wuellerstorfi) were selected in order to try to detect Sr isotope variations both through time and between two different levels of the water column. The core age model, which records the last 40 ka, is based on a combination of oxygen isotope stratigraphy, eight AMS 14C datings and the synchronisation of the last four Heinrich Events in the Iberian Margin sedimentary records. As a whole, the obtained 87Sr/86Sr ratios vary between 0.709209 and 0.709108, with a mean 2σ error of 0.000025. These values lie within the range of modern marine Sr isotope ratios (0.70910-0.70922), as previously defined using analyses of both seawater and marine carbonates (see compilation by Faure and Mensing, 2005). Despite their small variation, the 87Sr/86Sr ratios obtained in G. bulloides seem to indicate that Sr dissolved in seawater at the KC 024-19 core site became slightly less radiogenic after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). This decrease is concomitant with diminishing amounts of the detrital components in the sediments (Fig. 1). Therefore, both the composition of dissolved Sr, as revealed by results on tests of planktonic foraminifera, and the proportions of suspended terrigenous particulate material arriving at the KC 024-19 site point to a decreasing importance of the contribution of the erosion of the Iberian Variscan crust since the Last Glacial Maximum and in the Holocene. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios measured in tests of benthic foraminifera (C. wuellerstorfi) are more erratic and no correlation can be established with palaeogeographical/palaeoclimatic constraints. The difference between the behaviour of Sr compositions in G. bulloides and C. wuellerstorfi may indicate that whilst the planktonic foraminifera should reproduce very closely the seawater composition, the benthic organisms should, in addition to the major role of seawater, also be affected by some sort of interaction with the sediments. As such, planktonic foraminifera are probably more reliable indicators of seawater composition in studies involving very small periods and corresponding very slight variations of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Taking into account that G. bulloides is a common planktonic species (living mostly in the first 50m of the water column), whose tests seem to be in equilibrium with sea water composition, variations in its 87Sr/86Sr ratios can be related with changes in the chemical composition of the water of the Atlantic Ocean off NW Iberian Margin. The highest 87Sr/86Sr values are contemporaneous with a period of low sea level (about -140 m; Dias et al., 2000) during the LGM. According to Dias et al. (2000) at 18 ka BP the shoreline was close to the shelf break. The summital parts of the Gerês and Estrela mountains were covered by local glaciers and close to the coast freezing occurred frequently. The river catchments, which extended far to the shelf, received more rainfall due to a longer, compared to present day conditions, wet season, which promoted both physical and chemical weathering. Higher pluviosity combined with the effect of spring ice melting maintained high river discharge and consequently caused very important sediment supply to the coastal zone. The extremely narrow shelf was a very energetic environment due to sea bottom inclination and very limited long wave refraction. Therefore, at that time, a long wet season and very competent rivers should have caused important erosion of the Variscan basement in NW Iberia. Additionally, then, the shoreline was much closer to the KC 024-19 site. The combination of all these factors favoured an important deposition of terrigenous sediments and the local slight enrichment in radiogenic Sr of the seawater. With sea level rise, after the deglaciation and during the Holocene, the river estuaries became progressively far away from the shelf break. Their competence of transport also became progressively reduced and the offshore transport of detrital sediments became progressively lower. Conversely the biogenic carbonate proportion in the sediments increased, due to lower dilution by the terrigenous particles. Simultaneously, the values of 87Sr/86Sr in the seawater at the KC 024-19 site became lower, as a consequence of a complete homogenization with the ocean global composition, which was now more effective with the increasing distance towards shoreline

    The importance of project health education and its implementation in schools

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    A saúde escolar, durante o século XX, tem estado sujeita a diversas reformas. Entretanto, mudanças significativas ocorreram nos sistemas de saúde e de educação. No Sistema Educativo, novos desafios se colocam: a par do trabalho de transmissão de conhecimentos organizados em disciplinas, a escola deve, também, educar para os valores, promover a saúde, a formação e a participação cívica dos alunos, num processo de aquisição de competências que sustentem as aprendizagens ao longo da vida e promovam a autonomia. Através de várias legislações ao longo dos cem anos e reformas respectivas, surgem intervenções prioritárias na saúde escolar através do Ministério da Educação, tais como vacinação, oral, alimentar, segurança, físico, ambiental. A Educação para a Saúde é uma mais-valia para a melhoria da qualidade de vida de todos os alunos. O programa existente da Educação para as Saúde informa e procura promover, incutir, prevenção, a intervenção hábitos e comportamentos relacionados com uma vida saudável a nível física, intelectual, mental eLa salud en la escuela durante el siglo XX, ha sido objeto de varias reformas. Sin embargo, han producido cambios significativos en los sistemas de salud y educación. En el sistema educativo, surgen nuevos retos: junto al trabajo de la transmisión de conocimientos organizados en disciplinas, la escuela también debe educar en valores, promover la salud, la educación y la participación cívica de los estudiantes en el proceso de adquisición de habilidades que apoyen el aprendizaje permanente y promuevan la autonomía. A lo largo de estos cien años con las diversas leyes y sus reformas, han surgido las intervenciones prioritarias en materia de salud escolar a través del Ministerio de Educación, como la inmunización, oral, alimentación, seguridad, medio ambiente físico. La Educación para la Salud es un activo para la mejora de la calidad de vida para todos los estudiantes. El actual programa de Educación para la Salud informa y trata de promover, inculcar, la prevención, la adquisición de hábitos y comportamientos relacionados con un nivel saludable en la vida física, intelectual, mental y socialSchool health during the twentieth century, has been subject to several reforms. However, significant changes have occurred in the health and education systems. In Education System, new challenges arise: alongside the work of imparting knowledge organized into disciplines, the school must also educate in values, promote health, education and civic participation of stu- dents in a skills acquisition process to support the lifelong learning and promote autonomy. Through various laws over the hundred years and their reforms, arise priority interventions in school health through the Ministry of Education, such as immunization, oral, food, safety, phys- ical, environmental. The Health Education is an asset to improving the quality of life for all students. The existing program of Education for Health informs and seeks to promote, inculcate, preven- tion, intervention habits and behaviors related to a healthy level physical, intellectual, mental and social life.A saúde escolar, durante o século XX, tem estado sujeita a diversas reformas. Entretanto, mudanças significativas ocorreram nos sistemas de saúde e de educação. No Sistema Educativo, novos desafios se colocam: a par do trabalho de transmissão de conhecimentos organizados em disciplinas, a escola deve, também, educar para os valores, promover a saúde, a formação e a participação cívica dos alunos, num processo de aquisição de competências que sustentem as aprendizagens ao longo da vida e promovam a autonomia. Através de várias legislações ao longo dos cem anos e reformas respectivas, surgem intervenções prioritárias na saúde escolar através do Ministério da Educação, tais como vacinação, oral, alimentar, segurança, físico, ambiental. A Educação para a Saúde é uma mais-valia para a melhoria da qualidade de vida de todos os alunos. O programa existente da Educação para as Saúde informa e procura promover, incutir, prevenção, a intervenção hábitos e comportamentos relacionados com uma vida saudável a nível física, intelectual, mental e socialpeerReviewe

    Developing virtual actors inspired by real actors’ practice

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    Autonomous Digital Actors represent the next step in animating 3D characters. How to create such virtual actors remains an open question. This work presents and discusses an agent architecture derived from how real actors learn their art from acting schools. The knowledge base relies on a rule-based system where each rule encodes explicit knowledge into a classification vector which allows agents to suggest performances even for unforeseen situations, and to adjust their suggestions to match the animator’s preferencesFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT