118 research outputs found

    Testing an exact f(R)f(R)-gravity model at Galactic and local scales

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    The weak field limit for a pointlike source of a f(R)∝R3/2f(R) \propto R^{3/2}-gravity model is studied. We aim to show the viability of such a model as a valid alternative to GR + dark matter at Galactic and local scales. Without considering dark matter, within the weak field approximation, we find general exact solutions for gravity with standard matter, and apply them to some astrophysical scales, recovering the consistency of the same f(R)f(R)-gravity model with cosmological results.}{In particular, we show that it is possible to obtain flat rotation curves for galaxies, [and consistency with] Solar System tests, as in the so-called "Chameleon Approach". In fact, the peripheral velocity v∞ v_\infty is shown to be expressed as v∞=λM v_\infty = \lambda \sqrt{M}, so that the Tully-Fisher relation is recovered. The results point out the possibility of achieving alternative theories of gravity in which exotic ingredients like dark matter and dark energy are not necessary, while their coarse-grained astrophysical and cosmological effects can be related to a geometric origin.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted in Astron. & Astrop

    Exact f(R)f(R)-cosmological model coming from the request of the existence of a Noether symmetry

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    We present an f(R)f(R)-cosmological model with an exact analytic solution, coming from the request of the existence of a Noether symmetry, which is able to describe a dust-dominated decelerated phase before the current accelerated phase of the universe.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Contribution to the proceedings of Spanish Relativity Meeting 2008, Salamanca, Sapin, 15-19 September 200

    Noether symmetry approach in phantom quintessence cosmology

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    In the framework of phantom quintessence cosmology, we use the Noether Symmetry Approach to obtain general exact solutions for the cosmological equations. This result is achieved by the quintessential (phantom) potential determined by the existence of the symmetry itself. A comparison between the theoretical model and observations is worked out. In particular, we use type Ia supernovae and large scale structure parameters determined from the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS)and from the Wide part of the VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). It turns out that the model is compatible with the presently available observational data. Moreover we extend the approach to include radiation. We show that it is compatible with data derived from recombination and it seems that quintessence do not affect nucleosynthesis results.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Q-plates for Switchable Excitation of Fiber OAM Modes

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    We demonstrate that a |q|=1/2 plate plus polarization optics can tunably excite all linear combinations of |l|=1 fiber OAM modes with up to ~30 dB purity, enabling switch fabrics in fiber-OAM networks and disentangling of degenerate mode mixing effects in long fibers

    Two viable quintessence models of the Universe: confrontation of theoretical predictions with observational data

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    We use some of the recently released observational data to test the viability of two classes of minimally coupled scalar field models of quintessence with exponential potentials for which exact solutions of the Einstein equations are known. These models are very sturdy, depending on only one parameter - the Hubble constant. To compare predictions of our models with observations we concentrate on the following data: the power spectrum of the CMBR anisotropy as measured by WMAP, the publicly available data on type Ia supernovae, and the parameters of large scale structure determined by the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). We use the WMAP data on the age of the universe and the Hubble constant to fix the free parameters in our models. We then show that the predictions of our models are consistent with the observed positions and relative heights of the first 3 peaks in the CMB power spectrum, with the energy density of dark energy as deduced from observations of distant type Ia supernovae, and with parameters of the large scale structure as determined by 2dFGRS, in particular with the average density of dark matter. Our models are also consistent with the results of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Moreover, we investigate the evolution of matter density perturbations in our quintessential models, solve exactly the evolution equation for the density perturbations, and obtain an analytical expression for the growth index ff. We verify that the approximate relation f ~ Omega_M^(alpha) also holds in our models.Comment: in press on A&

    Coupling parameters and the form of the potential via Noether symmetry

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    We explore the conditions for the existence of Noether symmetries in the dynamics of FRW metric, non minimally coupled with a scalar field, in the most general situation, and with nonzero spatial curvature. When such symmetries are present we find general exact solution for the Einstein equations. We also show that non Noether symmetries can be found. Finally,we present an extension of the procedure to the Kantowski- Sachs metric which is particularly interesting in the case of degenerate Lagrangian.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    On exact solutions for quintessential (inflationary) cosmological models with exponential potentials

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    We first study dark energy models with a minimally-coupled scalar field and exponential potentials, admitting exact solutions for the cosmological equations: actually, it turns out that for this class of potentials the Einstein field equations exhibit alternative Lagrangians, and are completely integrable and separable (i.e. it is possible to integrate the system analytically, at least by quadratures). We analyze such solutions, especially discussing when they are compatible with a late time quintessential expansion of the universe. As a further issue, we discuss how such quintessential scalar fields can be connected to the inflationary phase, building up, for this class of potentials, a quintessential inflationary scenario: actually, it turns out that the transition from inflation toward late-time exponential quintessential tail admits a kination period, which is an indispensable ingredient of this kind of theoretical models. All such considerations have also been done by including radiation into the model.Comment: Revtex4, 10 figure

    Constraining scalar-tensor quintessence by cosmic clocks

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    Scalar-tensor quintessence models can be constrained by identifying suitable cosmic clocks which allow to select confidence regions for cosmological parameters. In particular, we constrain the characterizing parameters of non-minimally coupled scalar-tensor cosmological models which admit exact solutions of the Einstein field equations. Lookback time to galaxy clusters at low intermediate, and high redshifts is considered. The high redshift time-scale problem is also discussed in order to select other cosmic clocks such as quasars.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. to be published in Astron & Astrop

    Cosmological models in scalar tensor theories of gravity and observations: a class of general solutions

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    We consider cosmological models in scalar tensor theories of gravity that describe an accelerating universe, and we study a family of inverse power law potentials, for which exact solutions of the Einstein equations are known. We also compare theoretical predictions of our models with observations. For this we use the following data: the publicly available catalogs of type Ia supernovae and high redshift Gamma Ray Bursts, the parameters of large scale structure determined by the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS), and measurements of cosmological distances based on the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, among others.Comment: 26 pages,23 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Exponential Potentials for Tracker Fields

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    We show that a general, exact cosmological solution, where dynamics of scalar field is assigned by an exponential potential, fulfils all the issues of dark energy approach, both from a theoretical point of view and in comparison with available observational data. Moreover, tracking conditions are discussed, with a new treatment of the well known condition Γ>1\Gamma>1. We prove that the currently used expression for Γ\Gamma is wrong.Comment: 29 pages,12 figures; contact [email protected]; revised version, to appear in Physical Review
