784 research outputs found

    The 13 years of TRMM Lightning Imaging Sensor: From Individual Flash Characteristics to Decadal Tendencies

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    How often lightning strikes the Earth has been the object of interest and research for decades. Several authors estimated different global flash rates using ground-based instruments, but it has been the satellite era that enabled us to monitor lightning thunderstorm activity on the time and place that lightning exactly occurs. Launched into space as a component of NASA s Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite, in November 1997, the Lighting Imaging Sensor (LIS) is still operating. LIS detects total lightning (i.e., intracloud and cloud-to-ground) from space in a low-earth orbit (35deg orbit). LIS has collected lightning measurements for 13 years (1998-2010) and here we present a fully revised and current total lightning climatology over the tropics. Our analysis includes the individual flash characteristics (number of events and groups, total radiance, area footprint, etc.), composite climatological maps, and trends for the observed total lightning during these 13 years. We have identified differences in the energetics of the flashes and/or the optical scattering properties of the storms cells due to cell-relative variations in microphysics and kinematics (i.e., convective or stratiform rainfall). On the climatological total lightning maps we found a dependency on the scale of analysis (resolution) in identifying the lightning maximums in the tropics. The analysis of total lightning trends observed by LIS from 1998 to 2010 in different temporal (annual and seasonal) and spatial (large and regional) scales, showed no systematic trends in the median to lower-end of the distributions, but most places in the tropics presented a decrease in the highest total lightning flash rates (higher-end of the distributions)

    A Magnetic Transition Probed by the Ce Ion in Square-Lattice Antiferromagnet CeMnAsO

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    We examined the magnetic properties of the square-lattice antiferromagnets CeMnAsO and LaMnAsO and their solid solutions La1-xCexMnAsO by resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and heat capacity measurements below room temperature. A first-order phase transition is observed at 34.1 K, below which the ground-state doublet of the Ce ion splits by 3.53 meV. It is likely that Mn moments already ordered above room temperature are reoriented at the transition, as reported for related compounds, such as NdMnAsO and PrMnSbO. This transition generates a large internal magnetic field at the Ce site in spite of the fact that simple Heisenberg interactions should be cancelled out at the Ce site owing to geometrical frustration. The transition takes place at nearly the same temperature with the substitution of La for Ce up to 90%. The Ce moment does not undergo long-range order by itself, but is parasitically induced at the transition, serving as a good probe for detecting the magnetism of Mn spins in a square lattice.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Euclidean Approach to the Entropy for a Scalar Field in Rindler-like Space-Times

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    The off-shell entropy for a massless scalar field in a D-dimensional Rindler-like space-time is investigated within the conical Euclidean approach in the manifold C_\be\times\M^N, C_\be being the 2-dimensional cone, making use of the zeta-function regularisation. Due to the presence of conical singularities, it is shown that the relation between the zeta-function and the heat kernel is non trivial and, as first pointed out by Cheeger, requires a separation between small and large eigenvalues of the Laplace operator. As a consequence, in the massless case, the (naive) non existence of the Mellin transform is by-passed by the Cheeger's analytical continuation of the zeta-function on manifold with conical singularities. Furthermore, the continuous spectrum leads to the introduction of smeared traces. In general, it is pointed out that the presence of the divergences may depend on the smearing function and they arise in removing the smearing cutoff. With a simple choice of the smearing function, horizon divergences in the thermodynamical quantities are recovered and these are similar to the divergences found by means of off-shell methods like the brick wall model, the optical conformal transformation techniques or the canonical path integral method.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex. A sign error corrected and few comments adde

    Quantum Fields in Hyperbolic Space-Times with Finite Spatial Volume

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    The one-loop effective action for a massive self-interacting scalar field is investigated in 44-dimensional ultrastatic space-time R×H3/Γ R \times H^3/\Gamma, H3/ΓH^3/\Gamma being a non-compact hyperbolic manifold with finite volume. Making use of the Selberg trace formula, the ζ\zeta-function related to the small disturbance operator is constructed. For an arbitrary gravitational coupling, it is found that ζ(s)\zeta(s) has a simple pole at s=0s=0. The one-loop effective action is analysed by means of proper-time regularisations and the one-loop divergences are explicitly found. It is pointed out that, in this special case, also ζ\zeta-function regularisation requires a divergent counterterm, which however is not necessary in the free massless conformal invariant coupling case. Finite temperature effects are studied and the high-temperature expansion is presented. A possible application to the problem of the divergences of the entanglement entropy for a free massless scalar field in a Rindler-like space-time is briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex. The contribution of hyperbolic elements has been added. Other minor corrections and reference

    Satellite Proving Ground for the GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM)

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    The key mission of the Satellite Proving Ground is to demonstrate new satellite observing data, products and capabilities in the operational environment to be ready on Day 1 to use the GOES-R suite of measurements. Algorithms, tools, and techniques must be tested, validated, and assessed by end users for their utility before they are finalized and incorporated into forecast operations. The GOES-R Proving Ground for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) focuses on evaluating how the infusion of the new technology, algorithms, decision aids, or tailored products integrate with other available tools (weather radar and ground strike networks; nowcasting systems, mesoscale analysis, and numerical weather prediction models) in the hands of the forecaster responsible for issuing forecasts and warning products. Additionally, the testing concept fosters operation and development staff interactions which will improve training materials and support documentation development. Real-time proxy total lightning data from regional VHF lightning mapping arrays (LMA) in Northern Alabama, Central Oklahoma, Cape Canaveral Florida, and the Washington, DC Greater Metropolitan Area are the cornerstone for the GLM Proving Ground. The proxy data will simulate the 8 km Event, Group and Flash data that will be generated by GLM. Tailored products such as total flash density at 1-2 minute intervals will be provided for display in AWIPS-2 to select NWS forecast offices and national centers such as the Storm Prediction Center. Additional temporal / spatial combinations are being investigated in coordination with operational needs and case-study proxy data and prototype visualizations may also be generated from the NASA heritage Lightning Imaging Sensor and Optical Transient Detector data. End users will provide feedback on the utility of products in their operational environment, identify use cases and spatial/temporal scales of interest, and provide feedback to the developers for adjusted or new products

    Hormonal Signal Amplification Mediates Environmental Conditions during Development and Controls an Irreversible Commitment to Adulthood

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    Many animals can choose between different developmental fates to maximize fitness. Despite the complexity of environmental cues and life history, different developmental fates are executed in a robust fashion. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans serves as a powerful model to examine this phenomenon because it can adopt one of two developmental fates (adulthood or diapause) depending on environmental conditions. The steroid hormone dafachronic acid (DA) directs development to adulthood by regulating the transcriptional activity of the nuclear hormone receptor DAF-12. The known role of DA suggests that it may be the molecular mediator of environmental condition effects on the developmental fate decision, although the mechanism is yet unknown. We used a combination of physiological and molecular biology techniques to demonstrate that commitment to reproductive adult development occurs when DA levels, produced in the neuroendocrine XXX cells, exceed a threshold. Furthermore, imaging and cell ablation experiments demonstrate that the XXX cells act as a source of DA, which, upon commitment to adult development, is amplified and propagated in the epidermis in a DAF-12 dependent manner. This positive feedback loop increases DA levels and drives adult programs in the gonad and epidermis, thus conferring the irreversibility of the decision. We show that the positive feedback loop canalizes development by ensuring that sufficient amounts of DA are dispersed throughout the body and serves as a robust fate-locking mechanism to enforce an organism-wide binary decision, despite noisy and complex environmental cues. These mechanisms are not only relevant to C. elegans but may be extended to other hormonal-based decision-making mechanisms in insects and mammals

    Eerste evaluatie Jeugdwet:Na de transitie nu de transformatie

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    Vanaf 1 Januari 2015 is de Jeugdwet van kracht1. Het doel van de Jeugdwet wordt als volgt omschreven: “Het doel …. is om het jeugdstelsel te vereenvoudigen en het efficiënter en effectiever te maken, met het uiteindelijke doel het versterken van de eigen kracht van de jongere en van het zorgend en probleemoplossend vermogen van diens gezien en sociale omgeving”2. Daarvoor is een transformatie nodig in de hulp die aan gezinnen wordt geboden, meer gericht op preventie, het bieden van juiste, integrale, hulp op maat voor gezinnen, waarbij wordt uitgegaan van de eigen kracht van gezinnen en hun sociale omgeving en er meer ruimte is voor professionals door vermindering van de regeldruk. De bestuurlijke en financiële randvoorwaarde om dit te realiseren is de decentralisatie van alle vormen van jeugdhulp naar de gemeente, zo wordt in de memorie van toelichting gesteld 3. De Jeugdwet heeft daarnaast ook nog als doel om ieder kind te verzekeren van de bescherming en zorg die nodig zijn voor zijn of haar welzijn en toegang tot voorzieningen voor gezondheidszorg (art. 3 en 24 Internationaal verdrag inzake de rechten van het kind). Zelfs uit deze compacte beschrijving wordt al duidelijk dat de doelen van de Jeugdwet ambitieus en ook divers zijn en de ingezette veranderingen complex, met als dominante element de decentralisatie van alle vormen van jeugdhulp naar de gemeente. Artikel 12.2 van de Jeugdwet bepaalt dat binnen drie jaar na de inwerkingtreding van de wet aan de Staten-Generaal een verslag wordt gezonden over de doeltreffendheid en de effecten van deze wet in de praktijk. In een motie in de Kamer is vastgesteld dat het hierbij om een tussenevaluatie gaat. Dit verslag ligt voor u. In dit inleidende hoofdstuk gaan we, op hoofdlijnen, in op het domein waarop de Jeugdwet betrekking heeft, op de doelen van de Jeugdwet en op de assumpties achter de Jeugdwet: Wat zijn de verwachtingen van de wetgever over de werking van de Jeugdwet en de daarmee gepaard gaande decentralisatie en hoe dragen deze bij aan de gestelde doelen? Dit hoofdstuk wordt afgesloten met een beschrijving van de opzet van deze evaluatie. (aut. ref.

    A prospective study of serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-II, IGF-binding protein-3 and breast cancer risk.

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    The associations between serum concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-II and IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP)-3 and risk of breast cancer were investigated in a nested case-control study involving 117 cases (70 premenopausal and 47 postmenopausal at blood collection) and 350 matched controls within a cohort of women from the island of Guernsey, UK. Women using exogenous hormones at the time of blood collection were excluded. Premenopausal women in the top vs bottom third of serum IGF-I concentration had a nonsignificantly increased risk for breast cancer after adjustment for IGFBP-3 (odds ratio (OR) 1.71; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.74-3.95; test for linear trend, P=0.21). Serum IGFBP-3 was associated with a reduction in risk in premenopausal women after adjustment for IGF-I (top third vs the bottom third: OR 0.49; 95% CI: 0.21-1.12, P for trend=0.07). Neither IGF-I nor IGFBP-3 was associated with risk in postmenopausal women and serum IGF-II concentration was not associated with risk in pre- or postmenopausal women. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that premenopausal women with a relatively high circulating concentration of IGF-I and low IGFBP-3 are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer