222 research outputs found

    La resiliencia en estudiantes con Déficit Atencional por Hiperactividad.

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    El presente artículo corresponde a una síntesis de la investigación para optar al grado de doctor en educación que tuvo por objetivo analizar estrategias que favorecen la promoción de la personalidad resiliente, a través de la implementación de un programa de intervención en estudiantes con de Déficit Atencional por Hiperactividad (TDAH) de Enseñanza General Básica y que participaron de un proyecto de servicio local denominado Proyecto Ángel en la comuna de Temuco, región de La Araucanía, Chile. El estudio fue de carácter descriptivo y se enmarcó en un paradigma interpretativo, con una metodología mixta y abordado desde la investigación acción. La información fue recogida por medio de la observación participante, de la entrevista, um grupo de discusión y una escala de likert. Los principales resultados indican que las características de las estrategias que promocionan la personalidad resiliente, hacen referencia al fortalecimiento de la autoestima en el trabajo que se genera junto a otros, y la construcción de la identidad personal a través del desarrollo de las destrezas comunicativas y la expresión de sus emociones

    Crecimiento de renuevos y expansión de copas en claros del dosel de bosques de Nothofagus pumilio (lenga) en Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina

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    In the province of Chubut in Patagonia, Argentina, Nothofagus pumilio forests (locally known as lenga), are managed through selective cuts, which imply the opening of canopy gaps. This management scheme is carried out without taking into consideration the sapling requirements changes through neither a cutting cycle nor the precipitation gradient in which these forests thrive. To analyze these changes, we inferred the facilitation-competition balance between the canopy and regeneration studying the effects of precipitation levels, gap size and gap age on saplings growth in height on 45 canopy gaps artificially created between 1960 and 1993. Results shown that during the first 20 years since the gap opening, the regeneration growth is determined by light availability in mesic sites and by water availability in dry sites. However, the difference due to the precipitation levels gradually decreases over time. Moreover, in the period between 20 and 35 years after gap opening, in both mesic and xeric sites, light is the limiting factor to growth. This means that in xeric sites, saplings shift from a water-dependent to a light-dependent growth. The average closing rate of gaps due to lateral growth of trees bordering the gap is high enough so that within the proposed gap size range, the gap healing can occur before regeneration reaches the upper stratum. Consequently, in mesic sites the gap opening can be done by a single operation that generates gaps with diameters of approximately twice the average height of the canopy (D/H). While in xeric environments, lenga seedling establishment and initial growth require the cover of small gaps, but advanced regeneration requires bigger gaps to reach the canopy. For this reason, gaps should be opened in two stages: the first gaps should be opened with a D/H between 0.8 and 1, and after a cutting cycle of 35 years, these openings should be enlarged to a D/H between 1.5 and 2. The close relationship is maintained between the new cohort and the upper strata require special considerations regarding the evolution of the balance between positive and negative interactions during development. Our work highlights the need to adjust management practices to these spatial and temporal variations so as to achieve an optimal growth along the entire production cycle.En la provincia del Chubut, Patagonia Argentina, los bosques de Nothofagus pumilio (lenga) son manejados mediante cortas de selección, que implican la apertura de claros en el dosel. Este esquema de manejo es implementado sin tener en cuenta los requerimientos de los renuevos a lo largo de todo el ciclo de cortas ni el gradiente de precipitaciones presente en su distribución. Para analizar estos aspectos estimamos el balance facilitación-competencia entre el dosel y la regeneración, considerando los efectos de los niveles de precipitación, el tamaño de los claros y la antigüedad de los mismos, en 45 claros creados artificialmente entre los años 1960 y 1993. Los resultados muestran que durante los primeros 20 años desde la apertura del claro, el crecimiento de la regeneración está determinado por la disponibilidad de luz en los sitios mésicos y por la disponibilidad de agua en los sitios xéricos. Sin embargo, la diferencias entre los distintos niveles de precipitación decrece gradualmente a lo largo del tiempo y entre los 20 a 35 años luego de la apertura de los claros, tanto en los sitios mésicos como xéricos el factor limitante es la luz. Esto implica que en los sitios xéricos el crecimiento de los renuevos pasa de ser dependiente del agua a dependiente de la luz. Por otro lado, la tasa de cierre de los claros debida al crecimiento lateral de la copa de los árboles límite es lo suficientemente grande como para que pueda ocurrir el cierre antes de que los renuevos alcancen el estrato superior. Por lo tanto, en los sitios mésicos la apertura de los claros puede realizarse en una única operación que genere claros con un diámetro de aproximadamente el doble de la altura dominante del bosque (D/H ≈ 2). Por el contrario, en los sitios xéricos, el establecimiento y crecimiento inicial de los renuevos requiere la apertura de claros pequeños (D/H entre 0,8 y 1) que luego deberán ser ampliados para maximizar el crecimiento avanzado (D/H entre 1,5 y 2). La estrecha relación entre la regeneración y el dosel del bosque requiere la consideración de los posibles cambios en el balance entre los apsectos positivos y negativos de la misma a lo largo de todo su desarrollo. Nuestro trabajo resalta la necesidad de ajustar las prácticas de manejo a estas variaciones espaciales y temporales para alcanzar un desarrollo óptimo a lo largo del todo el ciclo productivo

    Distance to flood meadows as a predictor of use of Nothofagus pumilio forest by livestock and resulting impact, in Patagonia, Argentina

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    Seedling browsing by livestock has been indicated as major threat for forest sustainability use. Nothofagus pumilio forests are part of the livestock raising system in Patagonia, but because of the sparse understory cover, livestock graze mainly on flood meadows within the forest matrix. The complexity of the environment under study (forests and flood meadows) means that an adaptive predictor is needed to evaluate the intensity of resource use by livestock in order to assess its effect on the forest. Distance to flood meadows was evaluated as a predictor of the use intensity of the forest by livestock and its effect on the understory. The study was conducted at three sites in Chubut Province, Patagonia-Argentina. We established transects in the forest 320 m long, starting at the edge flood meadow-forest. In these transects, the livestock presence indicators (soil compaction, density of feces and trails) and composition of the understory were evaluated. Generalized Linear Model for repeated measures for longitudinal data were used. The indicators showed that distance is efficient for estimating forest use intensity by livestock. The understory varied with distance, the cover of exotic herbaceous was higher near the flood meadow. Far from the flood meadow, the cover was entirely composited of native species. The results support the use of distance to flood meadows as a tool for decision making in livestock and forest management in N. pumilio forests, and for further research on livestock effect on the forest.Fil: Quinteros, Claudia Pamela. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lopez Bernal, Pablo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; Argentina. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Gobbi, Miriam E.. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bava, Jose Omar. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; Argentina. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Development of a mechanism and an accurate and simple mathematical model for the description of drug release: Application to a relevant example of acetazolamide-controlled release from a bio-inspired elastin-based hydrogel

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    Producción CientíficaTransversality between mathematical modeling, pharmacology, and materials science is essential in order to achieve controlled-release systems with advanced properties. In this regard, the area of biomaterials provides a platform for the development of depots that are able to achieve controlled release of a drug, whereas pharmacology strives to find new therapeutic molecules and mathematical models have a connecting function, providing a rational understanding by modeling the parameters that influence the release observed. Herein we present a mechanism which, based on reasonable assumptions, explains the experimental data obtained very well. In addition, we have developed a simple and accurate “lumped” kinetics model to correctly fit the experimentally observed drug release behavior. This lumped model allows us to have simple analytic solutions for the mass and rate of drug release as a function of time without limitations of time or mass of drug released, which represents an important step-forward in the area of in vitro drug delivery when compared to the current state of the art in mathematical modeling. As an example, we applied the mechanism and model to the release data for acetazolamide from a recombinant polymer. Both materials were selected because of a need to develop a suitable ophthalmic formulation for the treatment of glaucoma. The in vitro release model proposed herein provides a valuable predictive tool for ensuring product performance and batch-to-batch reproducibility, thus paving the way for the development of further pharmaceutical devices.Este trabajo forma parte de los Proyectos de Investigación financiados por la Comisión Europea a través del Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) y de la Consejería de Educación mediante el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF), el MINECO (Proyectos MAT2013-41723-R, MAT2013-42473-R, PRI−PIBAR-2011-1403 y MAT2012-38043), la Junta de Castilla y León (Proyectos VA155A12, VA152A12, and VA244U13), el CIBER-BBN y el Instituto de Salud Carlos III mediante el Centro de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y León

    Antibacterial suture vs silk for the surgical removal of impacted lower third molars. A randomized clinical study

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical and microbiological impact of an antibacterial suture (Monocryl® Plus) in the surgical removal of I3M. Material and Methods: A "split-mouth", prospective pilot clinical study was designed involving 20 patients programmed for the surgical removal of I3M. Each side was randomly sutured with Monocryl® Plus or silk suture and removed for microbiological study 72 hours and 7 days after surgery. Presence of SSI, wound bleeding and the degree of discomfort associated with each type of suture material (scored by means of a visual analog scale) were evaluated. The level of contamination of each material was observed under the scanning electron microscope. Results: Wound bleeding upon suture removing was slightly greater after 72 hours and 7 days with black silk suture, though the differences were not statistically significant (p=0.752 and p=0.113, respectively). Patient discomfort was very similar with both types of suture material (p=0.861). Only one case of SSI was recorded with black silk suture after 72 hours. Microbiologically, the antibacterial suture showed a lesser presence of microorganisms (p<0.001, at 72h and p=0.033 at 7th day, respectively). The most common bacterial species included grampositive cocci (Streptococcus viridans group, Neisseria spp., Coagulasenegative Staphylococcus and Peptostreptococcus), gramnegative cocci (Veillonella), grampositive Bacilli (Lactobacillus), and gramnegative Bacilli (Prevotella). Conclusions: The greatest antibacterial effect of Monocryl Plus suture was observed after 72 hours. According to most authors, there is no doubt that this antibacterial suture can provide little safety in the control of SSI

    Trypanosomatid infections among vertebrates of Chile: a systematic review

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    We present a review on the natural infection by trypanosomatids of nonhuman vertebrates in Chile, aiming to synthesize and update the knowledge on the diversity of trypanosomatids infecting native and alien vertebrate species. To this end, we conducted a systematic review of literature records published from 1900 to April 2020 on four databases, focusing on the 21 genera of trypanosomatids and Chile. The methods and findings of our review have been based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (prisma) checklist. We found 29,756 records but only 71 presented relevant information for this review. Overall, there are only two reported trypanosomatid genera infecting vertebrate species in Chile, the genera Trypanosoma and Leishmania. The former is mostly represented by Trypanosoma cruzi (90% of the total records) and to a much lesser extent by Trypanosoma avium, Trypanosoma humboldti, Trypanosoma lewisi, and a couple of unidentified trypanosomatids. A total of 25 mammals have been reported as being infected by T. cruzi, including 14 native and 11 alien species from Orders Artiodactyla, Carnivora, Chiroptera, Didelphimorphia, Lagomorpha, Perissodactyla, and Rodentia. Extensive screening studies using new analytical tools are necessary to grasp the whole potential diversity of trypanosomatid species infecting vertebrates in Chile

    Phononic bandgap optimization in sandwich panels using cellular truss cores

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    The development of custom cellular materials has been driven by recent advances in additive manufacturing and structural topological optimization. These contemporary materials with complex topologies have better structural efficiency than traditional materials. Particularly, truss-like cellular structures exhibit considerable potential for application in lightweight structures owing to their excellent strength-to-mass ratio. Along with being light, these materials can exhibit unprecedented vibration properties, such as the phononic bandgap, which prohibits the propagation of mechanical waves over certain frequency ranges. Consequently, they have been extensively investigated over the last few years, being the cores for sandwich panels among the most important potential applications of lattice-based cellular structures. This study aims to develop a methodology for optimizing the topology of sandwich panels using cellular truss cores for bandgap maximization. In particular, a methodology is developed for designing lightweight composite panels with vibration absorption properties, which would bring significant benefits in applications such as satellites, spacecraft, aircraft, ships, automobiles, etc. The phononic bandgap of a periodic sandwich structure with a square core topology is maximized by varying the material and the geometrical properties of the core under different configurations. The proposed optimization methodology considers smooth approximations of the objective function to avoid non-differentiability problems and implements an optimization approach based on the globally convergent method of moving asymptotes. The results show that it is feasible to design a sandwich panel using a cellular core with large phononic bandgaps

    Estudio por métodos indirectos de la relación reflectividad-cantidad de lluvia para Buenos Aires

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    La observación de la variable lluvia adolece de serios defectos. Uno de los más serios es la escasa densidad de las redes convencionales. Para subsanar este problema se recurre a métodos indirectos de medición. El más eficaz es el que relaciona la lluvia R con la reflectividad Z del sistema precipitante que le dio origen por medio de la clásica ecuación Z= qRb. En este trabajo se estudia esa relación con una muestra formada por espectros de gotas de lluvia natural en Buenos Aires. Los valores de los coeficientes de correlación obtenidos (superiores a 0.8) muestran un buen ajuste entre Z y R con una ley potencial.Observation of rain variable present grave defects. The most serious one is the poor density of conventional networks. In order to solve this problem indirect methods of measurement are applied. The most efficient is the method that relates rain R with reflectivity Z of the rainfall system which gave origin to it through the classic equation Z= aRb. In this paper is studied by means of a sample formed by spectra of rain drops in Buenos Aires. The values of the correlation coefficient obtained (beyond 0.8) fit into an adequate adjustment between Z and R with a potential law.Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodesta

    Impact of growth conditions on the domain nucleation and domain wall propagation in Pt/Co/Pt stacks

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    Understanding the effect of fabrication conditions on domain wall (DW) motion in thin films with perpendicular magnetization is a mandatory issue in order to tune their properties aiming to design spintronics devices based on such phenomenon. In this context, the present work intends to show how different growth conditions may affect DW motion in the prototypical system Pt/Co/Pt. The trilayers were deposited by dc sputtering, and the parameters varied in this study were the Co thickness, the substrate roughness and the base pressure in the deposition chamber. Magneto-optical Kerr effect-based magnetometry and microscopy combined with x-ray reflectometry, atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy were adopted as experimental techniques. This permitted us to elucidate the impact on the hysteresis loops and on the DW dynamics, produced by different growth conditions. As other authors, we found that Co thickness is strongly determinant for both the coercive field and the DW velocity. On the contrary, the topographic roughness of the substrate and the base pressure of the deposition chamber evidence a selective impact on the nucleation of magnetic domains and on DW propagation, respectively, providing a tool to tune these properties. </p