19 research outputs found

    Financing services in Kenya small towns

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    Financing services in Kenya small town

    Marketing study

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    The findings are presented of a marketing survey conducted in the lake Victoria region. The research concentrated on consumers, trader /processors serving local markets, industrial processors serving mainly international markets, and fishers. The market for fish from Lake Victoria is traced from the consumer to the producer, including as many components of the chain as possible. The components are dealt with in individual sections which comprise a profile of a typical consumer/trader-processor/industrial processor /fisher, a list of survey sites, a map showing locations, a note on potential biases within the individual survey, a list of hypotheses or study topics for all surveys except for that of industrial processors, detailed analyses and also the pertinent questionnaire

    Antimicrobial, cytotoxicity and preliminary phytochemical determination of commonly used medicinal plants to treat oral cavity, urinary tract and gut infections by inhabitants of Borabu sub-county, Nyamira County, Kenya

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    Aims: The study aimed at determining the antimicrobial activities and cytotoxicity properties of medicinal plants collected from southwestern Kenya. Methods and results: A total of 23 ethanol extracts of selected medicinal plants were bio-assayed against Gram-negative bacterial strains (Escherichia coli NU14, Helicobacter pylori ATCC 700824, and Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277). Cytotoxicity tests were also carried out on mammalian cell lines (AGS, KB, and TR146). Preliminary type of phytochemical compounds present in the extracts was determined by thin-layer chromatography. Cassia didymobotrya plant extract (1 mg/mL) had strong antimicrobial activity against P. gingivalis (average zone of inhibition of 21.70 ± 0.88 mm, MIC 0.13 ± 0.00 mg/mL and MBC 0.50 ± 0.00 mg/mL). E. coli was resistant to all the extracts bioassayed. Leonotis nepetifolia (15.80 ± 0.20 mm) and Clerodendrum myriacoides (14.20 ± 0.44 mm) showed only moderate activity against H. pylori. Cell cytotoxicity results indicated a dose-dependent response against KB, TR146 and AGS cell lines with C. didymobotrya having IC50 values of 47.64 and 704.00 µg/mL on KB and TR146 cell lines, respectively. L. nepetifolia and C. myriacoides did produce IC50 of 0.1883 mg/mL and 0.1061 mg/mL against the AGS cell line respectively. Conclusion, significance and impact of the study: Most of the extracts had no or weak activity against test isolates, but C. didymobotrya leaves extracts showed strong activity against P. gingivalis. C. didymobotrya can offer alternative medicare to P. gingivalis conditions

    Bovine tuberculosis in east Africa

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    The zoonotic Mycobacterium bovis is a pathogen of significance in the dairy industry in many parts of the world. Although the pathogen primarily affects cattle, it has a wide host range including humans. A cross-sectional study was carried out in three agro-ecological zones of Tanzania, namely the southern highlands zone (SHZ), eastern zone (EZ) and northern zone (NZ), to examine the status of the disease in cattle, in order to inform control measures. A total of 391, 169 and 401 cattle were tested for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in the SHZ, EZ and NZ respectively using the Single Intradermal Comparative Cervical Tuberculin Test (SICTT). Results showed that the prevalence of bTB was higher (P<0.05) in EZ 2.37% (n = 169) compared to SHZ 1.3% (n=391) and NZ, where no positive result was recorded (n = 401). Thirty three cattle from SHZ and seven from EZ showed inconclusive results. In Kenya, 625 cattle from four sites within agro-pastoral and pastoral production systems were tested. In one area of Mwingi County, eastern Kenya, all the 161 cattle tested negative; while in the other three sites of Migori, in Nyanza, West Pokot and Laikipia in the Rift Valley, prevalence of 4-6% was obtained with SICTT. Bovine TB occurs in the region and may pose a public health threat through occupational activities and/or consumption of animal products, especially since no obvious clinical signs were observed in positive animals. Policy issues on how to deal with positive cases, creation of awareness on this important zoonotic disease, and a simple test to quickly identify sick animals in the field require urgent attention.La bact\ue9rie zoonotique Mycobacterium bovis est un agent pathog\ue8ne d\u2019importance dans l\u2019industrie laiti\ue8re partout dans le monde entier. Bien que l\u2019agent pathog\ue8ne affecte essentiellement les bovins, il peut infecter une large range d\u2019h\uf4tes l\u2019homme y compris. Une \ue9tude transversale a \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9alis\ue9e dans trois zones agro-\ue9cologiques de la Tanzanie, notamment la zone Sud (SHZ), la zone Est (EZ) et la zone Nord (NZ), afin d\u2019examiner la pr\ue9valence de cette maladie chez les bovins, en vue de d\ue9finir des mesures pour son contr\uf4le. Au total, 391, 169 et 401 bovins ont \ue9t\ue9 testes pour la tuberculose bovine (bTB) respectivement dans le SHZ, EZ et NZ. Le test Intradermique Comparatif a la Tuberculine Cervicale (SICTT). Les r\ue9sultats ont montr\ue9 que la pr\ue9valence de bTB \ue9tait \ue9lev\ue9e (p<0.05) en EZ 2.37% (n = 169) comparativement \ue0 SHZ 1.3% (n=391) et NZ, ou aucun cas positif n\u2019a \ue9t\ue9 enregistre (n = 401). Trente-trois bovins de SHZ et 7 de EZ ont montre des r\ue9sultats non conclusifs. Au Kenya, 625 bovins provenant de quatre sites au sein des syst\ue8mes de production agro-pastorale et pastorale ont \ue9t\ue9 testes. Dans une zone de Mwingi a l\u2019Est du Kenya, tous les 161 bovins ont \ue9t\ue9 testes n\ue9gative; tandis que dans les trois autres sites de Migori, en Nyanza, West Pokot et Laikipia dans la vall\ue9e du Rift, la pr\ue9valence \ue9tait de 4-6% avec le test SICTT. La tuberculose bovine est pr\ue9sent\ue9 dans la r\ue9gion et peut engendrer des menaces de sante publique au travers des activit\ue9s d\u2019\ue9levage et la consommation de viandes infect\ue9es, surtout qu\u2019aucun signe Clinique \ue9vident n\u2019a \ue9t\ue9 observe chez les animaux d\ue9pist\ue9s positifs. Il est important et urgent de d\ue9finir des mesures de gestion des cas positifs, de sensibiliser les populations sur les risques probables et de rendre disponibles des kits de tests rapides permettant d\u2019identifier \ue0 temps les animaux atteints

    SEDAWOG, 2000. Fisheries co-management options at Kiumba Beach: a participatory pilot study

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    This report represents the key output of a training workshop hosted by Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project (LVFRP) for researchers from each of the riparian countries fisheries research institutes. The workshop aimed to train the researchers in participatory research techniques which they could use to undertake a study of community-based institutions and organizations which could potentially be involved in fisheries co-management. A central focus of the workshop was a study to identify the community-based organizations and institutions, which operated at Kiumba beach, and this study is reported here. Separate reports, which include operated at Kiumba beach and this study is reported here. Separate reports, which include details of the training process and the participatory methods used, are available (Sarch 1995, 2000). The report centers on the information generated from the participatory pilot study conducted by the workshop participants and the community at Kiumba Beach over the course of a week in March 2000. Ranges of participatory research techniques were used and the discussion and diagrams, which resulted from them, form the basis of this report. The workshop participants undertook a preliminary analysis of these findings and this has been synthesized at the end of this report. (PDF contains 55 pages

    Antimicrobial Evaluation of the Methanol Bark Extracts of Plumbago Dawei Rolfe, A Local Spp. Used By the Samburu Community, Wamba, Samburu District, Kenya for The Treatment Of Diarrheal Ailments

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    Aims: The Samburu are a marginalized nomadic people in Kenya who have no access to conventional medical services thus they mainly depend on the medicinal plants for most of their medicare. Antimicrobial activity of the commonly used medicinal plant (Plumbago dawei Rolfe.) by the Samburu community was investigated to verify claims by locals of its medicinal properties. Methodology and results: The antimicrobial bioassays of the methanol extracts of P. dawei Rolfe was carried out by the disc diffusion method against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 20591, Bacillus subtilis local isolate, Salmonella typhi ATCC 2202, Escherichia coli STD-25922 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 25852. By use of the micro dilution method MICs and MBCs were also determined. Preliminary phytochemical screening was done on the extracts. The methanol extracts were highly active against all the test strains. The inhibitory zones ranged from 16-25.66 mm. The zones of inhibition were not significantly different except for the E. coli (16.33 mm) at p< 0.05. The extract showed strong MIC and MBC against S. typhi, S. aureus, E. coli and P. aeruginosa (MIC = 9.38 mg/mL and MBC = 9.38mg/mL). Thus the extract was more of bactericidal than bacteriostatic in most test strains. Preliminary phytochemistry revealed presence of flavonoids, tannins and cardiac glycosides. Conclusion significance and impact of study: The data suggests that methanolic extracts of P. dawei could be a rich source of antimicrobial agents. These results give scientific backing for the use of the P. dawei Rolfe, barks by the Samburu in the treatment of conditions associated with diarrhea and other associated infections caused by the test organisms

    The social demographic factors associated with trachoma infection among children aged 1-9 years in Kapenguria Sub County in West Pokot County; Kenya

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    Background: Trachoma is the commonest source of transmittable blindness in Kenya. The incidence is highest in populations living in areas that&nbsp; are; hot, dry, and dusty. Besides access to; clean, safe water and proper sanitation, social and demographic are known to influence both disease transmissibility and prevention.Objectives: To establish the social and demographic factors associated with trachoma infection in children.Setting: Kapenguria Sub-County of West Pokot County, Kenya.Design: A community survey of parents/guardians of children aged 1-9 years.Materials and methods: The respondents who fulfilled entry criteria were assessed. Proforma questionnaires were used to collect data on age, gender, level of education, and income sources, accessibility to portable water, keeping animals within the homestead, and common symptoms of the eye; redness, irritation, and discharge. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the results presented by the use of prose, graphs, and tables.Results: The study was evaluated for 297 children. The findings revealed age (r = -0.164, p=0.003), gender, level of formal education (r=-0.908, p=0.000), and income sources are contributing factors to trachoma infections. Inaccessibility to portable water sources and keeping animals were other factors. Eye redness was the most common symptom.Conclusions and Recommendations: The survey showed that most of the children were suffering from trachoma. Associated factors to trachoma infection were age, gender, level of education, availability of water, and level of income. The study recommends that affected communities be empowered on trachoma risk factors through capacity building to enhance prevention and control of trachoma. Key Words: Social Demographic Factors, Trachoma Infection, Water Accessibility, Hygiene Practices&nbsp

    Habitação de interesse social e as legislações municipais da região metropolitana de Campinas

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    O presente artigo é resultado da análise de Planos Diretores Participativos, desenvolvidos entre 2001 e 2008, pelos municípios da Região Metropolitana de Campinas. No decorrer da análise dos Planos Diretores, mostrou-se pertinente a inclusão de legislação complementar que tratasse do parcelamento, uso e ocupação do solo dos municípios, assim como de seus Planos Habitacionais. No total, foram analisados de mais de cinquenta leis e planos. O artigo apresenta a fragilidade da legislação urbanística ao lidar com os instrumentos urbanísticos previstos pelo Estatuto da Cidade e que deveriam, ao menos sob o ponto de vista jurídico, atuar na efetivação do princípio constitucional da função social da propriedade. Adotou-se um método comparativo entre municípios possibilitando a identificação da forma como foram tratadas as questões relativas ao macrozoneamento, gestão, parcelamento, sistema de espaços livres, habitação de interesse social e instrumentos urbanísticos, de modo a inferir o quanto o referido princípio constitucional foi incorporado nas legislações municipais. Os resultados obtidos colaboram na compreensão de entraves encontrados no atendimento às demandas de Habitação de Interesse Social, assim como, na elaboração de ações concretas que visem a qualificação do Sistema de Espaços Livres de edificação

    Dynamic and adaptive cancer stem cell population admixture in colorectal neoplasia

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    Intestinal homeostasis is underpinned by LGR5+ve crypt-base columnar stem cells (CBCs), but following injury, dedifferentiation results in the emergence of LGR5−ve regenerative stem cell populations (RSCs), characterized by fetal transcriptional profiles. Neoplasia hijacks regenerative signaling, so we assessed the distribution of CBCs and RSCs in mouse and human intestinal tumors. Using combined molecular-morphological analysis, we demonstrate variable expression of stem cell markers across a range of lesions. The degree of CBC-RSC admixture was associated with both epithelial mutation and microenvironmental signaling disruption and could be mapped across disease molecular subtypes. The CBC-RSC equilibrium was adaptive, with a dynamic response to acute selective pressure, and adaptability was associated with chemoresistance. We propose a fitness landscape model where individual tumors have equilibrated stem cell population distributions along a CBC-RSC phenotypic axis. Cellular plasticity is represented by position shift along this axis and is influenced by cell-intrinsic, extrinsic, and therapeutic selective pressures