1,095 research outputs found

    Dexamethasone and RU24858 induce survival and growth factor receptor bound protein 2, leukotriene B4 receptor 1 and annexin-1 expression in primary human neutrophils

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    Glucocorticoids are widely used anti-inflammatory medication in diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Glucocorticoids can either activate (transactivation) or inhibit (transrepression) transcription. RU24858 was introduced as a dissociated glucocorticoid and it has been reported to transrepress but not to transactivate. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of RU24858 and dexamethasone in human neutrophils. RU24858 delayed spontaneous neutrophil apoptosis and further enhanced GM-CSF- induced neutrophil survival to a similar extent as dexamethasone. Like dexamethasone RU24858 also reduced CXCL8 and MIP-1α. Unexpectedly however, RU24858 increased the expression of the glucocorticoid-inducible genes BLT-1, Annexin-1 and Grb-2 in neutrophils to a similar level as seen with dexamethasone. We have shown here that dexamethasone and RU24858 both increase Grb-2, BLT1 and Annexin-1 expression and inhibit CXCL8 and MIP-1α production. This suggests that RU24858 was not able to dissociate between transactivation and transrepression in human neutrophils but enhanced neutrophil survival. © the author(s), publisher and licensee Libertas Academica Ltd

    Nitric oxide mediates interleukin-1 induced inhibition of glycosaminoglycan synthesis in rat articular cartilage

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    Interleek-1ÎČ (IL-1) is a key mediator of cartilage matrix degradation in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It was found that the IL-1-induced suppression of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis in rat articular cartilage occurred simultaneously with the accumulation of nitrite (a metabolite of nitric oxide (NO) in aqueous milieu) in the culture medium. NO-synthase inhibitors, L-NMMA and L-NIO, inhibited both these IL-1 effects. Dexamethasone suppressed GAG synthesis additively to IL-1, but did not alter nitrite accumulation. Three NO-donors (GEA 3175, SNAP and SIN-1) also had an inhibitory effect on cartilage GAG synthesis. Therefore, it is concluded that IL-1 induced suppression of GAG synthesis in rat articular cartilage is mediated by the production of NO

    VarhaisiÀn seksuaalikasvatus:materiaaleja opetuksen tueksi

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    TiivistelmĂ€. Seksuaalisuus on moniulotteinen osa jokaista ihmistĂ€ heti syntymĂ€stĂ€ lĂ€htien. Vauva oppii tuntemaan turvallisuutta vanhemman kosketuksesta ja lĂ€heisyydestĂ€. Lapset kiinnostuvat omasta kehostaan ja alkavat tutkia sen osia ja mahdollisuuksia. Turvataitoja harjoitellessa lapsi ymmĂ€rtÀÀ, ettĂ€ hĂ€nellĂ€ ja kaikilla muilla on fyysinen koskemattomuus. Tutkimukseni tarttuu epĂ€kohtaan siinĂ€, kuinka lapsille, varsinkaan varhaiskasvatuksessa ei tarjota tarpeeksi tietoa heidĂ€n seksuaalisuudestansa ja oikeuksistaan. TĂ€hĂ€n johtaa se, ettĂ€ opettajilla ja muilla kasvattajilla ei ole tarpeeksi koulutusta tai tietoa aiheesta. Myös seksuaalisuuteen ja siitĂ€ puhumiseen liitetty hĂ€peĂ€ vaikeuttaa aiheen kĂ€sittelyĂ€. Opettaja voi pelĂ€tĂ€ vanhempien vastaanottoa aiheeseen. Seksuaalisuus liitetÀÀn monesti virheellisesti vain seksiin. Varhaislapsuuden seksuaalisuus kĂ€sittÀÀ muun muassa omaan kehoon tutustumisen, kaveritaidot, sukupuolien yhdenvertaisuuden sekĂ€ fyysisen koskemattomuuden kĂ€sittĂ€misen. Myös perheiden monimuotoisuudesta tulisi lasten kanssa keskustella. Tutkimus on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena on tutkia, kuinka varhaisiĂ€n seksuaalikasvatusta perustellaan sekĂ€ tutkia ja arvioida opettajille ja kasvattajille tarkoitettuja seksuaalikasvatuksen materiaaleja kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€ksi varhaiskasvatukseen. Laadukkaat opetusmateriaalit antavat tietoa ja konkreettista ohjeita aiheen opettamiseen ja kĂ€sittelyyn. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan koulutuksessa seksuaalikasvatuksesta annetun tiedon vĂ€hĂ€isyydestĂ€ johtuen, on materiaaleista suuri tuki. Tutkimukseni vastaa kysymyksiin ”Millaisia materiaaleja varhaiskasvatuksen opettajille tarjotaan seksuaalikasvatuksen tueksi?” sekĂ€ ”MillĂ€ tavalla varhaisiĂ€n seksuaalikasvatusta perustellaan?”. Avaan seksuaalikasvatuksen sisĂ€ltöjĂ€ sekĂ€ pohdin siihen liittyviĂ€ haasteita. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ laadukasta ja perusteltua materiaalia seksuaalikasvatuksen tueksi on saatavilla, mutta tuoreen aiheen ÀÀrellĂ€ oltaessa, tutkimusta seksuaalikasvatuksesta tulisi tehdĂ€ yhĂ€ enemmĂ€n, jotta saataisiin enemmĂ€n opetusmateriaaleja. Varhaislapsuuden seksuaalikasvatukselle on myös perustellusti tarvetta, sen muun muassa vahvistaessa lapsen myönteisen itsetunnon kehitystĂ€ sekĂ€ opettamalla suojautumaan uhkaavilta tilanteilta

    Examining current or future trade-offs for biodiversity conservation in north-eastern Australia

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    With the high rate of ecosystem change already occurring and predicted to occur in the coming decades, long-term conservation has to account not only for current biodiversity but also for the biodiversity patterns anticipated for the future. The trade-offs between prioritising future biodiversity at the expense of current priorities must be understood to guide current conservation planning, but have been largely unexplored. To fill this gap, we compared the performance of four conservation planning solutions involving 662 vertebrate species in the Wet Tropics Natural Resource Management Cluster Region in north-eastern Australia. Input species data for the four planning solutions were: 1) current distributions; 2) projected distributions for 2055; 3) projected distributions for 2085; and 4) current, 2055 and 2085 projected distributions, and the connectivity between each of the three time periods for each species. The four planning solutions were remarkably similar (up to 85% overlap), suggesting that modelling for either current or future scenarios is sufficient for conversation planning for this region, with little obvious trade-off. Our analyses also revealed that overall, species with small ranges occurring across steep elevation gradients and at higher elevations were more likely to be better represented in all solutions. Given that species with these characteristics are of high conservation significance, our results provide confidence that conservation planning focused on either current, near-or distant-future biodiversity will account for these species.Peer reviewe

    Pyrazine-Fused Triterpenoids Block the TRPA1 Ion Channel in Vitro and Inhibit TRPA1-Mediated Acute Inflammation in Vivo

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    TRPA1 is a nonselective cation channel, most famously expressed in nonmyelinated nociceptors. In addition to being an important chemical and mechanical pain sensor, TRPA1 has more recently appeared to have a role also in inflammation. Triterpenoids are natural products with anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects in experimental models. In this paper, 13 novel triterpenoids were created by synthetically modifying betulin, an abundant triterpenoid of the genus Betula L., and their TRPA1-modulating properties were examined. The Fluo 3-AM protocol was used in the initial screening, in which six of the 14 tested triterpenoids inhibited TRPA1 in a statistically significant manner. In subsequent whole-cell patch clamp recordings, the two most effective compounds (pyrazine-fused triterpenoids 8 and 9) displayed a reversible and dose- and voltage-dependent effect to block the TRPA1 ion channel at submicromolar concentrations. Interestingly, the TRPA1 blocking action was also evident in vivo, as compounds 8 and 9 both alleviated TRPA1 agonist-induced acute paw inflammation in mice. The results introduce betulin-derived pyrazine-fused triterpenoids as promising novel antagonists of TRPA1 that are potentially useful in treating diseases with a TRPA1-mediated adverse component

    Cognitive and psychomotor responses to high-altitude exposure in sea level and high-altitude residents of Ecuador

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    Background High-altitude inhabitants have cardiovascular and respiratory adaptations that are advantageous for high-altitude living, but they may have impaired cognitive function. This study evaluated the influence of altitude of residence on cognitive and psychomotor function upon acute exposure to very high altitude. Findings Ecuadorians (31 residing at 0–1,500 m [LOW], 78 from 1,501–3,000 m [MOD], and 23 living \u3e3,000 m [HIGH]) were tested upon their arrival to a hut at 4,860 m on Mount Chimborazo. Cognitive/psychomotor measurements included a go-no-go test (responding to a non-visual stimulus), a verbal fluency test (verbalizing a series of words specific to a particular category), and a hand movement test (rapidly repeating a series of hand positions). Mean differences between the three altitude groups on these cognitive/psychomotor tests were evaluated with one-way ANOVA. There were no significant differences (p = 0.168) between LOW, MOD, and HIGH for the verbal fluency test. However, the go-no-go test was significantly lower (p \u3c 0.001) in the HIGH group (8.8 ± 1.40 correct responses) than the LOW (9.8 ± 0.61) or MOD (9.8 ± 0.55) groups, and both MOD (97.9 ± 31.2) and HIGH (83.5 ± 26.7) groups completed fewer correct hand movements than the LOW (136.6 ± 37.9) subjects (p \u3c 0.001). Conclusions Based on this field study, high-altitude residents appear to have some impaired cognitive function suggesting the possibility of maladaptation to long-term exposure to hypobaric hypoxia

    ”Yhteinen pedagoginen lanka pitÀÀ olla sekĂ€ kunnioittava luottamus kaikkiin toimijoihin”:luokanopettajien kokemuksia avoimissa oppimisympĂ€ristöissĂ€ työskentelemisestĂ€

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    TiivistelmÀ. Suomalaisten oppilaitosten uudis- ja korjausrakentamishankkeissa yleistyneet avoimet oppimisympÀristöt ovat tilaratkaisuiltaan muunneltavia ja joustavia opetustiloja, joissa pyritÀÀn muun muassa yhteistoiminnallisuutta ja oppilaiden itseohjautuvuutta tukeviin pedagogisiin ratkaisuihin. TÀmÀn pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ luokanopettajien kokemuksia avoimissa oppimisympÀristöissÀ työskentelemisestÀ. Tutkimus oli luonteeltaan laadullinen. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, kokivatko luokanopettajat avoimen oppimisympÀristön tukevan oppilaiden oppimista. LisÀksi pyrittiin selvittÀmÀÀn, vaikuttiko tÀmÀ nÀkemys luokanopettajien kokemuksiin siitÀ, miten avoin oppimisympÀristö vaikuttaa työn suunnitteluun, millaisia mahdollisuuksia ja kehittÀmisen tarpeita avoimissa oppimisympÀristöissÀ nÀhtiin sekÀ millainen merkitys tuella, ohjauksella ja koulutuksella oli avoimissa oppimisympÀristöissÀ työskentelyssÀ. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen teoreettisessa viitekehyksessÀ kuvataan kirjallisuuden ja aiempien tutkimusten pohjalta avoimiin oppimisympÀristöihin liittyviÀ tekijöitÀ niin oppimisen kuin siellÀ työskentelemisen kannalta. Teoreettisessa osiossa avataan perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa kuvaillun oppimiskÀsityksen teoreettista ja historiallista taustaa sekÀ siihen liittyvÀt itseohjautuvuuden ja oppimisen itsesÀÀtelyn kÀsitteet. LisÀksi mÀÀritellÀÀn oppimisympÀristön kÀsite ja vertaillaan avointa ja suljettua oppimisympÀristöÀ. Avoimessa oppimisympÀristössÀ työskentelyyn liittyen kÀsitellÀÀn yhteisopetusta ja koulun toimintakulttuuria. Tutkimusaineisto kerÀttiin puolistrukturoidulla verkkokyselylomakkeella, joka lÀhetettiin viiden avoimia oppimisympÀristöjÀ sisÀltÀvÀn pohjois-pohjanmaalaisen alakoulun luokanopettajille. Kyselyyn vastasi 16 luokanopettajaa. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin aineistolÀhtöistÀ sisÀllönanalyysia mukaillen. Luokanopettajista yhdeksÀn koki avoimen oppimisympÀristön tukevan oppilaiden oppimista, kuusi koki sen tukevan oppimista osittain ja yksi koki, ettÀ se ei tue oppimista. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan luokanopettajat nÀkivÀt avoimessa oppimisympÀristössÀ sekÀ mahdollisuuksia ettÀ kehittÀmisen tarpeita riippumatta siitÀ, kokivatko he avoimen oppimisympÀristön tukevan oppilaiden oppimista. Luokanopettajat nÀkivÀt avoimen oppimisympÀristön tukevan monipuolisten opetus- ja työskentelymenetelmien hyödyntÀmistÀ, yhteisopettajuutta sekÀ oppilaiden itseohjautuvuuden ja oppimisen itsesÀÀtelytaitojen harjoittelemista. Suurimmat haasteet liittyivÀt melun kielteisiin vaikutuksiin, liian vÀhÀiseen yhteissuunnitteluaikaan sekÀ oppilaiden puutteellisiin itsesÀÀtelytaitoihin. LisÀksi puolet luokanopettajista koki saaneensa liian vÀhÀn tukea, ohjausta tai koulutusta avoimessa oppimisympÀristössÀ työskentelyyn

    Determination of Strewn Fields for Meteorite Falls

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    When an object enters the atmosphere it may be detected as a meteor. A bright meteor, called a fireball, may be a sign of a meteorite fall. Instrumentally observed meteorite falls provide unique opportunities to recover and analyse unweathered planetary samples supplemented with the knowledge on the Solar system orbit they had. To recover a meteorite from a fireball event, it is essential that recovery teams can be directed to a well-defined search area. Until recently, simulations showing the realistic mapping of a strewn field were difficult, in particular due to the large number of unknowns not directly retrieved from the fireball observations. These unknowns include the number of fragments and their aerodynamic properties, for which the masses of the fragments need to be assumed in a traditional approach. Here, we describe a new Monte Carlo model, which has already successfully assisted in several meteorite recoveries. The model is the first of its kind as it provides an adequate representation of the processes occurring during the luminous trajectory coupled together with the dark flight. In particular, the model comprises a novel approach to fragmentation modelling that leads to a realistic fragment mass distribution on the ground. We present strewn field simulations for the well-documented KoĆĄice and Neuschwanstein meteorite falls, which demonstrate good matches to the observations. We foresee that our model can be used to revise the flux of extra-terrestrial matter onto the Earth, as it provides a possibility of estimating the terminal mass of meteorite fragments reaching the ground. © The Author(s) 2021.This work was supported, in part, by the Academy of Finland project no. 325806 (PlanetS). We acknowledge Hadrien Devillepoix and Morgan Hollis for their supportive and valuable comments that encouraged us to improve this paper by adding the section on the strewn field of the Neuschwanstein meteorite fall. We thank Eleanor Sansom for helping us to proof read this paper and for stimulating discussion. We thank Juraj TĂłth for providing additional coordinates of the documented Kosˇice meteorite fragments in addition to those published in TĂłth et al. (2015). We thank Dieter Heinlein and JĂŒrgen Oberst for discussing the circumstances of the known Neuschwanstein meteorite finds and difficulties of the ground search. We thank Panu Lahtinen (Finnish Meteorological Institute) and Peter Völger (Swedish Institute of Space Physics) for their help with obtaining the actual atmospheric data for the studied fireball events and valuable discussions. We thank all members of the Finnish Fireball Network and acknowledge Ursa Astronomical Association for the support with the Network coordination. We acknowledge fruitful collaboration with the colleagues at the Ural Federal University in organizing the field trips and prompt meteorite recoveries based on provided strewn field maps. The research at the Ural Federal University was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project nos. 18-08-00074 and 19-05-00028
