141 research outputs found

    RASSF1A–LATS1 signalling stabilizes replication forks by restricting CDK2-mediated phosphorylation of BRCA2

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    Genomic instability is a key hallmark of cancer leading to tumour heterogeneity and therapeutic resistance. ​BRCA2 has a fundamental role in error-free DNA repair but also sustains genome integrity by promoting ​RAD51 nucleofilament formation at stalled replication forks. ​CDK2 phosphorylates ​BRCA2 (pS3291-​BRCA2) to limit stabilizing contacts with polymerized ​RAD51; however, how replication stress modulates ​CDK2 activity and whether loss of pS3291-​BRCA2 regulation results in genomic instability of tumours are not known. Here we demonstrate that the Hippo pathway kinase ​LATS1 interacts with ​CDK2 in response to genotoxic stress to constrain pS3291-​BRCA2 and support ​RAD51 nucleofilaments, thereby maintaining genomic fidelity during replication stalling. We also show that ​LATS1 forms part of an ​ATR-mediated response to replication stress that requires the tumour suppressor ​RASSF1A. Importantly, perturbation of the ​ATR–​RASSF1A–​LATS1 signalling axis leads to genomic defects associated with loss of ​BRCA2 function and contributes to genomic instability and ‘BRCA-ness’ in lung cancers

    VGLL3 operates via TEAD1, TEAD3 and TEAD4 to influence myogenesis in skeletal muscle.

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    VGLL proteins are transcriptional co-factors that bind TEAD family transcription factors to regulate events ranging from wing development in fly, to muscle fibre composition and immune function in mice. Here, we characterise Vgll3 in skeletal muscle. We found that mouse Vgll3 was expressed at low levels in healthy muscle but that its levels increased during hypertrophy or regeneration; in humans, VGLL3 was highly expressed in tissues from patients with various muscle diseases, such as in dystrophic muscle and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Interaction proteomics revealed that VGLL3 bound TEAD1, TEAD3 and TEAD4 in myoblasts and/or myotubes. However, there was no interaction with proteins from major regulatory systems such as the Hippo kinase cascade, unlike what is found for the TEAD co-factors YAP (encoded by YAP1) and TAZ (encoded by WWTR1). Vgll3 overexpression reduced the activity of the Hippo negative-feedback loop, affecting expression of muscle-regulating genes including Myf5, Pitx2 and Pitx3, and genes encoding certain Wnts and IGFBPs. VGLL3 mainly repressed gene expression, regulating similar genes to those regulated by YAP and TAZ. siRNA-mediated Vgll3 knockdown suppressed myoblast proliferation, whereas Vgll3 overexpression strongly promoted myogenic differentiation. However, skeletal muscle was overtly normal in Vgll3-null mice, presumably due to feedback signalling and/or redundancy. This work identifies VGLL3 as a transcriptional co-factor operating with the Hippo signal transduction network to control myogenesis

    PV self-consumption optimization with storage and Active DSM for the residential sector

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    With the rising prices of the retail electricity and the decreasing cost of the PV technology, grid parity with commercial electricity will soon become a reality in Europe. This fact, together with less attractive PV feed-in-tariffs in the near future and incentives to promote self-consumption suggest, that new operation modes for the PV Distributed Generation should be explored; differently from the traditional approach which is only based on maximizing the exported electricity to the grid. The smart metering is experiencing a growth in Europe and the United States but the possibilities of its use are still uncertain, in our system we propose their use to manage the storage and to allow the user to know their electrical power and energy balances. The ADSM has many benefits studied previously but also it has important challenges, in this paper we can observe and ADSM implementation example where we propose a solution to these challenges. In this paper we study the effects of the Active Demand-Side Management (ADSM) and storage systems in the amount of consumed local electrical energy. It has been developed on a prototype of a self-sufficient solar house called “MagicBox” equipped with grid connection, PV generation, lead–acid batteries, controllable appliances and smart metering. We carried out simulations for long-time experiments (yearly studies) and real measures for short and mid-time experiments (daily and weekly studies). Results show the relationship between the electricity flows and the storage capacity, which is not linear and becomes an important design criterion

    Neural network controller for active demand side management with PV energy in the residential sector

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    In this paper, we describe the development of a control system for Demand-Side Management in the residential sector with Distributed Generation. The electrical system under study incorporates local PV energy generation, an electricity storage system, connection to the grid and a home automation system. The distributed control system is composed of two modules: a scheduler and a coordinator, both implemented with neural networks. The control system enhances the local energy performance, scheduling the tasks demanded by the user and maximizing the use of local generation

    Regulation of Neuronal Cell Death by c-Abl-Hippo/MST2 Signaling Pathway

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    BACKGROUND: Mammalian Ste20-like kinases (MSTs) are the mammalian homologue of Drosophila hippo and play critical roles in regulation of cell death, organ size control, proliferation and tumorigenesis. MSTs exert pro-apoptotic function through cleavage, autophosphorylation and in turn phosphorylation of downstream targets, such as Histone H2B and FOXO (Forkhead box O). Previously we reported that protein kinase c-Abl mediates oxidative stress-induced neuronal cell death through phosphorylating MST1 at Y433, which is not conserved among mammalian MST2, Drosophila Hippo and C.elegans cst-1/2. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using immunoblotting, in vitro kinase and cell death assay, we demonstrate that c-Abl kinase phosphorylates MST2 at an evolutionarily conserved site, Y81, within the kinase domain. We further show that the phosphorylation of MST2 by c-Abl leads to the disruption of the interaction with Raf-1 proteins and the enhancement of homodimerization of MST2 proteins. It thereby enhances the MST2 activation and induces neuronal cell death. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The identification of the c-Abl tyrosine kinase as a novel upstream activator of MST2 suggests that the conserved c-Abl-MST signaling cascade plays an important role in oxidative stress-induced neuronal cell death

    JNK phosphorylates Yes-associated protein (YAP) to regulate apoptosis

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    Yes-associated protein (YAP) regulates DNA damage and chemosensitivity, as well as functioning as a pro-growth, cell size regulator. For both of its roles, regulation by phosphorylation is crucial. We undertook an in vitro screen to identify novel YAP kinases to discover new signaling pathways to better understand YAP's function. We identified JNK1 and JNK2 as robust YAP kinases, as well as mapped multiple sites of phosphorylation. Using inhibitors and siRNA, we showed that JNK specifically phosphorylates endogenous YAP in a number of cell types. We show that YAP protects keratinocytes from UV irradiation but promotes UV-induced apoptosis in a squamous cell carcinoma. We defined the mechanism for this dual role to be YAP's ability to bind and stabilize the pro-proliferative ΔNp63α isoform in a JNK-dependent manner. Our report indicates that an evaluation of the expression of the different isoforms of p63 and p73 is crucial in determining YAP's function

    Extensive rewiring of the EGFR network in colorectal cancer cells expressing transforming levels of KRASG13D

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    Protein-protein-interaction networks (PPINs) organize fundamental biological processes, but how oncogenic mutations impact these interactions and their functions at a network-level scale is poorly understood. Here, we analyze how a common oncogenic KRAS mutation (KRASG13D) affects PPIN structure and function of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) network in colorectal cancer (CRC) cells. Mapping >6000 PPIs shows that this network is extensively rewired in cells expressing transforming levels of KRASG13D (mtKRAS). The factors driving PPIN rewiring are multifactorial including changes in protein expression and phosphorylation. Mathematical modelling also suggests that the binding dynamics of low and high affinity KRAS interactors contribute to rewiring. PPIN rewiring substantially alters the composition of protein complexes, signal flow, transcriptional regulation, and cellular phenotype. These changes are validated by targeted and global experimental analysis. Importantly, genetic alterations in the most extensively rewired PPIN nodes occur frequently in CRC and are prognostic of poor patient outcomes.This work was supported by European Union FP7 Grant No. 278568 “PRIMES” and Science Foundation Ireland Investigator Program Grant 14/IA/2395 to W.K. B.K. is supported by SmartNanoTox (Grant no. 686098), NanoCommons (Grant no. 731032), O.R. by MSCA-IF-2016 SAMNets (Grant no. 750688). D.M. is supported by Science Foundation Ireland Career Development award 15-CDA-3495. I.J. is supported by the Canada Research Chair Program (CRC #225404), Krembil Foundation, Ontario Research Fund (GL2-01-030 and #34876), Natural Sciences Research Council (NSERC #203475), Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI #225404, #30865), and IBM. O.S. is supported by ERC investigator Award ColonCan 311301 and CRUK. I.S. is supported by the Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute (#703889), Genome Canada via Ontario Genomics (#9427 & #9428), Ontario Research fund (ORF/ DIG-501411 & RE08-009), Consortium Québécois sur la Découverte du Médicament (CQDM Quantum Leap) & Brain Canada (Quantum Leap), and CQDM Explore and OCE (#23929). T.C. was supported by a Teagasc Walsh Fellowshi

    Frequent loss of heterozygosity and altered expression of the candidate tumor suppressor gene 'FAT' in human astrocytic tumors

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    Background: We had earlier used the comparison of RAPD (Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA) DNA fingerprinting profiles of tumor and corresponding normal DNA to identify genetic alterations in primary human glial tumors. This has the advantage that DNA fingerprinting identifies the genetic alterations in a manner not biased for locus. Methods: In this study we used RAPD-PCR to identify novel genomic alterations in the astrocytic tumors of WHO grade II (Low Grade Diffuse Astrocytoma) and WHO Grade IV (Glioblastoma Multiforme). Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of the altered region was studied by microsatellite and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers. Expression study of the gene identified at the altered locus was done by semi-quantitative reverse-transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR). Results: Bands consistently altered in the RAPD profile of tumor DNA in a significant proportion of tumors were identified. One such 500 bp band, that was absent in the RAPD profile of 33% (4/12) of the grade II astrocytic tumors, was selected for further study. Its sequence corresponded with a region of FAT, a putative tumor suppressor gene initially identified in Drosophila. Fifty percent of a set of 40 tumors, both grade II and IV, were shown to have Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) at this locus by microsatellite (intragenic) and by SNP markers. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed low FAT mRNA levels in a major subset of tumors. Conclusion: These results point to a role of the FAT in astrocytic tumorigenesis and demonstrate the use of RAPD analysis in identifying specific alterations in astrocytic tumors

    Mst1/2 signalling to Yap: gatekeeper for liver size and tumour development

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    The mechanisms controlling mammalian organ size have long been a source of fascination for biologists. These controls are needed to both ensure the integrity of the body plan and to restrict inappropriate proliferation that could lead to cancer. Regulation of liver size is of particular interest inasmuch as this organ maintains the capacity for regeneration throughout life, and is able to regain precisely its original mass after partial surgical resection. Recent studies using genetically engineered mouse strains have shed new light on this problem; the Hippo signalling pathway, first elucidated as a regulator of organ size in Drosophila, has been identified as dominant determinant of liver growth. Defects in this pathway in mouse liver lead to sustained liver overgrowth and the eventual development of both major types of liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma. In this review, we discuss the role of Hippo signalling in liver biology and the contribution of this pathway to liver cancer in humans