1,559 research outputs found

    Protocols for soil functionality assessment in vineyards

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    The purpose of this guideline is to describe the methods used during ReSolVe project for soil functionality assessment, so they can be implemented in similar studies. A brief introduction first underlines what are the main functions of soil and why maintaining an optimal soil functionality is particularly of major interest in viticulture. Then the different protocols selected for ReSolVe project and this guideline are presented according to the following classification: - Part I: assessment of soil physical and chemical features; - Part II: assessment of soil biological features (ecosystem service provision and providers); - Part III: assessment of rhizosphere biological features; - Part IV: assessment of grapevine quantitative and qualitative indicators reflecting soil functionality. In each part, global objectives of the monitoring are explained (what is it used for, in which cases…) and the parameters to evaluate are listed with their corresponding methodological sheet. In these sheets, instructions and information are given about: - Materials needed to perform the sampling and the measurement - Sampling procedure - Analysis procedure - Possible interpretations and conclusions that can be drawn (value and meaning of the results, indication of reference values when existing, potential limit of the protocol) - Bibliographic references related to the method described - Additional helpful information where appropriate (ex: template of sampling sheet

    Protocol for soil functionality assessment in vineyards

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    Protocols used by Resolve partners during the project, to assess soil functionality on degraded aeras and evaluate soil restoration after applying recovering practices

    Protocol for soil functionality assessment in vineyards

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    Protocols used by Resolve partners during the project, to assess soil functionality on degraded aeras and evaluate soil restoration after applying recovering practices

    Snyder noncommutative space-time from two-time physics

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    We show that the two-time physics model leads to a mechanical system with Dirac brackets consistent with the Snyder noncommutative space. An Euclidean version of this space is also obtained and it is shown that both spaces have a dual system describing a particle in a curved space-time.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX4. References adde

    Identifying Sources Of Error In Computer Navigated Total Knee Arthroplasties Using A Metric On SE(3) and Sensitivity Analyses

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    Throughout the procedure of a computer-navigated total knee arthroplasty (TKA), there are many opportunities for sources of error to be introduced. Identifying these errors can improve surgical outcomes. There is also a lack of accessible methods in available literature for clinicians to perform research in this area using engineering analysis techniques. This thesis aims to provide a greater understanding of the sources of error that can occur pre-bone cut. Possible sources of error include the bony landmark selections and the placement of the cut guide. Using artificial bone models and a 3D point capture system concurrently with a computer-navigation system, the data points collected during the procedure are mimicked. It was found that variability of point selection varied between landmarks with some being more precise than others. Bone reference frames can be calculated using these landmark points. By painting the surface of the saw blade, the cut plane values, and a reference frame for the cuts, can also be estimated. These frames are easily represented with homogeneous transformation matrices. One method of comparing transformation matrices is with a metric on SE(3), simplified in this thesis to be the Frobenius norm. It was found that bone reference frames with the highest metric were the ones with the highest error in femur or tibia center points. It was also found that there was no clear correlation between the bone reference frame error and cut plane error, implying that other sources must be taken into account. Sensitivity analyses were performed to observe the outcome error of the bone reference frame and cut plane in regards to error in the landmark selection. The results from this support other results in this thesis: that landmark points used for the origin of the reference frames have the greatest effect on the system output. The methods in this thesis can easily be applied to other computer-navigated systems for analysis

    ReSolVe project – Restoring optimal Soil functionality in degraded areas within organic Vineyards

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    In both conventional and organic European vineyards, it is quite common to have areas characterized by problems in vine health, grape production and quality. These problems are very often related to sub-optimal soil functionality, caused by an improper land preparation before vine plantation and/or management. Different causes for soil malfunctioning can include: poor organic matter content and plant nutrient availability (both major and trace elements); imbalance of some element ratios (Ca/Mg, K/Mg, P/Fe, and Fe/Mn); pH; water deficiency; soil compaction and/or scarce oxygenation. Fertility related problems can often be compensated in conventional settings with externally introduced fertilizers that are not permitted in organic vineyards. ReSolVe is a transnational and multidisciplinary research project aimed at testing the effects of selected agronomic strategies for restoring optimal soil functionality in degraded areas within organic vineyard. The term "degraded areas within vineyard" means areas showing reduced vine growth, disease resistance, grape yield and quality. These areas may have lost their soil functionality because of either an improper land preparation, or an excessive loss of soil organic matter and nutrients, erosion and/or compaction. The project, financed by Core-Organic plus program of the ERA-NET plus action (2015-2018), aims at identifying the main causes of the soil functionality loss and testing different organic recovering methods. The different restoring strategies will implement: i) compost, ii) green manure with winter legumes, iii) dry mulching with cover crops. The strategies will be tested according to their efficiency to improve: i) plant and roots growth and well-being; ii) grape yield and quality; iii) quality of soil ecosystem services and their stability over the years; iv) better express of the “terroir effect”, that is, the linkage of wine quality to the environmental characteristics of the cultivation site. The project involves 8 research groups in 6 different EU countries (Italy, France, Spain, Sweden, Slovenia, and Turkey), with experts from several disciplines, including soil science, ecology, microbiology, grapevine physiology, viticulture, and biometry. The experimental vineyards are situated in Italy (Chianti hills and Maremma plain, Tuscany), France (Bordeaux and Languedoc), Spain (La Rioja) and Slovenia (Primorska) for winegrape, and in Turkey (Adana and Mersin) for table grape. The restoration techniques and the monitoring methodologies developed and tested during the ReSolVe project will be described in specific final guidelines. The restoration techniques will be accessible for all the European farmers and will be low cost and environmental-friendly. A protocol of analyses and measurements between the all partners will allow an effective and comparable monitoring of vineyard ecosystemic functioning in European countries

    A bolometric measurement of the antineutrino mass

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    High statistics calorimetric measurements of the beta spectrum of 187Re are being performed with arrays of silver perrhenate crystals operated at low temperature. After a modification of the experimental set-up, which allowed to substantially reduce the background of spurious counts and therefore to increase the sensitivity on the electron antineutrino mass, a new measurement with 10 silver perrhenate microbolometers is running since July 2002. The crystals have masses between 250 and 350 micrograms and their average FWHM energy resolution, constantly monitored by means of fluorescence X-rays, is of 28.3 eV at the beta end-point. The Kurie plot collected during 4485 hours x mg effective running time has an end-point energy of 2466.1 +/- 0.8{stat} +/- 1.5 {syst} eV, while the half lifetime of the decay is found to be 43.2 +/- 0.2{stat} +/- 0.1{syst} Gy. These values are the most precise obtained so far for 187Re. From the fit of the Kurie plot we can deduce a value for the squared electron antineutrino mass m(nu)^2 of 147 +/- 237{stat} +/- 90{syst} eV^2. The corresponding 90% C.L. upper limit for m(nu) is 21.7 eV.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    A comparison of dry and wet season aerosol number fluxes over the Amazon rain forest

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    Vertical number fluxes of aerosol particles and vertical fluxes of CO(2) were measured with the eddy covariance method at the top of a 53 m high tower in the Amazon rain forest as part of the LBA (The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) experiment. The observed aerosol number fluxes included particles with sizes down to 10 nm in diameter. The measurements were carried out during the wet and dry season in 2008. In this study focus is on the dry season aerosol fluxes, with significant influence from biomass burning, and these are compared with aerosol fluxes measured during the wet season. Net particle deposition fluxes dominated in daytime in both seasons and the deposition flux was considerably larger in the dry season due to the much higher dry season particle concentration. The particle transfer velocity increased linearly with increasing friction velocity in both seasons. The difference in transfer velocity between the two seasons was small, indicating that the seasonal change in aerosol number size distribution is not enough for causing any significant change in deposition velocity. In general, particle transfer velocities in this study are low compared to studies over boreal forests. The reasons are probably the high percentage of accumulation mode particles and the low percentage of nucleation mode particles in the Amazon boundary layer, both in the dry and wet season, and low wind speeds in the tropics compared to the midlatitudes. In the dry season, nocturnal particle fluxes behaved very similar to the nocturnal CO(2) fluxes. Throughout the night, the measured particle flux at the top of the tower was close to zero, but early in the morning there was an upward particle flux peak that is not likely a result of entrainment or local pollution. It is possible that these morning upward particle fluxes are associated with emission of primary biogenic particles from the rain forest. Emitted particles may be stored within the canopy during stable conditions at nighttime, similarly to CO(2), and being released from the canopy when conditions become more turbulent in the morning.National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA)LBACNPq/MCTFAPES

    Aerosol number fluxes over the Amazon rain forest during the wet season

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    Number fluxes of particles with diameter larger than 10 nm were measured with the eddy covariance method over the Amazon rain forest during the wet season as part of the LBA (The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) campaign 2008. The primary goal was to investigate whether sources or sinks dominate the aerosol number flux in the tropical rain forest-atmosphere system. During the measurement campaign, from 12 March to 18 May, 60% of the particle fluxes pointed downward, which is a similar fraction to what has been observed over boreal forests. The net deposition flux prevailed even in the absolute cleanest atmospheric conditions during the campaign and therefore cannot be explained only by deposition of anthropogenic particles. The particle transfer velocity v(t) increased with increasing friction velocity and the relation is described by the equation v(t) = 2.4x10(-3)xu(*) where u(*) is the friction velocity. Upward particle fluxes often appeared in the morning hours and seem to a large extent to be an effect of entrainment fluxes into a growing mixed layer rather than primary aerosol emission. In general, the number source of primary aerosol particles within the footprint area of the measurements was small, possibly because the measured particle number fluxes reflect mostly particles less than approximately 200 nm. This is an indication that the contribution of primary biogenic aerosol particles to the aerosol population in the Amazon boundary layer may be low in terms of number concentrations. However, the possibility of horizontal variations in primary aerosol emission over the Amazon rain forest cannot be ruled out.National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA)LBA infrastructure teamCNPq/MCT Millennium Institute ProgramFAPES

    Conformal Symmetry and Duality between Free Particle, H-atom and Harmonic Oscillator

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    We establish a duality between the free massless relativistic particle in d dimensions, the non-relativistic hydrogen atom (1/r potential) in (d-1) space dimensions, and the harmonic oscillator in (d-2) space dimensions with its mass given as the lightcone momentum of an additional dimension. The duality is in the sense that the classical action of these systems are gauge fixed forms of the same worldline gauge theory action at the classical level, and they are all described by the same unitary representation of the conformal group SO(d,2) at the quantum level. The worldline action has a gauge symmetry Sp(2) which treats canonical variables (x,p) as doublets and exists only with a target spacetime that has d spacelike dimensions and two timelike dimensions. This spacetime is constrained due to the gauge symmetry, and the various dual solutions correspond to solutions of the constraints with different topologies. For example, for the H-atom the two timelike dimensions X^{0'},X^{0} live on a circle. The model provides an example of how realistic physics can be viewed as existing in a larger covariant space that includes two timelike coordinates, and how the covariance in the larger space unifies different looking physics into a single system.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, minor improvements. In v3 a better gauge choice for u for the H-atom is made; the results are the sam