248 research outputs found

    Minimum living wage as a basic aspect for managing the population’s life quality in Russia

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the problem of incompliance of the minimum living wage (MLW) and the subsistence level. The consumer baskets of the Moscow residents and Europeans are compared. The MLW in Russia and countries of the Eurozone is aligned. Social aspects of raising the MLW to the level of the subsistence level are considered. Positive and negative consequences are formulated. The dynamics of the MLW and subsistence level are studied in detail. The factors influencing the quality of the population’s life are regulated. Positive and negative consequences of raising the MLW are formulated. Conclusions about the quality of the Russian population’s life are made. The article is based on a comprehensive study of regulatory and legislative documents that establish the MLW amount, the subsistence level, the consumer basket, as well as on studying the works of national and foreign researchers.peer-reviewe

    A Five-year Spectroscopic and Photometric Campaign on the Prototypical alpha Cygni Variable and A-type Supergiant Star Deneb

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    Deneb is often considered the prototypical A-type supergiant, and is one of the visually most luminous stars in the Galaxy. A-type supergiants are potential extragalactic distance indicators, but the variability of these stars needs to be better characterized before this technique can be considered reliable. We analyzed 339 high resolution echelle spectra of Deneb obtained over the five-year span of 1997 through 2001 as well as 370 Stromgren photometric measurements obtained during the same time frame. Our spectroscopic analysis included dynamical spectra of the H-alpha profile, H-alpha equivalent widths, and radial velocities measured from Si II 6347, 6371. Time-series analysis reveals no obvious cyclic behavior that proceeds through multiple observing seasons, although we found a suspected 40 day period in two, non-consecutive observing seasons. Some correlations are found between photometric and radial velocity data sets, and suggest radial pulsations at two epochs. No correlation is found between the variability of the H-alpha profiles and that of the radial velocities or the photometry. Lucy (1976) found evidence that Deneb was a long period single-lined spectroscopic binary star, but our data set shows no evidence for radial velocity variations caused by a binary companion.Comment: 49 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Psychological Warfare as a Tool for Achieving and Exercising Political Power

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    В статье рассматривается понятие «психологическая война» как способ оказания воздействия на массовое сознание путем предоставления ложной или некорректной информации о политической обстановке в стране и в мире. Утверждается, что психологическая война является мощным инструментом достижения и осуществления политической власти, поскольку позволяет формировать общественное мнение и контролировать поведение. Кроме того, статья описывает методы использования психологической войны, такие как дискредитация оппонентов, создание имиджа лидера, искажение фактов и другие. Автор указывает на опасности последствий психологических войн для Российской Федерации, призывает к осознанному и критическому отношению к информации, которая поступает из СМИ, умению различать манипуляцию и правду.The article discusses the concept of “psychological warfare” as a way of influencing mass consciousness by providing false or incorrect information about the political situation in the country and in the world. It is argued that psychological warfare is a powerful tool for achieving and exercising political power, since it allows forming public opinion and controlling its behavior. In addition, the article describes methods of using psychological warfare, such as discrediting opponents, creating an image of a leader, distorting facts, and others. The author points out the dangers of the consequences of psychological wars for the Russian Federation, calls for a conscious and critical attitude to the information that comes from the media, the ability to distinguish between manipulation and truth

    Kibbe's Typology as Continuation of the Method of Lines and Corners of the Pestalozzi in Training of Adults in Drawing of the Portrait

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    The academic system of art education is not suitable for teaching adult portrait drawing as a hobby or as the first stage of professional orientation. An alternative is the method of simple shapes of lines and angles of Pestalozzi. The Kibbe typology is similar in structure to the Pestalozzi method, but classifies the face types in more detail, based on the ratio of structural lines and angles. Such a simple template scheme of face types helps novice artists to orient themselves at the beginning of training in drawing a portrait and stimulates a serious study of visual literacy in the future.Для обучения рисунку портрета взрослых в качестве хобби или первой ступени профессиональной ориентации академическая система художественного образования не подходит. Альтернативой является метод простых форм линий и углов Песталоцци. Типология Кибби по структуре напоминает метод Песталоцци, но более детально классифицирует типы лица, исходя из соотношения структурных линий и углов. Такая простая шаблонная схема типов лица помогает начинающим художникам сориентироваться в начале обучения рисованию портрета и стимулирует к серьёзному изучению изобразительной грамоты в дальнейшем

    Resistance of the microorganisms isolated from surgical hospital environment to disinfectants

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    The article presents the results of the study of resistance of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aspergillus fungi to disinfectants. The microorganisms were isolated from the surgical ward environment of Central District Hospital of Neryungri. All strains were sensitive to Lysoformin 3000. Most of the microorganisms were sensitive to Ecocide and Septodor (85,7 % and 71,4 % respectively). Only E. coli was resistant to these disinfectants. The microorganisms showed the highest resistance to Javelion. S. aureus and E. coli were resistant to Javelion. The most effective disinfectants against Aspergillus were 1% solution of Septabic, 0,2% solution of Vegasept, 0,4% solution of Septodor, 0,5% solution of Lysoformin 3000. The other disinfectants (Chlor-sept, Hypocloride and Alfadez forte) had lower fungicidal activity against Aspergillus

    The place and role of leisure in the Moscow students’ everyday life in the context of the information society development

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    The proposed article discusses issues related to the daily life of Moscow students and their leisure, the relevance of which in the context of the development of the information society is associated with increased attention of the state to the educational component of modern educational systems. Moreover, in the conditions of modern realities of the development of the information society, and, consequently, information culture, the format of leisure becomes a significant factor in the socialisation of the individual.   As a goal, the authors of the article identified the analysis of various forms of leisure activities of Moscow students through their questionnaires, which was designed to outline vectors for further research of the place and role of study, family relations and forms of spending free time in a student’s life.   Special attention is paid to modern forms of leisure for students, such as: spending time on the Internet, visiting experimental theaters and cinemas, watching talk shows and entertainment programs, visiting immersive shows, participating in modern youth organisations, etc. Summarising the results of the study, it was concluded that at the moment no more than 20 % of the surveyed Moscow students choose “modern” forms of leisure activities. The conducted research revealed the students’ clear preferences in spending their free time, as well as their value orientations

    Loimologically significant pinniped helminths in Chukotka

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    The purpose of the research is study of pinniped helminth fauna in Chukotka, and the analysis of the fish of the main commercial families infected with pathogens of helminthozoonoses based on modern literature.Materials and methods. The helminths were collected in autumn of 2019 from pinnipeds caught in the Mechigmenskaya Guba of the Bering Sea in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug by the method of partial helminthological dissection per Skryabin (gastrointestinal tract). Samples were examined from 6 walruses and 26 seals (13 spotted seals and 13 ringed seals). The helminths found were fixed in 70% alcohol. The helminth species were identified at the Department of Parasitology and Veterinary and Sanitary Examination of the MVA named after K. I. Skryabin using reference literature.Results and discussion. All pinnipeds were infected with nematodes of the family Anisakidae. Mature Pseudoterranova desipiens were found in the walrus (Infection Prevalence = 16.7% with Infection Intensity = 3 specimens/animal), mature Ps. desipiens, as well as Contracoecum osculatum and Anisakis simplex larvae (IP = 30.8% with II from 5 to 57 specimens) were found in the spotted seal, and Ps. desipiens larvae and mature Ps. desipiens were found in the ringed seal (IP = 15.4% with II from 1 to 4 specimens). Thus, only Ps. desipiens were represented by mature stages (females and males), and two other species of anisakids, C. osculatum and A. simplex, were found in the seals in the larval stage

    Project approach to the development of rural tourism

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    The authors of the article provide an overview of scientific approaches to the definition of the essence and role of event and gastronomic tourism against the backdrop of the rural tourism promotion currently carried out. The interrelation between all the aforementioned types of tourism and the expediency of their joint development are substantiated. The necessity of holding events in order to smooth out the seasonality of rural tourism and attract tourists interested not only in standard services of rural guest houses but also in entertainment events is proved. Special emphasis is placed on the application of the project approach to the process of creating events. A description of the festivals held in the Vologda region is provided. The main problems of the implementation of project management at the municipal level are identified. The possibility of holding gastronomic festivals within the clusters operating in the region is considered. The example of the «SyrFest» gastronomic festival is used to demonstrate a possible project structure designed for such event


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    The possibility of using biologically active proton (2-hydroxyethyl) ammonium, ionic liquids of the general formula HN+RiR2(CH2CH2OH)3_n.•OOCCH,X(Ind)Ai; R = H, Me, X = O, S, SO; n = 0-2 as stimulators of growth S. aureus shows in the article. 24 strains isolated from patients with purulent-septic complications from the surgical department studied. There are shown a significant acceleration, of growth of S. aureus in a agar nutrient containing yolk-salt agar, the addition of stimulants tested at concentrations 4.10-6.10 wt. %. Proposed use of stimulants for the development of improved methods of rapid diagnosis of healthcare-associated infections caused by S. aureus, which will greatly reduce the time of issue analysis and. prescribe adequate treatment promptly sick

    Didactic content of constructively-projective function of students learning: The extrapolation in information technology

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    © 2016 Kutuev et al.The relevance of the study is conditioned by a radical impact on the learning process of the university by information technology, which put start a new phase in its transformation. According to experts at the present time the main factor of efficiency of university’s activity becomes the expansion of students’ learning activities, realized on the basis of new technologies in educational environments which they create with the changed learning functions. In the prevailing socio-pedagogical conditions the earlier priority educational-cognitive function fades into the background, giving way to a constructively-projective one, performing the role of not only the means of instruction and formation of students’ creative work competences, but also of didactic conditions for extrapolation of changed functions of training in information technology. In this regard, the focus in this article is devoted to the establishment of the theoretical-methodical approach to projecting of the structure and content of constructivelyprojective function of students’ learning as a didactic direction of educational process’s transformations in university, extrapolated for the implementation of information technologies. The leading method of research is the pedagogical modeling, allowing justifying of theoretical and practical effectiveness of the structure and content of constructively-projective learning function of student, extrapolated in the implementation of information technology in the educational process. The article presents the discourse of the concept “constructive-projective function of students’ learning”; based on the results of the study the didactic structure and content of constructive-projective function of students’ learning is justified, which is extrapolated on the target, content, procedure and evaluation components of the modified functions of information technology; practice-oriented approaches of extrapolation of constructively-orienting function on the model of a specialist is established; the effectiveness of the identified structure and content of the functions using the quality criteria of information technologies is proved: conceptuality, integrity diagnostic ability, predictability, controllability, efficiency, reproducibility, creativity are proved. Presented in the paper results of the study can be useful for the practice of teachers, managers, trainers, facilitators of universities