1,500 research outputs found

    Kaon Weak Decays in Chiral Theories

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    The ten nonleptonic weak decays K→2πK \to 2\pi, K→3πK \to 3\pi, KL→2γK_L \to 2\gamma, KS→2γK_S \to 2\gamma, KL→π∘2γK_L \to \pi^\circ 2\gamma, are predicted for a chiral pole model based on the linear sigma model theory which automatically satisfies the partial conservation of axial current (PCAC) hypothesis. These predictions, agreeing with data to the 5% level and containing no or at most one free parameter, are compared with the results of chiral perturbation theory (ChPT). The latter ChPT approach to one-loop level is known to contain at least four free parameters and then predicts a KL→π∘γγK_L \to \pi^\circ \gamma\gamma rate which is 60% shy of the experimental value. This suggests that ChPT is an unsatisfactory approach towards predicting kaon weak decays.Comment: 12 pages, 8 eps figure

    Factors perceived to influence exercise adherence in women with breast cancer participating in an exercise programme during adjuvant chemotherapy: a focus group study

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    Aims and objectives. To explore factors influencing exercise adherence among women with breast cancer while following an exercise programme. Background. Earlier research shows that women with breast cancer decrease physical activity following the cancer diagnosis and that adhering to exercise interventions can be a challenge. Research is needed to identify motivational factors and barriers for exercise adherence among women during treatment for breast cancer. Design. This was a qualitative study to explore patient’s perceptions of the challenges to exercise adherence during a randomised, controlled trial. Methods. Twenty-seven women with early-stage breast cancer were purposively sampled for focus group interviews during 2011–2012 from their participation in the exercise intervention group during 2010–2012. Five focus groups were performed, and data analysis was completed using the systematic text condensation method. Results. During the focus group study, five main themes were identified, which described factors participants perceived to influence their adherence to exercise during chemotherapy: ‘side effects of breast cancer treatment as a barrier to exercise’, ‘restoring and maintaining normality in daily life motivates exercise’, ‘other valued activities compete with exercise’, ‘constructive support enhances exercise’ and ‘positive beliefs about efficacy and outcomes motivate exercise’. Conclusion. Adherence to exercise in women with breast cancer is challenged by internal and external conditions and may be improved by attention to the impact of treatment side effects and by supporting patient self-efficacy towards changing health behaviour. Relevance to clinical practice. Nurses should be aware that exercise adherence could be a challenge among women with breast cancer. They should help identify obstacles to exercise for women and ways to overcome them, as well as support them in their beliefs that they are capable of changing their health behaviou

    Exercise: a path to wellness during adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer?

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    Background: Breast cancer treatment can represent a threat to a patient’s wellness. The role of exercise in perceived wellness in women with breast cancer merits further study. Objective: The objective of this study was to describe how exercise is perceived by women to influence their physical and psychosocial wellness at the time they were receiving chemotherapy. Methods: Five focus group interviews with a total of 27 women with early-stage breast cancer were conducted. Prior to the focus groups, the women had participated in an exercise intervention during chemotherapy treatment. Results: Three themes emerged from the analysis: exercise shapes feelings of psychological wellness; exercise stimulates feelings of physical wellness; and exercise influences social wellness. The women reported feeling stronger in a psychological sense after exercising, that the strength exercise improved their upper-limb functioning, and that engaging in exercise triggered social support and interactions. Conclusions: Exercise during breast cancer treatment is perceived to enhance the patients’ wellness on several dimensions and in particular psychological wellness. Exercise might support the patients’ efforts to restore their sense of wellness and enhance their level of daily life functioning. Implications for Practice: Cancer nurses should promote exercise as a wellness-fostering intervention during chemotherapy treatment. Focusing on how exercise can contribute to feelings of wellness may help women with breast cancer choose exercise as a health-promoting activity that contributes to their recovery

    Geografiske hol i ei nasjonal ordbok – om geografisk representasjon av kjeldene i Norsk Ordbok

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    Geographical holes in a national dictionary – about geographical representation of thesources in Norsk Ordbok. Norsk Ordbok covers both the written language ’nynorsk’ and thespoken language in Norway. As a national dictionary, there is a demand for geographicalrepresentation when it comes to the spoken language. Nevertheless this survey shows that thespoken language in the northern part of Northern Norway and in most cities, is very poorlydocumented. The main reason for this seems to be a heritage from an earlier neogrammaticalinfluenced linguistic tradition which was characterised by studies with Old Norse as onecomparative component. Little attention was paid to dialects which were a product of languagecontact, which is the case for both the dialects in the northern part of Northern Norway and inthe cities until late in the 1970's. Norsk Ordbok was organised as a project i 2002 and there is nowsome effort put in balancing the source material with a view to geographical representation

    Family support and cardiac rehabilitation: A comparative study of the experiences of South Asian and White-European patients and their carer's living in the United Kingdom

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    Background: Effective lifestyle modification facilitated by cardiac rehabilitation is known to reduce the occurrence of adverse coronary events and mortality. South Asians have poorer outcomes after a myocardial infarction than the general UK population, but little is known about their experiences of family support, cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle change. Aims: To explore the nature of family support available to a sample of South Asian and White-European cardiac patients and to highlight similarities and differences between these groups with regard to cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle modification. Methods: Using a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews (in 1 of 6 languages) were conducted by researchers with; 45 South Asian patients and 37 carers and 20 White-European patients and 17 carers. Interviews were conducted in a home setting, up to eighteen months after discharge from hospital following myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery or unstable angina. Results: The main themes that emerged related to the provision of advice and information, family support and burden, dietary change and exercise regimes. Conclusions: Several cultural and ethnic differences were identified between patients and their families alongside similarities, irrespective of ethnicity. These may represent generic characteristics of recovery after a cardiac event. Health professionals should develop a cultural repertoire to engage with diversity and difference. Not every difficulty a person encounters as they try to access appropriate service delivery can be attributed to ethnic background. By improving services generally, support for South Asian populations can be improved. The challenge is to know when ethnicity makes a difference and mediates a person's relationship with service support and when it does not. (C) 2007 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Internettpublikasjonar som kjelde i dokumentasjonsordbøker. Status og bruk

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    The purpose of this article is to discuss the use of Internet texts as a source in documentary lexicography. Texts published in print are stable and unchangeable in form, and they are mostly subject to long term storage in public national collections or archives. On the other hand electronic texts published on the Internet can be consecutively changed or even removed from one day to another. This is an obvious problem for the documentary lexicographer. To meet the demand for scientifically verifiable data, the lexicographer himself therefore needs to ensure that the text is properly stored for posterity. In Norsk Ordbok this is done by saving the web-page from which a specific word or collocation is harvested, as a PDF-file. The lexicographer should thoroughly consider the type of text he is referring to, not only the publishing format (printed vs. virtual). A lot of Internet texts have never been subject to quality controls such as proofreading. Texts from established publishing houses tend to be better than newspaper articles in terms of both text quality and stability of storage, while no such control is applied to personal web sites

    On Nonlinear Stochastic Balance Laws

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    We are concerned with multidimensional stochastic balance laws. We identify a class of nonlinear balance laws for which uniform spatial BVBV bounds for vanishing viscosity approximations can be achieved. Moreover, we establish temporal equicontinuity in L1L^1 of the approximations, uniformly in the viscosity coefficient. Using these estimates, we supply a multidimensional existence theory of stochastic entropy solutions. In addition, we establish an error estimate for the stochastic viscosity method, as well as an explicit estimate for the continuous dependence of stochastic entropy solutions on the flux and random source functions. Various further generalizations of the results are discussed

    Mellom Aasen og Hægstad. Morfologisk variasjon i landsmålet før 1901.

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    Målet med dette arbeidet er å kartleggje den morfologiske variasjonen i landsmålet før den første offisielle standardiseringa av skriftmålet frå statleg hald i 1901. Det finst fram til no inga heilskapleg, uttømmande framstilling av korleis tidleg landsmål faktisk såg ut. Historia om det tidlege landsmålet har i stor grad bygd på inntrykket granskarar har fått ved å lese litteratur frå perioden, og på kjelder som ordlister, ordbøker og grammatikkar. Sjølv om Aasens ordbok frå 1873 nok blei oppfatta som rettleiande av ein del landsmålsskribentar før 1901, argumenterte både grupper og enkeltpersonar for alternative utformingar av landsmålet. Slike alternative utformingar blei også gjennomførte i fleire viktige publikasjonar. Aasens uoffisielle normal spelte venteleg ei rolle, men spørsmålet er i kva grad skrivarane heldt seg til Aasen-normalen. Då vi så fekk den offisielle standarden i 1901, blei han kløyvd i to slik at vi fekk éin normal tillaten berre for skuleelevar (midlandsnormalen) og éin normal til bruk også utanfor skulen (Hægstad-normalen)
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