239 research outputs found

    Comparative Antioxidant Activity on the Ficus Benjamina and Annona Reticulata Leaves

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    Antioxidants can prevent free radical formation. Natural antioxidants found in many plants, such as Ficus benjamina and Annona reticulata. The study aimed to compare the antioxidant activity of extracts and fractions of Ficus benjamina and Annona reticulata leaves against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrilhydrazyl. The steps of this study consist of extraction, fractionation with n-hexane, ethyl acetate and water, phytochemical screening, antioxidant activity determination, and comparing the IC50 values. Percentage scavenging activity of the extracts and fractions against DPPH was calculated to determine the antioxidant activity. The IC50 value of Ficus benjamina was 127.86 ppm for ethanolic extract, 94.01 ppm for water fraction, 115.48 ppm for ethyl acetate fraction, and 335.50 ppm for n-hexane fraction. The IC50 value of Annona reticulata was 274.31 ppm for ethanolic extract, 211.42 ppm for water fraction, 367.91 ppm for ethyl acetate fraction, and 741.08 ppm for n-hexane fraction. The results showed that the Ficus benjamina water fraction was the best antioxidant compared to other extract and fraction

    The Cesàro Operator on Some Sequence Spaces in Riesz Space of Non-Absolute Type

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    The Cesàro operators are investigated on the class -valued sequence spaces , and with is a Riesz space. Besides, we also carry out that are order bounded operators

    Parity as Failure Determinants of Labor Induction in Bangka Belitung

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    Objectives: to identify factors affecting labor induction failure in Sungailiat General Hospital, District Bangka, Bangka Belitung.Materials and Methods: This is a case control retrospective analytic study. Population of this study was postterm delivering mother at delivery room Sungailiat General Hospital during July 1st, 2012 to July 1st, 2015. Sampling method conducted for case group was total sampling method with labor induction failure as a inclusion criteria, and no data for first trimester ultrasound, didn\u27t have a routine antenatal care history, and maternal complication as exclusion criterias as many as 78 samples. Whereas, control group was women whose underwent a success labor induction used random sampling method with 1:1 ratio. Data source was from medical records. Data analysis was chi square with 95% confidence interval.Results: From the 78 samples with labor induction, 19,2 % was ≥ 35 years old, 48,7% was primiparas, 62,8% with infant birth weight ≥ 3500 gram, and from 96 samples, 47,5% with ≥ 5 years pregnancy interval. Statistical analysis result showed factors that affecting induction failure were parity (P Value 0,014, odds ratio 2,970), baby\u27s weight (P Value 0,016, odds ratio 2,631), pregnancy interval (P Value 0,023, odds ratio 2,993), whereas mother\u27s age did not show significant effect (P Value 0,383, odds ratio 2,278).Conclusion: Parity has a 2,9 times risk to develop induction failure

    The Relationship of Learning Outcomes of Learning Competence with the Implementation of PKM in Training Schools

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of learning outcomes of learning competencies with the implementation of the practice of teaching skills in training schools. This study was carried out in the Jakarta State University teaching skills practice unit, schools were used as training schools, regional education offices, and Jakarta State University. This research is a descriptive research that is trying to express what happened in the field to a starting point and how to develop further. While the research method used the survey method, the research sample was carried out by using purposive sampling technique, taking into account the elements contained in the population. Data analysis techniques used descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. This study found a relationship between learning outcomes of learning potential with the implementation of the practice of teaching skills in schools. So that the subject of learning competence can develop and improve. The result shows that there is a significant relation between learning competence with the implementation of PKM in training schools.     Keywords: learning competence, the practice of teaching skills, PKM (Praktek Keterampilan Mengajar), Teaching Skills Practic

    Another Proof of An Uncountability Real Numbers Set

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    The diagonalization argument is one way that researchers use to prove the set of real numbers is uncountable. In the present paper, we prove the same thing by using the supremum property in the set of real numbers

    Some Vector FK Sequence Spaces Generated by Modulus Function

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    In this paper, some vector valued sequence spaces and using modulus function are presented. Furthermore, we examined some topological properties of these sequence spaces equipped with a paranorm

    Gender Relation in Tea Plucking Workers: a Case Study of Gender Division of Labour and Gender Relation in Gambung Tea Plantation, West Java

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    Men and women's participation in tea plucking have been divided based on gender and strongly patriarchy-influenced. This division of labor cause a gender relation describes specific case of their relations in tea plantation. This study aims to describe the gender relation among the tea plucking workers at Gambung Tea Plantation, analyzed by qualitative approach, particularly treated as a case study. Data collected by in-depth interviews, observation, focus group discussion, and documentation. It was triangulated and analyzed using Harvard Analytical Framework and Gender Balance Tree in Gender Action Learning System approaches. The result shows that both men and women have equal access employment in plucking tea but their participation divided based on gender and patriarchy-influenced. Women have large participation in manual job description while men dominates on mechanic. Manual labor requires longer working-hour. It cause women have longer on working-hour than men. It is also enhance their burdern, eventhough generally they have double roles. As the consequences, women must work harder on their both roles. However, women's participation in productive works enable women to generate income that makes them gaining better position within the household, such as a decision maker. It makes them able to access skill capacity

    On Certain Type of Sequence Spaces Defined by − Function

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    In this paper, we introduce non-negative real valued − function on ℝ . Using − function, we define the sequence spaces (), 0 (), and ∞ (). We will study some topological properties defined by certain paranorm of these spaces

    Kecernaan In-Vitro Ransum Berbasis Limbah Jagung Amoniasi dengan Berbagai Rasio Konsentrat untuk Ruminansia

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    Penelitian ini untuk menentukan rasio optimum penggunaan limbah jagung amoniasi dan konsentrat dalam ransum komplit ternak ruminansia berdasarkan parameter kecernaan secara in-vitro. Empat formula ransum komplit tersebut adalah; R1= 20% limbah jagung amoniasi dan 80% konsentrat, R2= 40% limbah jagung amoniasi dan 60% konsentrat, R3= 60% limbah jagung amo­niasi dan 40% konsentrat dan R4= 80% limbah jagung amoniasi dan 20% konsentrat. Ke­cernaan ran­sum ditentukan setelah diinkubasi selama 48 jam dengan cairan rumen menurut teknik Tilley dan Terry (1969). Data dianalisis menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok. Parameter yang diukur adalah kecernaan bahan kering, bahan organik dan protein kasar, serta konsentrasi VFA dan NH3 cairan rumen. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kecernaan dan konsentrasi VFA dan NH3 berbeda nyata (P0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa 40% lim­bah jagung amoniasi dan 60% konsentrat yang lebih baik digunakan sebagai ransum komplit untuk ruminansia