482 research outputs found

    Pollution in the open oceans: 2009-2013

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    This review of pollution in the open oceans updates a report on this topic prepared by GESAMP five years previously (Reports and Studies No. 79, GESAMP, 2009). The latter report, the first from GESAMP focusing specifically on the oceans beyond the 200 m depth contour, was prepared for purposes of the Assessment of Assessments, the preparatory phase of a regular process for assessing the state of the marine environment, led jointly by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC)

    mua-3, a gene required for mechanical tissue integrity in Caenorhabditis elegans, encodes a novel transmembrane protein of epithelial attachment complexes

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    Normal locomotion of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans requires transmission of contractile force through a series of mechanical linkages from the myofibrillar lattice of the body wall muscles, across an intervening extracellular matrix and epithelium (the hypodermis) to the cuticle. Mutations in mua-3 cause a separation of the hypodermis from the cuticle, suggesting this gene is required for maintaining hypodermal–cuticle attachment as the animal grows in size postembryonically. mua-3 encodes a predicted 3,767 amino acid protein with a large extracellular domain, a single transmembrane helix, and a smaller cytoplasmic domain. The extracellular domain contains four distinct protein modules: 5 low density lipoprotein type A, 52 epidermal growth factor, 1 von Willebrand factor A, and 2 sea urchin-enterokinase-agrin modules. MUA-3 localizes to the hypodermal hemidesmosomes and to other sites of mechanically robust transepithelial attachments, including the rectum, vulva, mechanosensory neurons, and excretory duct/pore. In addition, it is shown that MUA-3 colocalizes with cytoplasmic intermediate filaments (IFs) at these sites. Thus, MUA-3 appears to be a protein that links the IF cytoskeleton of nematode epithelia to the cuticle at sites of mechanical stress

    Personal health promotion at US medical schools: a quantitative study and qualitative description of deans' and students' perceptions

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    BACKGROUND: Prior literature has shown that physicians with healthy personal habits are more likely to encourage patients to adopt similar habits. However, despite the possibility that promoting medical student health might therefore efficiently improve patient outcomes, no one has studied whether such promotion happens in medical school. We therefore wished to describe both typical and outstanding personal health promotion environments experienced by students in U.S. medical schools. METHODS: We collected information through four different modalities: a literature review, written surveys of medical school deans and students, student and dean focus groups, and site visits at and interviews with medical schools with reportedly outstanding student health promotion programs. RESULTS: We found strong correlations between deans' and students' perceptions of their schools' health promotion environments, including consistent support of the idea of schools' encouraging healthy student behaviors, with less consistent follow-through by schools on this concept. Though students seemed to have thought little about the relationships between their own personal and clinical health promotion practices, deans felt strongly that faculty members should model healthy behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: Deans' support of the relationship between physicians' personal and clinical health practices, and concern about their institutions' acting on this relationship augurs well for the role of student health promotion in the future of medical education. Deans seem to understand their students' health environment, and believe it could and should be improved; if this is acted on, it could create important positive changes in medical education and in disease prevention

    Dust in the Photospheric Environment: Unified Cloudy Models of M, L, and T Dwarfs

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    We address the problem of how dust forms and how it could be sustained in the static photospheres of cool dwarfs for a long time. In the cool and dense gas, dust forms easily at the condensation temperature, T_cond, and the dust can be in detailed balance with the ambient gas so long as it remains smaller than the critical radius, r_cr. However, dust will grow larger and segregate from the gas when it will be larger than r_cr somewhere at the lower temperature, which we refer to as the critical temperature, T_cr. Then, the large dust grains will precipitate below the photosphere and only the small dust grains in the region of T_cr < T < T_cond can be sustained in the photosphere. Thus a dust cloud is formed. Incorporating the dust cloud, non-grey model photo- spheres in radiative-convective equilibrium are extended to T_eff as low as 800K. Observed colors and spectra of cool dwarfs can consistently be accounted for by a single grid of our cloudy models. This fact in turn can be regarded as supporting evidence for our basic assumption on the cloud formation.Comment: 50 pages with 14 postscript figures, to be published in Astrophys.

    The Temperature Scale of Metal-Rich M Giants Based on TiO Bands: Population Synthesis in the Near Infrared

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    We have computed a grid of high resolution synthetic spectra for cool stars (2500<Teff<6000 K) in the wavelength range 6000 -- 10200A, by employing an updated line list of atomic and molecular lines, together with state-of-the-art model atmospheres. As a by-product, by fitting TiO bandheads in spectra of well-known M giants, we have derived the electronic oscillator strengths of the TiO gamma prime, delta, epsilon and phi systems. The derived oscillator strenghts for the gamma prime, epsilon and phi systems differ from the laboratory and ab initio values found in the literature, but are consistent with the model atmospheres and line lists employed, resulting in a good match to the observed spectra of M giants of known parameters. The behavior of TiO bands as a function of the stellar parameters Teff, log g and [Fe/H] is presented and the use of TiO spectral indices in stellar population studies is discussed.Comment: ApJ accepted, 27 pages + 11 figures, AASLatex v4.

    Understanding How Disease and Environment Combine to Structure Resistance in Estuarine Bivalve Populations

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    Delaware Bay oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations are influenced by two lethal parasites that cause Dermo and MSX diseases. As part of the US National Science Foundation Ecology of Infectious Diseases initiative, a program developed for Delaware Bay focuses on understanding how oyster population genetics and population dynamics interact with the environment and these parasites to structure he host populations, and how these interactions might modified by climate change. Laboratory and field studies undertaken during this program include identifying genes related to MSX and Dermo disease resistance, potential regions for refugia and the mechanisms that allow them to exist, phenotypic and genotypic differences in oysters from putative refugia and high-disease areas, and spatial and temporal variability in the effective size of the spawning populations. Resulting data provide inputs to oyster genetics, population dynamics, and larval growth models that interface with a three-dimensional circulation model developed for Delaware Bay. Reconstruction of Lagrangian particle tracks is used to infer transport pathways of oyster larvae and MSX and Dermo disease pathogens. Results emerging from laboratory, field, and modeling studies are providing an understanding of long-term changes in Delaware Bay oyster populations that occur as the oyster population responds to climate, environmental, and biological variability

    Mercury in the Black Sea:New Insights From Measurements and Numerical Modeling

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    Redox conditions and organic matter control marine methylmercury (MeHg) production. The Black Sea is the world's largest and deepest anoxic basin and is thus ideal to study Hg species along the extended redox gradient. Here we present new dissolved Hg and MeHg data from the 2013 GEOTRACES MEDBlack cruise (GN04_leg2) that we integrated into a numerical 1-D model, to track the fate and dynamics of Hg and MeHg. Contrary to a previous study, our new data show highest MeHg concentrations in the permanently anoxic waters. Observed MeHg/Hg percentage (range 9-57%) in the anoxic waters is comparable to other subsurface maxima in oxic open-ocean waters. With the modeling we tested for various Hg methylation and demethylation scenarios along the redox gradient. The results show that Hg methylation must occur in the anoxic waters. The model was then used to simulate the time evolution (1850-2050) of Hg species in the Black Sea. Our findings quantify (1) inputs and outputs of Hg-T (similar to 31 and similar to 28 kmol yr(-1)) and MeHgT (similar to 5 and similar to 4 kmol yr(-1)) to the basin, (2) the extent of net demethylation occurring in oxic (similar to 1 kmol yr(-1)) and suboxic water (similar to 6 kmol yr(-1)), (3) and the net Hg methylation in the anoxic waters of the Black Sea (similar to 11 kmol yr(-1)). The model was also used to estimate the amount of anthropogenic Hg (85-93%) in the Black Sea

    Dimensionality and dynamics in the behavior of C. elegans

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    A major challenge in analyzing animal behavior is to discover some underlying simplicity in complex motor actions. Here we show that the space of shapes adopted by the nematode C. elegans is surprisingly low dimensional, with just four dimensions accounting for 95% of the shape variance, and we partially reconstruct "equations of motion" for the dynamics in this space. These dynamics have multiple attractors, and we find that the worm visits these in a rapid and almost completely deterministic response to weak thermal stimuli. Stimulus-dependent correlations among the different modes suggest that one can generate more reliable behaviors by synchronizing stimuli to the state of the worm in shape space. We confirm this prediction, effectively "steering" the worm in real time.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, minor correction

    Environmental variables, habitat discontinuity and life history shaping the genetic structure of Pomatoschistus marmoratus

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    Coastal lagoons are semi-isolated ecosystems exposed to wide fluctuations of environmental conditions and showing habitat fragmentation. These features may play an important role in separating species into different populations, even at small spatial scales. In this study, we evaluate the concordance between mitochondrial (previous published data) and nuclear data analyzing the genetic variability of Pomatoschistus marmoratus in five localities, inside and outside the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain) using eight microsatellites. High genetic diversity and similar levels of allele richness were observed across all loci and localities, although significant genic and genotypic differentiation was found between populations inside and outside the lagoon. In contrast to the FST values obtained from previous mitochondrial DNA analyses (control region), the microsatellite data exhibited significant differentiation among samples inside the Mar Menor and between lagoonal and marine samples. This pattern was corroborated using Cavalli-Sforza genetic distances. The habitat fragmentation inside the coastal lagoon and among lagoon and marine localities could be acting as a barrier to gene flow and contributing to the observed genetic structure. Our results from generalized additive models point a significant link between extreme lagoonal environmental conditions (mainly maximum salinity) and P. marmoratus genetic composition. Thereby, these environmental features could be also acting on genetic structure of coastal lagoon populations of P. marmoratus favoring their genetic divergence. The mating strategy of P. marmoratus could be also influencing our results obtained from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Therefore, a special consideration must be done in the selection of the DNA markers depending on the reproductive strategy of the species

    Chemical cycling and deposition of atmospheric mercury in Polar Regions: review of recent measurements and comparison with models

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    Mercury (Hg) is a worldwide contaminant that can cause adverse health effects to wildlife and humans. While atmospheric modeling traces the link from emissions to deposition of Hg onto environmental surfaces, large uncertainties arise from our incomplete understanding of atmospheric processes (oxidation pathways, deposition, and re-emission). Atmospheric Hg reactivity is exacerbated in high latitudes and there is still much to be learned from polar regions in terms of atmospheric processes. This paper provides a synthesis of the atmospheric Hg monitoring data available in recent years (2011–2015) in the Arctic and in Antarctica along with a comparison of these observations with numerical simulations using four cutting-edge global models. The cycle of atmospheric Hg in the Arctic and in Antarctica presents both similarities and differences. Coastal sites in the two regions are both influenced by springtime atmospheric Hg depletion events and by summertime snowpack re-emission and oceanic evasion of Hg. The cycle of atmospheric Hg differs between the two regions primarily because of their different geography. While Arctic sites are significantly influenced by northern hemispheric Hg emissions especially in winter, coastal Antarctic sites are significantly influenced by the reactivity observed on the East Antarctic ice sheet due to katabatic winds. Based on the comparison of multi-model simulations with observations, this paper discusses whether the processes that affect atmospheric Hg seasonality and interannual variability are appropriately represented in the models and identifies research gaps in our understanding of the atmospheric Hg cycling in high latitudes
