1,983 research outputs found

    Kompetensi Kerja Pemerintah di Pemerintah Kelurahan Rurukan I Kecamatan Tomohon Timur

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    Competence is the ability and characteristics possessed by a civil servant so that civil servants are able to perform their duties in a professional, effective and efficient which includes the provision of services at the village level.This study was carried out to reveal and analyze the competence of employees working in the Village Government Rurukan I Sub East Tomohon This study used qualitative methods. From research conducted found that employees in the Government District of Tomohon Village East Rurukan I have not shown good job competence due to the placement of employees who are not in accordance with the rank and class, educational background that does not comply with existing positions, as well as the employee fails to demonstrate analysis and human relations skills in the work

    Kajian Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga Terhadap Psikologi Anak Di Desa Soakonora Kecamatan Jailolo Kabupaten Halmahera Barat

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    Perkawinan merupakan babak baru bagi individu untuk memulai suatu kewajiban dan berbagi peran yang sifatnya baru dengan pasangannya. Dalam lembaga tersebut akan diperoleh aturan hukum yang melindungi keberadaan hubungan tersebut di dalam masyarakat. Pada masa selanjutnya, kemudian pasangan tersebut menjadi sebuah keluarga yang di dalamnya terdiri dari seorang ayah, ibu, dan anak atau tanpa anak sekalipun. Dalam menjalani kehidupan berkeluarga tentunya tidak semudah dan semulus yang dibayangkan, pasti banyak lika-liku masalah yang harus dihadapi oleh keluarga tersebut. Di sini pengertian dan rasa kebersamaan kekeluargaan sangat dibutuhkan agar pada nantinya semua dapat dihadapi dan sesuai dengan harapan dari masing-masing anggota keluarga tersebut.Dalam perkawinan setiap pasangan memimpikan dapat membangun keluarga yang harmonis, bahagia dan saling mencintai, tetapi faktanya banyak keluarga yang ternyata tidak harmonis, justeru merasa tertekan dan sedih karena terjadinya kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, baik kekerasan yang bersifat fisik, psikologis atau kejiwaan, seksual, emosional, maupun penelantaran keluarga. Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) bisa disebabkan oleh faktor internal dan eksternal, baik itu secara perseorangan maupun secara bersam a-sama, apalagi di jaman keterbukaan dan kemajuan teknologi informasi yang seringkali suatu tindak kekerasan muncul melalui media informasi yang tidak tersaring pengaruh negatifnya terhadap Kenyamanan hidup berumahtangga. Kondisi ini cenderung mengganggu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak, sehingga anak-anak tumbuh dan berkembang secara tidak natural, justeru menghambat anak-anak berprestasi di sekolahnya. Untuk menyelamatkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak yang optimal, perlu dilakukan penanganan secara psikologis dan edukatif terhadap kasus Kekerasan Dalam Rumah-Tangga (KDRT), baik yang sifatnya kuratif maupun preventif, sehingga akan bermanfaat bagi pelaku Kekerasan Dalam Rumah-Tangga (KDRT), utamanya bagi kurban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah-Tangga (KDRT) dan masyarakatnya secara umum

    Kompetensi Kerja Pemerintah di Pemerintah Kelurahan Rurukan I Kecamatan Tomohon Timur

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    Competence is the ability and characteristics possessed by a civil servant so that civil servants are able to perform their duties in a professional, effective and efficient which includes the provision of services at the village level.This study was carried out to reveal and analyze the competence of employees working in the Village Government Rurukan I Sub East Tomohon This study used qualitative methods. From research conducted found that employees in the Government District of Tomohon Village East Rurukan I have not shown good job competence due to the placement of employees who are not in accordance with the rank and class, educational background that does not comply with existing positions, as well as the employee fails to demonstrate analysis and human relations skills in the work.Keywords: Competence, Employees, Government

    Particulate Organic Matter Distributions in the Water Column of the Chukchi Sea During Late Summer

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    We investigated the distribution and composition of particulate organic matter in waters from the northeast Chukchi Sea during two late summer periods (September 2016 and August 2017). During both cruises we measured a variety of properties (salinity, temperature, density, chlorophyll fluorescence and particle beam attenuation). We also collected individual water samples from specific depths and measured the concentrations of suspended particulate matter, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, chlorophyll-a and pheophytin (a chlorophyll degradation product). These measurements revealed highly stratified conditions throughout the study area, with surface waters exhibiting relatively low particle and biomass concentrations, middepth waters with well-defined subsurface chlorophyll maxima and moderate biomass, and turbid bottom waters with intermediate concentrations of particulate organic carbon and elevated levels of pheophytin. Large contrasts in the composition of particulate materials in both cruises were related to the distribution of different regional water masses. In addition, we observed increases in biogeochemical tracers of phytoplankton production in response to downwelling- and upwelling-favorable wind events. Overall, our work suggests that under the right conditions, phytoplankton production may occur under highly stratified conditions both in surface and sub-surface waters, extending the productive season along Arctic marginal seas

    Millennial-scale climatic variability between 340000 and 270000 years ago in SW Europe : evidence from a NW Iberian margin pollen sequence

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    © 2009 The Authors. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The definitive version was published in Climate of the Past 5 (2009): 53-72, doi:10.5194/cp-5-53-2009We present a new high-resolution marine pollen record from NW Iberian margin sediments (core MD03-2697) covering the interval between 340 000 and 270 000 years ago, a time period centred on Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 9 and characterized by particular baseline climate states. This study enables the documentation of vegetation changes in the north-western Iberian Peninsula and therefore the terrestrial climatic variability at orbital and in particular at millennial scales during MIS 9, directly on a marine stratigraphy. Suborbital vegetation changes in NW Iberia in response to cool/cold events are detected throughout the studied interval even during MIS 9e ice volume minimum. However, they appear more frequent and of higher amplitude during the 30 000 years following the MIS 9e interglacial period and during the MIS 9a-8 transition, which correspond to intervals of an intermediate to high ice volume and mainly periods of ice growth. Each suborbital cold event detected in NW Iberia has a counterpart in the Southern Iberian margin SST record. High to moderate amplitude cold episodes detected on land and in the ocean appear to be related to changes in deep water circulation and probably to iceberg discharges at least during MIS 9d, the mid-MIS 9c cold event and MIS 9b. This work provides therefore additional evidence of pervasive millennial-scale climatic variability in the North Atlantic borderlands throughout past climatic cycles of the Late Pleistocene, regardless of glacial state. However, ice volume might have an indirect influence on the amplitude of the millennial climatic changes in Southern Europe.This research was supported by IPEV (Institut Paul Emile Victor), PNEDC (Programme National d’Etude de la Dynamique du Climat), the Gary Comer Science and Education Foundation and the US National Science Foundation (OCE grants 8-4911100 and 8-256500)

    Indian monsoon variations during three contrasting climatic periods : the Holocene, Heinrich Stadial 2 and the last interglacial-glacial transition

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Quaternary Science Reviews 125 (2015): 50-60, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.06.009.In contrast to the East Asian and African monsoons the Indian monsoon is still poorly documented throughout the last climatic cycle (last 135,000 years). Pollen analysis from two marine sediment cores (NGHP-01-16A and NGHP-01-19B) collected from the offshore Godavari and Mahanadi basins, both located in the Core Monsoon Zone (CMZ) reveals changes in Indian summer monsoon variability and intensity during three contrasting climatic periods: the Holocene, the Heinrich Stadial (HS) 2 and the Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 5/4 during the ice sheet growth transition. During the first part of the Holocene between 11,300 and 4,200 cal years BP, characterized by high insolation (minimum precession, maximum obliquity), the maximum extension of the coastal forest and mangrove reflects high monsoon rainfall. This climatic regime contrasts with that of the second phase of the Holocene, from 4,200 cal years BP to the present, marked by the development of drier vegetation in a context of low insolation (maximum precession, minimum obliquity). The historical period in India is characterized by an alternation of strong and weak monsoon centennial phases that may reflect the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age, respectively. During the HS 2, a period of low insolation and extensive iceberg discharge in the North Atlantic Ocean, vegetation was dominated by grassland and dry flora indicating pronounced aridity as the result of a weak Indian summer monsoon. The MIS 5/4 glaciation, also associated with low insolation but moderate freshwater fluxes, was characterized by a weaker reduction of the Indian summer monsoon and a decrease of seasonal contrast as recorded by the expansion of dry vegetation and the development of Artemisia, respectively. Our results support model predictions suggesting that insolation changes control the long term trend of the Indian monsoon precipitation, but its millennial scale variability and intensity are instead modulated by atmospheric teleconnections to remote phenomena in the North Atlantic, Eurasia or the Indian Ocean.The work of C.Z. was supported by the ANR MONOPOL

    Insulator-Metal Transition in One Dimension Induced by Long-Range Electronic Interactions

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    The effects of a long range electronic potential on a one dimensional commensurate Charge Density Wave (CDW) state are investigated. Using numerical techniques it is shown that a transition to a metallic ground state is reached as the range of the electron-electron repulsion increases. In this metallic state, the optical conductivity exhibits a large Drude weight. Possible interpretations of our results are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, minor misprints corrected and a reference to earlier work by V. Emery and C. Noguera adde

    Wigner Crystal in One Dimension

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    A one--dimensional gas of electrons interacting with long--range Coulomb forces (V(r)1/rV(r) \approx 1/r) is investigated. The excitation spectrum consists of separate collective charge and spin modes, with the charge excitation energies in agreement with RPA calculations. For arbitrarily weak Coulomb repulsion density correlations at wavevector 4kF4k_F decay extremely slowly and are best described as those of a one--dimensional Wigner crystal. Pinning of the Wigner crystal then leads to the nonlinear transport properties characteristic of CDW. The results allow a consistent interpretation of the plasmon and spin excitations observed in one--dimensional semiconductor structures, and suggest an interpretation of some of the observed features in terms of ``spinons''. A possible explanation for nonlinear transport phenomena is given.Comment: 10 pages, RevTe

    Distribution and sources of organic matter in surface marine sediments across the North American Arctic margin

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    As part of the International Polar Year research program, we conducted a survey of surface marine sediments from box cores along a section extending from the Bering Sea to Davis Strait via the Canadian Archipelago. We used bulk elemental and isotopic compositions, together with biomarkers and principal components analysis, to elucidate the distribution of marine and terrestrial organic matter in different regions of the North American Arctic margin. Marked regional contrasts were observed in organic carbon loadings, with the highest values (1 mg C m(-2) sediment) found in sites along Barrow Canyon and the Chukchi and Bering shelves, all of which were characterized by sediments with low oxygen exposure, as inferred from thin layers (\u3c2 \u3ecm) of Mn oxihydroxides. We found strong regional differences in inorganic carbon concentrations, with sites from the Canadian Archipelago and Lancaster Sound displaying elevated values (2-7 wt %) and highly depleted C-14 compositions consistent with inputs from bedrock carbonates. Organic carbon:nitrogen ratios, stable carbon isotopes, and terrigenous organic biomarkers (lignin phenols and cutin acids) all indicate marked regional differences in the proportions of marine and terrigenous organic matter present in surface sediments. Regions such as Barrow Canyon and the Mackenzie River shelf were characterized by the highest contributions of land-derived organic matter, with compositional characteristics that suggested distinct sources and provenance. In contrast, sediments from the Canadian Archipelago and Davis Strait had the smallest contributions of terrigenous organic matter and the lowest organic carbon loadings indicative of a high degree of post-depositional oxidation