196 research outputs found

    Waves and Instabilities in Accretion Disks: MHD Spectroscopic Analysis

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    A complete analytical and numerical treatment of all magnetohydrodynamic waves and instabilities for radially stratified, magnetized accretion disks is presented. The instabilities are a possible source of anomalous transport. While recovering results on known hydrodynamicand both weak- and strong-field magnetohydrodynamic perturbations, the full magnetohydrodynamic spectra for a realistic accretion disk model demonstrates a much richer variety of instabilities accessible to the plasma than previously realized. We show that both weakly and strongly magnetized accretion disks are prone to strong non-axisymmetric instabilities.The ability to characterize all waves arising in accretion disks holds great promise for magnetohydrodynamic spectroscopic analysis.Comment: FOM-Institute for plasma physics "Rijnhuizen", Nieuwegein, the Netherlands 12 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Stellar winds, dead zones, and coronal mass ejections

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    Axisymmetric stellar wind solutions are presented, obtained by numerically solving the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations. Stationary solutions are critically analysed using the knowledge of the flux functions. These flux functions enter in the general variational principle governing all axisymmetric stationary ideal MHD equilibria. The magnetized wind solutions for (differentially) rotating stars contain both a `wind' and a `dead' zone. We illustrate the influence of the magnetic field topology on the wind acceleration pattern, by varying the coronal field strength and the extent of the dead zone. This is evident from the resulting variations in the location and appearance of the critical curves where the wind speed equals the slow, Alfven, and fast speed. Larger dead zones cause effective, fairly isotropic acceleration to super-Alfvenic velocities as the polar, open field lines are forced to fan out rapidly with radial distance. A higher field strength moves the Alfven transition outwards. In the ecliptic, the wind outflow is clearly modulated by the extent of the dead zone. The combined effect of a fast stellar rotation and an equatorial `dead' zone in a bipolar field configuration can lead to efficient thermo-centrifugal equatorial winds. Such winds show both a strong poleward collimation and some equatorward streamline bending due to significant toroidal field pressure at mid-latitudes. We discuss how coronal mass ejections are then simulated on top of the transonic outflows.Comment: scheduled for Astrophys. J. 530 #2, Febr.20 2000 issue. 9 figures (as 6 jpeg and 8 eps files

    Magneto-rotational overstability in accretion disks

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    We present analytical and numerical studies of magnetorotational instabilities occuring in magnetized accretion disks. In these studies we make use of the linearised compressible MHD equations. These calculations are performed for general radially stratified disks in the cylindrical limit. In particular, we investigate the influence of nonvanishing toroidal magnetic field component on the growth rate and oscillation frequency of magnetorotational instabilities in Keplerian disks. We find the persistence of these instabilities in accretion disks close to equipartition. Our calculations show that these eigenmodes become overstable (complex eigenvalue), due to the presence of a toroidal magnetic field component, while their growth rate reduces slightly. Furthermore, we demonstrate the presence of magneto-rotational overstabilities in weakly magnetized sub-Keplerian rotating disks. We show that the growth rate scales with the rotation frequency of the disk. These eigenmodes also have a nonzero oscillation frequency, due to the presence of the dominant toroidal magnetic field component. The overstable character of the MRI increases as the rotation frequency of the disk decreases.Comment: 11 pager, 18 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Fast magnetoacoustic waves in curved coronal loops. I, Trapped and leaky modes

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    A study of vertically polarised fast magnetoacoustic waves in a curved coronal loop is presented. The loop is modeled as a semi-circular magnetic slab in the zero plasma-β limit. The governing equations for linear waves are derived. We show that the wave mode behaviour depends on the slope of the equilibrium density profile, which is modeled as a piece-wise continuous power law curve of index α. For all profiles, except for α = −4, wave modes are not trapped in the loop and leak out into the external medium through wave tunneling. The particular case of α = −4, which corresponds to a linearly increasing Alfvén speed profile, is examined in more detail as this is the only model that can support trapped wave modes. We compare the results with a straight slab model and find similar behaviour. Coupling between sausage and kink wave modes has not been found in the model

    Seismology of curved coronal loops with vertically polarised transverse oscillations

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    Aims. Using a model of vertically polarised fast magnetoacoustic waves in curved coronal loops, the method of coronal seismology is applied to observations of transverse loop oscillations. Methods. A coronal loop is modeled as a curved magnetic slab in the zero plasma-β limit. For an arbitrary piece-wise continuous power law equilibrium density profile, the dispersion relation governing linear vertically polarised fast magnetoacoustic kink waves is derived. The ways in which this model can be used for coronal seismology are explored and applied to two observational examples. Results. The Alfvén speed and equilibrium density profile are determined from observations. It is shown that the mechanism of lateral leakage of fast magnetoacoustic kink oscillations described in this model is efficient. In fact, the damping is so efficient that in order to match predicted values with observational ones, either the loop needs to be highly contrasted or the transverse Alfvén speed profile needs to be close to linear. Possible improvements to make the modeling of lateral wave leakage in loops more realistic, allowing a lower damping efficiency, are discussed

    Three-dimensional stability of magnetically confined mountains on accreting neutron stars

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    We examine the hydromagnetic stability of magnetically confined mountains, which arise when material accumulates at the magnetic poles of an accreting neutron star. We extend a previous axisymmetric stability analysis by performing three-dimensional simulations using the ideal-magnetohydrodynamic (ideal-MHD) code \textsc{zeus-mp}, investigating the role played by boundary conditions, accreted mass, stellar curvature, and (briefly) toroidal magnetic field strength. We find that axisymmetric equilibria are susceptible to the undular sub-mode of the Parker instability but are not disrupted. The line-tying boundary condition at the stellar surface is crucial in stabilizing the mountain. The nonlinear three-dimensional saturation state of the instability is characterized by a small degree of nonaxisymmetry (\la 0.1 per cent) and a mass ellipticity of ϵ105\epsilon \sim 10^{-5} for an accreted mass of Ma=105MM_a = 10^{-5} M_\odot. Hence there is a good prospect of detecting gravitational waves from accreting millisecond pulsars with long-baseline interferometers such as Advanced LIGO. We also investigate the ideal-MHD spectrum of the system, finding that long-wavelength poloidal modes are suppressed in favour of toroidal modes in the nonaxisymmetric saturation state.Comment: accepted by MNRA

    Pressure-driven instabilities in astrophysical jets

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    Astrophysical jets are widely believed to be self-collimated by the hoop-stress due to the azimuthal component of their magnetic field. However this implies that the magnetic field is largely dominated by its azimuthal component in the outer jet region. In the fusion context, it is well-known that such configurations are highly unstable in static columns, leading to plasma disruption. It has long been pointed out that a similar outcome may follow for MHD jets, and the reasons preventing disruption are still not elucidated, although some progress has been accomplished in the recent years. In these notes, I review the present status of this open problem for pressure-driven instabilities, one of the two major sources of ideal MHD instability in static columns (the other one being current-driven instabilities). I first discuss in a heuristic way the origin of these instabilities. Magnetic resonances and magnetic shear are introduced, and their role in pressure-driven instabilities discussed in relation to Suydam's criterion. A dispersion relation is derived for pressure-driven modes in the limit of large azimuthal magnetic fields, which gives back the two criteria derived by Kadomtsev for this instability. The growth rates of these instabilities are expected to be short in comparison with the jet propagation time. What is known about the potential stabilizing role of the axial velocity of jets is then reviewed. In particular, a nonlinear stabilization mechanism recently identified in the fusion literature is discussed. Key words: Ideal MHD: stability, pressure-driven modes; Jets: stabilityComment: 20 pages, 3 figures. Lecture given at the JETSET European school "Numerical MHD and Instabilities". To be published by Springer in the "Lectures notes in physics" serie

    Entropy Stable Numerical Schemes for Two-Fluid Plasma Equations

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    Two-fluid ideal plasma equations are a generalized form of the ideal MHD equations in which electrons and ions are considered as separate species. The design of efficient numerical schemes for the these equations is complicated on account of their non-linear nature and the presence of stiff source terms, especially for high charge to mass ratios and for low Larmor radii. In this article, we design entropy stable finite difference schemes for the two-fluid equations by combining entropy conservative fluxes and suitable numerical diffusion operators. Furthermore, to overcome the time step restrictions imposed by the stiff source terms, we devise time-stepping routines based on implicit-explicit (IMEX)-Runge Kutta (RK) schemes. The special structure of the two-fluid plasma equations is exploited by us to design IMEX schemes in which only local (in each cell) linear equations need to be solved at each time step. Benchmark numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the robustness and accuracy of these schemes.Comment: Accepted in Journal of Scientific Computin

    Transverse oscillations of coronal loops

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    On 14 July 1998 TRACE observed transverse oscillations of a coronal loop generated by an external disturbance most probably caused by a solar flare. These oscillations were interpreted as standing fast kink waves in a magnetic flux tube. Firstly, in this review we embark on the discussion of the theory of waves and oscillations in a homogeneous straight magnetic cylinder with the particular emphasis on fast kink waves. Next, we consider the effects of stratification, loop expansion, loop curvature, non-circular cross-section, loop shape and magnetic twist. An important property of observed transverse coronal loop oscillations is their fast damping. We briefly review the different mechanisms suggested for explaining the rapid damping phenomenon. After that we concentrate on damping due to resonant absorption. We describe the latest analytical results obtained with the use of thin transition layer approximation, and then compare these results with numerical findings obtained for arbitrary density variation inside the flux tube. Very often collective oscillations of an array of coronal magnetic loops are observed. It is natural to start studying this phenomenon from the system of two coronal loops. We describe very recent analytical and numerical results of studying collective oscillations of two parallel homogeneous coronal loops. The implication of the theoretical results for coronal seismology is briefly discussed. We describe the estimates of magnetic field magnitude obtained from the observed fundamental frequency of oscillations, and the estimates of the coronal scale height obtained using the simultaneous observations of the fundamental frequency and the frequency of the first overtone of kink oscillations. In the last part of the review we summarise the most outstanding and acute problems in the theory of the coronal loop transverse oscillations