5,351 research outputs found

    Photon emission induced by elastic exciton--carrier scattering in semiconductor quantum wells

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    We present a study of the elastic exciton--electron (XeX-e^-) and exciton--hole (XhX-h) scattering processes in semiconductor quantum wells, including fermion exchange effects. The balance between the exciton and the free carrier populations within the electron-hole plasma is discussed in terms of ionization degree in the nondegenerate regime. Assuming a two-dimensional Coulomb potential statically screened by the free carrier gas, we apply the variable phase method to obtain the excitonic wavefunctions, which we use to calculate the 1ss exciton--free carrier matrix elements that describe the scattering of excitons into the light cone where they can radiatively recombine. The photon emission rates due to the carrier-assisted exciton recombination in semiconductor quantum-wells (QWs) at room temperature and in a low density regime are obtained from Fermi's golden rule, and studied for mid-gap and wide-gap materials. The quantitative comparison of the direct and exchange terms of the scattering matrix elements shows that fermion exchange is the dominant mechanism of the exciton--carrier scattering process. This is confirmed by our analysis of the rates of photon emission induced by electron-assisted and hole-assisted exciton recombinations.Comment: Thoroughly revised version of previous work. Weak and incorrect assumptions have been removed from the paper, and its scope has evolved: see abstract. This is the final version, i.e. as accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal

    Efficient algorithms for pairing-based cryptosystems

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    We describe fast new algorithms to implement recent cryptosystems based on the Tate pairing. In particular, our techniques improve pairing evaluation speed by a factor of about 55 compared to previously known methods in characteristic 3, and attain performance comparable to that of RSA in larger characteristics.We also propose faster algorithms for scalar multiplication in characteristic 3 and square root extraction over Fpm, the latter technique being also useful in contexts other than that of pairing-based cryptography

    Three One Act Plays: The Rising of the Moon; Frenzied Finance; The Brink of Silence

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    Three one-act plays were preformed at John Carroll University by the Little Theatre Society on December 4, 1936 in the new University Heights location.https://collected.jcu.edu/plays/1112/thumbnail.jp

    Interfacial solitary wave run-up in the St. Lawrence Estuary

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    Density variations show evidence of interfacial solitary waves (ISW) running up the sloping boundary of an island in the St. Lawrence Estuary, confirming inferences based remote sensing. Further detail is suggested by simulations created with a two-dimensional nonhydrostatic numerical model. The simulations confirm theoretical predictions of the location of wave breaking, something that is difficult to observe in the field. Two other results of the simulations match laboratory findings: the creation of turbulent boluses that propagate upslope of the breaking zone, and the creation of an intermediate layer that transports mixed water away from the mixing site. Although our sampling could not resolve the intermediate mixing layer, it did provide evidence of boluses. In addition to ISW breaking the bolus and intrusion effects may also be important in coastal regions

    Effect of agroclimatic variability on land suitability for cultivating rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) and growth performance assessment in the tropical rainforest climate of Peninsular Malaysia

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    Climate change directly alters climate conditions and indirectly impacts land suitability for cultivating rubber. The Malaysian tropical rainforest climate with regular rainfall of about 2000–2500 mm per year and the average temperature of 26–28 °C provide a suitable condition for planting rubber commercially. There is doubt about how well rubber plants will perform in the future because of climate change. The main question of whether rubber is still appropriate for planting in Peninsular Malaysia must be answered conclusively as rubber requires an approximately 30 year investment in one cycle. This question is particularly relevant in Malaysia as its rubber production is dependent on smallholders. Smallholders contribute approximately 93% of natural rubber production and furthermore, 93% of the rubber land area in Malaysia is owned by smallholders. An agroclimatic map produced in this study will help smallholders in deciding whether to proceed with rubber or change to other valuable crops based on their specific location. In this study, we evaluate 21st century land suitability for cultivating rubber and assess its growth based on climatic data for the Historical (1970–2000), Early (2010–2040), Middle (2040–2070) and End (2070–2100) projections periods. We use the Hevea 1.0 static model for rubber tree modelling to calculate the agroclimatic indices and estimate 30 years’ of actual rubber growth (girth) for all study periods. We find that climate change is predicted to have a positive impact on rubber-suitability in tropical rainforest in Malaysia climates at least until 2100. The End period, where the precipitation and temperature are projected to experience significant increases, becomes more favourable to rubber. The Perak region shows the highest increase in estimated rubber growth in the Early, Middle, and End periods by 16.3%, 31.9% and 39.4%, respectively. Among all regions, Kelang is predicted to be the most suitable area to plant rubber during the Early period as it has a potential estimated girth of up to 94.5 cm. Meanwhile, Johor is predicted to be the best place to cultivate rubber during the Middle and End periods with growth estimations of 97 cm and 99.5 cm, respectively. We indicate that about 32% of existing planted rubber area in Peninsular Malaysia is in Class 6 of land suitability to cultivate rubber

    Contract Report for The Science And Engineering Research Council. Contract Number Gr/F/06760. G.U. Aero Report 9201

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    This document constitutes the final report for SERC award No. GR/F/06760. It first details the work programme of the original proposal made in 1987 and notes the work done to illustrate completion and extensions beyond that proposed. For brevity, we confine the technical discussion to the salient features of a particular aerofoil, albeit the work was an integral part of a larger programme on dynamic stall. The extent of this work may be gleaned from the accompanying enclosures representing some recent activity at Glasgow University. Two of the main technical results from the present authors are worthy of note in that the first (i.e. a correletion for incipient dynamic stall) has been used both in industry (VAWT Ltd) and research (under SERC GR/F/63466) to propose new aerofoil shapes for wind turbines. The second, however, (negative lift at large incidence during ramp-down motions from the stalled condition) has generated a new research activity (funded under SERC GR/H167U). This and future prospects are discussed prior to the concluding remarks. These remarks express the authors opinion of the success and overall value of the programme