588 research outputs found

    Improved Confinement in JET High {beta} Plasmas with an ITER-Like Wall

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    The replacement of the JET carbon wall (C-wall) by a Be/W ITER-like wall (ILW) has affected the plasma energy confinement. To investigate this, experiments have been performed with both the C-wall and ILW to vary the heating power over a wide range for plasmas with different shapes.Comment: 50 pages, 32 figures. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article submitted for publication in Nuclear Fusion. IoP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from i

    Comparison of H-mode plasmas in JET-ILW and JET-C with and without nitrogen seeding

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    In high confinement mode, highly shaped plasmas with edge localized modes in JET, and for heating power of 15-17 MW, the edge fluid code EDGE2D-EIRENE predicts transition to detachment assisted by nitrogen at the low field side (LFS) target when more than 50% of the power crossing the separatrix between ELMs is radiated in the divertor chamber, i.e. ∼4 MW. This is observed both in the ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) and in the carbon wall (JET-C) configurations and is consistent with experimental observations within their uncertainty. In these conditions, peak heat fluxes below 1 MW m-2 are measured at the LFS target and predicted for both wall configurations. When the JET-C configuration is replaced with the JET-ILW, a factor of two reduction in the divertor radiated power and 25-50% increase in the peak and total power deposited to the LFS divertor plate is predicted by EDGE2D-EIRENE for unseeded plasmas similar to experimental observations. At the detachment threshold, EDGE2D-EIRENE shows that nitrogen radiates more than 80% of the total divertor radiation in JET-ILW with beryllium contributing less than a few %. With JET-C, nitrogen radiates more than 70% with carbon providing less than 20% of the total radiation. Therefore, the lower intrinsic divertor radiation with JET-ILW is compensated by stronger nitrogen radiation contribution in simulations leading to detachment at similar total divertor radiation fractions. 20-100% higher deuterium molecular fraction in the divertor recycling fluxes is predicted with light JET-C materials when compared to heavy tungsten. EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations indicate that the stronger molecular contribution can reduce the divertor peak power deposition in high recycling conditions by 10-20% due to enhanced power dissipation by molecular interaction

    EMC3-EIRENE simulation of first wall recycling fluxes in W7-X with relation to H-alpha measurements

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    In the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator, the main locations of particle sources are expected to be the carbon divertors, baffles and graphite heat shield first wall. In this paper, the heat shield is implemented in EMC3-EIRENE to understand the expected areas and magnitudes of the recycling flux to this component. It is found that in the simulation the heat shield is not a significant source of recycling neutrals. The areas of simulated recycling flux are shown to correlate well with footprints of plasma-wetting seen in post-experimental campaign in-vessel inspection photos. EMC3-EIRENE reconstruction of line-integrated H-alpha measurements at the heat shield indicate that the majority of emission does not come from local recycling neutrals. Rather, the H-alpha signals at the heat shield are dominated by ionization of neutrals which have leaked from the divertor/baffle region into the midplane. The magnitude of the H-alpha line emission from the synthetic reconstruction is consistent with the experiment, indicating that a large overestimation of heat shield recycling would occur if these measurements were assumed to be from local recycling sources. In the future, it may be possible to obtain some information of local recycling from the heat shield since it was found that the majority of the recycling flux occurs on two well-localized areas

    Electron-cyclotron-resonance heating in Wendelstein 7-X: A versatile heating and current-drive method and a tool for in-depth physics studies

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    For stellarators, which need no or only small amounts of current drive, electron-cyclotron-resonance heating (ECRH) is a promising heating method even for the envisaged application in a fusion power plant. Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) is equipped with a steady-state capable ECRH system, operating at 140 GHz, which corresponds to the 2nd cyclotron harmonic of the electrons at a magnetic field of 2.5 T. Ten gyrotrons are operational and already delivered 7MW to W7-X plasmas. Combined with pellet injection, the highest triple product (0.68×10²⁰ keVm¯³s), observed up to now in stellarators, was achieved (Sunn Pedersen et al 2018 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61 014035). For the first time, W7-X plasmas were sustained by 2nd harmonic O-mode heating, approaching the collisionality regime for which W7-X was optimized. Power deposition scans did not show any indication of electron temperature profile resilience. In low-density, low-power plasmas a compensation of the bootstrap current with electron-cyclotron current drive (ECCD) was demonstrated. Sufficiently strong ECCD close to the plasma centre produced periodic internal plasma-crash events, which coincide with the appearance of low order rationals of the rotational transform