2,310 research outputs found

    Prevalence and Factors Associated with Group A Rotavirus Infection Among Children with Acute Diarrhea in Mwanza, Tanzania.

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    Rotavirus infections frequently cause acute gastroenteritis in humans and are the most important cause of severe dehydrating diarrhea in young children in both developed and developing countries. This was a prospective cross-sectional, hospital-based study on 300 children ≤ 5 years with acute watery diarrhea who attended Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) and Nyamagana District hospital between May and November 2009. Stool specimens were tested for rotavirus infection using latex agglutination test. Data were cleaned and analyzed using SPSS 11.0. Of 300 children with acute watery diarrhea, 136 (45.3%) were female and the mean age was 12.63 months (SD = 10.4). Sixty-two (20.7%) children were found to have rotavirus infection. Of children with severe malnutrition three (37.5%) were infected with rotavirus. Fifty-two (84%) of children with rotavirus infection were below two years of age. Severe dehydration was present in 48 (16%) children of whom 12 (25%) were infected with rotavirus compared to 18 (16.6%) of 109 children with no dehydration. Living next door to a child with diarrhea was highly associated with rotavirus infection (43% versus 19%; p = 0.036). The mean hospital stay among children with rotavirus infection was 3.66 days versus 2.5 days for those without rotavirus (p = 0.005). Rotavirus infection is prevalent in Mwanza region and contributes to prolonged hospital stay. Proper education on hygiene to control diarrheal diseases among children should be emphasized. Extensive studies to determine the serotypes of rotavirus are warranted in the region before rotavirus vaccine is introduced

    The decidability of a fragment of BB′IW-logic

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    AbstractDespite its simple formulation, the decidability of the logic BB′IW has remained an open problem. We present here a decision procedure for a fragment of it, called the arity-1 formulas.The decidability proof is based on a representation of formulas called formula-trees, which is coupled with a proof method that computes long normal λ-terms that inhabit a formula.A rewriting-system is associated with such λ-terms, and we show that a formula admits a BB′IW-λ-term if and only if the associated rewriting-system terminates. The fact that termination is decidable is proved using a result on the finiteness of non-ascending sequences of n-tuples in Nn, which is equivalent to Kripke's Lemma

    Intraspecific Colour Variation among Lizards in Distinct Island Environments Enhances Local Camouflage.

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLOS via http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0135241Within-species colour variation is widespread among animals. Understanding how this arises can elucidate evolutionary mechanisms, such as those underlying reproductive isolation and speciation. Here, we investigated whether five island populations of Aegean wall lizards (Podarcis erhardii) have more effective camouflage against their own (local) island substrates than against other (non-local) island substrates to avian predators, and whether this was linked to island differences in substrate appearance. We also investigated whether degree of local substrate matching varied among island populations and between sexes. In most populations, both sexes were better matched against local backgrounds than against non-local backgrounds, particularly in terms of luminance (perceived lightness), which usually occurred when local and non-local backgrounds were different in appearance. This was found even between island populations that historically had a land connection and in populations that have been isolated relatively recently, suggesting that isolation in these distinct island environments has been sufficient to cause enhanced local background matching, sometimes on a rapid evolutionary time-scale. However, heightened local matching was poorer in populations inhabiting more variable and unstable environments with a prolonged history of volcanic activity. Overall, these results show that lizard coloration is tuned to provide camouflage in local environments, either due to genetic adaptation or changes during development. Yet, the occurrence and extent of selection for local matching may depend on specific conditions associated with local ecology and biogeographic history. These results emphasize how anti-predator adaptations to different environments can drive divergence within a species, which may contribute to reproductive isolation among populations and lead to ecological speciation.This work was supported by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council studentship (www.BBSRC.com), the British Herpetological Society (www.thebhs.org), the Cambridge Philosophical Society (http://www.cambridgephilosophicalsociety.org) and Magdalene College, Cambridge (to KLAM), and a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and David Philips Research Fellowship (grant number BB/G022887/1) to MS. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Analysis of instabilities in the Basque Coast Geopark coastal cliffs for its environmentally friendly management (Basque-Cantabrian basin, northern Spain)

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    Coastal cliffs provide a high landscape value to many natural sites around the world. This means that an ever-increasing number of people are attracted to them. At this point, there is a growing need to manage these spaces from the safety of visitors, but with a view to preserving the environment. With this aim, this paper presents an approach to analyze and manage instabilities in these environments, particularly those subjected to significant anthropic activity, which has been implemented in the cliffs of the Basque Coast Geopark. The starting point is a detailed topographic information, obtained from UAV flights, and the identification on site of unstable elements, including their typology, active source areas, dynamics and reach. From this information, the simulation of rockfall processes, which basically correspond to toppling and infinite slope instabilities favored by differential erosion along the coastline, is approached in two and three dimensions. Results allow the design of precise actions by sectors, according to the energy, height and reach of the detached blocks, including barriers, middle slope actions, ditches and information strategies, depending on the different uses of the sectors. Therefore, this approach leads to a more detailed and environmentally friendly management of these environments. © 2021This study has been carried out by the UPV/EHU Research GroupIT-1029/16 (Government of the Basque Country) in the framework of the strategic project ?Analysis of instabilities in coastal environments of the Basque Country? PES-18/97 (University of the Basque Country) and the collaboration of the Basque Coast Geopark (Geoparkea). Finally, the authors are grateful to the reviewers and the handling editor, for the valuable comments that highly improved the paper

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding malaria and mosquito net use among women seeking antenatal care in Iringa, south-western Tanzania

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    To improve control measures against malaria, Tanzania has increased the distribution of free and subsidized insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) to pregnant women. However, data on knowledge, attitudes and practices of these women regarding malaria are scarce. This study was carried out to describe knowledge, attitudes and practices towards malaria, mosquito net ownership and use among women seeking antenatal care at Iringa Regional Hospital in south-western Tanzania. The study involved women attending the antenatal clinic of the hospital. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was applied to collect information on socio-demographic characteristics, mosquito net ownership and use, as well as knowledge, attitudes and practices about malaria and its control. Among the 222 pregnant women included, 173 (78%, 95%CI, 72-84.2) owned a mosquito net, and 150 (68%, 95%CI, 61-75) reported to sleep always under a mosquito net. The use of mosquito nets was mentioned by 142 (64%, 95%CI, 56.2-72). Of the 46 women who did not own a mosquito net, seven (15.2%) reported cost as the main obstacle for owning one. About 53% (95%CI, 44-62) preferred to use mosquito nets they bought rather than the one provided for free. Several factors such as gravidity, fearing of getting malaria, knowledge on the cause, marital status, and ways used to prevent malaria were significantly associated with mosquito net ownership (all

    Nutrition Day in nursing homes – risk factors for malnutrition

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    Introduction: Malnutrition in institutionalized older adults has a significant prevalence, and is associated with cognitive decline, higher morbidity and mortality rates. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess risk factors for malnutrition in nursing home residents. Methods: Through Nutrition Day audit (2016–2018), demographic and anthropometric data was collected, as well as medical history and nutritional status according to Mini Nutritional Assessment. Results: Sixty-three individuals were included (57.1% male), with a mean age of 849 years. Mean Body Mass Index was 21.55.1 kg/m2. Malnutrition was identified in 47.6% of the patients and nutritional risk in 28.6%. Most of the sample (61.9%) was bedridden or in wheelchair. Most of the individuals showed dementia (82.5%) and depression (79.3%). A positive moderate significant correlation was found between nutritional status and cognitive status (r = 0.407;p=0.001); and between nutritional status and functional capacity (r = 0.474;p=0.000). Considering the diagnosis which caused institutionalization, brain pathologies were the most prevalent (79.4%), followed by cardiovascular diseases (49.2%) and skeletal muscle diseases (27.0%). Mean number of medications taken daily was 74 and 74.6% of the residents were polymedicated. The majority (61.9%) was taking antipsychotics and/or neuroleptics and 28.6% were taking antidepressives. Conclusions: In this sample, individuals are essentially older adults with a high prevalence of malnutrition. The high level of dependence and the presence of dementia are significant risk factors for the development of this condition. Disturbed emotional status and the use of multiple drugs associated with impaired appetite, although without statistically significant associations with nutritional status, are highly prevalent in this sample. Nutritional screening in this population is essential and timely necessary, aiming to prevent deterioration or improve nutritional status.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Escala da Autoeficácia Musical para Instrumentistas e Cantores de Música Erudita.

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    Muitos especialistas referem que a autoeficácia se reflete na qualidade do desempenho e aprendizagem. Baixos níveis de autoeficácia podem resultar em sentimentos depressivos, baixa autoestima, pensamentos pessimistas, e ansiedade. Bons níveis de autoeficácia favorecem a aprendizagem, o desempenho, melhoram a motivação, a resiliência, a saúde. Este estudo teve como objetivo construir e validar uma escala, que permita analisar a autoeficácia e fontes de autoeficácia que podem influenciar as crenças dos alunos de música clássica. Com recurso a um painel Delphi composto por cinco especialistas, elaboraram-se os itens da escala. A escala resultante, composta por 22 itens, baseou-se na escala da autoeficácia geral de Ralf Schwarzer e Matthias Jerusalem, e nas quatro fontes de autoeficácia de Albert Bandura. A escala foi administrada a 150 participantes, alunos de várias classes de instrumentos e canto, que frequentam instituições de ensino politécnico e universitário em Portugal. As análises estatísticas demonstraram boa confiabilidade. Podemos considerar a escala elaborada um instrumento útil para avaliar os níveis de autoeficácia e as fontes de autoeficácia que influenciam as crenças dos músicos

    The Role of Confidence in Anxiety Decreasing of Classical Musicians

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    Em música, uma apresentação bem sucedida depende, em parte, de factores psicológicos. Um instrumentista altamente dotado poderá não conseguir exprimir-se perante um público ou júri se não estiver psicologicamente preparado. A preparação mental pode ser considerada como um dos factores mais importantes para o bem estar e bom desempenho dos músicos. Por norma, músicos e professores investem na preparação técnica, mas negligenciam a preparação mental, indispensável para um desempenho de sucesso. Uma preparação adequada pode ajudar a melhorar a autoeficácia. De forma a avaliar a incidência do problema da ansiedade relativa ao desempenho na comunidade portuguesa de músicos, foi realizada uma sondagem com um inquérito. Responderam 185 voluntários, destes, 86,5% mencionou sofrer com a ansiedade do desempenho musical. O presente estudo teve como objectivo ajudar e ensinar os instrumentistas de música erudita, a lidar com a ansiedade que sentem frente ao público. Pensa-se que a autoeficácia poderá ser o factor que mais influencia os níveis de ansiedade do desempenho musical. Neste sentido, foi avaliada, e estudada a relação entre a auto-eficácia e a ansiedade. Foram realizadas reuniões e palestras com músicos instrumentistas de orquestras portuguesas, solistas e alunos finalistas do ensino superior (153 participantes). Através dos relatos desses músicos, foi possível obter mais informações sobre o nível de incidência e da forma como lidam com o problema da ansiedade do desempenho musical. Utilizaram-se 6 participantes, voluntários, para colaborar num estudo mais aprofundado. Inicialmente foi feita uma avaliação individual de cada participante. O instrumento utilizado foi um diário (aplicação) online, que foi preenchido pelos participantes no período que antecedeu uma apresentação em concerto e até ao final desse evento. A avaliação inicial permitiu conhecer melhor a evolução e níveis da ansiedade, auto-eficácia e desempenho de cada um dos 6 músicos. Foram também observados aspectos como as horas de sono, a medicação, as estratégias de bem estar, os acontecimentos que desencadearam mal estar. A intervenção consistiu em sessões de treino individuais, que serviram para fomentar as competências dos indivíduos para lidarem com a ansiedade do desempenho musical. Foram trabalhadas as cognições irracionais e intrusivas, numa tentativa da as transformar racionais. Tentou-se melhorar a auto-eficácia dos 6 participantes. Foi realizada uma avaliação final para analisar os resultados da intervenção. Salienta-se que cinco dos seis participantes apresentaram um aumento dos níveis de auto-eficácia, uma diminuição dos níveis de ansiedade e melhoraram o seu desempenho. Um dos participantes deixou a medicação. Conclui-se que a auto-eficácia é um factor mediador dos níveis da ansiedade e eficácia e que, através da sua promoção, é possível diminuir a ansiedade do desempenho musical.In music, a successful performance depends, in part, on psychological factors. A highly gifted instrumentalist may not be able to express himself in front an audience or jury if he is not psychologically prepared. Mental preparation can be considered as one of the most important factors for the well-being and good performance of the musicians. As a rule, musicians and teachers invest in the technical preparation, but neglect the mental preparation indispensable for a successful performance. Proper preparation can help improve self-efficacy. In order to evaluate the prevalence of anxiety related to performance in the Portuguese musician community, a survey was done with an inquiry. Answered to the inquiry 185 volunteers, of these, 86.5% mentioned suffering with music performance anxiety. The purpose of this study was to help and teach classical music players to deal with the anxiety they feel in front of the public. It is thought that self-efficacy may be the factor that most influences anxiety levels of music performance. In this sense, the relationship between self-efficacy and anxiety was evaluated and studied. Meetings and lectures were held with musicians from Portuguese orchestras, soloists, finalist students of high schools and universities (153 participants). Through the reports of these musicians, it was possible to obtain more information about the level of prevalence and the way they deal with the problem of music performance anxiety. Six volunteers were used to collaborate in a more detailed study. Initially an individual evaluation of each participant was made. The instrument used was an online journal (application), which was completed by the participants in the period prior to a performance in concert and until the end of that event. The initial evaluation allowed a better understanding of the evolution and levels of anxiety, self-efficacy and efficacy of each of the 6 musicians. Aspects such as sleeping hours, medication, wellness strategies, and events that triggered malaise were also observed. The intervention consisted of individual training sessions, which served to foster individuals abilities to deal with music performance anxiety. Irrational and intrusive cognitions were worked out in an attempt to make them rational. Attempts were made to improve self-efficacy of the 6 participants. A final evaluation was performed to analyze the results of the intervention. It is noteworthy that five of the six participants had increased levels of self-efficacy, decreased anxiety levels and improved performance. One of the participants left the medication. It is concluded that self-efficacy is a mediating factor of anxiety and efficacy levels, and through its promotion, it is possible to reduce music performance anxiety