1,770 research outputs found

    Performance experience with the new jpl wind tunnel data acquisition system

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    Performance characteristics of data acquisition system for wind tunnel digital data functio

    Retrospective Policy Analysis of Kentucky House Bill 1

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    Background: In 2011, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) coined the phrase, “opioid epidemic” in response to the staggering increase in opioid use and opioid- related deaths. Kentucky House Bill 1 (HB1) passed in 2012, attempted to stifle the impact of the opioid epidemic on the citizens of the Commonwealth by imposing supply-side restrictions on the prescription and dispensing of opioid pills. Objective: The primary objective of this analysis is to evaluate the effectiveness of HB1 on the reduction of opioid-related deaths, opioid prescription rates, and intravenous opioid drug use rates. Methods: This analysis employed Eugene Bardach’s framework for policy analysis- the Eightfold Path, to systematically assess the policy and other options at that time. Results: After HB1 a decrease in the rate of opioid prescriptions in Kentucky was observed. However, the rate of opioid-related overdose deaths increased. Discussion/Recommendation: Supply-side restrictions on opioid pills may lead to the unintended consequence of diversion to intravenous opioid abuse, which carries even greater public health implications. Comprehensive policy should include both supply-side regulations as well as provisions for treatment and recovery for those suffering from addiction

    An eye-tracking study examining the role of question-answer congruency in children’s comprehension of only: A preliminary report

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    ‘Crain’s puzzle’ is a term that has been used to describe children’s difficulty comprehending the focus operator only when it is in subject position (subject-only), showing a tendency to interpret only as if it preceded the verb phrase instead. While some researchers attribute children’s difficulty to impoverished pragmatics in the discourse (Hackl et al., 2015), others argue that children’s grammar fundamentally differs from adults’ Notley et al. (2009), yielding a debate regarding whether children’s misinterpretation reflects a non-adult-like linguistic representation of only or some computational burden on their processing of meaning. This study addresses this debate by using eye-tracking to examine whether pragmatic felicity guides children’s eye-movements to incorporate the necessary information during processing on par with adults. Following Hackl et al. (2015), we experimentally manipulated whether the prompt question preceding the target sentence is pragmatically congruent or incongruent in felicitously introducing the only-statement in terms of which element in the sentence is focused by only. Emerging findings reveal that pragmatic richness in the discourse affected processing in both adults and children in a condition that was logically false. Results thus far provide support for an account which posits an important role for pragmatics

    JPL preferred parts list: Reliable electronic components

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    The JPL Preferred Parts List was prepared to provide a basis for selection of electronic parts for JPL spacecraft programs. Supporting tests for the listed parts were designed to comply with specific spacecraft environmental requirements. The list tabulates the electronic, magnetic, and electromechanical parts applicable to all JPL electronic equipment wherein reliability is a major concern. The parts listed are revelant to equipment supplied by subcontractors as well as fabricated at the laboratory

    The Factory and The Beehive II. Activity and Rotation in Praesepe and the Hyades

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    Open clusters are collections of stars with a single, well-determined age, and can be used to investigate the connections between angular-momentum evolution and magnetic activity over a star's lifetime. We present the results of a comparative study of the relationship between stellar rotation and activity in two benchmark open clusters: Praesepe and the Hyades. As they have the same age and roughly solar metallicity, these clusters serve as an ideal laboratory for testing the agreement between theoretical and empirical rotation-activity relations at ≈\approx600 Myr. We have compiled a sample of 720 spectra --- more than half of which are new observations --- for 516 high-confidence members of Praesepe; we have also obtained 139 new spectra for 130 high-confidence Hyads. We have collected rotation periods (ProtP_{rot}) for 135 Praesepe members and 87 Hyads. To compare HαH\alpha emission, an indicator of chromospheric activity, as a function of color, mass, and Rossby number RoR_o, we first calculate an expanded set of χ\chi values, with which we can obtain the HαH\alpha to bolometric luminosity ratio, LHα/LbolL_{H\alpha}/L_{bol}, even when spectra are not flux-calibrated and/or stars lack reliable distances. Our χ\chi values cover a broader range of stellar masses and colors (roughly equivalent to spectral types from K0 to M9), and exhibit better agreement between independent calculations, than existing values. We find no difference between the two clusters in their HαH\alpha equivalent width or LHα/LbolL_{H\alpha}/L_{bol} distributions, and therefore take the merged HαH\alpha and ProtP_{rot} data to be representative of 600-Myr-old stars. Our analysis shows that HαH\alpha activity in these stars is saturated for Ro≀0.11−0.03+0.02R_o\leq0.11^{+0.02}_{-0.03}. Above that value activity declines as a power-law with slope ÎČ=−0.73−0.12+0.16\beta=-0.73^{+0.16}_{-0.12}, before dropping off rapidly at Ro≈0.4R_o\approx0.4...Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, Accepted by Ap

    The Factory and The Beehive I. Rotation Periods For Low-Mass Stars in Praesepe

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    Stellar rotation periods measured from single-age populations are critical for investigating how stellar angular momentum content evolves over time, how that evolution depends on mass, and how rotation influences the stellar dynamo and the magnetically heated chromosphere and corona. We report rotation periods for 40 late-K to mid-M stars members of the nearby, rich, intermediate-age (~600 Myr) open cluster Praesepe. These rotation periods were derived from ~200 observations taken by the Palomar Transient Factory of four cluster fields from 2010 February to May. Our measurements indicate that Praesepe's mass-period relation transitions from a well-defined singular relation to a more scattered distribution of both fast and slow rotators at ~0.6 Msun. The location of this transition is broadly consistent with expectations based on observations of younger clusters and the assumption that stellar-spin down is the dominant mechanism influencing angular momentum evolution at 600 Myr. However, a comparison to data recently published for the Hyades, assumed to be coeval to Praesepe, indicates that the divergence from a singular mass-period relation occurs at different characteristic masses, strengthening the finding that Praesepe is the younger of the two clusters. We also use previously published relations describing the evolution of rotation periods as a function of color and mass to evolve the sample of Praesepe periods in time. Comparing the resulting predictions to periods measured in M35 and NGC 2516 (~150 Myr) and for kinematically selected young and old field star populations suggests that stellar spin-down may progress more slowly than described by these relations.Comment: To appear in the ApJ. 18 pages, 12 figures; version with higher resolution figures available at http://www.astro.columbia.edu/~marcel/papers/praesepe.pdf. Paper title inspired by local news; see http://tinyurl.com/redhone
