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Concurrent and construct validation of a new scale for rating perceived exertion during elastic resistance training in the elderly
To examine the concurrent and construct validity of a new perceptual scale to control the exercise intensity using elastic bands (Resistance Intensity Scale for Exercise; RISE) in the elderly.
Twenty-six participants underwent two sessions consisting of 4 exercises. The participants performed three sets of 15 repetitions per exercise of either low, medium, or high intensity. The criterion variables were heart rate and applied force (mean and peak). Following the final repetition of each set, active muscle (AM) and overall body (OB) ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were collected from RISE and the OMNI-Resistance Exercise Scale of perceived exertion with elastic bands (OMNI-RES EB). Construct validity was established by correlating the perceptual score obtained from both scales, RISE and OMNI-RES EB.
Significant (p ≤ 0.05) and positive linear relationships between both scales were found (RPE-AM R2 = 0.90; RPE-OB R2 = 0.77). Significant differences in heart rate applied force, and RISE scores were observed between the sets of the three intensities. For all 4 analyzed exercises, high-intensity sets elicited higher heart rate, applied force, and perceptual scores compared with the medium- and low-intensity sets. Furthermore, the medium-intensity sets produced higher perceptual, physiologic, and performance responses than the low-intensity sets. Intersession reliability was 0.88 for heart rate, 0.94 and 0.95 for applied force, 0.88 for the RPE-AM, and 0.80 for the RPEOB.
The RISE scale can be considered a valid method for assessing the perceived exertion during resistance exercises performed with bands in the elderly
The JNK inhibitor, SP600125, potentiates the glial response and cell death induced by methamphetamine in the mouse striatum
This study investigates the effect of the selective Jun NH2-terminal kinase 1/2 (JNK1/2) inhibitor, (SP600125) on the striatal dopamine nerve terminal loss and on the increased interleukin-15 (IL-15) expression and glial response induced by methamphetamine (METH). Mice were given repeated low doses of METH (4Â mg/kg, i.p., three times separated by 3Â h) and killed 24Â h or 7 d after the last dose. SP600125 (30Â mg/kg, i.p) was administered 30Â min before the last METH injection. Results indicate that METH produced dopaminergic axonal neurotoxicity reflected as a marked decrease in the striatal density of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) fibres and dopamine transporter-immunoreactivity (DAT-ir) 24Â h after dosing. These effects were not modified by SP600125. This compound also failed to prevent the long-term loss of dopamine levels and DAT observed 7 d following METH injection. Nevertheless, SP600125 potentiated METH-induced striatal cell loss reflected by an increase in Fluoro-Jade immunostaining, cleaved capase-3 immunoreactivity and the number of terminal deoxyncleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) positive cells. In line with a deleterious effect of JNK1/2 inhibition, SP600125 increased the astroglial and microglial response induced by METH and interfered with drug-induced IL-15 expression. Together these data indicate that, not only does SP600125 fail to protect against the dopaminergic damage induced by METH but also, in fact, it potentiates the glial response and the non-dopaminergic striatal cell loss caused by the drug. © 2013 CINP.Peer Reviewe
O Plano Estadual de Educação (PEE) é um articulador do Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE), sua função é materializar o que foi proposto no PNE de acordo com as especificidades de cada estado brasileiro. O objetivo desse artigo é discutir a meta 16 do Plano Nacional de Educação “formar, em nível de pós-graduação, cinquenta por cento dos professores da educação básica, até o último ano de vigência deste PNE, e garantir a todos(as) os(as) profissionais da educação básica formação continuada em sua área de atuação, considerando as necessidades, demandas e contextualizações dos sistemas de ensino” e apontar o que está previsto no Plano Estadual de Educação de Mato Grosso do Sul (PEE 2014-2024): “formar em nível de pós-graduação, 60% dos professores da educação básica, até o último ano de vigência deste PEE, e garantir a todos os profissionais da educação básica formação continuada, em sua área de atuação, considerando as necessidades dos sistemas de ensino”, e o que o Plano Nacional e o Plano Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul consideram como valorização dos profissionais da educação. É uma pesquisa de caráter bibliográfico e documental. E, até o momento, podemos afirmar que faltam esclarecimentos em relação a algumas metas e estratégias que ficaram estabelecidas nos planos. A respeito da meta 16 que aborda a formação em nível de pós-graduação aos professores e a formação continuada a todos os profissionais da educação, os dados indicam que até o momento em Mato Grosso do Sul pouco se fez para cumprir essa meta
High -and moderate-intensity resistance training provokes different effects on body composition, functionality, and well-being in elderly
Purpose: To compare the short-term effects of a resistance training program with elastic bands at moderate and high intensity on the body composition, functional capacity, and well-being of overweight and obese older women. Method: 75 women (68.7 ± 4.7 years) were assigned to a control group (n = 25) or to one of two treatment groups: (i) high intensity (G6 = 6 repetitions, n = 25) and (ii) moderate intensity (G15 = 15 repetitions, n = 25). Body composition (fat and fat-free mass), functional capacity (isometric strength; 30-s-arm-curl, 30-s-chair-stand, timed up & go test, and 6-min-walk-test [6MWT]), and well-being were evaluated before and after 8 weeks of intervention by using the 36-Item-Short-Form-Survey (SF-36). Results: 61 participants completed the study. The G15 group generated greater positive changes in the percentages of total and segmental fat mass (≃2.8%, p ≤ .05) and better performance in the 6MWT than the other groups. The G6 group showed greater improvements in the timed up & go and muscle strength tests than the G15 group. The G6 and G15 groups showed significant improvements in the following sections of SF-36: general health perceptions, physical functioning, mental health, and vitality. The performance of all variables worsened in the control group. Conclusions: The 8 weeks of intervention caused positive and significant changes in all study variables, although the results confirmed that this duration is insufficient to generate clear differences according to the level of exercise intensity. Nevertheless, G15 caused greater improvements in the percentage of fat mass and in aerobic resistance, whereas G6 improved the lower-limb muscle strength.This work was supported by the grant Ignacio Larramendi 2014 from the Mapfre Foundation (Code: OTR2015-140931NVES). Pedro Gargallo was supported by a predoctoral scholarship (FPU15/05634) awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport
Effects of multicomponent and power training programs using elastic devices on motor function, body composition, and metabolic, bone and inflammatory profile in older adults
Background: It is needed to understand what type of training strategy can be the most effective for contributing to a healthier, active, and more independent elderly population. Nowadays, there are novel types of training interventions and devices, but only little is known regarding whether these can provoke positive benefits in this target population. Concretely, no evidence has examined the effectiveness of high-speed resistance training and multicomponent training in older adults in respect of not only physical function but also bone, immunity, and metabolic status. Developing an understanding these novel training strategies can ultimately provide a viable alternative to traditional modes of exercise training for a broader range of participants
Humedales antrópicos : su contribución para la conservación de la biodiversidad en los dominios subtropical y pampásico de la Argentina
En áreas de llanura las obras civiles y actividades asociadas generan barreras que favorecen la formación de humedales, siendo consideradas como elementos de perturbación ambiental. Proponemos, empero, que los humedales antrópicos pueden, bajo determinadas condiciones, contribuir a conservar la biodiversidad. Los taludes de terraplenes, los recintos de defensa contra inundaciones, autovías, cunetas, áreas de préstamo y canteras generan, con el aporte simple o combinado de precipitaciones o afloramientos freáticos, importantes humedales, tanto por extensión, número o permanencia. Dentro del Dominio Subtropical, en el Sistema Paraná-Paraguay se han construido numerosas obras para mitigar los efectos del comportamiento pulsátil de estos grandes ríos sobre las poblaciones humanas. Al pie de terraplenes y en áreas recintadas, pueden generarse limnótopos capaces de almacenar elevada biodiversidad. Merece también destacarse la importancia que en la conservación de la biodiversidad desempeñan otros tipos de humedales antrópicos en este dominio biogeográfico; tal es el caso de los canales de irrigación de los arrozales. El Dominio Pampásico provee las condiciones básicas, dadas sus características litológicas y topográficas, para que los alteos de redes viales puedan interferir el escurrimiento superficial, generándose humedales semipermanentes. Estos, además de evitar extinciones locales, albergan numerosas comunidades e interactúan con otros ecosistemas, siendo áreas de cría, refugio y escala migratoria de fauna. En zonas costeras e interiores de la llanura pampeana existen lagunas que se originan por actividades extractivas que mantienen su volumen por aporte pluvial y de aguasfreáticas y contienen asocies de vegetación acuática y palustre e invertebrados asociados, algunas de cuyas especies solo se adaptan a ambientes acuáticos estables, destacándose, asimismo, la abundante presencia de una diversa fauna de peces y aves acuáticas.In low areas, civil works which are mostly regarded as actions of environmental negative effects, commonly generate barriers which favor wetlands formation. Conversely, we postulate that anthropic wetlands can, within special circumstances, contribute to biodiversity conservation. Terrepleins slope bases, defence enclosures against floodings, excavated areas and road drains, have generated, aided by rains and by ground water outcrops, important wetlands, considering their extent, number and permanence. Within the Subtropical Dominion and the Paraná-Paraguay System, numerous civil works have been made to mitigate the deletereous effects of river pulses on human settlements. At the base of terrepleins in enclosed protected areas, it is frequent to observe the formation of wetlands which house high biodiversity. It is also worth considering the importance of other type of anthropic environments, e.g. rice irrigation systems. In the Pampas, the lithological characteristics and topography bring the basic conditions by which the elevations related to road construction interfere with superficial runoff, generating semi permanent wetlands. These limnotopes may contribute to prevent local species extinctions. Furthremore, they house numerous biotic communities, and interact with other ecosystems, constituing faunal rearing sites, refuges and migratory scales. In these environments either on the coastal plain or in the interior areas permanent water bodies are originated by extractive activities. Their volume is maintained by rainfall and groundwater contribution. These limnotopes contain aquatic and emergent plant communities and associated macroinvertebrates. Among the latter there are species which are only found in stable and permanent aquatic environments. In addition it is remarkable the abundance of fishes and waterfoul fauna
Metabolic and Functional Profile of Premenopausal Women With Metabolic Syndrome After Training With Elastics as Compared to Free Weights
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of a strength training program (STP) using free weights (FW) versus elastic tubing (ET) in 62 premenopausal, sedentary women diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (MS). Participants were randomly assigned to the FW or ET experimental group (EG) or a control group whose members remained sedentary. Members of each EG followed their assigned STP for 12 weeks, and biomarkers (BMs) related to MS and motor function (MF) parameters were evaluated. Both EGs showed a significant reduction in C-reactive protein level and a positive trend in the other BMs. Almost all MF parameters increased significantly in both EGs. No positive changes were found in the CG. These results indicate that the implementation of an STP, with either FW or ET, improves both metabolic health and MF and should be considered part of the basic approach to health care in women
FOXP3 variants are independently associated with transforming growth factor Β1 plasma levels in female patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of -924 G>A (rs2232365) and -3279 C>A (rs3761548) FOXP3 variants with IBD susceptibility, clinical and endoscopic activity, and IL-10 and TGF-β1 plasma levels.
Method: The study included 110 IBD female patients, 60 with Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and 50 with Crohn's Disease (CD), and 154 female controls. FOXP3 variants were determined with Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Plasma levels of IL-10 and TGF-β1 were determined using immunofluorimetric assay.
Results: AA genotype of rs2232365 and rs3761548 was associated with CD (OR = 3.147, 95% CI 1.015–9.758, p = 0.047) and UC (OR = 3.221, 95% CI 1.050–9.876, p = 0.041) susceptibility, respectively. However, were not associated with TGF-β1 and IL-10 levels, and endoscopic/clinical activity disease. GAGA haplotype was associated with IBD (OR = 4.003, 95% CI 1.100–14.56, p = 0.035) and UC susceptibility (OR = 6.107, 95% CI 1.609–23.18, p = 0.008). In addition, IBD patients with the GAGA haplotype had lower TGF-β1 levels (p = 0.041). Moreover, G/C haplotype (dominant model) had a protective effect of 60% in CD susceptibility and lower Endoscopic Severity Index.
Conclusions: These results suggest that FOXP3 variants could exert a role in the Treg, which could be one of the factors involved in the susceptibility and pathogenesis of IBD
MMP-8 Deficiency Increases TLR/RAGE Ligands S100A8 and S100A9 and Exacerbates Lung Inflammation during Endotoxemia
Matrix metalloproteinase-8, released mainly from neutrophils, is a critical regulator of the inflammatory response by its ability to cleave multiple mediators. Herein, we report the results of a model of endotoxemia after intraperitoneal LPS injection in mice lacking MMP-8 and their wildtype counterparts. Control, saline-treated animals showed no differences between genotypes. However, there was an increased lung inflammatory response, with a prominent neutrophilic infiltration in mutant animals after LPS treatment. Using a proteomic approach, we identify alarmins S100A8 and S100A9 as two of the main differences between genotypes. Mice lacking MMP-8 showed a significant increase in these two molecules in lung homogenates, but not in spleen and serum. Mice lacking MMP-8 also showed an increase in MIP-1α levels and a marked activation of the non-canonical NF-κB pathway, with no differences in CXC-chemokines such as MIP-2 or LIX. These results show that MMP-8 can modulate the levels of S100A8 and S100A9 and its absence promotes the lung inflammatory response during endotoxemia
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