1,079 research outputs found

    On the Lagrangian structure of 3D consistent systems of asymmetric quad-equations

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    Recently, the first-named author gave a classification of 3D consistent 6-tuples of quad-equations with the tetrahedron property; several novel asymmetric 6-tuples have been found. Due to 3D consistency, these 6-tuples can be extended to discrete integrable systems on Z^m. We establish Lagrangian structures and flip-invariance of the action functional for the class of discrete integrable systems involving equations for which some of the biquadratics are non-degenerate and some are degenerate. This class covers, among others, some of the above mentioned novel systems.Comment: 21 pp, pdfLaTe

    Baseflow and water resilience variability in two water management units in southeastern Brazil

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    Changes in climate and water demand in densely populated regions increasingly affect hydrological systems, and, in turn, impact socioeconomic conditions. In this case study, we identify how the hydrogeological frameworks of two water resource management units, Tietê-Jacaré (TJ) and Piracicaba-Capivari-Jundiaí (PCJ) in Sao Paulo state (Brazil), control the baseflow processes and resilience in the face of streamflow fluctuations in response to anthropogenic activities and climate variation. The results reveal between 40% and 75% contributions of baseflow to total streamflow in basins overlying crystalline and sedimentary aquifers. The basins in PCJ which mostly overly crystalline aquifers, have shorter water residence times and greater dependence on surface water. Therefore, streamflow in the PCJ basins is vulnerable during the drought period and the management model affected the water resilience of the basins (transfer of water to Cantareira System). The TJ basins have greater streamflow contributions from aquifer discharge linked to the presence of important sedimentary aquifers, which improves resilience under changing rainfall patterns, these basins present a more stable situation of resilience. Ultimately, the two management units require different planning strategies with adaptive and dynamic actions to mitigate the social, economic, and environmental effects caused by the variability and reduction of water sources

    Multimedia Vocabularies on the Semantic Web

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    This document gives an overview on the state-of-the-art of multimedia metadata formats. Initially, practical relevant vocabularies for developers of Semantic Web applications are listed according to their modality scope. In the second part of this document, the focus is set on the integration of the multimedia vocabularies into the Semantic Web, that is to say, formal representations of the vocabularies are discussed

    Regional Differences in Susceptibility to Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury in the Preterm Brain: Exploring the Spectrum from White Matter Loss to Selective Grey Matter Injury in a Rat Model

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    Models of premature brain injury have largely focused on the white matter injury thought to underlie periventricular leukomalacia (PVL). However, with increased survival of very low birth weight infants, injury patterns involving grey matter are now recognized. We aimed to determine how grey matter lesions relate to hypoxic-ischemic- (HI) mediated white matter injury by modifying our rat model of PVL. Following HI, microglial infiltration, astrocytosis, and neuronal and axonal degeneration increased in a region-specific manner dependent on the severity of myelin loss in pericallosal white matter. The spectrum of injury ranged from mild, where diffuse white matter abnormalities were dominant and were associated with mild axonal injury and local microglial activation, to severe HI injury characterized by focal MBP loss, widespread neuronal degeneration, axonal damage, and gliosis throughout the neocortex, caudate putamen, and thalamus. In sum, selective regional white matter loss occurs in the preterm rat concomitantly with a clinically relevant spectrum of grey matter injury. These data demonstrate an interspecies similarity of brain injury patterns and further substantiates the reliable use of this model for the study of preterm brain injury

    Diffraction effects in the Recoil-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions of Halomethanes

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    Citation: Bomme, C., Anielski, D., Savelyev, E., Boll, R., Erk, B., Bari, S., . . . Rolles, D. (2015). Diffraction effects in the Recoil-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions of Halomethanes. 635(11). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/635/11/112020We have measured the Recoil Frame-Photoelectron Angular Distributions (RF-PADs) for inner-shell photoionization of CH3F, CH3I and CF3I halomethane molecules for photoelectron energies up to 300 eV detected within a 4? solid angle in the gas-phase. For high kinetic energies, the RF-PADs are dominated by diffraction effects that encode information on the molecular geometry. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Prenatal greenspace exposure and cord blood cortisol levels : A cross-sectional study in a middle-income country

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    Exposure to greenspace has been associated with reduced stress; however, the available evidence on such an association for the fetus is still very scarce. We, for the first time, investigated the association between maternal greenspace exposure and the level of cortisol, a stress hormone, in the cord blood. Our study was based on a cohort of 150 pregnant women in Sabzevar, Iran (2018). We comprehensively assessed greenspace exposure for each participant through (i) residential surrounding greenspace (using two satellite-derived vegetation indices), (ii) residential proximity to green spaces, (iii) maternal visual access to greenspace, (iv) use of public and private green spaces, (v) having a private garden, and (vi) the number of plant pots at home. Linear regression models were developed to assess the association of each indicator of greenspace exposure with cord blood cortisol levels, controlled for the relevant covariates. We observed that a higher residential surrounding greenspace (100 m buffer), having a window with greenspace view, window greenspace coverage of more than 50%, frequently looking at greenspace through window, residential proximity to large green spaces, and more time spent in green spaces were associated with lower cortisol levels in the cord blood. The findings for residential surrounding greenspace at 300 m and 500 m buffers, residential proximity to any green space regardless of its size, having a private garden, and number of plant pots at home were not conclusive. While about one-third of the association between residential surrounding greenspace (100 m buffer) could be mediated through reduction in exposure to air pollution, we did not observe any strong evidence for such a mediatory role for the visual access to greenspace. The findings stratified for parental education and housing type showed mixed patterns. Our findings suggest that more greenspace exposure might reduce cortisol level in the cord blood

    Strongly aligned gas-phase molecules at Free-Electron Lasers

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    We demonstrate a novel experimental implementation to strongly align molecules at full repetition rates of free-electron lasers. We utilized the available in-house laser system at the coherent x-ray imaging beamline at the Linac Coherent Light Source. Chirped laser pulses, i. e., the direct output from the regenerative amplifier of the Ti:Sa chirped pulse amplification laser system, were used to strongly align 2,5-diiodothiophene molecules in a molecular beam. The alignment laser pulses had pulse energies of a few mJ and a pulse duration of 94 ps. A degree of alignment of \left = 0.85 was measured, limited by the intrinsic temperature of the molecular beam rather than by the available laser system. With the general availability of synchronized chirped-pulse-amplified near-infrared laser systems at short-wavelength laser facilities, our approach allows for the universal preparation of molecules tightly fixed in space for experiments with x-ray pulses.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Effects of Age of Onset of Tonic-Clonic Seizures on Neuropsychological Performance in Children

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    Forty-eight children (aged 9 to 15 years) with tonic-clonic seizures were administered a neuropsychological test battery. The children with seizures of early onset (before age 5) were significantly impaired relative to the children with later onset on 8 of the 14 measures in the battery. The deficits were seen on tasks whose requirements included the repetition of a simple motor act, attention and concentration, memory, and complex problem solving. These findings emphasize the need for further research to determine the causal factors of the greater dysfunction seen in the early onset group. RÉSUMÉ Quarante huit enfants ÁgÉs de 9 À 15 ans souffrant de crises Épileptiques tonico-cloniques ont ÉtÉÉtudiÉs avec une batterie de tests neuropsychologiques. Pour huit des quatorze mesures de cette batterie de tests les enfants dont les cirses avaient dÉbutÉ prÉcocÉment (avant cinq ans) se sont avÉrÉs Étre signiflcativement dÉtÉriorÉs par rapport À ceux dont les crises avaient dÉbutÉ plus tardivement. Les dÉficits se sont manifestÉs pour des tÁches nÉcessitant la rÉpÉtition d'un acte moteur simple, attention et concentration, mÉmoire et capacitÉÀ rÉsoudre des problÈmes complexes. Ces rÉsultats mettent l'accent sur la nÉcessitÉ de poursuivre les recherches afin de dÉterminer les facteurs responsables de la plus grande dysfonction observÉe chez les enfants dont l'Épilepsie a dÉbutÉ tÔt dans la vie. RESUMEN Se ha aplicado una bateria de tests neuro-psicolÓgicos a 48 niÑos de 9 a 15 aÑos de edad que padecÍan ataques tonico-clÓnicos. Los niÑos con ataques de comienzo precoz (antes de los 5 aÑos) mostraron incapacidades significativas compareÁndolos con niÑos con comienzos mÁs tardios en 8 de los 14 tests de la bateria. Los defectos fueron detectados en las pruebas cuyos requisitos incluÍan la repeticiÓn de un acto motor simple, atenciÓn y concentraciÓn, memoria y resoluciÓn de problemas complejos. Estos hallazgos indican la necesidad de continuar la inves-tigaciÓn para determinar los factores causales de la mayor disfunciÓn observada en el grupo de comienzo precoz. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 48 Kinder (9 bis 15 Jahre alt) mit tonisch-klonischen KrÄmpfen wurden mit einer neuropsychologischen Testbatterie untersucht. Die Kinder mit einem FrÜhbeginn der AnfÄlle (vor dem Alter von 5 Jahren) zeigten sich bei 8 von 14 Tests der Serie deutlich beeintrÄchtigt im VerhÄltnis zu Kindern mit spÄterem Anfallsbeginn. Die Defekte traten bei Aufgaben auf, die folgende AnsprÜche stellten: Wiederholung einer einfachen motorischen Handlung, Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentration, GedÄchtnis und komplexes ProblemlÖsen. Diese Befunde deuten auf die Notwendigkeit weiterer Untersuchungen, um die ursÄchlichen Faktoren der grÖßeren Funktionseinbuße zu bestimmen, die bei Patienten mit frÜhem Anfallsbeginn beobachtet wird.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65238/1/j.1528-1157.1981.tb04102.x.pd

    PERP, a host tetraspanning membrane protein, is required for Salmonella-induced inflammation

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    Salmonella enterica Typhimurium induces intestinal inflammation through the activity of type III secreted effector (T3SE) proteins. Our prior results indicate that the secretion of the T3SE SipA and the ability of SipA to induce epithelial cell responses that lead to induction of polymorphonuclear transepithelial migration are not coupled to its direct delivery into epithelial cells from Salmonella. We therefore tested the hypothesis that SipA interacts with a membrane protein located at the apical surface of intestinal epithelial cells. Employing a split ubiquitin yeast-two-hybrid screen, we identified the tetraspanning membrane protein, p53 effector related to PMP-22 (PERP), as a SipA binding partner. SipA and PERP appear to have intersecting activities as we found PERP to be involved in proinflammatory pathways shown to be regulated by SipA. In sum, our studies reveal a critical role for PERP in the pathogenesis of S. Typhimurium, and for the first time demonstrate that SipA, a T3SE protein, can engage a host protein at the epithelial surface