1,474 research outputs found

    Efeito do tipo de poda de formação na produtividade do cajueiro anão precoce em plantio adensado.

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    Influence of sports practice in the useful field of vision in a simulated driving test

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    FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), IDP (Instituto do Desporto de Portugal), AIESEP World Congres

    Local Algorithms for Block Models with Side Information

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    There has been a recent interest in understanding the power of local algorithms for optimization and inference problems on sparse graphs. Gamarnik and Sudan (2014) showed that local algorithms are weaker than global algorithms for finding large independent sets in sparse random regular graphs. Montanari (2015) showed that local algorithms are suboptimal for finding a community with high connectivity in the sparse Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graphs. For the symmetric planted partition problem (also named community detection for the block models) on sparse graphs, a simple observation is that local algorithms cannot have non-trivial performance. In this work we consider the effect of side information on local algorithms for community detection under the binary symmetric stochastic block model. In the block model with side information each of the nn vertices is labeled ++ or - independently and uniformly at random; each pair of vertices is connected independently with probability a/na/n if both of them have the same label or b/nb/n otherwise. The goal is to estimate the underlying vertex labeling given 1) the graph structure and 2) side information in the form of a vertex labeling positively correlated with the true one. Assuming that the ratio between in and out degree a/ba/b is Θ(1)\Theta(1) and the average degree (a+b)/2=no(1) (a+b) / 2 = n^{o(1)}, we characterize three different regimes under which a local algorithm, namely, belief propagation run on the local neighborhoods, maximizes the expected fraction of vertices labeled correctly. Thus, in contrast to the case of symmetric block models without side information, we show that local algorithms can achieve optimal performance for the block model with side information.Comment: Due to the limitation "The abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the abstract here is shorter than that in the PDF fil

    The Relation Between the Growth in the Number of Female Single Parent Families and the Number of Women Imprisonment in Brazil

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    This article proposes to analyze the current conjecture of Brazil in which it was observed by the studies a relevant growth in female single-parent families combined with the observation that in face of the situation in these families, women are driven to crime and consequently to prison. Female single-parent families with children are more “vulnerable” in economic terms, in food supplies and in the caring provided to the children. In this way, families that are headed by these women occur in these circumstances, often allied to their will and consequently the entering of these women in world of crime, so their imprisonment interferes in the whole family. Therefore, we aim with this article to establish a relation between this increase in the number of families headed by women and the increase of women deprived of liberty. The theoretical and methodological support that conducted this research is anchored in the socioeconomic perspective, starting from an investigation of incarcerated women, the family situation and the type of crime committed, since most women do not commit violent crimes. Within a qualitative approach, being the technical procedure adopted of a descriptive-analytical character, carried out through analysis of bibliographic content and data. In this way, we will discuss the socioeconomic reality of incarcerated women, the family situation and how this situation affects the committing of crime and, consequently, incarceration. There would be a concrete relationship between two data, an increase in the number of female single-parent families and because of that, an increase in the number of incarcerated women? It appears that women in situation of vulnerability are the majority among prisoners and considering the circumstances they are arrested it stays very clear the gender hierarchy in social and prison environment which they are subjected. In advance, we noticed that there is a need to create more public policies that promote social justice and greater support for families where women are the main supporters in order to minimize their possible entry into the world of crime. Keywords: Female Single Parenting, Female Imprisonment, Public Policy, Human Rights. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-11-07 Publication date:June 30th 202


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    ABSTRACT: This article reports the implementation of a teaching program, mediator of the integrated teaching of the development of the print text and hypertext comprehension skill in LE, and put into action by means of several pedagogical tasks inserted in a site and complemented with face-to-face teaching. Three questions shaped the course of the research: a) Do students effectively explore strategies while reading print text? b) Which of those strategies are used in hypertext interaction? c) Are there specific hypertext strategies? Which? The interactive reading models and the (meta)cognitive learning theories guided my classroom practice and the pedagogical material design

    Produção de dois clones de acerola (Malpighia glabra L.) sob diferentes regimes de irrigação.

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    Com uma area de mais de dois milhoes de hectares plantados com fruteiras , o Brasil ja foi o maior produtor mundial de frutas, estando hoje em segundo lugar. (...) Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a frequencia de irrigacao na performance produtiva de dois tipos delecionados de acerola, nas condicoes do litoral cearense. Estas plntas foram obtidas originariamente a partir de sementes coletadas por pesquisadores do CNPAT em 1989, na Fazenda CAJUBA, em Nova Soure, BA (...) Programa de adubacao e dosagens (em g/planta/ano) usadas no experimento de acerola na Estacao Experimental do Vale do Curu.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5348/1/Ct-018.pd

    Conquistando la confianza del consumidor : minimizando el Gap entre conciencia ambiental y consumo ambiental

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    A gestão ambiental tem se tornado um importante instrumento gerencial para a criação de condições de maior competitividade para as organizações. Uma parcela significativa da população tem considerado a questão ambiental em sua agenda de consumo. Contudo, apesar da relação proposta entre consciência ambiental e consumo, alguns estudos têm identificado um gap entre a consciência ambiental declarada e o comportamento de consumo. Uma das possíveis explicações para isso é a falta de confiança em relação à ética dos varejistas, havendo uma percepção de que as ofertas com apelo ambiental seriam apenas artifícios de marketing. Dessa forma, este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o efeito moderador da confiança na relação entre consciência ambiental e intenção de consumo ambiental. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma survey via internet junto a 696 consumidores de todo o território nacional. A amostra se caracterizou como não-probabilística. Para a mensuração das variáveis foram utilizadas escalas validadas e os dados foram analisados por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados demonstram que existe uma relação significativa entre consciência ambiental e intenção de consumo ambiental, mas o baixo poder explicativo do modelo aponta para o gap entre discurso e prática. Ao analisar a confiança dos consumidores como variável moderadora, percebe-se que o aumento da confiança dos consumidores torna o gap entre consciência e consumo menorEnvironmental management has become an important managerial tool for creating conditions for greater competitiveness of organizations. A significant portion of the population considers environmental issues while consuming. However, despite the proposed relationship between environmental concern and consumption, some studies have identified a gap between declared environmental concern and consumer behavior. One possible explanation for this gap is the lack of trust in the ethics of retailers and the perception that environmental appealing offers would be only artifices of marketing. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the moderating effect of trust in the relationship between Environmental concern and environmental purchase intention. To operationalize the study, an online survey was conducted among 696 Brazilian consumers. The sample was characterized as non-probabilistic. Validated scales were used to measure the variables and data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show that there is a significant relationship between environmental concern and environmental purchase intention, however, the low explanatory power of the model points to the gap between discourse and practice. By analyzing the trust of consumers as moderating variable, it is clear that, by increasing consumers’ trust, the gap between environmental concern and consumption is diminishedLa gestión ambiental se ha convertido en una importante herramienta de gestión para la creación de condiciones para una mayor competitividad para las organizaciones. Una parte significativa de la población ha considerado los problemas ambientales en su agenda de consumo. Sin embargo, a pesar de la relación propuesta entre conciencia ambiental y consumo, algunos estudios han identificado un gap entre la conciencia ambiental declarada y el comportamiento del consumidor. Una posible explicación de este gap es la falta de confianza en la ética de los minoristas, conduciendo a una percepción de que argumentos ambientales serían sólo estrategias de marketing. Esto puesto, este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto moderador de la confianza en la relación entre la conciencia ambiental y la intención de consumo ambiental. Para eso, se administró un survey online con 696 consumidores brasileños. La muestra se caracteriza por ser no probabilística. Para medir las variables se utilizaron escalas validadas y los datos se analizaron mediante modelaje de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados muestran que hay una relación significativa entre la conciencia ambiental y la intención de consumo ambiental. Sin embargo, el bajo poder explicativo del modelo destaca el gap entre el discurso y la práctica. Mediante el análisis de la confianza de los consumidores como variable moderadora, queda evidente que el aumento de la confianza del consumidor reduce el gap entre la conciencia ambiental y el consum