301 research outputs found

    Comparison of Horizontal, Vertical and Diagonal Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements in Normal Human Subjects

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    AbstractWe compared horizontal and vertical smooth pursuit eye movements in five healthy human subjects. When maintenance of pursuit was tested using predictable waveforms (sinusoidal or triangular target motion), the gain of horizontal pursuit was greater, in all subjects, than that of vertical pursuit; this was also the case for the horizontal and vertical components of diagonal and circular tracking. When initiation of pursuit was tested, four subjects tended to show larger eye accelerations for vertical as opposed to horizontal pursuit; this trend became a consistent finding during diagonal tracking. These findings support the view that different mechanisms govern the onset of smooth pursuit, and its subsequent maintenance when the target moves in a predictable waveform. Since the properties of these two aspects of pursuit differ for horizontal and vertical movements, our findings also point to separate control of horizontal and vertical pursuit. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd

    Harmonic Wavelet Transform and Image Approximation

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    In 2006, Saito and Remy proposed a new transform called the Laplace Local Sine Transform (LLST) in image processing as follows. Let f be a twice continuously differentiable function on a domain Ω. First we approximate f by a harmonic function u such that the residual component v=f−u vanishes on the boundary of Ω. Next, we do the odd extension for v, and then do the periodic extension, i.e. we obtain a periodic odd function v *. Finally, we expand v * into Fourier sine series. In this paper, we propose to expand v * into a periodic wavelet series with respect to biorthonormal periodic wavelet bases with the symmetric filter banks. We call this the Harmonic Wavelet Transform (HWT). HWT has an advantage over both the LLST and the conventional wavelet transforms. On the one hand, it removes the boundary mismatches as LLST does. On the other hand, the HWT coefficients reflect the local smoothness of f in the interior of Ω. So the HWT algorithm approximates data more efficiently than LLST, periodic wavelet transform, folded wavelet transform, and wavelets on interval. We demonstrate the superiority of HWT over the other transforms using several standard images

    Macrolide Resistance in Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Israel, 2010

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    Macrolide resistance in Mycoplasma pneumoniae is often found in Asia but is rare elsewhere. We report the emergence of macrolide-resistant M. pneumoniae in Israel and the in vivo evolution of such resistance during the treatment of a 6-year-old boy with pneumonia

    High-dimensional wave atoms and compression of seismic datasets

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    Wave atoms are a low-redundancy alternative to curvelets, suitable for high-dimensional seismic data processing. This abstract extends the wave atom orthobasis construction to 3D, 4D, and 5D Cartesian arrays, and parallelizes it in a shared-memory environment. An implementation of the algorithm for NVIDIA CUDA capable graphics processing units (GPU) is also developed to accelerate computation for 2D and 3D data. The new transforms are benchmarked against the Fourier transform for compression of data generated from synthetic 2D and 3D acoustic models.National Science Foundation (U.S.); Alfred P. Sloan Foundatio

    Universality of low-energy scattering in (2+1) dimensions

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    We prove that, in (2+1) dimensions, the S-wave phase shift, δ0(k) \delta_0(k), k being the c.m. momentum, vanishes as either δ0cln(k/m)orδ0O(k2)\delta_0 \to {c\over \ln (k/m)} or \delta_0 \to O(k^2) as k0k\to 0. The constant cc is universal and c=π/2c=\pi/2. This result is established first in the framework of the Schr\"odinger equation for a large class of potentials, second for a massive field theory from proved analyticity and unitarity, and, finally, we look at perturbation theory in ϕ34\phi_3^4 and study its relation to our non-perturbative result. The remarkable fact here is that in n-th order the perturbative amplitude diverges like (lnk)n(\ln k)^n as k0k\to 0, while the full amplitude vanishes as (lnk)1(\ln k)^{-1}. We show how these two facts can be reconciled.Comment: 23 pages, Late