794 research outputs found

    Positive and Negative Ion Motion in Thermal Oxide on Silicon by Radiochemical and MOS ANALYSIS

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    Metal-oxide-silicon capacitor and radiochemical analyses of anion in sodium contamination failure mod

    The Effect of Students Vocabulary By Using Audio Visual Media At University Of Esa Unggul

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    This research is aimed to find out the effect of students vocabulary by using audio visual media compared with students who learned vocabulary without using audio visual media. It is an experimental research. This research was conducted with the participants of 40 students’ from University of Esa Unggul. The data was obtained through pre test and post test. This study compare mean average between pre test and post test to find out students response toward Audio Visual Media. Furthermore, the results show that teaching vocabulary by using audio visual media give effect on the students vocabulary. The mean score of pre test was 67,40 and the mean of post test was 86,05. Its mean that there was significant effect of students vocabulary using audio visual media at University of Esa Unggul

    Improving Students Vocabulary Mastery Using Flashcard at The KAI

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    This study discusses the improvement of students' English vocabulary by using flashcards. This research aims of the paper are: (1) Can flashcards improve students' vocabulary, (2) What is the students' vocabulary achievement before and after using flashcards. The subjects of this study were students in Brainy English at The KAI, where a total of 30 students were from classes D1 to D4. This research was conducted in the academic year 2022/2023. The model of Classroom Action Research (CAR) is stated by Kemmis and Mc Taggart (in Burns, 1993:32) who state that the model of Classroom Action Research is consist of four steps. They are namely: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Based on this study, it was stated that there was an increase in students' vocabulary after learning using flash cards. The average value of student achievement in cycle 1 was 65.5, and the average value of student achievement increased to 79.7 in cycle 2. Therefore, the author can conclude that the use of flashcards is the most appropriate medium to attract students' interest and make the classroom atmosphere fun and can improve student learning outcomes vocabulary. The author hopes that this thesis can be used as an additional reference, namely: will be the next researcher with a different discussion who can revise the development of this flashcard

    The Effectiveness of Using Bingo Games Media to Improve Students Vocabulary Mastery

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using bingo games media to improve students vocabulary mastery at MTsN CIBINONG. Based on the theory of Groller, Bingo is often played simultaneously by large groups; the winner being the first contestant is to cover a line of five numbered spaces on his card as selected by chance and announced by the game caller. Design used in this study is experimental quantitative research. The research subject were 30 students at MTsN 3 CIBINONG. The result of using vocabulary Bingo games strategy showed that the students were interested in teaching and learning English. Based on the fact, it is underlined that in this study, the hypothesis of this study is accepted and well proven; as the writer has previously hypothesized that there is a significant difference between teaching vocabulary to the students of  MTsN CIBINONG who are taught vocabulary by using Bingo Game and those are taught without using Bingo Game. The students of  MTsN CIBINONG are interested in studying vocabulary through Bingo Game. The students enjoy learning vocabulary by using Bingo Game. The students of  MTsN CIBINONG who are taught vocabulary by using Bingo Game get higher score than those who are taught without using Bingo Game. There is a significant difference between control group and experimental groups. From the statistical analysis, it is found that the students of experimental group who are taught vocabulary by using Bingo Game gained better result than the students of controlled group who are taught without using Bingo Game

    English Teachers’ Strategies in English Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The purpose of this study was to see the effect of the English teacher's strategy in teaching English on the students' ability to receive English material during online classes during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMPN 31 Bekasi. The writer uses quantitative data to collect the data collected by using the English teacher strategy questionnaire. The population of this study were students in grades 8 and 9 as many as 83 students, while the sample size was taken as many as 45 students. The data analysis tools used are normality test, simple regression analysis, simple correlation analysis, Coefficient of deterprestasiion and Hypothesis Testing with t Test. The regression equation is obtained Y= 0.373 + 0.626 X. The equation shows that the coefficient value for the online learning strategy of English teachers during Covid-19 (X) in this study had a negative effect on student learning outcomes (Y) at SMPN 31 Bekasi. The correlation between the English teachers’ strategies on students' understanding during online learning was obtained r = 0.949, means the relationship between English teachers’ strategies on students' understanding during online learning at SMPN 31 Bekasi is very strong. While the results of the coefficient of determination ( r2 ) = 89.9%, this means that the variable English teachers’ strategies variables can affect students' understanding of material at SMPN 31 Bekasi is 89.9% while other variables affect students' material understanding by 10.1%. Hypothesis testing results obtained tcount = 19.833 and the value of ttable = 1.684. Because the value of tcount > ttable is shown, H0 is rejected while Ha is accepted. This means that the English teachers’ strategies in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has a significant influence on students' understanding of material during online learning at SMPN 31 Bekasi

    An Analysis of Student in Writing Recount Text at Ninth Grade Students PKBM Nurul Islam Telagasari

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage and to determine the types of errors made by students in writing recount text. Expecially to identify an error students make in using verb in recount text. The method used in this research is qualitative. The qualitative design used in this research is qualitative descriptive. The subjects of this study were 20 students of class 1X PKBM Nurul Islam and all students were taken as samples. Data collection was done by giving tests and interviews with students. The errors were classified into Surface Taxonomi, From the results of this study, it can be seen those verb frequent error made by class X1 PKBM Nurul Islam students with a percentage of 100%. The total omission errors were 19 error or 9,5%, additional errors 5 or 2,5%, 156 misinformation errors or 78% and misordering errors were found 20 or 10%, the total formatting errors were 200 errors or 100%


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    English language learners experienced difficulties in understanding readings in English. This research aims to improve students’ reading comprehension by implementing Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) at second semester students of English Department, STKIP Panca Sakti Bekasi. This research used a Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted in two cycles. There are qualitative and quantitative data collected in this research. The former data were gained by analyzing field note, observation sheet and interview while the latter ones were obtained from pre-test, post-test and portfolio of pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II. The result shows that the mean score of students’ reading performance increases in four dimensions not only on literal, interpretative, applicative but also on critical understanding. The finding indicates that the students’ mean score at pre-cycle (68) increases to 77 and to 87 in the first and second cycles respectively. For interpretative understanding, the average score at pre-cycle was 61, increasing to 69 in the first cycle and to 80 in the second cycle. For applicative understanding, the average score at pre-cycle was 62, increasing to 64 in the first cycle and to 84 in the second cycle. Finally, the critical understanding also increases, from 59 at pre-cycle to 65 in the first cycle and to 85 in the second cycle. Therefore, the implementation of CAR effectively improves the students’ reading performance

    Kualitas Semen Berdasarkan Umur pada Sapi Jantan Jawa

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of age on semen quality in Java bull. This research was conducted from July to August 2011, and continued in June 2012, located at farmer group of Cikoneng Sejahtera, Banjarharjo, Brebes, Central Java. The materials used were 8 heads of Java bulls, those were 2 heads of <2 years old, 3 heads of 2-3 years old, and 3 heads of >3 years old. All of materials were raised at farmer group in the same management. A number of bulls at each age group were assumed as the replication. Statistical design used was One Way Classification with unbalanced data. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, then followed by Duncan test if there is effect of the bull age. The results showed that age affects semen volume, but did not affect other parameters such as color, pH, consistency, concentration, motility, mortality and normality

    Identification of a transporter complex responsible for the cytosolic entry of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates

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    Nitrogen-containing-bisphosphonates (N-BPs) are widely prescribed to treat osteoporosis and other bone-related diseases. Although previous studies established that N-BPs function by inhibiting the mevalonate pathway in osteoclasts, the mechanism by which N-BPs enter the cytosol from the extracellular space to reach their molecular target is not understood. Here we implemented a CRISPRi-mediated genome-wide screen and identified SLC37A3 (solute carrier family 37 member A3) as a gene required for the action of N-BPs in mammalian cells. We observed that SLC37A3 forms a complex with ATRAID (all-trans retinoic acid-induced differentiation factor), a previously identified genetic target of N-BPs. SLC37A3 and ATRAID localize to lysosomes and are required for releasing N-BP molecules that have trafficked to lysosomes through fluid-phase endocytosis into the cytosol. Our results elucidate the route by which N-BPs are delivered to their molecular target, addressing a key aspect of the mechanism of action of N-BPs that may have significant clinical relevance

    Hubungan Penampilan Induk Anak Domba Dari Berbagai Tipe Kelahiran

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    The objectives of the study was to analyse the relationship between dam and their offspring on the basis of body measurement and body weight at some partus types. In this study, 85 ewes and 127 lamb were used as materials. Purposive sampling was used to determine the samples of partum type of ewes having single (A1), twin (A2) and more than two lambs (AL2). Parameters measured were the body length, shoulder height, hip width, chest circumference and chest width. The results showed that all body measurement of dam related to the lambs. The highest correlation were in ≥ P2 for shoulder height, chest circumference, hip width and body length. Those were 0.310: 0.702: - 0.655 and 0.373 respectively. In conclusion, there was relationship on all birth type and parameters between dam and lambs. The AL2 showed closer relationship as compared to that of A1 and A2. Those were body length, shoulder height, chest circumference and hip width
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