146 research outputs found

    Exposure and Exposure Modeling

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    Exposure to contaminants in the environment is quantified through the ecological risk assessment (ERA) process which provides a framework for the development and implementation of environmental management decisions. The ERA uses available toxicological and ecological information to estimate the probability of occurrence for a specified undesired ecological event or endpoint. The level for these endpoints depends on the objectives and the constraints imposed upon the risk assessment process; therefore, multiple endpoints at different scales may be necessary. ERAs Ecotoxicology | Exposure and Exposure Assessment 1527Author\u27s personal copy often rely on the link between these undesired endpoints to a threshold of exposure to specific toxicants and toxicant mixtures. Oral reference doses (RfD), inhalation reference concentrations (RfC), and carcinogenicity assessments are the usual way these links are expressed in the ERA, and unfortunately most of these thresholds have been developed for human health assessments and not ecosystem integrity. However, since these studies often use animal models, in many cases the original empirical data can be used when trying to apply these findings to ecological consequences or to establish ecological screening values (ESVs). The ecological exposure assessment often begins by comparing constituent concentrations in media (surface water, sediment, soil) to ESVs. The ESVs are derived from ecologically relevant criteria and standards. For example, in the United States the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Screening Values and National Ambient Water Quality Criteria (NAWQC) are often used based on ‘no observed adverse effect levels’ (NOAELs) or ‘lowest observed adverse effect levels’ (LOAELs) derived from literature to assess exposure. Radionuclide comparisons for ecological screening are typically dose-based for population level effects. In addition to the ecological threshold comparison, constituents that may bioaccumulate/bioconcentrate are identified during initial screening processes. This is done to account for toxicants that may not be present at levels exceeding ESVs, but must be considered due to trophic transfer of toxicants that may concentrate in higher-trophic-level organisms. Constituents that exceed ESV comparisons (present with means, maximums, or 95% upper confidence levels (UCLs)) are evaluated using a lines-of-evidence approach based on (1) a background evaluation, (2) a bioaccumulation/ bioconcentration potential and ecotoxicity evaluation, (3) a frequency and pattern-of-exceedances evaluation based on review of exceedances to the ESVs, and (4) an evaluation of existing biological data. From this information, ecosystems can be prioritized in terms of risk and focused for proper exposure assessments. This article presents a scientific overview and review of how toxicant exposure is estimated and applied to assess ecosystem integrity

    Decrease in Skin Collagen Glycation with Improved Glycemic Control in Patients with Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus

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    Glycation, oxidation, and nonenzymatic browning of protein have all been implicated in the development of diabetic complications. The initial product of glycation of protein, fructoselysine (FL), undergoes further reactions, yielding a complex mixture of browning products, including the fluorescent lysine-arginine cross-link, pentosidine. Alternatively, FL may be cleaved oxidatively to form N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), while glycated hydroxylysine, an amino-acid unique to collagen, may yield N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)hydroxylysine (CMhL). We have measured FL, pentosidine, fluorescence (excitation = 328 nm, emission = 378 nm), CML, and CMhL in insoluble skin collagen from 14 insulin-dependent diabetic patients before and after a 4-mo period of intensive therapy to improve glycemic control. Mean home blood glucose fell from 8.7 +/- 2.5 (mean +/- 1 SD) to 6.8 +/- 1.4 mM (P less than 0.005), and mean glycated hemoglobin (HbA1) from 11.6 +/- 2.3% to 8.3 +/- 1.1% (P less than 0.001). These changes were accompanied by a significant decrease in glycation of skin collagen, from 13.2 +/- 4.3 to 10.6 +/- 2.3 mmol FL/mol lysine (P less than 0.002). However, levels of browning and oxidation products (pentosidine, CML, and CMhL) and fluorescence were unchanged. These results show that the glycation of long-lived proteins can be decreased by improved glycemic control, but suggest that once cumulative damage to collagen by browning and oxidation reactions has occurred, it may not be readily reversed. Thus, in diabetic patients, institution and maintenance of good glycemic control at any time could potentially limit the extent of subsequent long-term damage to proteins by glycation and oxidation reactions

    Using Wildlife as Receptor Species: A Landscape

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    To assist risk assessors at the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site (SRS), a Geographic Information System (GIS) application was developed to provide relevant information about specific receptor species of resident wildlife that can be used for ecological risk assessment. Information was obtained from an extensive literature review of publications and reports on vertebrate- and contaminant- related research since 1954 and linked to a GIS. Although this GIS is a useful tool for risk assessors because the data quality is high, it does not describe the species’ site-wide spatial distribution or life history, which may be crucial when developing a risk assessment. Specific receptor species on the SRS were modeled to provide an estimate of an overall distribution (probability of being in an area). Each model is a stand-alone tool consisting of algorithms independent of the GIS data layers to which it is applied and therefore is dynamic and will respond to changes such as habitat disturbances and natural succession. This paper describes this modeling process and demonstrates how these resource selection models can then be used to produce spatially explicit exposure estimates. This approach is a template for other large federal facilities to establish a framework for site-specific risk assessments that use wildlife species as endpoints

    Using Wildlife as Receptor Species: A Landscape

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    To assist risk assessors at the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site (SRS), a Geographic Information System (GIS) application was developed to provide relevant information about specific receptor species of resident wildlife that can be used for ecological risk assessment. Information was obtained from an extensive literature review of publications and reports on vertebrate- and contaminant- related research since 1954 and linked to a GIS. Although this GIS is a useful tool for risk assessors because the data quality is high, it does not describe the species’ site-wide spatial distribution or life history, which may be crucial when developing a risk assessment. Specific receptor species on the SRS were modeled to provide an estimate of an overall distribution (probability of being in an area). Each model is a stand-alone tool consisting of algorithms independent of the GIS data layers to which it is applied and therefore is dynamic and will respond to changes such as habitat disturbances and natural succession. This paper describes this modeling process and demonstrates how these resource selection models can then be used to produce spatially explicit exposure estimates. This approach is a template for other large federal facilities to establish a framework for site-specific risk assessments that use wildlife species as endpoints

    The genetic basis of the comorbidity between cannabis use and major depression

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    Background and aims—While the prevalence of major depression is elevated amongst cannabis users, the role of genetics in this pattern of comorbidity is not clear. This study aimed to estimate the heritability of cannabis use and major depression, quantify the genetic overlap between these two traits, and localize regions of the genome that segregate in families with cannabis use and major depression. Design—Family-based univariate and bivariate genetic analysis. Setting—San Antonio, Texas, USA Participants—Genetics of Brain Structure and Function study (GOBS) participants: 1,284 Mexican-Americans from 75 large multi-generation families and an additional 57 genetically unrelated spouses. Measurements—Phenotypes of lifetime history of cannabis use and major depression, measured using the semi-structured MINI-Plus interview. Genotypes measured using ~1M single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on Illumina BeadChips. A sub-selection of these SNPs were used to build multipoint identity-by-descent matrices for linkage analysis. Findings—Both cannabis use (h2=0.614, p=1.00×10−6, SE=0.151) and major depression (h2=0.349, p=1.06×10−5, SE=0.100) are heritable traits, and there is significant genetic correlation between the two (ρg=0.424, p=0.0364, SE=0.195). Genome-wide linkage scans identify a significant univariate linkage peak for major depression on chromosome 22 (LOD=3.144 at 2cM), with a suggestive peak for cannabis use on chromosome 21 (LOD=2.123 at 37cM). A significant pleiotropic linkage peak influencing both cannabis use and major depression was identified on chromosome 11, using a bivariate model (LOD=3.229 at 112cM). Follow-up of this pleiotropic signal identified a SNP 20kb upstream of NCAM1 (rs7932341) that shows significant bivariate association (p=3.10×10−5). However this SNP is rare (7 minor allele carriers) and does not drive the linkage signal observed. Conclusions—There appears to be significant genetic overlap between cannabis use and major depression among Mexican-Americans, a pleiotropy that appears to be localized to a region on chromosome 11q23 that has been previously linked to these phenotypes

    Genome-wide significant loci for addiction and anxiety

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    Background Psychiatric comorbidity is common among individuals with addictive disorders, with patients frequently suffering from anxiety disorders. While the genetic architecture of comorbid addictive and anxiety disorders remains unclear, elucidating the genes involved could provide important insights into the underlying etiology. Methods Here we examine a sample of 1284 Mexican-Americans from randomly selected extended pedigrees. Variance decomposition methods were used to examine the role of genetics in addiction phenotypes (lifetime history of alcohol dependence, drug dependence or chronic smoking) and various forms of clinically relevant anxiety. Genome-wide univariate and bivariate linkage scans were conducted to localize the chromosomal regions influencing these traits. Results Addiction phenotypes and anxiety were shown to be heritable and univariate genome-wide linkage scans revealed significant quantitative trait loci for drug dependence (14q13.2-q21.2, LOD = 3.322) and a broad anxiety phenotype (12q24.32-q24.33, LOD = 2.918). Significant positive genetic correlations were observed between anxiety and each of the addiction subtypes (ρg = 0.550–0.655) and further investigation with bivariate linkage analyses identified significant pleiotropic signals for alcohol dependence-anxiety (9q33.1-q33.2, LOD = 3.054) and drug dependence-anxiety (18p11.23-p11.22, LOD = 3.425). Conclusions This study confirms the shared genetic underpinnings of addiction and anxiety and identifies genomic loci involved in the etiology of these comorbid disorders. The linkage signal for anxiety on 12q24 spans the location of TMEM132D, an emerging gene of interest from previous GWAS of anxiety traits, whilst the bivariate linkage signal identified for anxiety-alcohol on 9q33 peak coincides with a region where rare CNVs have been associated with psychiatric disorders. Other signals identified implicate novel regions of the genome in addiction genetics

    Wild Blueberries 1999 CSREES Progress Reports

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    The 1999 edition of the Wild Blueberries CSREES Progress Reports was prepared for the Maine Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1. Effects of QF Processing on Microbiological Quality of Maine Wild Blueberries 2. Separation of Maggot-Infested Blueberries in the IQF Processing Line 3. Determination of Pesticide Residue Levels in Fresh and Processed Wild Blueberries 4. Control Tactics for Blueberry Pest Insects 5. IPM Strategies 6. Biology and Ecology of Blueberry Pest Insects 7. Survey of Stem Blight and Leaf Spot Diseases in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 8. Phosphorus/Nitrogen Fertilizer Ratio 9. Effect of Fertilizer Timing on Lowbush Blueberry Growth and Productivity 10. Effect of Soil pH on Nutrient Uptake 11. Effect of Boron Application Methods on Boron Uptake in Lowbush Blueberries 12. Effect of Nutri-Phite P+K on growth and yield of lowbush blueberry 13. Effect of Crop-Set on growth and yield of lowbush blueberry 14. Crop year fertilization of lowbush blueberry 15. Alternative Methods of Grass Control 16. Cultural Weed Management Using pH 17. Investigation of Hexazinone Alternatives for Weed Control 18. Comparison of Sulfosate and Glyphosate for Weed Control 19. Evaluation of VC1447 for Weed Control in Wild blueberries 20. Blueberry/ Cranberry Extension Education Program in 1999 21. Effect of Rate, Formulation and Application Method on Efficacy and Phytotoxicity of Granular Hexazinone in Wild Blueberry Fields 22. 1999 Fungicide Evaluation Field Trial 23. 1999 Hexazinone Groundwater Survey Pollination 24. Sustainable Pollination of Wild Blueberr
