663 research outputs found

    The development of a novel pitch-side concussion balance assessment: a comparison between a virtual reality based balance tool and the modified balance error scoring system

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    Background: Balance deficits are a key measurable marker of concussion injuries. An objective pitch-side concussion balance assessment needs to replace current subjective, insensitive, unportable tests. A novel pitch-side dual-task VR test has been developed to evoke perturbations, and measure COP path length changes, via a WBB. Aims: To establish whether a VR WBB system is effectively able to assess postural stability, by evoking perturbations, and to measure subsequent changes in COP path length. To establish whether mBESS error scores, or objective mBESS COP path lengths correlate with changes in COP path length post-perturbation. Methods: 14 female University of Birmingham hockey players aged 18-21 performed both the mBESS and the VR WBB assessment at the pitch-side. Results: The mean COP path length post-perturbation was significantly greater than pre- perturbation, as the tilt induced a compensatory sway response. SL error scores significantly correlated with SL COP path length, and COP path length percentage change from pre to post-perturbation. Conclusion: The dual-task VR WBB system effectively assesses postural stability by measuring subsequent changes in COP path length. The objective nature and plethora of information provided by the VR WBB system, heightens its appeal over the mBESS, as an assessment of postural stability

    Anxiety and depression: a model for assessment and therapy in primary care

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    Patients who feel anxious and depressed often turn to primary care for initial professional help. However, systematic service evaluations allege poor standards of diagnosis and treatment, resulting in disappointing clinical outcomes. All the same, special educational and quality improvement initiatives have not raised standards significantly. Why this should be so and possible remedies are suggested by this article, on the basis that the empirical evidence base for criticising primary care standards is weaker than commonly acknowledged. Systematic clinical trials are often premised by assumptions that are not relevant to primary care, they tend to select subject populations unrepresentative of those typically seen by general practitioners and results are often compromised by a series of methodological flaws. This article proposes an alternative conceptualisation of anxiety and depression apposite to primary care assessment and therapy. It draws on an emergent evidence base within psychobiology that recognises that these reactions have two adaptive functions. Firstly, they are responses evoked by actual personal adversity, secondly they have the function of prompting communication to self and to others of the need for practical remedial action to be taken independently, or with assistance, to improve the quality of the recovery environment. A table summarises the phased stages of anxiety and depression and lists their adaptive and communicative functions along with some phase-appropriate primary care interventions. This new model of assessment and therapy is offered to stimulate discussion and inspire future research that is appropriate for primary care service improvement

    Soybean production in Iowa

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    Soybeans have become a major crop in Iowa. They are well adapted to Iowa’s climate and to general growing on the level Iowa soils where erosion is not a problem. The crop has many more uses than most crops, both on the farm and in industry. Soybeans were first grown in Iowa for the home production of high-protein seed and hay. The seed has been used to substitute for purchased high-protein concentrates and the hay where legume hay is needed in the ration. More than half of the acreage has been harvested as hay. During the 10 years, 1929-38, 64.5 percent has been harvested as hay, 30.5 percent for beans and the remaining 5 percent plowed under or grazed

    Do you work in the field of Pilgrimage Studies?

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    The women characters in Schiller's dramas

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    TypescriptM.A. University of Missouri 1907It is the confirmed opinion of the majority of critics that Schiller's genius proclaimed itself in the portrayal of strong, manly, and heroic characters, and that the tenderness, gentleness, and delicateness of his female characters were for him a background for the stronger types of the opposite sex. Be that as it may, their realism and accurate characterization make them equally as important as the more dominant male characters, and worthy of the most careful study. It is my purpose in this paper to prove that Schiller's superior mental ability is also shown in his feminine characters. Although they play minor parts in the greater number of his dramas, they are just as precisely and correctly drawn as his principal characters. They will be a fresh source of interest and instruction for succeeding generations, and a lasting monument to his wonderful genius because of their trueness to life and the intensely human emotions which govern their lives and actions.Includes bibliographical reference

    Family Album

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    Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak Dalam Perjanjian Baku

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana ketentuan hukum mengenai pembuatan suatu kontrak dalam praktik dan bagaimana ketentuan hukum mengenai asas kebebasan berkontrak dalam perjanjian baku. Berdasarkan penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Ketentuan hukum mengenai pembuatan suatu kontrak dalam praktik mengacu pada asas kebebasan berkontrak, dasar eksistensinya terdapat pada rumusan angka 4 Pasal 1320 KUH Perdata yaitu suatu sebab yang tidak terlarang. 2. Ketentuan hukum mengenai asas kebebasan berkontrak dalam perjanjian baku harus memperhatikan ketentuan Pasal 18, Bab V UU Perlindungan Konsumen No. 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Ketentuan Pencantuman Klausula Baku. Dengan demikian semua perjanjian yang mengandung causa atau sebab yang terlarang yang terwujud dalam bentuk prestasi yang tidak diperkenankan untuk dilakukan menurut hukum, kesusilaan dan ketertiban umum, meskipun ia memuat atau tidak memuat klausula baku akan tetap batal demi hukum

    Penerapan Replikasi Asyncrhonous pada Basis Data Terdistribusi untuk Keamanan Data

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    Keamanan data merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam sebuah basis data akan tetapi masalah keamanan ini sering kali kurang mendapatkan perhatian dari pemilik system. Pentingnya sebuah data mengharuskan para pemilik kebijakan untuk menjaga dan merawat data agar tidak rentan dengan kerusakan. Dalam sebuah mesin database terdapat banyak fitur terutama untuk menjaga keamanan data, salah satu fitur yang ada adalah replikasi basis data, dalam replikasi basis data sendiri ada beberapa jenis salah satunya replikasi asynchronous. Fitur ini berfungsi untuk meningkatkan availability data, memungkinkan beberapa lokasi menyimpan data yang sama. Hal ini sangat berguna pada saat lokasi-lokasi tersebut membutuhkan data yang sama atau memerlukan server yang terpisah dalam pembuatan aplikasi laporan. Pengguna dapat bekerja dengan meng-copy data pada saat tidak terkoneksi kemudian melakukan Perubahan untuk dibuat database baru pada saat terkoneksi dan juga dapat meningkatkan kinerja pembacaan. Dalam bisnis perhotelan data tamu adalah data terpenting dalam Perusahaan karena dengan data tersebut Perusahaan dapat menjaga hubungan baik dengan para tamu. Begitu pula yang terjadi pada hotel Ole Suites Sentul. Dengan mengaplikasikan replikasi asynchronous di harapkan dapat menjaga keamanan data dengan efektif
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