69 research outputs found

    Authority of the Public Order Enforcers in Organizing Public Order in Badung Regency

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    This research is based on the background of the problem of the gap between the substance of the Regional Regulation of Badung Regency Number 7 of 2016 concerning Public Order and Peace of the People in the Badung Regency region with the facts that occur in the field. The aims was to find out how the authority and remedies for enforcement of regional government regulations in the context of implementing public order and peace of mind by the Public Order Enforcersin Badung Regency. The research method used is quantitative descriptive with an empirical legal research approach. The data used are primary data, secondary data and tertiary data. The method of determining the sample used is probability sampling. Data is collected through documentation techniques, observation and interviews. The results showed that the authority of Badung District Public Order Enforcersin organizing public order was regulated in the Badung District Regulation Number 7 of 2016 and supported by other Regulations in the Badung Regency area. Legal efforts of the Public Order Enforcers such as the act of controlling, demolition, sealing, closing the business operations and so forth. The remedies are pre-incentive non-judicial and judicial


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    Rangka merupakan komponen yang terdapat pada Mesin Pengupas dan Perajang Bawang Merah. Fungsi dari rangka ini adalah untuk menopang bagian-bagian mesin. Tujuan dari pembuatan rangka mesin ini adalah: (1) mengetahui bagaimana menentukan bahan yang tepat dalam proses pembuatan rangka; (2) mengetahui alat dan mesin yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatan rangka; (3) mengetahui proses pembuatan rangka Mesin Pengupas dan Perajang Bawang Merah; (4) mengetahui uji dimensi dan uji fungsi pada rangka Mesin Pengupas dan Perajang Bawang Merah. Rangka Mesin Pengupas dan Perajang Bawang Merah terbuat dari bahan Baja dengan jenis profil L, dan plat strip. Mesin dan alat yang digunakan dalam pembuatan rangka mesin adalah : Mesin las MIG dan kelengkapannya,mesin bor dan kelengkepannya, jangka sorong, meteran, penyiku, penggores, dan penitik. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan rangka ini meliputi: identifikasi gambar kerja, identifikasi bahan, mesin dan alat yang digunakan, dan menentukan proses pembuatan yang efektif. Sedangkan pada tahapan pembuatannya meliputi beberapa proses antara lain: proses pengukuran bahan, proses pemotongan, pengeboran, seting dan perakitan/pengelasan. Dari hasil uji dimensi Mesin Pengupas dan Perajang Bawang Merah memiliki presentase kesalahan 0,357%, sedangkan dalam uji fungsi komponen pada rangka mesin mampu menopang beban keseluruhan komponen dan berfungsi dengan bai

    Re-Designing Sign System in Kiaracondong Railway Station Bandung

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    Sign system is a media information that help people to find their way or destination in an environment. Good sign system can be understood by viewer through the information and visualization indeed. Some of public location that craves sign system is a railway station. However as a high accessibility place, actually railway station has many activities in there, like to buy tickets, waiting for the train, obtaining information operational and others. All of that are needed sign system. Kiaracondong Railway Station as one of well known stations in West Java that had plenty visitors. But, the media information like sign system in there is not yet enough to fulfill the visitors requirement, such as some of them are broken, unsupported materials, the visibility and letter size are not standard measure, and minimum quantity sign system.For more clearly this case, it will be required to aggregation and review the data. Actually, the methods that to be used such as directly observation to station area, collecting theoretical data, share some questionnaire to visitors, make an interview to officers, comparing with several similar projects, and matrix analysis.So based on the situation and data management, we need to redesign the sign system with good integration in Kiaracondong Railway Station for help visitors in railway station to acquire their needs like informations and navigations. In other goal, the redesign sign system can be increase the image of PT KAI in business transportation

    The Effect of Cang Salak Tea Diet on Apolipoprotein C3 (ApoC3) Gene Expression on Hyperlipidemic Rats Model

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of global mortality and disability. Hyperlipidemia is a major risk factor for CVD that can be controlled through medical therapy, appropriate nutrition, and lifestyle. This study aimed to identify the cang salak tea diet’s effect on the ApoC3 gene expression in a hyperlipidemia rat. 18 male Wistar rats were divided equally into three groups. A high-fat-diet-induced two groups of rats, and one group was the control. Once hyperlipidemia had been achieved, one of the two groups was treated with the cang salak tea, and one group was given a standard diet for four weeks. Authenticated rat and liver tissue were collected as a source of RNA isolation. Isolated RNA was used as a reaction template for the relative quantitation qPCR using β-actin as the housekeeping gene. The ApoC3 gene was specifically amplified with a Tm value of 82.73°C, Cq 17-19, and produced a sigmoid curve. The relative expression level of the ApoC3 gene in hyperlipidemia rats fed with the cang salak tea diet was 0.46 times significantly lower than the control (1.17) and P2 (1.32) groups. These results indicate that the cang salak tea has antihyperlipidemic properties to reduce CVD risk

    The Effect of Cang Salak Tea Diet on Apolipoprotein C3 (ApoC3) Gene Expression on Hyperlipidemic Rats Model

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of global mortality and disability. Hyperlipidemia is a major risk factor for CVD that can be controlled through medical therapy, appropriate nutrition, and lifestyle. This study aimed to identify the cang salak tea diet’s effect on the ApoC3 gene expression in a hyperlipidemia rat. 18 male Wistar rats were divided equally into three groups. A high-fat-diet-induced two groups of rats, and one group was the control. Once hyperlipidemia had been achieved, one of the two groups was treated with the cang salak tea, and one group was given a standard diet for four weeks. Authenticated rat and liver tissue were collected as a source of RNA isolation. Isolated RNA was used as a reaction template for the relative quantitation qPCR using β-actin as the housekeeping gene. The ApoC3 gene was specifically amplified with a Tm value of 82.73°C, Cq 17-19, and produced a sigmoid curve. The relative expression level of the ApoC3 gene in hyperlipidemia rats fed with the cang salak tea diet was 0.46 times significantly lower than the control (1.17) and P2 (1.32) groups. These results indicate that the cang salak tea has antihyperlipidemic properties to reduce CVD risk

    Aktivitas Antituberkulosis Ektrak N-heksana Kulit Batang Spondias Pinnata Terhadap Isolat Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strain Multidrug Resistant

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    Tuberkulosis disebabkan oleh infeksiMycobacterium tuberculosis yang ditandai dengan batuk kronis. Masalah utama dalam penanggulangan tuberkulosis adalah resistensiM. tuberculosisterhadap obat antituberkulosis. Penelitian untuk penemuan antituberkulosis baru terus dilakukan, salah satunya dari bahan alam. Kedondong hutan (Spondias pinnata) secara empiris digunakan sebagai obat batuk kronis. Penelitian sebelumnya melaporkan bahwa ekstrak metanol dan n-heksana daun S. pinnata aktif sebagai antituberkulosis terhadapM. tuberculosis strain Multidrug resistant(MDR). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji aktivitas antituberkulosis ekstrak n-heksana kulit batang S. pinnata terhadap isolat M. tuberculosis strain MDR. Penelitian ini diawali dengan ekstraksi, dilanjutkan denganuji fitokimia ekstrak n-heksana kulit batang S. pinnata. Selanjutnya, dilakukan uji aktivitas antituberkulosis ekstrak n-heksana dengan metode proporsi menggunakan media L-J pada 3 rentang konsentrasi (1, 10 dan 100 mg/mL). Pengamatan dilakukan selama 6 minggu. Aktivitas antituberkulosis dinilai dari persentase hambatan yang dihitung dengan membandingkan jumlah koloni kelompok perlakuan terhadap kontrol. Hasil uji fitokimia menunjukkan ekstrak n-heksana memiliki kandungan kimia berupa terpenoid dan flavonoid. Ekstrak ini memiliki aktivitas antituberkulosis terhadapM. tuberculosis strain MDR dengan hambatan sebesar 100% pada konsentrasi 100 mg/mL.Ekstrak tersebut dapat dieksplorasilebih lanjut untuk menelusuri kandungan kimia aktif sebagai antituberkulosis

    Implementation of good government governance, intellectual intelligence, emotional, and spiritual intelligence in managerial performance of village government management

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    This research aims to describe the implementation of good government governance in Badung Regency Village Government, to examine the effect of good government governance, intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence on the managerial performance of village government officials in Badung Regency. This research was conducted in Badung Regency with 230 respondents from the village government officials. Determination of the sample using non-probability sampling with a saturation sampling technique. Data collection methods were carried out using questionnaires and data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research indicate that the variables of Good Governance, intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence have a positive effect on the Managerial Performance of Village Government Officials in Badung Regency

    Aktivitas Antituberkulosis Ekstrak N-heksana Kulit Batang Cempaka Kuning terhadap Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strain Multidrug Resistant

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    Penyakit tuberkulosis masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan di dunia. Munculnya resistensi bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis terhadap obat antituberkulosis lini pertama menyebabkan jenis obat pada pedoman pengobatan tidak dapat membunuh bakteri tuberkulosis yang sudah resisten. Permasalahan resistensi obat ini mendorong penemuan obat alternatif antituberkulosis yang aktif terhadap tuberkulosis dengan resistensi. Kulit batang cempaka kuning (Michelia champaca L.), suku Magnoliaceae, berdasarkan etnomedisin ayurveda berkhasiat mengobati batuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas antituberkulosis ekstrak n-heksana kulit batang cempaka kuning terhadap isolat Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain Multidrug resistant. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi. Pengujian aktivitas antituberkulosis ekstrak dilakukan dengan metode proporsi menggunakan media L-J dengan konsentrasi ekstrak sebesar 1, 10, dan 100 mg/mL. Pengamatan koloni bakteri dimulai dari minggu ke-3 hingga minggu ke-6. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak n-heksana kulit batang cempaka kuning memiliki aktivitas antituberkulosis pada konsentrasi 10 dan 100 mg/mL dengan persentase hambatan sebesar 100%. Ekstrak ini potensial dikembangkan lebih lanjut untuk mendapatkan senyawa aktif sebagai antituberkulosis dari tanaman ini
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