15 research outputs found


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    Tanamaan pangan khususnya padi, jagung, dan singkong memiliki kandungan karbohidrat yang cukup banyak, namun kandungan proteinnya sangat rendah. Lisin merupakan salah satu asam amino esensial bagi manusia dan hewan dan dapat dipenuhi dengan mengkonsumsi protein nabati. Disisi lain lisin juga menjadi faktor pembatas di tanaman karena kandungan lisin dalam tanaman pangan pokok sangat terbatas/rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengisolasi gen LRP (Lysine-Rich Protein) dari biji kecipir. Metode isolasi gen LRP dilakukan dengan menggunakan kit komersial Geneaid, Taiwan. Hasil isolasi RNA gen LRP dari biji kecipir memiliki kemurnian yang rendah yaitu rasio OD A260/A230 sebesar 0.97 dan rasio OD A260/A280  sebesar 1.04. Meskipun kualitas RNA rendah, namun setelah dilakukan cDNA sintesis dan amplifikasi gen LRP didapatkan gen target LRP sesuai dengan referensi yaitu sebesar 470b

    Total Mikroba pada Tanah yang Dicemari Sludge Limbah Pabrik Kertas dengan Perlakuan Pupuk Guano

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    There are 83 paper mills in Indonesia recorded by the Indonesian Pulp and Paper Association (APKI) spread throughout the archipelago. These paper companies produce products in the form of tissues, various types of paper, and other fiber-based products. Efforts to meet the needs of this raw material produce innovations in the form of using waste paper by separating the ink from the fibers contained in the paper, this separation process is known as the deinking process. Paper mill solid waste can be in the form of sludge, pith, and biosludge. Sludge is a factory solid waste originating from the settling of WWTP which consists of 90% solid and 10% liquid. Paper mill waste in the form of solid waste from sludge contains heavy metals such as Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, Cu, and Zn. These metals can be overcome by bioremediation using guano fertilizer which is an organic material derived from bat droppings which is rich in phosphate. The purpose of this study was to determine the microbial population in soil contaminated with paper mill sludge waste treated with guano fertilizer. The parameters observed in this study were the total number of bacteria and fungi that survive in soil contaminated with paper mill waste as an indication that the land can still be planted with certain plants. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Soil Biology, Laboratory of Soil and Land Fertility Agrotechnopark – Faculty of Agriculture – University of Jember. This study used a 3x3 two factorial experimental design with the basic pattern of Randomized Block Design (RAK), namely between the concentration of paper mill effluent and the dose of guano fertilizer, each treatment was repeated three times. The microbial population can be determined by analyzing total bacteria, total fungi. Soil that had been contaminated with paper mill waste was incubated with guano fertilizer, each combination was analyzed at 15 hst and 30 hst for total bacterial and total fungal populations. During the incubation period, irrigation was carried out using a sprayer to maintain moisture in the incubation media. The results showed that the total population of bacteria and fungi in the growing media contaminated with paper mill sludge waste by administering different doses of guano showed results that were not significantly different, but the total population tended to increase. with increasing incubation period. Pollution of sludge waste in the planting medium has a significant effect on increasing the total Fungi Population when compared to the control. The relationship between paper mill effluent pollution and guano fertilization is very low with a coefficient of determination of less than 0.5


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    ABSTRAKPandemi COVID-19 telah menghambat jalannya kegiatan dan memaksa semua orang bekerja dari rumah. Analisis situasi menunjukkan bahwa masih banyaknya masyarakat yang belum sadar prosedur kesehatan COVID-19. Sedangkan potensi yang ada di Desa Grenden adalah banyaknya masyarakat yang menanam tanaman herbal di pekarangan rumahnya. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan mulai 11 Agustus 2021 sampai 9 September 2021 dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Tema pengabdian kepada masyarakat berfokus melaksanakan program kerja program inovasi teknologi dan informasi dalam penanganan COVID-19 dengan sasaran  ibu-ibu masyarakat Desa Grenden. Terdapat program pendidikan kesehatan untuk kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, seperti edukasi penggunaan handsanitizer alami sebagai tindakan pencegahan penularan COVID-19, manfaat bahan herbal bagi imunitas tubuh selama masa pandemi COVID-19, cara membuat handsanitizer herbal dari daun sirih, cara membuat jamu instan dari kunyit dan cara membuat permen herbal dari jahe. Evaluasi awal dan akhir dilakukan dengan Tanya jawab mengenai pengetahuan mengenai bahan herbal, manfaat bahan herbal dan cara pengolahannya. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai kandungan dan manfaat bahan herbal disekitar rumah. menjadi serta cara pengolahannya yang tidak maksimal diharapkan tingkat pengetahuan dan kreativitas masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan bahan herbal disekitar rumah untuk dijadikan sebagai produk daya guna yang bermanfaat selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Kata kunci: covid-19; herbal; grenden ABSTRACTThe COVID-19 pandemic has hampered activities and forced everyone to work from home. Situation analysis shows that there are still many people who are not aware of the COVID-19 health procedures. While the potential that exists in Grenden Village is the number of people who grow herbal plants in their yards. The community service program will be implemented from 11 August 2021 to 9 September 2021 by implementing health protocols. The theme of community service focuses on implementing the work program of the technology and information innovation program in handling COVID-19, targeting the women of the Grenden Village community. There are health education programs for Community Service activities, such as education on the use of natural hand sanitizers as a precaution against COVID-19 transmission, the benefits of herbal ingredients for body immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic, how to make herbal hand sanitizer from betel leaf, how to make instant herbal medicine from turmeric. and how to make herbal candy from ginger. The initial and final evaluation was carried out by asking questions about knowledge about herbal ingredients, the benefits of herbal ingredients and how to process them. The results of the activity showed that there was an increase in public knowledge about the content and benefits of herbal ingredients around the house. As well as processing methods that are not optimal, it is hoped that the level of knowledge and creativity of the community in utilizing herbal ingredients around the house to be used as useful products during the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: covid-19; herbal; grende

    Pengaruh Pemberian IAA pada Pembibitan Setek Vanili (Vanila planifolia) yang diperkaya Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat dan Bakteri Pelarut Kalium

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    Propagation of vanilla plants is generally using vegetative methods like cuttings. The use of external growth regulators can support the growth of nurseries. Phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria are producing microbial IAA. This study used auxin in synthetic IAA combined with IAA microbes from phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of each microbe at each dose of synthetic IAA that was applied. The study was conducted from November 2021-April 2022 in the Biological Soil Laboratory and Greenhouse University of Jember. The research uses a randomised block design with three replications with the factorial arrangement. The first factor was organic matter which was enriched with bacterial isolate (B0 = control, B1 = BPF isolate, and B2 = BPK isolate). The second factor was concentration of IAA (A0 = 0 mg.l-1, A1 = 100 mg.l-1, and A2 = 200 mg.l-1). The data were analysed by ANOVA and further tested with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that treatment of synthetic IAA affects the parameters of length and volume of adventitious roots, which are effective in helping to supply nutrients with the best treatment at a concentration of 200 ppm. Meanwhile, enrichment of media with isolates of phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria gave a better effect than control on the observation of tendril length, number of leaves, number of adventitious roots and taproots, length of adventitious roots and taproots, the volume of adventitious roots and taproot, and fresh weight of vanilla seedlings.Propagation of vanilla plants is generally using vegetative methods like cuttings. The use of external growth regulators can support the growth of nurseries. Phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria are producing microbial IAA. This study used auxin in synthetic IAA combined with IAA microbes from phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of each microbe at each dose of synthetic IAA that was applied. The study was conducted from November 2021-April 2022 in the Biological Soil Laboratory and Greenhouse University of Jember. The research uses a randomised block design with three replications with the factorial arrangement. The first factor was organic matter which was enriched with bacterial isolate (B0 = control, B1 = BPF isolate, and B2 = BPK isolate). The second factor was concentration of IAA (A0 = 0 mg.l-1, A1 = 100 mg.l-1, and A2 = 200 mg.l-1). The data were analysed by ANOVA and further tested with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that treatment of synthetic IAA affects the parameters of length and volume of adventitious roots, which are effective in helping to supply nutrients with the best treatment at a concentration of 200 ppm. Meanwhile, enrichment of media with isolates of phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria gave a better effect than control on the observation of tendril length, number of leaves, number of adventitious roots and taproots, length of adventitious roots and taproots, the volume of adventitious roots and taproot, and fresh weight of vanilla seedlings

    Pengaruh Pemberian IAA pada Pembibitan Setek Vanili (Vanila planifolia) yang diperkaya Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat dan Bakteri Pelarut Kalium

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    Propagation of vanilla plants is generally using vegetative methods like cuttings. The use of external growth regulators can support the growth of nurseries. Phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria are producing microbial IAA. This study used auxin in synthetic IAA combined with IAA microbes from phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of each microbe at each dose of synthetic IAA that was applied. The study was conducted from November 2021-April 2022 in the Biological Soil Laboratory and Greenhouse University of Jember. The research uses a randomised block design with three replications with the factorial arrangement. The first factor was organic matter which was enriched with bacterial isolate (B0 = control, B1 = BPF isolate, and B2 = BPK isolate). The second factor was concentration of IAA (A0 = 0 mg.l-1, A1 = 100 mg.l-1, and A2 = 200 mg.l-1). The data were analysed by ANOVA and further tested with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that treatment of synthetic IAA affects the parameters of length and volume of adventitious roots, which are effective in helping to supply nutrients with the best treatment at a concentration of 200 ppm. Meanwhile, enrichment of media with isolates of phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria gave a better effect than control on the observation of tendril length, number of leaves, number of adventitious roots and taproots, length of adventitious roots and taproots, the volume of adventitious roots and taproot, and fresh weight of vanilla seedlings.Propagation of vanilla plants is generally using vegetative methods like cuttings. The use of external growth regulators can support the growth of nurseries. Phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria are producing microbial IAA. This study used auxin in synthetic IAA combined with IAA microbes from phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of each microbe at each dose of synthetic IAA that was applied. The study was conducted from November 2021-April 2022 in the Biological Soil Laboratory and Greenhouse University of Jember. The research uses a randomised block design with three replications with the factorial arrangement. The first factor was organic matter which was enriched with bacterial isolate (B0 = control, B1 = BPF isolate, and B2 = BPK isolate). The second factor was concentration of IAA (A0 = 0 mg.l-1, A1 = 100 mg.l-1, and A2 = 200 mg.l-1). The data were analysed by ANOVA and further tested with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that treatment of synthetic IAA affects the parameters of length and volume of adventitious roots, which are effective in helping to supply nutrients with the best treatment at a concentration of 200 ppm. Meanwhile, enrichment of media with isolates of phosphate solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilising bacteria gave a better effect than control on the observation of tendril length, number of leaves, number of adventitious roots and taproots, length of adventitious roots and taproots, the volume of adventitious roots and taproot, and fresh weight of vanilla seedlings

    Bimbingan Teknis Peningkatan Potensi Budidaya Anggrek Petani Plasma DD Orchid Nurserry Menuju Go Internasional

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    Anggrek merupakan salah satu tanaman yang meiliki daya tarik cukup tinggi dikalangan masyarakat. DD Orchid Nurserry merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembibitan anggrek dan berlokasi di Desa Dadaprejo, Kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu. Kegiatan bimbingan teknis dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2022 yang bertempat di DD Orchid Nursery, kota Batu Malang. Kegiatan tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan potensi berbudidaya anggrek menuju go international. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan berberapa metode diantaranya persiapan kegiatan, pemaparan materi kepada petani plasma, dan praktik kerja lapang. Praktik kerja lapang dilakukan dengan adanya penyuluhan, praktik kerja, monitoring dan evaluasi. Kegiatan  bimbingan teknis peningkatan potensi budidaya anggrek petani plasma DD Orchid Nurserry diikuti oleh sejumlah petani plasma, dengan melakukan kegiatan budidaya tanaman anggrek mulai dari aklimatisasi, penanaman seedling,repotting, penyiraman dan pemupukan.Anggrek merupakan salah satu tanaman yang meiliki daya tarik cukup tinggi dikalangan masyarakat. DD Orchid Nurserry merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembibitan anggrek dan berlokasi di Desa Dadaprejo, Kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu. Kegiatan bimbingan teknis dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2022 yang bertempat di DD Orchid Nursery, kota Batu Malang. Kegiatan tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan potensi berbudidaya anggrek menuju go international. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan berberapa metode diantaranya persiapan kegiatan, pemaparan materi kepada petani plasma, dan praktik kerja lapang. Praktik kerja lapang dilakukan dengan adanya penyuluhan, praktik kerja, monitoring dan evaluasi. Kegiatan  bimbingan teknis peningkatan potensi budidaya anggrek petani plasma DD Orchid Nurserry diikuti oleh sejumlah petani plasma, dengan melakukan kegiatan budidaya tanaman anggrek mulai dari aklimatisasi, penanaman seedling,repotting, penyiraman dan pemupukan

    Managemen Produksi Dan Distribusi Tanaman Anggrek di DD Orchid Nursery

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    Orchid plants are one of the ornamental plants that are widely known to the public in Indonesia and abroad. This type of plant was originally an epirite plant attached to other plants, but it produces very beautiful flowers. since the last decade, plant business activities have played a significant role in the center of economic growth. Batu City is a center for orchid production and marketing in East Java which is a priority for orchid plant development because orchid cultivation has added value when compared to ornamental plant businesses in general. The service method carried out is in the form of orchid cultivation training which includes: Making orchid plant packaging, orchid marketing strategy, customer segmentation, and evaluation method. Marketing agency involved in the distribution of official orchid plants that serve consumers such as hobbyists, collectors, and retailers around the Batu area. The quality of orchids can be seen from the stem of the orchid plant, the height of the orchid plant and the type of orchid plant. The selling price that occurs is basically through bargaining. determining the price of orchids in Batu is close to a free market where every farmer is free to determine the price as long as it does not deviate from the company. The payment system can be done in cash or transfer. Marketing of orchids involves several marketing institutions, namely retailers and collectors. Management of production and distribution of export quality orchids can be achieved with the support and methods that must be carried out such as good packaging of orchids, sophisticated marketing strategies, targeted customer segmentation and collaboration between institutions. &nbsp

    Enrichment Pupuk Organik Asal Kotoran Ternak di CV Gumukmas Multi Farm Jember

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    CV Gumukmas Multi Farm as a service partner is one of the entrepreneurs in the sociopreneur-based livestock sector who collaborates with smallholder farmers as partners. The problem faced by partners is the high population of sheep that are kept so that they produce abundant livestock manure but are not used optimally so that they pollute the environment. The solution is structured training and demonstration in the manufacture of nutrient-rich organic fertilizer. Success in the management of manure waste is indicated by the results of compost that resemble soil and do not smell. This service program has improved the skills of farmers in managing livestock manure waste into processed organic fertilizers that can be used in agricultural land/forage for animal feed and improving the environmental conditions of the cages to be cleaner and healthier.CV Gumukmas Multi Farm sebagai mitra jasa merupakan salah satu pelaku usaha di bidang peternakan berbasis sociopreneur yang bekerjasama dengan peternak rakyat sebagai mitra. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra adalah tingginya populasi domba yang dipelihara sehingga menghasilkan kotoran ternak yang melimpah namun tidak dimanfaatkan secara optimal sehingga mencemari lingkungan. Solusinya adalah pelatihan dan demonstrasi terstruktur dalam pembuatan pupuk organik kaya nutrisi. Keberhasilan dalam pengelolaan limbah kotoran ternak ditunjukkan dengan hasil kompos yang menyerupai tanah dan tidak berbau. Program pengabdian ini telah meningkatkan keterampilan petani dalam mengelola limbah kotoran ternak menjadi pupuk organik olahan yang dapat dimanfaatkan di lahan pertanian/hijauan untuk pakan ternak dan memperbaiki kondisi lingkungan kandang menjadi lebih bersih dan sehat


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    Silo merupakan kecamatan yang berada di bagian utara kabupaten jember. Terletak di lereng pegunungan mrawan, Desa Karangharjo Kecamatan Silo sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkannya Industri di bidang pertanian. Kelembaban harian relatif tinggi dengan rata-rata lebih dari 85%. Kondisi yang demikian sangat cocok untuk kawasan pembibitan tanaman keras. Potensi sumberdaya alam ternyata tidak sebanding dengan pemanfaatan dari masyarakat sekitar. Kaula muda desa setempat lebih berminat untuk merantau bekerja di ibukota maupun bertindak sebagai TKI di luar negeri. Dari Jumlah Penduduk silo sebanyak 98 ribu penduduk usia produktif tercatat hampir 65% berpenghasilan dari daerah lain. Dari sini dapat dilihat bahwa di kawasan Desa Karangharjo sangat minim lapangan pekerjaan atau lapangan pekerjaan yang sudah ada kurang menarik di era milenial kini. Pengembangan Desa yang dilakukan salah satu tujuannya memberikan lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat usia produktif. Masyarakat akan didampingi untuk membentuk suatu kawasan produsen bibit secara mandiri di Desa Karangharjo, Kecamatan Silo. Diharapkan dengan terbentuknya Desa Mandiri Produksi Bibit Buah secara masal dapat mendukung program orange revolution. Sebagai informasi revolusi orange sendiri merupakan program swasembada buah-buahan di Indonesia. Peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat akan membawa tren kesadaran hidup sehat, dimana konsumsi beras (sumber karbohidrat) akan berkurang, sedangkan konsumsi buah-buahan (sumber vitamin dan mineral) akan meningkat. Potensi lonjakan permintaan konsumen akan buah-buahan di hari yang akan datang menjadi latar belakang dalam produksi bibit buah secara masal di masa sekarang. Kata Kunci — Desa Karangharjo, Produsen Bibi

    Correlation Between Secondary Metabolites of Leaf and the Resistance to Leaf Rust (Hemileia vastatrix) on Several Arabica Coffee Clones

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    Indicator of coffee resistance to leaf rust attack (Hemileia vastatrix) is needed to select superior coffee plants resistant to biotic stress. This study aims to find the relationship between the content of secondary metabolites and the intensity of leaf rust attack, so that it becomes a reference in the selection of future coffee plants. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with several coffee clones as a treatment. This test tested 5 Arabica coffee clones consisting of Komasti, Maragogik, Usda, Andong sari, and HDT clones. Each consists of 3 replications, and each replication consists of 2 sample plants. Observations were made by observing the intensity of the attack, and plant metabolites such as phenolic content, flavonoids and antioxidant activity were observed when the leaves had been attacked by Hemileia vastatrix. Correlation of leaf rust attack levels with phenolic content, flavonoids and antioxidant activity showed a relationship between each observation variable. Flavonoid content in certain conditions can be used as an indicator to get Arabica coffee plants that are resistant to the attack of leaf rust