94 research outputs found

    Language Anxiety and Its Effect on Studentsā€™ Speaking Performance

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    This study is about the analysis of language anxiety factors affecting Technical department 51 Batch 4th semester cadetsā€Ÿ speaking performance. The aim of this study is to list the language anxiety factors that affect cadetsā€Ÿ speaking performance and to explain how the language anxiety can affect cadetsā€Ÿ speaking performance. The data of this study were taken from questionnaire, open-ended interview, and studentsā€Ÿ speaking performance score. There were 60 cadets from two classes on class F and G of Indonesia Merchant Marine of Semarang. The questionnaire data were analyzed based on Horwitzā€Ÿs theory of Language Anxiety. Then for the language anxiety factors, each statement was calculated to know five chosen statement. The relation between language anxiety and studentsā€Ÿ speaking performance were analyzed based on studentsā€Ÿ interview answer, speaking score, and anxiety level. There were five factors of language anxiety affects studentsā€Ÿ speaking performance: 1) lack of preparation during language class, 2) peer-pressure in language as a whole, 3) sudden-activity in class, 4) peer-pressure in English speaking, and 5) studentsā€Ÿ negative attitudes toward English language. There were no solid correlation between studentsā€Ÿ speaking performance and language anxiety, what made their speaking performance differ from one to another was their linguistic competence and how they cope with their anxiety during speaking class


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    This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the description of the family communication process in deciding early marriage, early marriage which is increasingly happening in adolescents. Early-age marriage. The communication concept used is family communication. This research method is a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects in this study were couples who married at an early age in Cibinong District, Bogor Regency, totaling 4 couples. The data were analyzed using observations and interviews in the field. Parents of early couples initially did not approve of their children's early marriage plans on the grounds that they wanted their children to have a higher education and a better standard of living, but economic factors were one of the main reasons why education could not continue to higher education

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Dan Pemberian Insentif Terhadap Disiplin Kerja Sopir PT. Sriputa Surabaya

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    Human Resources participate very much in developing the employee potential for the company benefit. The achievement of company success can be done by increasing the employee performance through work discipline. The following research aims to determine the effect of competence and provision of incentives on the driver work discipline of PT. Sriputra Surabaya. This research used a quantitative approach and analysis method with multiple linear regressions. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire with a sample of 50 drivers. The results of the research showed that the variables of competence and incentive provision simultaneously and significantly influence the variable of work discipline with the results of F- test obtained Fcount 31,890 > Ftable of 3.20 with a significance value of 0,000. While partially the variable of competence has a significant effect on the variableĀ  of work discipline due to the significance value of 0.004 > 0.05 or or smaller than 5%. The variable of incentive provision partially influences significantly on the variableĀ  of work discipline due to a significance value of 0.002 > 0.05 or or smaller than 5%. Both competence and incentive provision influence about 57.6% against work discipline while the remainingĀ  of 42.4% is influenced by other variables not studied in this resaerch.Sumber Daya Manusia sangat berperan serta dalam mengembangkan potensi karyawan untuk kepentingan perusahaan. Pencapaian keberhasilan perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan kinerja karyawan melalui disiplin kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi dan pemberian insentif terhadap disiplin kerja pengemudi PT. Sriputra Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode analisis dengan regresi linier berganda. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dengan sampel sebanyak 50 pengemudi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel kompetensi dan pemberian insentif berpengaruh secara simultan dan signifikan terhadap variabel disiplin kerja dengan hasil uji F diperoleh Fhitung 31,890 > Ftabel 3,20 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000. Sedangkan secara parsial variabel kompetensi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel disiplin kerja karena nilai signifikansi 0,004 > 0,05 atau lebih kecil dari 5%. Variabel pemberian insentif secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel disiplin kerja karena nilai signifikansi 0,002 > 0,05 atau lebih kecil dari 5%. Baik kompetensi maupun pemberian insentif berpengaruh sebesar 57,6% terhadap disiplin kerja sedangkan sisanya sebesar 42,4% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini.Keywords:Competence, Incentives, Work Discipline, Regression


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    The purpose of this study is to know what kinds of sexual abuse that have been done to the women figures in the novels ā€œPerempuan di Titik Nolā€ by Nawal El Saadawi and ā€œThe Color Purpleā€ by Alice Walker. Besides, the purpose of the study is to know the impact of sexual abuse that happened to the women. To achieve the objectives above, the study used qualitative design and feminism approach. The re- sult of the studyshows that sexual abuse happened to the leading women figures in the novels from before, during, and after theirmarriage. The kinds of sexual abuse which happened to the leading women figures are gender harrassment,Ā  seduction behaviour, sexual bribery, sexual coercion, dan sexual impositio

    Efficiency Analysis of Sharia Ventura Capital Companies Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Period 2014 ā€“ 2018

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    Efficiency is one of the performance parameters that theoretically underlies the entire performance of a venture capital company. A lot of research on the efficiency of venture capital companies mostly focuses on conventional venture capital companies. Recently, Islamic venture capital companies have developed in various regions in Indonesia and are operated in a modern and sharia manner like other Islamic venture capital companies. This study evaluates the efficiency performance of Islamic venture capital companies in the period 2014 - 2018 (this study uses annual data) using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), where the first step is to measure the technical efficiency performance of venture capital companies using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with using an intermediation approach. Based on the efficiency measurement using the DEA method, it shows that the Sharia Venture Capital Company during the 2014 - 2018 period was still inefficient. The efficiency value of the most efficient venture capital company is 100%. The data used in this study is secondary data, collected from financial reports published by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the websites of each company. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling by taking a sample of 5 (five) Islamic venture capital companies. The input variables used in this study are total assets, capital and labor costs. While the output variable includes financing and revenue sharing


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    The purpose of this study is to know what kinds of sexual abuse that have been done to the women figures in the novels ā€œPerempuan di Titik Nolā€ by Nawal El Saadawi and ā€œThe Color Purpleā€ by Alice Walker. Besides, the purpose of the study is to know the impact of sexual abuse that happened to the women. To achieve the objectives above, the study used qualitative design and feminism approach. The re- sult of the studyshows that sexual abuse happened to the leading women figures in the novels from before, during, and after theirmarriage. The kinds of sexual abuse which happened to the leading women figures are gender harrassment,Ā  seduction behaviour, sexual bribery, sexual coercion, dan sexual impositio


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    The purpose of this study is to know what kinds of sexual abuse that have been done to the women figures in the novels ā€œPerempuan di Titik Nolā€ by Nawal El Saadawi and ā€œThe Color Purpleā€ by Alice Walker. Besides, the purpose of the study is to know the impact of sexual abuse that happened to the women. To achieve the objectives above, the study used qualitative design and feminism approach. The re- sult of the studyshows that sexual abuse happened to the leading women figures in the novels from before, during, and after theirmarriage. The kinds of sexual abuse which happened to the leading women figures are gender harrassment,Ā  seduction behaviour, sexual bribery, sexual coercion, dan sexual impositio

    Hubungan Antara Pola Pemberian Makanan Pendamping Asi (Mp-Asi) Dengan Status Gizi Balita Usia 7-24 Bulan Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pucangsawit Kecamatan Jebres Kota Surakarta

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    Introduction : Nutritional status is a state of the body as a result of the interaction of the balance of nutrients or energy intake and protein and nutrients other essential needs of the body, which are known by measurement of a variable and can be classified into the category of certain nutrients (nutritional status, better, less and bad).Forms of nutritional disorders are classified into two: overnutrition (excess nutrients) and under nutrition (malnutrition). Overnutrition is a state body due to consumption of certain nutrients exceed the needs of the body in a relatively long time. Undernutrition is the state of the body caused by nutrient intake daily that it can not meet the needs of the body. Objective: To determine the relationship between the pattern of complementary feeding (MP-ASI) with the nutritional status of children aged 7-24 months in Work Area Health Pucangsawit DistrictsJebres City Surakarta. Method: This research used in this study is observational with cross sectional approach. The samples are mothers who have children aged 7-24 months a number of 42 respondents. Retrieval of data by sequential sampling. Pattern of gift weaning obtained by filling a questionnaire that has been provided and the nutritional status of children is obtained by measuring anthropometry. Results : The results showed that the pattern of gift weaning influenced by nutritional status according amounted to 5.26% and is not suitable for 34.78%, while the nutritional status of children in category B/U is 21.42 % malnutrition children, 26.19% stunting, good nutrition 42.85%, and 9.52% more underweight children. Conclusions : There is a relationship between the pattern of complementary feeding (MP-ASI) with the nutritional status of children aged 7-24 months with a value of p = 0.016. Keywords : Giving Patterns complementary feeding, nutritional status. Literature : (24) 1999-2014

    Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Pair Check untuk Membangun Keterampilan Bertanya Produktif Siswa

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    This study aimed for (1) developing the students' productive questioning ability in the subject of Anatomy and Physiology and (2) improving the students' productive cognitive learning. This classroom action study was conducted for the X grade students of the Department of Make up and Beauty Teraphy II. It was undertaken during the odd semester of the academic year of 2014/2015. The data was collected by participatory monitoring, questionnaires, and documentary study. The data resulted from the observation, the interviews, and the discussions with collaborators were analysed, identified, interpreted, validated, and inferred descriptively. The results revealed the students' productive questioning ability development in the subject of Anatomy consists of 9 stages: the concept explanation, groups division, texts distribution, pair-check assignments, role shifts, answers validation, counseling and directing, correct answers validation, and rewards distribution. In the preliminary condition, the students' questioning ability was scored and categorised as fair. In the second cycle, it achieved higher score and was categorised as good. It was proved by the higher frequency of questions and the more productive reading ability of the students. The students' performance in the first cycle that was categorised as good and very good were 61.3% and 9.67% respectively. While in the second cycle, 12 students with the percentage of 38.70% were categorised as good and 15 students with the percentage of 48.30% were categorised as very good in productive questioning.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) membangun keterampilan bertanya produktif siswa pada mata pelajaran anatomi dan fisiologi dan (2) mengembangkan cara berpikir siswa agar terampil secara produktif. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, dengan setting kegiatan pembelajaran dilaksanakan pada semester ganjil bagi siswa kelas X Tata Kecantikan 2 tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan pemantauan partisipatif, kuisioner, dan studi dokumentasi. Data hasil pengamatan, wawancara, diskusi dengan kolaborator dan dokumen dianalisis secara deskriptif, identifikasi, interprestasi, validasi dan inferensi. Hasil dari penelitian adalah membangun keterampilan bertanya produktif siswa pada mata pelajaran anatomi terdapat 9 tahapan antara lain: menjelaskan konsep, membagi siswa dalam kelompok, membagikan teks, melaksanakan pair check, siswa bertukar peran, mencocokkan jawaban, membimbing dan mengarahkan, mengecek jawaban benar, dan mendapatkan reward. Kondisi awal yang menunjukkan siswa ketika mengungkapkan pertanyaan secara singkat dan jelas memperoleh kriteria cukup. Pada akhir kegiatan (siklus 2) mengalami peningkatan memperoleh kriteria baik. Hal ini terlihat dari frekwensi siswa dalam bertanya mengalami peningkatan, dan mampu membaca secara produktif sesuai dengan teks/bacaan yang diberikan oleh guru. Indikator kinerja di siklus 1 memperoleh kriteria baik (61,3%) dan kriteria sangat baik (9,67%). Pada siklus 2 sebanyak 12 orang (38,70%) siswa memperoleh predikat baik, dan sebanyak 15 orang (48,30%) memperoleh predikat sangat baik dalam bertanya produktif
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