37 research outputs found

    Sobre mecanismos de participación ciudadana para fortalecer alertas tempranas de inundaciones urbanas en el contexto de cambio climático

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    Este trabajo describe las tareas realizadas por el proyecto interdisciplinario Anticipando la Crecida, que tuvo el objetivo general de contribuir en la gestión de riesgos ante desastres asociados a inundaciones por sudestadas y lluvias intensas a través del diálogo con los diferentes actores de diferentes barrios del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. La estrategia fue explorar las causas sociales y físico-naturales, en articulación con la adaptación a dichos eventos, y destacar el conocimiento y las tecnologías relativas a su predicción. Los objetivos específicos fueron identificar las necesidades de pronóstico meteorológicos y generar diálogos con los tomadores de decisiones y los habitantes del barrio para la adecuación de la gestión de riesgos ante desastres como las inundaciones por sudestadas y/o lluvias intensas en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. El proyecto propone producir conocimiento de manera participativa mediante talleres intersectoriales a escala barrio como estrategia de adaptación al cambio climático.Trabajo publicado en Acta Bioquímica Clínica Latinoamericana; no. 52, supl. 2, parte II, diciembre de 2018.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Sorghum Flour Production Manual for Compatible Technology International (CTI) Burr Grinders

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    The importance of sorghum in human nutrition and food security The grinders of Compatible Technology International (CTI) were brought to El Salvador in 2009, for a project of CENTA-INTSORMIL/USAID to promote the grinding of sorghum for human nutrition. In 2011, ten of these grinders had been installed in small bakers associations, individual bakers, or persons producing ethnic drinks based on roasted and ground cereals. These people had been trained in sorghum use for human nutrition at the food technology laboratory of CENTA. The grinders are being used in areas were the access to other foods is limited and were sorghum can help to improve the nutritional status of the population. Sorghum has a large potential in the effort to reduce malnutrition because it is locally produced and can be processed in very healthy foods. For that reason it has been used to substitute milk in times of scarcity, to feed elder or sick persons because of the minerals it contains and in general as a resource in case of poverty or a bad harvest of corn. Sorghum also has important dietary values for its content of fiber and antioxidants and is recommended for diabetics and celiacs because it has no gluten and its carbohydrates digest slowly. Both the availability and the nutritious quality offer important benefits for the rural communities. INTSORMIL, CENTA and COMPATIBLE TECHNOLOGY INTERNACIONAL (CTI) INTSORMIL is a collaborative research program of the universities of Kansas, Nebraska, Ohio, Purdue and Texas A&M with the financial support of US-AID. CENTA is the national agricultural research and extension institute of El Salvador, with activities in genetic improvement of corn, bean and sorghum varieties. Several sorghum varieties have been released and distributed among the farmers and the use of sorghum for human nutrition has been demonstrated and promoted to their families and people with a small food processing business. COMPATIBLE TECHNOLOGY INTERNACIONAL is a nonprofit organization from Minnesota, aimed at providing appropriate technology solutions for developing countries, mainly in postharvest and health topics. Their grinders are designed to produce fine flour on a small scale and at a low cost. This manual is the result of the interaction of the three organizations mentioned and of the experience obtained from grinding sorghum with the CTI grinders and training people at the Food Technology Laboratory of CENTA

    Matías Duville, \u3cem\u3eDeath clock\u3c/em\u3e

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    Artist: Matías Duville. Title: Death clock, 2011. De la serie “Una larga noche”. Acrílico sobre conglomerado. 244 x 488 cm. Inti No. 83-84, Primavera-Otoño 2016, p. 260.https://digitalcommons.providence.edu/inti_gallery/1330/thumbnail.jp

    Mexican Emotional Speech Database Based on Semantic, Frequency, Familiarity, Concreteness, and Cultural Shaping of Affective Prosody

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    In this paper, the Mexican Emotional Speech Database (MESD) that contains single-word emotional utterances for anger, disgust, fear, happiness, neutral and sadness with adult (male and female) and child voices is described. To validate the emotional prosody of the uttered words, a cubic Support Vector Machines classifier was trained on the basis of prosodic, spectral and voice quality features for each case study: (1) male adult, (2) female adult and (3) child. In addition, cultural, semantic, and linguistic shaping of emotional expression was assessed by statistical analysis. This study was registered at BioMed Central and is part of the implementation of a published study protocol. Mean emotional classification accuracies yielded 93.3%, 89.4% and 83.3% for male, female and child utterances respectively. Statistical analysis emphasized the shaping of emotional prosodies by semantic and linguistic features. A cultural variation in emotional expression was highlighted by comparing the MESD with the INTERFACE for Castilian Spanish database. The MESD provides reliable content for linguistic emotional prosody shaped by the Mexican cultural environment. In order to facilitate further investigations, a corpus controlled for linguistic features and emotional semantics, as well as one containing words repeated across voices and emotions are provided. The MESD is made freely available

    El folklore mexicano de luto

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    Études des facteurs de transcription NLP : Rôles et mécanismes de la voie de signalisation nitrate dépendante des NLPs

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    L'un des événements moléculaires les mieux caractérisés déclenchés par le nitrate est la réponse primaire à ce dernier, dites PNR pour Primary Nitrate Response, c'est-à-dire une régulation de l'expression génétique régulée par le nitrate. C'est un processus rapide et spécifique dans lequel l'expression de plus de 1 000 gènes est régulé par un nombre important de facteurs de transcription à des divers degrés. Il a déjà été démontré que NLP7 est un régulateur clé de la PNR et que sa localisation intracellulaire est régulée par un mécanisme d'accumulation nucléaire dépendant de la présence/absence de nitrate. L'objectif de mon projet de thèse consiste à étudier davantage la fonction des facteurs de transcription NLPs dans la régulation transcriptionnelle des gènes de réponse au nitrate et leur impact sur les réponses des plantes à la disponibilité en nitrate chez le modèle A. thaliana. La première partie de mon projet consistait à déterminer quelle(s) protéine(s) interagissait spécifiquement avec NLP7 et quels étaient leurs rôles dans la voie de signalisation du nitrate NLP7-dépendante. A l'instar de son homologue, NLP2 a lui aussi récemment été caractérisé comme étant un régulateur clé du réseau de régulation transcriptionnel de la réponse au nitrate pendant la PNR. De plus, il présente le même mécanisme d'accumulation nucléaire dépendant de la disponibilité en nitrate. En nous appuyant sur des approches d'étude des interaction protéine-protéine, nous avons montré une interaction directe des NLP2 et NLP7 avec trois protéines candidates, préalablement identifiées comme interacteurs potentiels de NLP7. Elles interagissaient aussi avec deux NLPs qui ne présentent pas de localisation subcellulaire dépendante de la disponibilité en nitrate, NLP3 et NLP8. Parmi ces trois candidates se trouve une nucléoporine (NUP) principalement impliquée dans la régulation du transport des protéines et des molécules d'ARN à travers l'enveloppe nucléaire. Les domaines PB1 et GAF, étant des domaines d'interaction protéine-protéine, n'étaient pas nécessaires pour l'interaction entre NLP7 et la NUP. L'accumulation dépendante de la disponibilité en nitrate de NLP7 dans le noyau était déficiente dans les lignées qui exprimaient la protéine de fusion GFP-NLP7 dans un fond génétique mutant pour NLP7, NUPa, et son plus proche homologue NUPb. S'ajoute à cela, l'induction de l'expression des gènes de réponse au nitrate et la croissance de la plante sont sévèrement impactées chez les triples mutants nlp7nupanupb. Ces résultats suggèrent l'hypothèse selon laquelle la NUP est impliqué dans le processus de l'accumulation nucléaire nitrate-dépendant des NLPs, qui en définitif impacte leur l'activité.Hormis pour NLP2, NLP6, NLP7 et NLP8, peu d'informations sont disponible dans la littérature sur la fonction des autres NLPs dans la signalisation du nitrate chez Arabidopsis thaliana. J'ai donc étudié les phénotypes de croissance des huit double mutants nlpxnlp7 (où x =1 à 9 excepté 7) en condition d'apport en nitrate contrasté. J'ai observé un sévère retard de croissance des doubles mutants nlp1nlp7-1 comparé au simple mutant nlp7. NLP1 est le plus proche homologue de NLP2. Des analyses de l'activité transcriptionnelle lors de la PNR chez les double mutants nlp1nlp7 et nlp1nlp2 ont montré un impact dans l'induction de l'expression de gène de réponse au nitrate, illustrant une probable implication de NLP1 dans la PNR. Il est intéressant de noter que cet impact dépend des gènes de réponse au nitrate étudiés, suggérant que NLP1, NLP2 et NLP7 partageraient des fonctions communes, mais aussi spécifiques. Ces résultats ont contribué à améliorer notre compréhension sur la fonction des NLPs, bien que des études complémentaires sont nécessaires si on veut clairement élucider les mécanismes moléculaires derrière l'activité des NLPs chez Arabidopsis thaliana.One of the best-characterized molecular events triggered by nitrate is the primary nitrate response (PNR). This is a rapid and specific process in which the expression of more than 1,000 genes is regulated by a large number of transcription factors to varying degrees. It has already been shown that NLP7 is a key regulator of PNR and that its intracellular localization is regulated by a nuclear accumulation mechanism depending on the presence/absence of nitrate. The objective of my thesis project is to further investigate the function of NLP transcription factors in the transcriptional regulation of nitrate-responsive genes and their impact on plant responses to nitrate availability in the A. thaliana model. The first part of my thesis project consisted in determining which protein(s) interacted specifically with NLP7 and what their roles were in the NLP7-dependent nitrate signaling pathway. Like its homolog, NLP2 has also recently been characterized as a key regulator of the transcriptional regulatory network of the nitrate response during PNR. Moreover, it exhibits the same mechanism of nuclear accumulation dependent on nitrate availability. Using protein-protein interaction approaches, we showed a direct interaction of NLP2 and NLP7 with three candidate proteins previously identified as potential NLP7 interactors. These three proteins also interacted with two NLPs that do not exhibit nitrate availability-dependent subcellular localization, NLP3, and NLP8. Among these three candidates is a nucleoporin (NUP) primarily involved in the transport of protein and RNA molecules across the nuclear envelope. The NLP7 PB1 and GAF domains, described as putative protein-protein interaction domains, were not required for the interaction between NLP7 and NUP. Nitrate availability-dependent accumulation of NLP7 in the nucleus appeared to be deficient in lines that expressed the GFP-NLP7 fusion protein in a mutant genetic background for NLP7, NUP, and the closest homolog of the NUP. In addition, transcriptional induction of nitrate-responsive genes during PNR and plant growth are severely impacted in nlp7-1nupa-2nupb-1 triple mutants. These results suggest that the NUP is involved in the nitrate-dependent nuclear retention process of NLPs, which may ultimately affect their activity.Apart from NLP2, NLP6, NLP7, and NLP8, little information is available in the literature on the function of other NLPs in nitrate signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. I, therefore, studied the growth phenotypes of all eight possible nlpxnlp7 double mutants (where x =1 to 9, excepted 7) under contrasting nitrate supply conditions. I observed severe growth retardation of the nlp1nlp7 double mutants compared to the nlp7 singles mutant. NLP1 is the closest homolog of NLP2. Analyses of transcriptional activity during PNR in the nlp1nlp7 and nlp1nlp2 double mutants showed an impact in the induction of nitrate response gene expression, suggesting an involvement of NLP1 in PNR. Interestingly, this impact is dependent on the nitrate response genes studied, suggesting that NLP1, NLP2, and NLP7 share common, but also specific functions. These results have helped to improve our understanding of NLP function, although further studies are needed to fully elucidate the molecular mechanisms behind NLP activity in Arabidopsis thaliana

    Étude sur l'anatomie et la recherche des vaisseaux méningés moyens

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    Thèse : Médecine : Université de Bordeaux : 1902N° d'ordre :

    Task-irrelevant affective prosody perception by typically developed children under attentional loads: electroencephalographic, behavioural data, and psychometric evaluation of autistic patterns in daily conducts.

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    The relevance of affective information triggers attentional prioritisation, but when emotional stimuli act as distractors (task-irrelevant), attentional load dictates the balance between bottom-up processing and top-down executive control systems for attention allocation. In this dataset, electroencephalographic (EEG) signals related to implicit emotional speech perception under low, intermediate, and high attentional loads are provided. Demographic and behavioural data are also shared. Thirty-one typically developed children (mean age: 10-year-old, SD: 1, 20 girls) and their parents or legal guardians volunteered for data collection. As autistic traits may impair social-emotional reciprocity and verbal communication, assessments of autistic behaviours severity were conducted using the Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS, parent report). Sessions with children started with the completion of the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory followed by recording resting-state EEG activity for 2 minutes with eyes open. Those data are included in the dataset. Then, children answered three visual activities while listening to task-irrelevant affective prosodies (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, neutral and sadness). Particularly, low attentional load was induced by neutral image viewing; a one-target 4-disc Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) task triggered intermediate load; and high attentional load was conveyed by the one-target 8-disc MOT condition. Tracking capacity was computed from correct/incorrect answers during MOT tasks and are included in the dataset along with EEG data recorded during all three tasks. These data are relevant to investigate electrophysiological correlates of task-irrelevant affective speech integration under attentional load modulations and to assess their interaction with behavioural autistic patterns in a non-pathologic population. Besides, resting-state EEG data may be used to characterise inter-individual heterogeneity at rest and, in turn, associate it with attentional capacities during MOT and with autistic behavioural patterns. Finally, tracking capacity may be useful to explore dynamic and selective attentional mechanisms under emotional constraints. KeywordsEmotion; Electroencephalography; Selective Attention; Dynamic Attention; Auditory stimuli; Multiple-Object Tracking; Prosody; Speec

    Karakterisatie van elektrolytische nikkel-fosfor-composietdeklagen

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    SIGLEKULeuven Campusbibliotheek Exacte Wetenschappen / UCL - Université Catholique de LouvainBEBelgiu

    Mexican Emotional Speech Database (MESD)

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    The Mexican Emotional Speech Database (MESD) provides single-word utterances for anger, disgust, fear, happiness, neutral, and sadness affective prosodies with Mexican cultural shaping. The MESD has been uttered by both adult and child non-professional actors: 3 female, 2 male, and 6 child voices are available (female mean age ± SD = 23.33 ± 1.53, male mean age ± SD = 24 ± 1.41, and children mean age ± SD = 9.83 ± 1.17). Words for emotional and neutral utterances come from two corpora: (corpus A) composed of nouns and adjectives that are repeated across emotional prosodies and types of voice (female, male, child), and (corpus B) which consists of words controlled for age-of-acquisition, frequency of use, familiarity, concreteness, valence, arousal, and discrete emotion dimensionality ratings. Particularly, words from corpus B are nouns and adjectives which subjective age of acquisition is under 9-year-old. Neutral-uttered words have valence and arousal ratings strictly greater than 4, but lower than 6 (in a 9-point-scale). Emotional-uttered words have valence and arousal ratings ranging from 1 to 4, or from 6 to 9. Furthermore, ratings for discrete emotional dimension greater than 2.5 (on a 5-point scale) allowed the emotional utterance with the corresponding anger, disgust, fear, happiness, or sadness prosody. Finally, words from corpus B were selected so that emotional prosodies do not differ as regards frequency of use, familiarity, and concreteness dimensions. The audio recordings took place in a professional studio with the following materials: (1) a Sennheiser e835 microphone with a flat frequency response (100 Hz to 10 kHz), (2) a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 audio interface connected to the microphone with an XLR cable and to the computer, and (3) the digital audio workstation REAPER (Rapid Environment for Audio Production, Engineering, and Recording). Audio files were stored as a sequence of 24-bit with a sample rate of 48000Hz. Utterances are shared as 864 audio files in WAV format that are named according to the following pattern: <emotion>_<type of voice>_<word corpus>_<word>. <emotion> Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happiness, Neutral, or Sadness<type of voice>F: female, M: male, C: child<word corpus >A: corpus A, B: corpus B<utterance word >Entire word in lowercase lettersThe MESD seems to be the first set of single-word emotional utterances that includes both adult and child voices for the Mexican population. CitationM. M. Duville, L. M. Alonso-Valerdi, and D. Ibarra-Zarate, “The Mexican Emotional Speech Database (MESD): elaboration and assessment based on machine learning,” 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, p. 4, 2021.Duville, M.M.; Alonso-Valerdi, L.M.; Ibarra-Zarate, D.I. Mexican Emotional Speech Database Based on Semantic, Frequency, Familiarity, Concreteness, and Cultural Shaping of Affective Prosody. Data 2021, 6, 130. https://doi.org/10.3390/data6120130THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV