154 research outputs found

    An investigation into the social learning of cooperation in children: individual, social, and cultural comparisons

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    Humans' unique cooperative and social learning skills have contributed to the evolution of human cumulative culture, fostering the creation and transmission of knowledge and the formation of social institutions. This thesis aimed to understand how children learn from others to collaborate in coordinated interactions with different roles and outcomes, and the influence of cultural, social, and individual factors on children's cooperative behaviour. It is organised in four experimental studies. The first study investigated how different collaborative actions are copied and transmitted between three- and four-year-old children. The second study investigated the adoption of different types of social information by six- and seven-year-old children in a collective social dilemma. The third study investigated the effects of age (four- and five-year-olds versus eight- and nine-year-olds), gender, social class and culture (Brazil versus England) on the cooperation and sharing of resources between children, in a task with unequal outcomes. The fourth study investigated whether the mothers’ social preferences and the children’s individual characteristics affect the cooperation and sharing of resources among children in the same task from the previous study. These studies yielded important findings regarding the diverse effects of contextual factors on the development of children’s collaborative skills. It has been shown that young children can copy peers by observing them in collaborative tasks, and are willing to collaborate with each other across different situations. However, when the tasks present potential conflicts of interest, children will rely on contextual cues to decide whether cooperate or not between themselves. Finally, older children showed better skills towards negotiation and coordination involving sharing of resources, across different sociocultural groups. This thesis contribute to the discussion of the role of contextual variables on the development and learning of cooperative behaviours from an evolutionary perspective


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    TThe massive production of high-quality seedlings can improve the conservation and commercial reforestation plans of the Colombian mahogany (Cariniana pyriformis Miers), a native forest species of Colombia. To contribute to this objective, two environments were evaluated. The first was an arched protected environment of structure covered with anti-thermal low-density polyethylene film to offer 50% shade and photoselective to U.V radiation, while the second was an agricultural nursery covered with black monofilament screen and mesh to offer 65% shading. Each environment adopted an experimental design of complete random blocks into a split-plot scheme. The main plot comprised five substrates that contained different volumetric proportions of river sand (SA), pine bark (PB), coconut fiber (CF), commercial compost obtained from composting poultry manure, cane dust and sawdust powder (CC), and subsoil from the study region (SS). The subplot was two seedling ages: 77 and 95 days after sowing. The values for the Dickson quality index, leaf area, dry mass of the aerial part and the root system, for both ages, was higher inside the protected environment. The agricultural nursery did not evidence substrates effect. For both environments and ages, optimal morphological attributes were not reached in the seedlings to be established in the field. The substrate based on 20% SA + 20% CC and 60% SS is the best as it increases seedling vigor, followed by the 20% PB + 20% CC + 60% SS composition

    Clases medias: Intersección entre economía y sociología

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    Argentina es un país de clase media”, (Natanson, J. y Rodríguez, M, 2016, p. 9) lo que se corresponde directamente con las encuestas que han evidenciado que un 80 por ciento de la población se concibe a sí misma como parte de la clase media, a pesar de que solo un 50 por ciento lo sería si se tiene en cuenta el nivel de ingreso. (Natanson, J. y Rodríguez, M, 2016) ¿Quién es parte de la clase media? ¿Quién tiene determinado nivel de ingreso? ¿Es parte de clase media quien puede mantener determinados niveles de consumo? O acaso, ¿es de clase media toda/o aquella/aquel que se reconoce como tal? En este trabajo nos proponemos desentrañar y enumerar las posturas fundamentales, sobre qué es la clase media, partiendo de reconocer la importancia de esta categoría para comprender lo que sucede en las sociedades latinoamericanas en general, y en la argentina en particular. También este trabajo es una oportunidad para reflexionar respecto de la relación entre neoliberalismo y clase media: ¿El neoliberalismo destruye o potencia la identidad de clase medias? Intentaremos dar algunas respuestas usando los marcos conceptuales de la economía y sociologia.Fil: Ferrero, Romina Lucía. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Territoriales y Educativas - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Territoriales y Educativas; ArgentinaFil: Ferrero, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Dutra, Celeste. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentin

    Clases medias: Intersección entre economía y sociología

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    Argentina es un país de clase media”, (Natanson, J. y Rodríguez, M, 2016, p. 9) lo que se corresponde directamente con las encuestas que han evidenciado que un 80 por ciento de la población se concibe a sí misma como parte de la clase media, a pesar de que solo un 50 por ciento lo sería si se tiene en cuenta el nivel de ingreso. (Natanson, J. y Rodríguez, M, 2016) ¿Quién es parte de la clase media? ¿Quién tiene determinado nivel de ingreso? ¿Es parte de clase media quien puede mantener determinados niveles de consumo? O acaso, ¿es de clase media toda/o aquella/aquel que se reconoce como tal? En este trabajo nos proponemos desentrañar y enumerar las posturas fundamentales, sobre qué es la clase media, partiendo de reconocer la importancia de esta categoría para comprender lo que sucede en las sociedades latinoamericanas en general, y en la argentina en particular. También este trabajo es una oportunidad para reflexionar respecto de la relación entre neoliberalismo y clase media: ¿El neoliberalismo destruye o potencia la identidad de clase medias? Intentaremos dar algunas respuestas usando los marcos conceptuales de la economía y sociologia.Fil: Ferrero, Romina Lucía. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Territoriales y Educativas - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Territoriales y Educativas; ArgentinaFil: Ferrero, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Dutra, Celeste. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentin

    Princípio e Política - Uma reflexão sobre o presidencialismo de coalizão no Brasil

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    Este artigo objetiva refletir sobre o presidencialismo de coalizão observado no Brasil e suas implicâncias com a governabilidade e a democracia, bem como a relação entre os poderes do Estado, especialmente no período da redemocratização brasileira. Para alcançar tal propósito, realiza-se uma historicização da política brasileira a partir do sistema representativo; destacam-se aspectos da democracia no Brasil e do sistema de coligações partidárias; apresentam-se alguns dos desafios encontrados no atendimento a governabilidade considerando as relações entre o legislativo e o executivo; e reflete-se sobre a crise na judicialização da política brasileira. A abordagem das dificuldades enfrentadas no presidencialismo de coalização será realizada a partir das observações acerca dos desafios em conciliar ideologias partidárias distintas, além da grande corrupção nos níveis governativos, de origem histórica

    Adolescente que vive com HIV/AIDS: as redes de apoio social

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    Aim: describe adolescents’ experiences with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and know their social support network. Method: it consisted of a qualitative research, developed at the HIV/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service in the town of Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do sul. The participants were eight adolescents with HIV/aids, who are aware of their diagnosis. The focus group technique was used in order to collect data. The data analysis was based on Minayo's thematic analysis. Results: Two theme categories emerged: Adolescents’ experiences and the Social Support Network. The process of becoming an adolescent was characterized by a number of changes, besides freedom and the lack of responsibilities. Concerning the social support network, there was a bigger identification and the search for support with the peers. Final remarks: it is relevant that nursing is aware of social support networks of these adolescents to work along with such networksObjetivo: describir las experiencias de los adolescentes con Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH)/Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA) y conocer su red de apoyo social. Método: investigación cualitativa, desarrollada en el Servicio Especializado de Atención en VIH/SIDA en la ciudad de Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul. Fueron ocho participantes adolescentes que viven con el VIH/SIDA, conocedores de su diagnóstico. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó la técnica del grupo focal. El análisis se apoyó en el análisis temático propuesto por Minayo. Resultados: surgieron dos categorías temáticas: experiencias de los adolescentes y la red de apoyo social. La adolescencia se caracteriza por transformaciones, libertad y ausencia de responsabilidades. En relación a la red de apoyo social, hubo una mayor identificación y búsqueda de soporte con los compañeros. Consideraciones finales: es importante que la enfermería conozca las redes de apoyo social de los adolescentes para trabajar en conexión con ellos.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2179769214996Objetivo: descrever as vivências de adolescentes com Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV)/Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Humana (aids) e conhecer sua rede de apoio social. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida no Serviço de Assistência Especializada em HIV/aids do Município de Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul. Os participantes foram oito adolescentes que vivem com HIV/aids, conhecedores de seus diagnósticos. Foi utilizada a técnica do grupo focal para a coleta de dados. A análise dos dados sustentou-se na análise temática proposta por Minayo. Resultados: emergiram duas categorias temáticas: Vivências de adolescentes e A rede de apoio social. O processo de adolescer caracterizou-se por transformações, liberdade e ausência de responsabilidades. No que se refere à rede de apoio social, houve uma maior identificação e busca de suporte com os pares. Considerações finais: se faz relevante que a enfermagem conheça as redes de apoio social destes adolescentes para atuar de forma coordenada com elas

    Cell proliferation markers at the invasive tumor front of oral squamous cell carcinoma: comparative analysis in relation to clinicopathological parameters of patients

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    Objectives To evaluate the number of AgNORs per nucleus and the expression of Ki-67 at the tumor invasion front (TIF) in relation to clinical parameters (TNM), TIF classification and the prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinomas in an Uruguayan population. Material and Methods This study was conducted through a retrospective survey from 2000 to 2010 at the National Institute of Cancer Montevideo, Uruguay and included 40 patients. The samples were obtained from the resection of the tumor and the TIF was defined according with Bryne, et al.5 (1992). Expression of Ki-67 was assessed by the percentage of positive tumor cells and the AgNOR was recorded as the mean AgNOR (mAgNOR) and the percentage of AgNOR per nucleus (pAgNOR). All analyzes were performed by a blinded and calibrated observer. Results No statistically significant association was observed between immunostaining of Ki-67 and AgNOR with the different types of TIF, regional metastasis and patients prognosis, however it was observed an increase in Ki-67 expression associated with worse patient’s clinical staging, although not statistically significant. Conclusions Our results suggest that proliferation markers as AgNOR and Ki-67 are not prognostic markers at the tumor invasive front of carcinoma of oral squamous cell

    Evolution of the functional independence of elderly patients from a home care service through the point of view of caregivers

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    O conhecimento do desempenho do idoso em suas atividades é de grande importância na assistência domiciliar, pois é o que norteia os profissionais e o cuidador no monitoramento dos cuidados prestados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a evolução da independência funcional de idosos inclusos em um programa de assistência domiciliária, sob a ótica do cuidador pela Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF), em dois momentos, com intervalo de um ano entre eles. Foi realizado estudo de seguimento, no qual os dados foram obtidos pelos prontuários de 22 pacientes, que continham a avaliação da MIF nos dois momentos estudados (outubro de 2003 e outubro de 2004). Foram excluídos os prontuários que apresentaram mudança de cuidador entre as avaliações, exclusão do programa e óbito. Realizou-se análise descritiva simples e para verificar as diferenças estatísticas o teste t-pareado e teste de Wilcoxon. A associação dos resultados da MIF com as variáveis de gênero, idade e comorbidades dos idosos foram analisadas por meio do test t - pareado e correlação de Pearson. A amostra caracterizou-se por uma maioria feminina, com idade avançada e múltiplas doenças associadas. Não foram encontradas diferenças significantes entre as avaliações, das médias da MIF motor, cognitivo e total, das medianas das seis áreas e das dezoito atividades da MIF. A manutenção na atividade expressão se associou com o gênero feminino, enquanto que a atividade interação social e a área cognição com o número de comorbidades. Observou-se manutenção da independência funcional dos pacientes no período estudado. Os resultados sugerem que no período de um ano os idosos foram capazes de manter ou retardar seu declínio funcional.The knowledge of the performance of the aged one in its activities have a major importance in the home care services, because it is the objective of professionals and caregivers during health care. The objective of this study was to evaluate the functional independence evolution of patients included under home care, through the caregiver’s point of view of the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) instrument, at two moments, with one year between them. A follow up study was designed. The data had been gotten in recorded case histories of 22 patients, who contained the evaluation of FIM at the two studied moments (October 2003 and October 2004). The recorded of the patients who presented changes of caregiver between the evaluations, exclusion of the program and death were excluded. Simple descriptive analyses were made and statistical differences were tested using Paired- T Test and Wilcoxon test. The association of the results of the MIF with gender, age and diseases of the patients had been analyzed by means of Paired- T Test and correlation of Pearson. The features of the sample were composed by a feminine majority, with advanced age and multiple associated illnesses. Statistically significant differences were not found between the evaluations by the perception of the caregiver, in the averages of the motor, cognitive and total FIM, of the medium of six dimensions and eighteen categories of the FIM. The maintenance in the expression activity was associated with the feminine sort, while that the social interaction activity and the cognition area correlated with the number of diseases. Maintenance of the functional capacity of the patients in the studied period was observed. The results suggest that the home care attendance was revealed as a capable modality to keep or to delay the functional decline from elderly

    Rhinosporidiosis in a dog from Uruguay and review of the literature

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    We report a case of nasal rhinosporidiosis in a dog native to Uruguay, being the sixth report of Rhinosporidium seeberi infection in this host from South America. Diagnosis was made by histopathology of biopsied tissue and specific PCR assay from nasal swab material. The patient was a 3-year-old male dog, of the Dogo Argentino breed, living in a rural area in southeastern Uruguay. An account of published cases in dogs worldwide is provided. As seen in other hosts, male dogs seem to present a predisposition for acquiring the disease

    Cell proliferation markers at the invasive tumor front of oral squamous cell carcinoma: comparative analysis in relation to clinicopathological parameters of patients

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    Objectives: To evaluate the number of AgNORs per nucleus and the expression of Ki-67 at the tumor invasion front (TIF) in relation to clinical parameters (TNM), TIF classification and the prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinomas in an Uruguayan population.Material and Methods: This study was conducted through a retrospective survey from 2000 to 2010 at the National Institute of Cancer Montevideo, Uruguay and included 40 patients. The samples were obtained from the resection of the tumor and the TIF was defined according with Bryne, et al.5 (1992). Expression of Ki-67 was assessed by the percentage of positive tumor cells and the AgNOR was recorded as the mean AgNOR (mAgNOR) and the percentage of AgNOR per nucleus (pAgNOR). All analyzes were performed by a blinded and calibrated observer.Results: No statistically significant association was observed between immunostaining of Ki-67 and AgNOR with the different types of TIF, regional metastasis and patients prognosis, however it was observed an increase in Ki-67 expression associated with worse patient’s clinical staging, although not statistically significant.Conclusions:Our results suggest that proliferation markers as AgNOR and Ki-67 are not prognostic markers at the tumor invasive front of carcinoma of oral squamous cell.Objectives: To evaluate the number of AgNORs per nucleus and the expression of Ki-67 at the tumor invasion front (TIF) in relation to clinical parameters (TNM), TIF classification and the prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinomas in an Uruguayan population.Material and Methods: This study was conducted through a retrospective survey from 2000 to 2010 at the National Institute of Cancer Montevideo, Uruguay and included 40 patients. The samples were obtained from the resection of the tumor and the TIF was defined according with Bryne, et al.5 (1992). Expression of Ki-67 was assessed by the percentage of positive tumor cells and the AgNOR was recorded as the mean AgNOR (mAgNOR) and the percentage of AgNOR per nucleus (pAgNOR). All analyzes were performed by a blinded and calibrated observer.Results: No statistically significant association was observed between immunostaining of Ki-67 and AgNOR with the different types of TIF, regional metastasis and patients prognosis, however it was observed an increase in Ki-67 expression associated with worse patient’s clinical staging, although not statistically significant.Conclusions:Our results suggest that proliferation markers as AgNOR and Ki-67 are not prognostic markers at the tumor invasive front of carcinoma of oral squamous cell.Objectives: To evaluate the number of AgNORs per nucleus and the expression of Ki-67 at the tumor invasion front (TIF) in relation to clinical parameters (TNM), TIF classification and the prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinomas in an Uruguayan population.Material and Methods: This study was conducted through a retrospective survey from 2000 to 2010 at the National Institute of Cancer Montevideo, Uruguay and included 40 patients. The samples were obtained from the resection of the tumor and the TIF was defined according with Bryne, et al.5 (1992). Expression of Ki-67 was assessed by the percentage of positive tumor cells and the AgNOR was recorded as the mean AgNOR (mAgNOR) and the percentage of AgNOR per nucleus (pAgNOR). All analyzes were performed by a blinded and calibrated observer.Results: No statistically significant association was observed between immunostaining of Ki-67 and AgNOR with the different types of TIF, regional metastasis and patients prognosis, however it was observed an increase in Ki-67 expression associated with worse patient’s clinical staging, although not statistically significant.Conclusions:Our results suggest that proliferation markers as AgNOR and Ki-67 are not prognostic markers at the tumor invasive front of carcinoma of oral squamous cell