146 research outputs found

    Drivers and barriers for implementation radical and incremental innovation in subsea complex in Russia

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    Master i Energy Management - Nord universitet, 2017Sperret til 2020-10-0

    Some Elements of Biologization in Crops Production on Radioactively Contaminated Areas

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    The modern environmental and biological approaches to the selection of field agricultural crops for cultivation at contaminated areas are considered. It is established that the satiation of rotations with agricultural crops differed by potentially low capacity to accumulate 13Cs can significantly extend the areal of radioactively contaminated lands use for the production of safe products. The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on radiocaesium uptake by plants is analyzed. The ability of arbuscular mycorrhiza to modify significantly radiocaesium accumulation by agricultural crops is found

    Организация растениеводства на радиоактивно загрязненных территориях: инвайронментально-биологические аспекты

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    The modern environmental and biological approaches to the selection of field agricultural crops for cultivation at contaminated areas are considered. It is established, that the satiation of rotations with agricultural crops differed by potentially low capacity to accumulate 137 Сs, can significantly extend the areal of radioactively contaminated lands use for production of guaranteed safe product

    Collagen Single Fibril Elastic Modulus Measurement Technique

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    3-Phenyl­sulfanyl-4-phenyl­sulfonyl-1,2,5-oxadiazole 2-oxide

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    In the title compound, C14H10N2O4S2,the furoxan heterocyclic ring and the two S atoms are almost co-planar, with a mean deviation of 0.036 Å. The bond lengths in the penta­gonal ring show electron delocalization and the furoxan N—O bond length is quite short [1.211 (3) Å]. The dihedral angles between the central ring and pendant phenyl rings are 78.05 (14) and 84.28 (2)°

    Urethral doubling in children and adolescents

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    Urethral doubling is a rare congenital malformation of the lower urinary tract. A little more than 200 cases of various forms of this defect have been described in the literature worldwide. We present a rare clinical case of duplication of the urethra in combination with the megaureter of the only functioning kidney. In this patient, we encountered a previously undescribed anomaly within the generally accepted classification of the kidney collecting system in combination with a true diverticulum of the bladder and a descending orthotopic ureterocele


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    Thermobaric synthesis of transparent MgAl2O4 nanoceramics synthesized with the addi-tion of graphene has been carried out. Photoluminescence spectroscopy indicates the pres-ence of inhomogeneously broadened luminescence, the maximum energy of which depends on the wavelength of the exciting light.Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ № 20-42-660012