238 research outputs found

    The future of North American trade policy: lessons from NAFTA

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    This repository item contains a single issue of the Pardee Center Task Force Reports, a publication series that began publishing in 2009 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.This Task Force Report written by an international group of trade policy experts calls for significant reforms to address adverse economic, environmental, labor and societal impacts created by the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The report is intended to contribute to the discussion and decisions stemming from ongoing reviews of proposed reforms to NAFTA as well as to help shape future trade agreements. It offers detailed proposals on topics including services, manufacturing, agriculture, investment, intellectual property, labor, environment, and migration. Fifteen years after NAFTA was enacted, there is widespread agreement that the trade treaty among the United States, Canada and Mexico has fallen short of its stated goals. While proponents credit the agreement with stimulating the flow of goods, services, and investment among the North American countries, critics in all three countries argue that this has not brought improvements in the standards of living of most people. Rather than triggering a convergence across the three nations, NAFTA has accentuated the economic and regulatory asymmetries that had existed among the three countries. [TRUNCATED

    Parametrization of the octupole degrees of freedom

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    A simple parametrization for the octupole collective variables is proposed and the symmetries of the wave functions are discussed in terms of the solutions corresponding to the vibrational limit. [PACS: 21.60Ev, 21.60.Fw, 21.10.Re]Comment: 14 page

    Collective T=0 pairing in N=Z nuclei? Pairing vibrations around 56Ni revisited

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    We present a new analysis of the pairing vibrations around 56Ni, with emphasis on odd-odd nuclei. This analysis of the experimental excitation energies is based on the subtraction of average properties that include the full symmetry energy together with volume, surface and Coulomb terms. The results clearly indicate a collective behavior of the isovector pairing vibrations and do not support any appreciable collectivity in the isoscalar channel.Comment: RevTeX, two-column, 5 pages, 4 figure

    Roles of proton-neutron interactions in alpha-like four-nucleon correlations

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    An extended pairing plus QQ force model, which has been shown to successfully explain the nuclear binding energy and related quantities such as the symmetry energy, is applied to study the alpha-like four-nucleon correlations in 1f_{7/2} shell nuclei. The double difference of binding energies, which displays a characteristic behavior at NZN \approx Z, is interpreted in terms of the alpha-like correlations. Important roles of proton-neutron interactions forming the alpha-like correlated structure are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, RevTex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Gamow Shell Model Description of Neutron-Rich Nuclei

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    This work presents the first continuum shell-model study of weakly bound neutron-rich nuclei involving multiconfiguration mixing. For the single-particle basis, the complex-energy Berggren ensemble representing the bound single-particle states, narrow resonances, and the non-resonant continuum background is taken. Our shell-model Hamiltonian consists of a one-body finite potential and a zero-range residual two-body interaction. The systems with two valence neutrons are considered. The Gamow shell model, which is a straightforward extension of the traditional shell model, is shown to be an excellent tool for the microscopic description of weakly bound systems. It is demonstrated that the residual interaction coupling to the particle continuum is important; in some cases, it can give rise to the binding of a nucleus.Comment: 4 pages, More realistic s.p. energies used than in the precedent versio

    Neutron-Proton Correlations in an Exactly Solvable Model

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    We examine isovector and isoscalar neutron-proton correlations in an exactly solvable model based on the algebra SO(8). We look particularly closely at Gamow-Teller strength and double beta decay, both to isolate the effects of the two kinds of pairing and to test two approximation schemes: the renormalized neutron-proton QRPA (RQRPA) and generalized BCS theory. When isoscalar pairing correlations become strong enough a phase transition occurs and the dependence of the Gamow-Teller beta+ strength on isospin changes in a dramatic and unfamiliar way, actually increasing as neutrons are added to an N=Z core. Renormalization eliminates the well-known instabilities that plague the QRPA as the phase transition is approached, but only by unnaturally suppressing the isoscalar correlations. Generalized BCS theory, on the other hand, reproduces the Gamow-Teller strength more accurately in the isoscalar phase than in the usual isovector phase, even though its predictions for energies are equally good everywhere. It also mixes T=0 and T=1 pairing, but only on the isoscalar side of the phase transition.Comment: 13 pages + 11 postscript figures, in RevTe

    Neutron-proton pairing in the BCS approach

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    We investigate the BCS treatment of neutron-proton pairing involving time-reversed orbits. We conclude that an isospin-symmetric hamiltonian, treated with the help of the generalized Bogolyubov transformation, fails to describe the ground state pairing properties correctly. In order for the np isovector pairs to coexist with the like-particle pairs, one has to break the isospin symmetry of the hamiltonian by artificially increasing the strength of np pairing interaction above its isospin symmetric value. We conjecture that the np isovector pairing represents part (or most) of the congruence energy (Wigner term) in nuclear masses.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Alpha decay and proton-neutron correlations

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    We study the influence of proton-neutron (p-n) correlations on alpha-decay width. It is shown from the analysis of alpha Q values that the p-n correlations increase the penetration of the alpha particle through the Coulomb barrier in the treatment following Gamow's formalism, and enlarges the total alpha-decay width significantly. In particular, the isoscalar p-n interactions play an essential role in enlarging the alpha-decay width. The so-called "alpha-condensate" in Z > 84 isotopes are related to the strong p-n correlations.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C (R.C.

    Collective quadrupole excitations in the 50<Z,N<82 nuclei with the generalized Bohr Hamiltonian

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    The generalized Bohr Hamiltonian is applied to a description of low-lying collective excitations in even-even isotopes of Te, Xe, Ba, Ce, Nd and Sm. The collective potential and inertial functions are determined by means of the Strutinsky method and the cranking model, respectively. A shell-dependent parametrization of the Nilsson potential is used. An approximate particle-number projection is performed in treatment of pairing correlations. The effect of coupling with the pairing vibrations is taken into account approximately when determining the inertial functions. The calculation does not contain any free parameter.Comment: Latex2e source, 20 pages, 14 figures in EPS format, tar gzipped fil

    An Algebraic Pairing Model with Sp(4) Symmetry and its Deformation

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    A fermion realization of the compact symplectic sp(4) algebra provides a natural framework for studying isovector pairing correlations in nuclei. While these correlations manifest themselves most clearly in the binding energies of 0^+ ground states, they also have a large effect on the energies of excited states, including especially excited 0^+ states. In this article we consider non-deformed as well as deformed algebraic descriptions of pairing through the reductions of sp_{(q)}(4) to different realizations of u_{(q)}(2) for single-j and multi-j orbitals. The model yields a classification scheme for completely paired 0^{+} states of even-even and odd-odd nuclei in the 1d_{3/2}, 1f_{7/2}, and 1f_{5/2}2p_{1/2}2p_{3/2}1g_{9/2} shells. Phenomenological non-deformed and deformed isospin-breaking Hamiltonians are expressed in terms of the generators of the dynamical symmetry groups Sp(4) and Sp_{q}(4). These Hamiltonians are related to the most general microscopic pairing problem, including isovector pairing and isoscalar proton-neutron interaction along with non-linear interaction in the deformed extension. In both the non-deformed and deformed cases the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are fit to the relevant Coulomb corrected experimental 0^{+} energies and this, in turn, allows us to estimate the interaction strength parameters, to investigate isovector-pairing properties and symmetries breaking, and to predict the corresponding energies. While the non-deformed theory yields results that are comparable to other theories for light nuclei, the deformed extension, which takes into account higher-order interactions between the particles, gives a better fit to the data. The multi-shell applications of the model provide for reasonable predictions of energies of exotic nuclei.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures minor changes; improvements to achieve a better and clearer presentation of our messages and idea