58 research outputs found

    Kör omuz enjeksiyonu yapmaya devam etmeli miyiz?

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    Objectives: This study aims to investigate the accuracy and effectiveness of blind and fluoroscopic-guided intra-articular shoulder injections in patients with shoulder pain.Patients and methods: The study included 17 patients (6 males, 11 females; mean age 52.6±9.9 years; range 36 to 66 years) with shoulder pain more than three months. First intra-articular joint injections were performed with anterior approach blindly. Following the injection and after confirming that the needle tip was intra-articular with fluoroscopy and contrast distribution, the procedure was completed using 3 mL of local anesthetic (prilocaine and bupivacaine) and 1 mL of steroid (40 mg methylprednisolone). When the contrast distribution was observed to be extra-articular at the first administration, a second injection was continued under fluoroscopy guidance. All of the injections were intraarticular with the continuation of the procedure. Pain intensity was measured with visual analog scale (VAS).Results: According to the contrast distribution viewed with fluoroscopy, first blind injections were intra-articular in 11 of the 17 shoulders (64.7%). Mean of initial VAS score was 7.11. Improved pain was observed in the clinical follow-ups at the first hour (mean VAS: 2.35), third day (mean VAS: 2.64), and at the end of the first month (mean VAS: 2.23). The mean durations for blind and fluoroscopic-guided procedures excluding patients' preparation time were 0.8 minutes and 4.2 minutes, respectively.Conclusion: Although blind intra-articular shoulder injections are inexpensive and easily applicable, injections should be performed under fluoroscopy or another guide to ensure that the needle is intra-articular, not peri-articular.Amaç: Bu çalışmada omuz ağrısı olan hastalarda kör ve floroskopi rehberli eklem içi omuz enjeksiyonlarının doğruluğu ve etkinliği araştırıldı.Hastalar ve yöntemler: Çalışmaya üç aydan uzun süredir omuz ağrısı olan 17 hasta (6 erkek, 11 kadın; ort. yaş 52.6±9.9 yıl; dağılım 36-66 yıl) dahil edildi. İlk eklem içi enjeksiyonlar ön yaklaşım ile kör olarak uygulandı. Enjeksiyon sonrası iğne ucunun eklem içerisinde olduğu floroskopi ve kontrast dağılımı ile doğrulandıktan sonra işlem 3 mL lokal anestezik (prilokain ve bupivakain) ve 1 mL steroid (40 mg metilprednizolon) ile tamamlandı. İlk uygulamada kontrast dağılımının eklem dışı olduğu gözlendiğinde, ikinci enjeksiyona floroskopi eşliğinde devam edildi. İşlemin devam ettirilmesi ile tüm enjeksiyonlar eklem içi oldu. Ağrı yoğunluğu görsel analog ölçeği (GAÖ) ile ölçüldü.Bulgular: Floroskopi ile bakılan kontrast dağılımına göre, 17 omzun 11'inde (%64.7) birinci kör enjeksiyonlar eklem içi idi. Başlangıç GAÖ skoru ortalaması 7.11 idi. Klinik takiplerde birinci saatte (ortalama GAÖ: 2.35), üçüncü günde (ortalama GAÖ: 2.64) ve birinci ayın sonunda (ortalama GAÖ: 2.23) ağrıda iyileşme gözlendi. Kör ve floroskopi rehberli uygulama için hasta hazırlanma süresi dışındaki ortalama süre sırasıyla 0.8 dakika ve 4.2 dakika idi.Sonuç: Kör eklem içi omuz enjeksiyonları ucuz ve kolay uygulanabilir olsa da iğnenin eklem çevresinde değil eklem içinde olduğundan emin olmak için enjeksiyonlar floroskopi ya da başka bir rehber eşliğinde yapılmalıdır

    F-18-Fdg Pet/Ct Findings in Differentiated Papillary Carcinoma of Thyroid and Determination of Metabolic Activity

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    DergiPark: 379076tmsjAims: In well differentiated thyroid cancers, FDG PET has a relatively low sensitivity. F-18 FDG PET/CT is an imaging method which is used before the treatment and in high risk patient groups with suspected recurrent disease. In this study we aim to determine the character of metabolic activity in differentiated thyroid cancer and in case of metastasis and to evaluate the findings of F-18-FDG PET/CT images in high risk patient group of differentiated thyroid cancer. Methods: The data of 79 patients who underwent imaging for staging or restaging and followed at Trakya Univerısity Faculty of Medicine from 2010 to 2015, were included in this study. Patient reports were analyzed retrospectively. Age, gender, size of thyroid lesion, presence of lymphadenopathy, other organ metastases (lung, liver, brain, bone) were included in the study. Results: The findings of 79 patients (29 male, 50 female) with papillary differentiated thyroid cancer were included in the analyses. The mean age of participants was 51±15 years. 14 patients (18%) were evaluated as normally. Recurırent disease was detected in the thyroid gland of 10 patients (13%) (SUVmax: 6.2±5.1; 2.3-19.3). In 54 patients (68%) lymph node metastasis was detected (SUVmax; 5.8±5.1; 2.1-24.2). 12 patients had liver metastasis (SUVmax: 5.7±3.9; 2.0-11.7), 12 patients had bone metastasis (SUVmax: 6.1±2.9; 2.2-13.9), 8 patients had lung metastasis (SUVmax: 4.3±4.5; 1.0-4.9) and one patient had brain metastasis (SUVmax: 10.2). Conclusion: Papillary differentiated thyroid cancer is associated with a tumor showing low glucose affinity, but it is understood that the tumor changes its behavior and gets metabolically active in the patients within the high risk group and in those with systemic metastasi

    Multilevel Noncontiguous Spinal Fractures: Surgical Approach towards Clinical Characteristics

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    Study DesignThe study retrospectively investigated 15 cases with multilevel noncontiguous spinal fractures (MNSF).PurposeTo clarify the evaluation of true diagnosis and to plane the surgical treatment.Overview of LiteratureMNSF are defined as fractures of the vertebral column at more than one level. High-energy injuries caused MNSF, with an incidence ranging from 1.6% to 16.7%. MNSF may be misdiagnosed due to lack of detailed neurological and radiological examinations.MethodsPatients with metabolic, rheumatologic diseases and neoplasms were excluded. Despite the presence of a spinal fracture associated clearly with the clinical picture, all patients were scanned within spinal column by direct X-rays, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. When there were ≥5 intact vertebrae between two fractured vertebral segments, each fracture region was managed with a separated stabilization. In cases with ≤4 intact segments between two fractured levels, both fractures were fixed with the same rod and screw system.ResultsThere were 32 vertebra fractures in 15 patients. Eleven (73.3%) patients were male and age ranged from 20 to 64 years (35.9±13.7 years). Eleven cases were the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) E, 3 were ASIA A, and one was ASIA D. Ten of the 15 (66.7%) patients returned to previous social status without additional deficit or morbidity. The remaining 5 (33.3%) patients had mild or moderate improvement after surgery.ConclusionsThe spinal column should always be scanned to rule out a secondary or tertiary vertebra fracture in vertebral fractures associated with high-energy trauma. In MNSF, each fracture should be separately evaluated for decision of surgery and planned approach needs particular care. In MNSF with ≤4 intact vertebra in between, stabilization of one segment should prompt the involvement of the secondary fracture into the system

    Ekstrude lomber disk hernisinin rezorpsiyonu: Fizik tedavi yöntemlerinin etkisi

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    We would like to share our experience withextruded lumbar disc herniation which was treatedwith non-surgical spinal decompression and physicaltherapy.A 29-year-old man presented with a six-monthhistory of lower back and right leg pain. He could notrecall experiencing any trauma or initiating factorbefore the pain began, and the pain had increasedover the last month. His pain increased when he wasmoving and he experienced numbness in his rightfoot. Medication had not been beneficial, and as aresult surgery for a herniated disc was proposed. Uponexamination, he had right L4 and L5 dermatomalhypoesthesia. The strength of the L5 muscle was 4/5on the right side, and the right Achilles tendon reflexwas hypoactive. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)performed six months prior to this exam showedL4-L5 extruded disc herniation and right L5 rootcompression (Figure 1)

    Metaphor Perceptions of Pre-Service Teachers towards Mathematics and Mathematics Education in Preschool Education

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    The aim of this study was to identify the thoughts of pre-service teachers, who play an important role in the early preschool experience of children in mathematics, towards the concepts of mathematics and education of mathematics with the help of metaphors. The study group of the research consists of a total of 227 pre-service teachers at the Department of Preschool Education, Faculty of Education, Cukurova University in the 2013–2014 academic years. The data of the study were collected by asking preservice teachers to complete some sentences like “do you think, education of math is like …. in the preschool education; because Math is like …; because….”. The responses obtained from pre-service teachers were categorized by content analysis. As a result of the study, seven categories created by preservice teachers towards the concepts of mathematics and education of mathematics are as follows: the source of life-itself, mathematics using skills of mental processes, math facilitating the fun learning, cumulative math facilitates life, complicated math difficult to learn and boring math. There are 223 metaphors in 112 types in this category. Considering the categories created, there are five positive and two negative categories. The rates of positive categories were calculated as 88.8%, while the rates of negative categories were 11.2%,. This shows that pre-service teachers produce mostly positive metaphors about mathematics and education of math and they have positive beliefs. As a result of the research, the categories like the source of life-itself, mathematics using skills of mental processes and math facilitating the fun learning come to the forefront

    Adolesan skolyoz dört haftada ne kadar iyileştirilebilir?

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    Scoliosis is a condition that leads to severe disability and an impaired cosmetic appearance in adolescence. This article presents x-ray images of a patient with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) in whom the pain and posture improved dramatically over four weeks, emphasizing the importance of physical therapy. A 13-year-old male was admitted because of posture deformity and mild back and lower back pain. He was being followed with the diagnosis of scoliosis for two years and specific exercises were proposed for scoliosis. On physical examination, we observed paravertebral muscle spasm and significant asymmetry of the thoracolumbar region. Neurological examination and laboratory tests were normal. X-ray showed arcuate thoracolumbar scoliosis (cobb angle: 24°) with a leftward convexity. Electrical stimulation was applied to the convex and concave sides for 30 minutes, five times a week for four weeks and an exercise program was performed under the supervision of a therapist. The stimulation amplitude was the maximum stimulation intensity with which the patient was comfortable. Analgesic and myorelaxant drugs were not required, and no brace was used. After the treatment, significant improvements were observed in the patient's posture and radiography (cobb angle: 10°). This work demonstrates that well-planned physical therapy is a rapid and effective option for treating AIS.Skolyoz, adolesan dönemde ağır özürlülüğe ve kozmetik bozukluğa neden olabilen bir durumdur. Bu yazıda fizik tedavi uygulamalarının önemini vurgulamak için, adolesan idiyopatik skolyozu olan ve dört haftada belirgin iyileşme gösteren bir olgu grafileri ile birlikte sunulmuştur. On üç yaşındaki erkek hastamızın duruş bozukluğu ve hafif bel ağrısı şikayeti bulunmaktaydı. Hastamız iki yıldır skolyoz tanısıyla takip edilmekteydi ve hastaya skolyoza özel egzersizler önerilmişti. Fizik muayenede paravertebral kas spazmı ve belirgin torakolomber asimetrisi vardı. Nörolojik muayene ve laboratuvar testleri normaldi. X-ray grafisinde konveksitesi sola bakan torakolomber skolyozu (cobb açısı: 24°) tespit edildi. Hastaya haftada beş gün, dört hafta boyunca elektrik stimülasyonu (konveks ve konkav tarafa eş zamanlı olarak 30 dakika süre ile) ve terapist eşliğinde egzersiz programı uygulandı. Stimülasyonun amplitüdü hastanın rahatsızlık duymayacağı maksimum uyarı şiddetindeydi. Analjezik ve miyorelaksan ilaç ihtiyacı olmadı ve breys kullanılmadı. Tedavi sonunda yapılan değerlendirmede hastanın postüründe ve radyografisinde belirgin düzelme elde edildi (cobb açısı: 10°). Sonuç olarak, bu olgu iyi planlanmış fizik tedavi programının adolesan idiyopatik skolyoz tedavisinde hızlı ve etkin bir seçenek olduğunu göstermektedir.Anahtar­ Sözcükler:­ Elektrik stimülasyonu, egzersiz tedavisi, skolyoz

    Nevşehir ilinde alternatif mücadele yöntemleri ile organik tarımının yaygınlaştırılması

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    Bu çalışmada; İki farklı uygulama arazisinde organik tarım faaliyetleri yapılmış olup birinci arazide 301 tane farklı türlerden fidan dikilmiştir. Bu fidanlar belirli gruplara ayrılıp farklı yetiştirme teknikleri uygulanmıştır. Irmak kenarındaki diğer arazide ise farklı türlerde fide yetiştiriciliği yapılmıştır. Belirli gruplara ayrılan bu fidanlarda farklı yetiştirme tekniği uygulanmıştır. Bu yetiştirme teknikleri sırasında ortaya çıkan sorunlar ve zararlılarla organik tarım faaliyetlerinde kullanılan yöntemler denenmiştir. Kabak mozaik virüs hastalığı, domateste ve kabakta yaprak yanıklığı, patates uyuz hastalığı, yaprak pireleri gibi hastalık ve zararlılara sıkça rastlanılmış ve mücadele yöntemleri denenmiştir