78 research outputs found

    Kora vaskori temetƑ FertƑrĂĄkos-KƑhidai dƱlƑn

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    A kora vaskori Hallstatt-kultĂșra Ă©szakkelet-alpi csoportjĂĄnak ismeretĂ©hez az Ă©szaknyugat-dunĂĄntĂșli lelƑhelyek szĂĄmos jelentƑs adalĂ©kkal szolgĂĄlnak. A Sopron-vĂĄr helyi magaslati telepĂŒlĂ©s Ă©s temetƑ környezetĂ©ben Ășjabban több fontos leletegyĂŒttes vĂĄlt ismerttĂ©. Ugyanakkor a mĂĄr feltĂĄrt, de mĂ©g nem közölt leletek jelentƑsĂ©ge sem hanyagolhatĂł el. A FertƑrĂĄkos-KƑhidai dƱlƑn elƑkerĂŒlt kora vaskori temetƑ 13 hamvasztott sĂ­rjĂĄt Pusztai RezsƑ 1970-ben leletmentette a helyi bĂĄnya terĂŒletĂ©n. A Ha B/C fordulĂłjĂĄtĂłl a Ha C idƑszak elsƑ felĂ©re keltezhetƑ leletek azonban csupĂĄn a temetƑ egy rĂ©szletĂ©t kĂ©pviselik. A feltĂĄrĂł szerint a temetƑt összesen kb. 60 sĂ­r alkotta, amelybƑl azonban a modern bolygatĂĄs a sĂ­rok többsĂ©gĂ©t elpusztĂ­totta. A temetƑ vĂ©gsƑ fĂĄzisĂĄnak meghatĂĄrozĂĄsa bizonytalan, a fennmaradt sĂ­rok a Ha Cl/2 fordulĂłjĂĄra Ha C2 kezdetĂ©re utalnak. Pate Đș E. a fertƑrĂĄkosi sĂ­rokat sĂ­ktemetƑkĂ©nt Ă©rtelmezte, azonban a 10. szĂĄmĂș sĂ­rt övezƑ kƑgyƱrƱ alapjĂĄn a halmos temetkezĂ©s meglĂ©te sem zĂĄrhatĂł ki

    The Essential New York City Films

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    Films play significant part in the creation and preservation of the New York City’s image and must be consulted by anyone interested in exploring the City’s history and character. The essential New York films tell stories about New Yorkers and how they deal with their reality of extreme diversity and competition. In my opinion, there are six essential New York City films: Shadows (1959), The Panic in Needle Park (1971), Mean Streets (1973), Taxi Driver (1976), Manhattan (1979), and 25th Hour (2002). My goal is to explore the essential New York films and demonstrate how their content and form reflect the character of the City. By doing that I hope to understand my own New York experience better and to help others reflect on their own days in the Gotham. The essential New York films combine love for film as art and love for the City of New York. They represent a symbiosis between film, as the most powerful tool for myth making, and the legendary metropolis. That is how these films accomplish their historical mission: they preserve the knowledge and educate viewers about an important and unique place and times, inspiring others to think, create and search further in the progressive spirit of the City

    HRTF Sound Localization

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    Eggshell remains in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age assemblage at MĂ©nfƑcsanak–SzĂ©les-Földek = TojĂĄshĂ©j maradvĂĄnyok MĂ©nfƑcsanak-SzĂ©les-Földek bronzkori Ă©s kora vaskori anyagĂĄban

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    An exciting collection of archaeozoological finds have been found in the Bronze and Early Iron Age material of MĂ©nfƑcsanak–SzĂ©les-földek site: among the animal bones, a larger amount of bird bones and even eggshell fragments were identified. In addition, there were chicken bones in the objects of the Tumulus culture which are considered to be the earliest findings in the Carpathian Basin so far. The significance of this new finding is enhanced by the fact that the remains of hatched eggs have been found, that proves not only hen raising but also the breeding of species. The present study has a dual role, as it analyses bird bones and eggs, and enriches Hungarian archaeological literature with a number of new results. = Egy izgalmas archeozoolĂłgiai leletegyĂŒttes kerĂŒlt elƑ MĂ©nfƑcsanak–SzĂ©les-földek lelƑhely bronzkori Ă©s kora vaskori anyagĂĄbĂłl: az ĂĄllatcsontok között nagyobb mennyisĂ©gben madĂĄrcsontok, sƑt tojĂĄshĂ©j töredĂ©kek is megtalĂĄlhatĂłk. A HalomsĂ­ros kultĂșra objektumainak anyagĂĄban tyĂșkcsontok is elƑfordultak, amelyek a KĂĄrpĂĄtmedencĂ©ben eddig a legkorĂĄbbiaknak szĂĄmĂ­tanak. Ennek az Ășj eredmĂ©nynek a jelentƑsĂ©gĂ©t tovĂĄbb növeli, hogy kiköltött tyĂșktojĂĄs maradvĂĄnyai is elƑkerĂŒltek, bizonyĂ­tva ezĂĄltal nemcsak a tyĂșktartĂĄst, hanem a faj szaporĂ­tĂĄsĂĄt is. A tanulmĂĄny hiĂĄnypĂłtlĂł szerepet kĂ­vĂĄn betölteni, hiszen egyszerre elemzi a madĂĄrcsontokat Ă©s a tojĂĄsokat is, szĂĄmos Ășj eredmĂ©nnyel gazdagĂ­tja a hazai rĂ©gĂ©szeti szakirodalmat

    Inactivation and inducible oncogenic mutation of p53 in gene targeted pigs.

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    Mutation of the tumor suppressor p53 plays a major role in human carcinogenesis. Here we describe gene-targeted porcine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and live pigs carrying a latent TP53(R167H) mutant allele, orthologous to oncogenic human mutant TP53(R175H) and mouse Trp53(R172H), that can be activated by Cre recombination. MSCs carrying the latent TP53(R167H) mutant allele were analyzed in vitro. Homozygous cells were p53 deficient, and on continued culture exhibited more rapid proliferation, anchorage independent growth, and resistance to the apoptosis-inducing chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin, all characteristic of cellular transformation. Cre mediated recombination activated the latent TP53(R167H) allele as predicted, and in homozygous cells expressed mutant p53-R167H protein at a level ten-fold greater than wild-type MSCs, consistent with the elevated levels found in human cancer cells. Gene targeted MSCs were used for nuclear transfer and fifteen viable piglets were produced carrying the latent TP53(R167H) mutant allele in heterozygous form. These animals will allow study of p53 deficiency and expression of mutant p53-R167H to model human germline, or spontaneous somatic p53 mutation. This work represents the first inactivation and mutation of the gatekeeper tumor suppressor gene TP53 in a non-rodent mammal

    Factors influencing the efficiency of generating genetically engineered pigs by nuclear transfer: multi-factorial analysis of a large data set

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    Background: Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) using genetically engineered donor cells is currently the most widely used strategy to generate tailored pig models for biomedical research. Although this approach facilitates a similar spectrum of genetic modifications as in rodent models, the outcome in terms of live cloned piglets is quite variable. In this study, we aimed at a comprehensive analysis of environmental and experimental factors that are substantially influencing the efficiency of generating genetically engineered pigs. Based on a considerably large data set from 274 SCNT experiments (in total 18,649 reconstructed embryos transferred into 193 recipients), performed over a period of three years, we assessed the relative contribution of season, type of genetic modification, donor cell source, number of cloning rounds, and pre-selection of cloned embryos for early development to the cloning efficiency. Results: 109 (56%) recipients became pregnant and 85 (78%) of them gave birth to offspring. Out of 318 cloned piglets, 243 (76%) were alive, but only 97 (40%) were clinically healthy and showed normal development. The proportion of stillborn piglets was 24% (75/318), and another 31% (100/318) of the cloned piglets died soon after birth. The overall cloning efficiency, defined as the number of offspring born per SCNT embryos transferred, including only recipients that delivered, was 3.95%. SCNT experiments performed during winter using fetal fibroblasts or kidney cells after additive gene transfer resulted in the highest number of live and healthy offspring, while two or more rounds of cloning and nuclear transfer experiments performed during summer decreased the number of healthy offspring. Conclusion: Although the effects of individual factors may be different between various laboratories, our results and analysis strategy will help to identify and optimize the factors, which are most critical to cloning success in programs aiming at the generation of genetically engineered pig models

    Syndromics: A Bioinformatics Approach for Neurotrauma Research

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    Substantial scientific progress has been made in the past 50 years in delineating many of the biological mechanisms involved in the primary and secondary injuries following trauma to the spinal cord and brain. These advances have highlighted numerous potential therapeutic approaches that may help restore function after injury. Despite these advances, bench-to-bedside translation has remained elusive. Translational testing of novel therapies requires standardized measures of function for comparison across different laboratories, paradigms, and species. Although numerous functional assessments have been developed in animal models, it remains unclear how to best integrate this information to describe the complete translational “syndrome” produced by neurotrauma. The present paper describes a multivariate statistical framework for integrating diverse neurotrauma data and reviews the few papers to date that have taken an information-intensive approach for basic neurotrauma research. We argue that these papers can be described as the seminal works of a new field that we call “syndromics”, which aim to apply informatics tools to disease models to characterize the full set of mechanistic inter-relationships from multi-scale data. In the future, centralized databases of raw neurotrauma data will enable better syndromic approaches and aid future translational research, leading to more efficient testing regimens and more clinically relevant findings

    Staten Island and the impact of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

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    This thesis will use historical, interpretive, and sociological methods to examine the process of suburbanization or boroughization of Staten Island using the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge as lens for the population growth that occurred from the 1950s through the 1970s. Specifically, this project will investigate the ways which the building of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge caused a increase residential communities in Staten Island. It is hypothesized that the Verrazano Bridge caused rapid growth and destruction of the idyllic lifestyle residents of Staten Island were accustomed to. The research in this thesis will investigate the extent to which the life on Staten Island changed and how the building of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge resulted in both positive and negative impacts from the 1950s to 1970. Although this thesis is mostly focused on population growth and change from 1950s through the 1970s, it is important to understand the historical background of Staten Island starting in the 1900s, which is where this study will begin. This inquiry will be conducted through a historical investigation of three specific points of interest in Staten Island and the Verrazano Bridge\u27s histories: (1) early plans for physically connecting Staten Island to the rest of New York city, including proposed tunnel plans which began in the early 1930s until the 1950s, (2) the vision of Robert Moses and responses from the communities in Staten Island, Bay Ridge and elected officials in the later 1950s and early 1960s, and (3) the building, completion and impact of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, 1964 through 1970. Interpretive analysis of historical and archival materials include—books, historical accounts, newspapers, essays, museum archives, exhibitions, photographs, maps, census data and articles—will focus on reconstructing the social and historical context in which Staten Islanders were affected by the building of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Analysis will be guided by the hypothesis stated above, which is that the idyllic rural borough of Staten Island was disrupted with rapid growth by means of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, but will remain open to other social, historical or political explanations for the nature of suburbanization in Staten Island, New York. By focusing on historical archives, photographs, maps and census data, this research will contribute to urban studies specifically in the subject of suburbanization because the changes in Staten Island during this time period is very scarcely studied. I wish to bring light to the topic and illustrate the rich history the island possesses. This thesis will be a social history with historical and sociological analysis
